Her Rebound Men

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Her Rebound Men Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2018 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-843-3

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Abby Bryant stared at her husband and tried not to flinch at his glare. She didn’t know what was worse, the dirty looks he was giving her or the fact she wished this wasn’t her wedding day. Her parents hadn’t exactly given her a choice. They’d threatened to have her thrown in a hospital as a danger to herself and those around her. She didn’t want her freedom taken away, so she’d gone through with whatever plan her family had, the whole time trying to figure out a way to make it all stop. To stop them from ruining her life. She knew they were capable of doing it. They had a friend at the hospital who promised to “take really good care of her” and who could make sure she stayed there as his plaything for a really long time.

  With no possible way out, she’d gone along with them. She’d failed. Now she was married to James Darcy, billionaire, mean jerk, and sex on legs.

  Yes, she saw how hot he was and how women flocked toward him as if he had some kind of homing beacon for them.

  Even as she sat beside him, the wedding reception in full swing, she felt the stares they were getting. She completely understood it.

  She was a nobody.

  Someone who didn’t have a title, wealth, or anything.

  Yet, she’d been forced to marry him, and she didn’t have the first clue as to why.

  At least the guests seemed to be having a good time while she wanted to be anywhere but near him. Her lips still tingled from the kiss they’d shared. It was kind of embarrassing that the only things she knew about her husband were all she’d read in the paper or what her parents had decided to tell her.

  Biting her lip, she watched a couple of young teenagers laughing their heads off, clearly enjoying themselves.

  She wanted to touch her mouth, but she kept her hands in her lap, trying not to make any sudden movements for fear it would draw more of his attention. Why had he wanted to marry her?

  Her parents hadn’t given her any reason, just that she had to do as she was told.

  Stay still. Stay perfectly still.

  She hoped someone would either come and ask her to dance or at least take him away.

  Abby didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to sit and pretend she was happy. It would all be over soon. So very soon.

  Not too soon.

  Wedding night.

  Your little virgin card goes bye-bye.

  Her hands were a little clammy thinking about that. Their first kiss had been in front of a church full of strangers. She hadn’t been alone with him, ever. Every single little detail of her wedding had been organized by either his staff or by her parents.

  She spotted her mother and father, big, joyous smiles on their faces.

  All the while, she felt sick to her stomach.

  When a man approached the wedding table, she didn’t know what to do, especially when he smiled at her and offered his hand.

  “Care to dance?”

  Was this normal?

  Was she supposed to accept his hand?

  Should she even look at her husband for advice?

  This was her wedding day. She shouldn’t be dancing with anyone else.

  “No, I’ll take my wife onto the dance floor,” James said.

  Before she could say or do anything, he had her elbow in his grip and she was being pulled onto the dance floor.

  She wanted to fight him, but that was the last thing she’d do, as it would draw attention to them. For several seconds neither of them spoke, not that she’d be able to find any words to make any coherent thought.

  He placed her hands around his neck.

  To anyone who cared, they looked exactly like the press was painting them. A fairy tale story of a wealthy billionaire falling in love with a pauper.

  “Was he a friend of yours?”


  “The guy that just asked you to dance.”

  “I don’t have a clue who he is.”

  “Figures. We’re at our wedding, and no one has a fucking clue as to who anyone is. Don’t speak to anyone. Understand?”

  “There’s no one to speak to,” she said. She didn’t want to look into his eyes so she kept glancing past his shoulder. He had nice eyes though, when they weren’t staring at her with that hatred she’d come to recognize.

  Some of the pictures she’d seen of him online were … flattering. He had a nice smile. It was the kind that made people aware that he was thinking devilish things.

  His thumbs stroked the base of her back, and she tried not to think about his touch.

  About how nice it felt or that she was even a little bit attracted to him.

  “You’re going to have to do everything you can to keep him happy,” her mother said.

  “I don’t know him.”

  “It doesn’t matter. In this day and age, you can work with what you’ve got.”

  Her cheeks heated as she recalled all the things her mother told her to do. How she told her to spread her legs whenever he needed it. To never go to another man. To make him want her so badly he couldn’t think straight.

  She hated each and every single detail her mother had given her.

  This was the life she had to live now. To be a billionaire’s sex toy. And for what? So she wasn’t thrown into some kind of hospital.

  She didn’t even know why she’d listened to them.

  You know what happened to your sister.

  Her older sister, Maggie. The one she couldn’t talk about.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she stared at James.

  Even though he was still giving her dirty looks, the hatred had seemed to lessen quite a bit, so she no longer felt sick to her stomach by being near him.

  The silence stretched on, and he didn’t let her go.

  From one song to the next, he kept holding her. His thumbs teased the base of her back, and she didn’t look away, staying trapped within a dizzying moment.

  For a split second she could imagine this man was the love of her life. He was rich, sexy, and, from what reports said, good in bed. She’d hit the jackpot, and yet even as she thought it, there was more to this than even she was aware of; she was sure of it. Her parents had done something that would make this man marry her.

  She didn’t know what exactly. She’d not been privy to that kind of information, and it pissed her off. Her family was not wealthy, not even nice, and yet here she was, married to one of the richest men, and he hated her.

  As the dance came to an end, she was really tempted to run, to make her escape now before anyone could find her.

  “Honey bear,” her mother said, grabbing her arm.

  Was she that easy to read?

  James turned his attention to her mother, and the hatred there was clear to see.

  “I just need to talk to my daughter right now. Come on, sweetheart.”

  She was pulled away from the dance floor and herded toward a private bathroom. The moment they were inside, the caring mother that had shown outside disa

  “He’s about to take you away, and when he does, you will make sure he fucks you tonight. Don’t ever allow him to wear a condom either. You need him to come inside you.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks as she stared at her mother. “Are you crazy? What the hell did you do?”

  The slap to the face startled her.

  Placing a hand where her mother had just hit, she stared at the woman that she’d hated all of her life.

  “You listen to me, you little bitch. You will do as you’re told. That man out there, he’s our meal ticket. Don’t you mind what we’ve done. You will do as you’re told or would you like to see the rest of the world out of a window?”

  Tears filled her eyes, but she shook her head. She hated being like this. Hated being weak and afraid.

  “Now, when he takes you home, you will make sure that he fucks you. I don’t care if it hurts. You will take his dick day and night and get yourself pregnant.”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  “No, you’re not. I’ve taken them away. You will get pregnant and soon. Do you understand me?”

  She only nodded.

  She wasn’t about to tell her mother that she didn’t want kids. There’s no way she could willingly bring them into the world.

  Keeping the tears at bay, she waited for more threats.

  Her mother took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief. “Ah, that’s it. There’s my big girl.” Her mother cupped her face. “I’m so proud of you right now. Come on, let’s get you all ready.”

  She wasn’t ready to go out there and face her husband. There was no doubt in her mind something had happened to make this marriage go ahead, and she was almost afraid of what it was.

  Abby knew she’d find out. She wouldn’t let her parents control her like this. She only hoped she had the strength to deal with what was possibly to come.


  James wanted to kill something. Instead, he’d opted to drive. To break every single road law known to man and hope there was a cop somewhere that would put him out of his misery.

  Any other night he was sure someone would have pulled him over, but not tonight. Instead, he had his wife in the car with him and the perfect journey home. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed she was uncomfortable, and he felt glad about that.

  Make her be uncomfortable.

  He didn’t give a fuck.

  He had to marry her when he didn’t want to.

  She was probably exactly like those pieces of shit she called parents.

  Even as he thought it, he couldn’t help but remember the devastation on her face when she’d walked out of the bathroom. One look at him and she’d paled.

  Something had gone on in there, but then he wouldn’t put anything past her parents. They’d discovered his secret, and in doing so, blackmailed him to marry their daughter. Admittedly, Abby wasn’t what he was expecting.

  First off, she was not classically beautiful. Men didn’t look at her and immediately pause because of just how pretty she was.

  No, Abby was … sexy.

  Another glance and again, he wasn’t sure.

  She had brown hair; really long, glossy brown hair that he hated to admit he imagined spread out across his pillow as he took her.

  Her parents and even a doctor had confirmed her virgin status to him. That was a new experience.

  Gold-digging whores tended to know what to do to lure their man in. Abby was an innocent, and from the way she was holding her hands, she wasn’t happy about going with him back to his home either.

  Staring into her brown eyes on the dance floor, having her in his arms, it had felt right, and he hated that. He hated everything she stood for and wanted nothing to do with the greedy bitch.

  Is she like her parents?

  Is she hungry for money?

  For power?

  “What did your mother want to talk to you about?” He didn’t mean for his voice to sound so stern, but his question spilled out on a snap.

  He was pissed off.


  He wanted to hurt her family for what they’d done.

  He was James fucking Darcy, and no one blackmailed him.

  No one made him do something that he didn’t want to do.

  There would be a time when he’d be able to get his own back. Until then, he was having to deal with this charade of a marriage.

  “Erm, she wanted to give me some advice on my wedding night.”

  He snorted. “It’s fucking. There’s nothing to it.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  She said it so quietly that he only just heard it.

  Gripping the steering wheel a little tighter, he clenched his teeth. He needed a stiff drink.

  When he saw his turn was just up the road, he slowed down, coming to a stop. He loved all things speed, and as he arrived at his gate, he typed in his code and pressed his foot on the gas, heading toward his main driveway. The gates were already closing, and he parked in front of his home.

  “Home, sweet home,” he said, climbing out of the car.

  He didn’t wait for her to get out.

  This marriage wasn’t going to last long.

  He already had a good reason and a way out of this, and he was going to use it.

  Walking up his steps, he made his way toward his office, ignoring his staff that waited by the front door.

  They could deal with his bride. Pouring himself a generous shot of whiskey, he took a seat and waited for her to arrive.

  He didn’t have to wait long. She stood in the doorway of his office, looking like a scared little rabbit.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Just … can I go to my, I mean, our room?”

  He laughed. “We don’t share a room. This marriage. It’s not going to last.”

  “It’s not?”

  James paused as he stared at her. For a split second there, she sounded hopeful, and he wasn’t sure he liked that, not even a little bit.

  Maybe she doesn’t want this marriage?

  He didn’t see it himself.

  What woman would turn down the opportunity to be married to him?

  He was wealthy, lived a good life.

  Money made the world go ’round, and it also made life a hell of a lot easier as well.

  Running fingers through his hair, he waited and watched her. “You see, I have come up with the perfect solution.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes.” He finished off his whiskey and burst out laughing. “It’s so amazing I’m surprised I haven’t thought of it before now.”

  “What is it?”

  “Simple. You’re going to cheat on me.”

  Silence followed his suggestion.

  Right in that second, watching her, it had come to him.

  The only way he could get out of this marriage was to make sure that she got caught and rather publicly as well. Her parents wouldn’t be able to come after him or his … personal life. They would have no choice but to stay well away.

  “You want me to cheat on you.”

  “I don’t want to stay married to you, Abby. I don’t like you.”

  “You don’t even know me,” she said.

  “Oh, I know you. I’ve met your sort before, and believe me, they leave a lot to be desired. Your parents think they have me caught. Well guess what, you’re going to help me out of this marriage, or I’m going to make your life a living hell.” He got up and advanced toward her.

  She backed up, and he was tempted to stop when he saw the flash of fear in her eyes, but he didn’t.

  She was a viper.

  She was only hiding her true colors better than her parents did.

  Slamming his hands beside her head, he stared at her. He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing right now.

  This woman, she was … different. Even at the wedding, he’d caught sight of her looking at the escape routes. He noticed it because he’d been doing the exact same thing.
br />   “Tell me this right now, do you want this marriage?” he asked.

  She looked panicked, scared. A quick jerk of the head was all he got, but he wasn’t buying it.

  “How old are you again?” He was buying time right now. He knew how old she was.

  “I’m twenty.”

  “Don’t you want to be out partying? Going to college, finishing college, doing something else besides being married to a man fifteen years your senior?”

  He didn’t like the yearning he saw in her gaze.

  He wasn’t that old. Thirty-five years old wasn’t a huge age gap.

  Fifteen years sounded like a lot, but it wasn’t.

  “Please, I don’t—” She stopped, and it looked like she wanted to escape, and all it did was make him push a little harder.

  “What? You want to stay married to me? Is that what your mom told you to do? To meet every single one of my demands?” He pressed his body against hers, noticing how soft and curvy she was.

  She was fuller than a lot of women he’d been with.

  He was used to having slender models and actresses on his arm. Abby wasn’t slender. Her body was rounder, curvier. Her thighs were certainly thicker, and he’d noticed there wasn’t a gap between them whenever she wore jeans. She had a fuller stomach, a waist that led out to hips that were designed to be gripped by a man,. She had a nice pair of tits that were not fake.

  All of her medical history had come back to him along with the confirmation of her virginity, not that he even wanted to know how they checked for that shit.

  To make a point, he’d gotten his doctor to check her over, and make his own assessments.

  She had a nice, rounded stomach that flared out into some killer hips. He’d caught sight of her once bent over in a pair of jeans, and he could imagine taking her, fucking her, making her his as he held onto those hips. They were the perfect size for him to hold her in place as he pounded his cock inside her.

  Then he got to her thighs and ass. They were nice and juicy, her ass curvy and hot.

  Part of him was tempted to take her to his bed, to show her how a real man fucked.


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