Her Rebound Men

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Her Rebound Men Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  All of a sudden, he didn’t think being married to her was going to be that bad.

  Chapter Three

  Abby’s lips still tingled a few hours later as she made her way down to have dinner. After James had finished kissing her, he’d stepped back without a word, and she’d made a run for it, not caring if he’d seen her ass while she did.

  Why had he kissed her?

  The short time they’d been in each other’s company, he’d shown nothing but contempt for her, so why would he kiss her now? Why would it even matter to him? It made no sense unless he got off on scaring her, on throwing her off balance. That made a lot more sense to her than anything else.

  Stepping into the dining room, she came to a stop when she caught sight of James and Drake. They were talking and were quite close together. She stepped on a squeaky part of the floor, and they both turned to look at her.

  James glared at her.

  Drake smiled.

  “It’s about time you arrived. You look stunning.”

  She glanced down at the jeans and shirt she found in her closet waiting for her. “Thank you for the clothes,” she said. She hadn’t picked them out, and they certainly weren’t the ones she packed.

  “It was my pleasure to shop for you,” Drake said. “I will go and get you some food.” He pulled out a chair. “Take a seat.”

  He didn’t linger, and the seat he pulled out put her close to James. Did she want to sit that close to him?

  “Stop thinking about it and just sit.” He snapped each word out, and she quickly lowered herself into the chair.

  I can do this.

  Just sit.




  Drake came out of the kitchen carrying two plates of food. He put one in front of James and the other in front of her.

  “You’re not staying?” she asked, seeing there was no third place setting.

  “No, this is for you both. Enjoy.” He was gone in the next second.

  Out of the two men, she preferred Drake. He was nicer. Smiled more.

  “He likes to cook, and he’s not too bad at it.”

  “Is he, like, your butler and cook?” she asked.

  “Drake is a little of everything. He likes to earn his keep, and he’s a damn good man to have around.”

  “He seems nice.” She picked up her fork and started to try the steak and potatoes. Everything was excellent, but the nerves she felt wrapped her up so tight she couldn’t even think, let alone taste the food that was on her plate.

  Round and round in her head, she played the kiss they shared, and none of it made any sense.

  Why would he kiss her?

  He didn’t even like her.

  Silence fell between them, and every now and then, she’d glance in his direction and she found him staring at her more than once, which she found a little disconcerting.

  “You’re thinking about that kiss,” he said.

  Her cheeks heated.

  “I’ve been wanting to feel those lips. You’re a good kisser.”

  This brought her attention to him. She saw him chuckle.

  “Have you kissed many men?” he asked.


  “Ah, so I was your first.”

  “Are you trying to make me uncomfortable?” she asked, staring at him. “You know I’ve not been with … anyone.” That memory of being in the doctor’s office, of having her virginity declared, would stick with her for a long time, and it sucked.

  “Your virginity, again, I ask why?” he asked.

  “There’s no one.”

  “Not even a single date.”

  “Why are you so curious about this?”

  “Abby, you’re a beautiful girl, and with the way you kissed me, I’d say you’re hungry to be fucked.” She couldn’t do anything but gasp and glare at him. “So, I’m wondering how the hell you’ve gone all this time without having a man see you and be tempted by that innocence that your parents treasure so much.”

  “I’ve not been interested in anyone. I’ve been happy to study and to live my life. I’m not a great people person. I don’t fall for kind words just because a guy wants in my pants.” She put her fork down. Her appetite was long gone. “I’m done.”

  “Sit down.” He growled the words out, and she didn’t want to hear them.

  She paused but didn’t sit down.

  “If you don’t sit down, I’ll paddle your ass.”

  “Seriously, you’d punish me as if you’re my daddy?”

  “Yes, I would. Only by the time I was done, you wouldn’t be thinking about your daddy.”

  “What would I be thinking about then?” She kept on glaring at him, wanting this conversation to stop but at the same time, curious as to what would happen.

  “You’d be thinking about how good my fingers felt on your virgin pussy because once I got your ass all nice and red, I’d stroke you. I’d make you all better. You ever come on a man’s fingers, Abby?”

  Why was he saying these things to her? Why was she so aroused?

  His words were driving her crazy, and she wanted him, wanted more.

  Against her will, she sat down on the chair and stared at him.


  “Have you ever come by your own hands?”

  She pressed her thighs together and waited. Nodding her head, she heard him chuckle.

  “Of course you have. Pick up your knife and fork, and eat.”

  “I don’t want to. I’m not hungry.”

  “Then strip down. I’d love to see how wet you are for me right now.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she asked.

  “Because I can. Because I want to. Even if you hate me right now, I can see that your nipples are rock-hard. You may want to hate me, but you can’t. I can handle that. There’s a lot I can handle, and I’m starting to see that I was wrong about you.”


  “Yeah, you’re nothing like your parents, are you?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Did you marry me for my money?”

  “No.” The very idea was repulsive to her. She didn’t want his money or him.

  “Good. Your parents blackmailed me into marrying you. What do you think about that?”

  “Why did they have anything to blackmail you with?” she asked. It was a genuinely curious question.

  “I have secrets.” He winked at her. “You never know, you may find out exactly what I like.”

  Right at that second, she didn’t want to think about it.

  “What’s it going to be, Abby? Are you going to strip naked for me, let me eat my dinner while staring at your dripping wet pussy, or are you going to eat?”

  There’s no way she’s going to be able to sit there or stand there on display for him. It was … dirty. Wrong.

  It sounds so good.

  Even as she hated the idea, she was still aroused at the thought. Would it be so bad to cave to him? To finally find out what it was like to be with a man. Not just any man but someone like James who knew what he was doing.

  He may not know what he’s doing.

  He could be so awful in bed that you wish you never even gave him a chance.

  Pushing all of those thoughts aside, she focused on the meal in front of her. That was what she needed to do.

  Eat her food.

  Without food she wouldn’t be able to think, to focus, to do anything.

  Eat and come up with a plan.

  Picking up her fork, she took a bite of the food, and he sighed.

  “Shame, I was rather looking forward to seeing your pussy.”


  James stuck to the shadows and watched as Abby curled up in the entertainment room. She held the remote in her hand and was flicking through the TV channels, going up and then down.

  He’d heard her sneaking downstairs. Rather than scare her on the steps, he’d followed her. Drake had suggested to him to try to
make this marriage work. That if he had Abby on his side, she’d be able to get the information her parents had, and deal with them swiftly.

  First, he’d wanted her to cheat on him.

  Now, though, he had other ideas.

  He wanted her, no doubt about that.

  But could he have everything his heart desired? Abby seemed perfect.

  If Drake was right and he believed all the background information he had on her, then she wasn’t like her parents.

  Part of him didn’t want to believe it.

  Then again, he was nothing like his power-hungry parents either. Before their passing they’d been making his life a misery. They wanted him to marry for more power and wealth, and he kept refusing, which caused trouble with his board of directors as well as the press.

  Investors had also been a problem.

  When his parents died in a plane crash that took over a hundred lives, all of his advisers stopped trying to marry him off.

  Now he had Abby, as the result of blackmail, and throughout dinner she’d looked miserable, confused, and horny.

  She let out a sigh as she stopped on a movie that was midway through a sex scene. The woman was moaning as the man ran his hands up and down her tits, going into her panties. Seeing as it wasn’t a porn movie, there was no cunt or dick action, just a lot of fake moaning.

  She snorted and turned the channel.

  “You’re so much of a prude that you won’t even watch a couple fucking.”

  She let out another scream and jumped off the sofa, her hand going to her chest. “You scared me.”

  “We seem to be making a habit of this. You noticed.”

  “Stop jumping out of places and scaring me.”

  “Why? It seems like a lot of fun.”

  She rolled her eyes. “This isn’t fair. Did you follow me?”

  “Yes. Of course I did.” He stepped into the room. “Couldn’t sleep?”

  “No, I couldn’t.”

  “What exactly was keeping you up?”

  “You!” She jerked back and shook her head. “I don’t get this. I don’t get any of this.”

  “What is there to exactly get?”

  “I don’t know. Why you’ve all of a sudden taken an interest in me? Why you’re saying all those dirty things?”

  He smirked.

  “Look, I don’t get it. I was ordered by my parents to marry you. I didn’t want in this either, and you’ve treated me like trash. Why?”

  “Because I thought you were exactly like them.”

  “I don’t care about your money or your wealth. I had a perfectly good life, and they ruined it.”

  “Why listen to them?” he asked. “What exactly do they have on you to make you do something you don’t want to do?”

  “What do they have on you?”

  “I asked first.”

  “Yeah, well if you’d not given them a reason neither of us would be in this situation,” she said. “We wouldn’t be miserable.”

  “You hate being here?”

  “I hate being with someone who hates my guts. News flash, James, it’s not exactly nice.”

  “I don’t hate your guts.”

  “Wow, then you’ve changed your mind really fast.”

  “I admit that I was angry and I haven’t been the best of company, but I don’t hate you.”

  “No, you want me to cheat on you to get out of this marriage. I hate to break this to you, James, I don’t exactly call to the opposite sex. They don’t look at me and scream, I want her.” She finished the last part on a yell.

  He saw the pain in her eyes, and he found it ridiculous that she thought for even a second that she wasn’t desirable. His cock was rock-hard just by looking at her.

  The thought of being the first man inside her, showing her, was turning him on even more.

  He’d never considered virgins attractive, and yet here he was, wanting her.

  Abby, the untrained woman who was now his wife.

  “I don’t want you to cheat.”

  She snorted.

  It wasn’t exactly an attractive sound.

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re a very judgy person, aren’t you?”

  “Forgive me for not jumping for joy at your latest revelation. My life has been turned upside down in the past few weeks.”

  She was talking way too much.

  Closing the distance between them, he noted her immediate step back. There was nowhere for her to run. He stood in front of the only exit. All that remained was having her pressed up against the wall. He slammed his hands either side of her head, making her stay still.

  “Nowhere to run to, little kitten.”

  “Let me go.”

  “When I’m good and fucking ready.” He breathed in her sweet vanilla scent.

  So tempting.

  So sweet.

  He wanted to make her all dirty.

  To have her begging to be fucked.

  Wouldn’t that be a nice treat? To have Abby, his sweet, caring wife, begging for a nice, fat cock.

  Cupping her cheek, he tilted her head back. She didn’t fight him. Her anger was so clear to see. It only served to turn him on more.

  He’d never claimed to be a gentleman.

  “What am I going to do with you?” He sighed. “You can hate me all you want.”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “No, I wonder if you’d still want me if you hated me.”

  “You don’t have a clue what you’re talking ab—” She cried out as he cupped her tit, paying careful attention to her budding nipple. Both of them were hard, and as he pressed against her, gripping the tight point, she gasped.

  “You want me, Abby. Your body, it wants me. I doubt you even know what true need really is. It’s where you can’t help but want someone you know you can’t have.” He leaned in close so that his lips grazed her ear. “Guess what? You can have me, because I’m your husband.” He trailed his hand down to between her thighs. She wore a pair of boy shorts. With ease, he pushed his hand beneath the elastic band and heard her moan this time.

  She wasn’t wearing any panties, and as he slid a finger into her creamy slit, he had his answer.

  Abby wasn’t as sweet and innocent as she claimed to be. Well, maybe she was, but he intended to dirty her up a whole lot, to have her screaming for all the wicked things he wanted to do to her.

  For tonight, he stroked her sweet pussy, working her swollen clit. Pulling her shirt down, he exposed her large red nipple, and it looked sweet enough to taste. Taking the bud into his mouth, he sucked hard while rubbing her clit.

  She was so innocent, so new to this.

  Within a matter of seconds, she came, screaming his name, begging him not to stop, and as he continued to tease her pussy, she changed her mind, wanting him to stop. The pleasure was clearly too much.

  He didn’t intend to scare her.

  Not tonight.

  There would be time for that again soon.

  Smiling at how easy it was to bring her off and the plans going around inside his head, he kissed her lips.

  “Next time, I’m going to have you coming by my mouth.” He gave her time to let that sink in. The moment it was, he winked at her. “Go to bed.”

  She didn’t argue with him. His little wife scurried off to her bedroom.

  He was still so hard. It was going to take forever for his arousal to go away.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement. Smiling, he watched as Drake came out of the darkness.

  “Did you like what you saw?” he asked.

  “You know I did.” Drake’s voice was thick with arousal.

  “Do you want a taste?” he asked, holding up the fingers that he’d used to tease her.

  Drake stepped forward.

  James waited, and as his friend opened his mouth, he placed his fingers on his tongue, sliding them in.

  Drake groaned, the sound going straight to James’s cock as he watched him suck her cream right off his fingers.

  “She taste sweet?” James asked.

  “Yes. So good. I want more.”

  “One day I may let you lick her sweet pussy. Until then, you know what to do.” He shoved his pants to his ankles, and he didn’t have to wait long for Drake to do what he wanted. When Drake wrapped his lips around his cock, James held in his groan.

  They couldn’t be caught, not yet. As his friend, his lover, his fucking everything took his cock into his mouth, he sank his fingers into his hair, feeling his release so close. He’d be able to use Drake to help him.

  Abby wouldn’t be staying.

  Not part of his life.

  He wanted nothing to do with the Bryant family.

  He was so close, and as he continued to thrust his cock into Drake’s mouth, it hit. He held himself still as wave upon wave of his cum filled the man’s mouth. He felt every single swallow, and it brought a smile to his lips.

  Opening his eyes, he stared down at Drake, watching the other man lick his lips.

  “I’ve got a plan.”

  Chapter Four

  James was at breakfast. Drake was nowhere to be seen.

  Abby paused outside the dining room. She didn’t want to go in there. Not after last night and the way he touched her. Not that his touches were bad. Far from it.

  She couldn’t look him in the eye.

  He hated her and she didn’t like him all that much, so why did it matter last night when his hand was on her?

  You’re overthinking it.

  It’s just sex.



  If she could stop reading too much into it, she wouldn’t have to worry about anything else.

  “How long are you going to stand out there?” James asked.

  She took a deep breath and stepped through the doorway. He held a paper in his hand and that smile that told her he was thinking of something sexual.

  “Did you have a good sleep last night?”


  “Good. That’s what I want to hear.”

  “You’re still home,” she said. She wanted to avoid last night as a topic of conversation.

  But you loved the way his hands were on you. The feel of his fingers gliding over your clit.

  “Didn’t you hear? I’m married, so that means I get to stay home and spend some time with my wife. It’s expected of me, and I don’t want to let my wife down.”


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