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Need You Tonight

Page 23

by Roni Loren

  It was a costume she would’ve coveted in the high-end lingerie boutiques she’d gone to when she’d first married Doug and had thought enticing him with sexy outfits would work. She’d usually chosen white, flowing things for Doug, hoping it’d be elegant and ladylike enough for him. But in truth, she’d always been drawn to the more risqué stuff in the shops, even if she’d been too chicken to try any of it on.

  Now she’d be wearing one of those outfits . . . in front of other people. Her stomach flip-flopped at the notion, but she couldn’t tell if that was fear or anticipation. She pulled out both pieces and laid them on her desk then peered into the bag, looking for panties, but of course Kade had conveniently left those out. Lord, she was actually going to have to walk down the street with only this under her coat.

  Well, here goes nothing. Fantasy was about to become reality. Hopefully it didn’t lose its sparkle.

  When Tessa saw the black town car idling at the curb, she almost chickened out right there. Kade always drove his own car. He’d told her he didn’t like giving up the wheel to anyone. But tonight he was taking her out in high style—like he really was some aristocrat claiming her for a night of debauchery.

  She knew in theory this whole dominance/submission thing could be sexy, but now that she was faced with doing it for real, with other people around, she’d broken out into a sweat beneath her coat. Somehow her legs kept moving forward despite her mind’s retreat. The corset jostled with each step, threatening to fall down. The thing laced up the back and she hadn’t been able to cinch it up tight enough on her own. She’d also tucked the length of the skirt up under her waistband so no one could see the fabric coming out the bottom of her coat. But even though no one could possibly know, it felt like every person who passed her on the street had x-ray vision and could see how little she was wearing beneath.

  When she reached the edge of the curb, the driver didn’t get out, but the back door opened from the inside. She braced her hand on the door and peered inside. Kade gave her a look that pierced right through her. “Need a ride?”

  He hadn’t changed out of his suit, but had ditched the jacket and rolled his sleeves up his forearms. His tie was still knotted and his vest was still buttoned, though, giving him an air of power and authority—a ruthless businessman looking for a little entertainment. Or an evil prince looking for a captive. “Yes, sir.”

  “It won’t be a free one,” he warned her, and even though she knew these were simply roles they were trying on, the words sent goose bumps along her arms. “You get inside, and you’re mine for the night.”

  She glanced at the partition between the backseat and the driver, happy to see the privacy screen was up.

  “I’m sure we can work something out,” she said, surprised at the breathlessness in her voice.

  Kade nodded as if he could take it or leave it. “Get in.”

  She ducked inside the car, careful to keep her coat around her, and shut the door behind her. “Thank you.”

  He eyed her. “Lose the coat. I want to see you.”

  She smoothed the lapels of her trench, nervous to be getting undressed before they got to the safety of the party, but she had a feeling Kade wasn’t in the mood to negotiate. She unbuttoned the coat and shrugged out of it, then tugged the skirt to its full length. The corset tried to slide down and she put her hands to it. “I couldn’t get the laces tight enough by myself.”

  “Turn around.” She followed his instruction and warm fingers grazed her back as he cinched her tight enough to make her aware of the corset’s presence and to send her breasts rounding over the top. He ran a knuckle along her spine then turned her back around and had the collar in his hand. He touched the hollow of her throat with it. “Lift your chin.”

  She did as she was told and the leather glided along her skin, making her catch her breath. He fastened it around her neck just tight enough to give the slightest pressure against her throat. The snap of the little lock sent a strange thrill through her. Captured. He let his hand slide down her throat and he traced the edge of her corset. “This all looks perfect on you.”

  “Thank you, sir. It’s beautiful. Probably too fancy for a slave.”

  He cupped her shoulders, his blue eyes meeting hers. “Not for my woman. As much as I’d expect from my slave is how much I’d pamper and cherish her in return. She’d want for nothing.”

  Tessa’s gaze dropped to her hands, the words sparking old sadness. “Having lavish gifts gets old quick, though. I’ve been that kind of slave.”

  His fingers touched her chin, cajoling her attention back upward. “I’m not talking about things that can be bought, Tess. She’d have everything I could give that meant something.”

  She looked away, unable to bear the way he seemed to be looking right to the heart of her. “Come on, Kade, you make it sound like a slave is a real thing. Like you’d really want one.”

  He moved his hand away from her with a weary sigh, his mood shifting in an instant. His odd reaction made her frown and she wanted to ask more questions, but he started talking before she could.

  “I need to get you prepared.” He pulled something from his pocket, a strip of black satin, and gathered both her wrists in his hand to wrap the strip of material around them.

  “Is The Ranch a big place? Like, are there lots of people there?” She had been naked in front of a few of Kade’s friends already, but she still couldn’t picture herself walking around in a crowd dressed like this with a collar around her neck.

  “It’s a large piece of property with a good-sized membership, but it’s very private and exclusive so the members know how to be discreet and respectful. And my friend, Grant, the guy who owns it, doesn’t tolerate any crap. Anyone who doesn’t follow the house rules will be kicked out or disciplined at his discretion—which, if you knew Grant, is not something you’d want to be subject to.”

  She watched the silk go round and round her wrists. “So are there women there who you’ve done this with—the dominance thing?”

  He frowned. “Come on, Tessa.”

  His tone held warning and, of course, she knew she should shut up, but knowing and doing were two different things. “Have you like . . . dated any of them?”

  “No, not dated.”

  “So slept with.”

  He gave her a do-you-really-want-to-go-there look. “Maybe I should’ve gagged you instead of binding you.”

  “Well, there’s my answer,” she said, not sure why she was feeling so petulant and annoyed all of a sudden.

  He sighed and leaned back in the seat. “Look, I won’t hide anything from you. My lifestyle can be pretty free for a single guy. I haven’t had serious relationships with any of the women you may run across at The Ranch. But I have played third on occasion with a couple. And I’ve helped out with scenes. I’ve played with a few others.”

  “You’ve played third with couples? Guys let you touch their wife?”

  “Or girlfriend. It’s not that uncommon in this world. Sometimes it’s because the woman has a threesome fantasy. Sometimes it’s simply a part of the dominance and submission, which is why I brought Colby in that night with us. It was another way for me to be in charge of you and your pleasure. If you’re my property, it can be exciting to share you in a way that I control. Plus, it can be hot for a dominant to watch, knowing he or she is directing the action.”

  The images he was painting were almost too much for her to process. She’d had no idea that what they’d done with Colby had been an exercise in Kade dominating her. But even though that night had been beyond hot, she couldn’t ignore the bitter taste that crossed her tongue at the thought of Kade doing that with someone’s wife. It was way too reminiscent of what she’d walked in on in Atlanta. “So it’s okay to cheat?”

  “No. That’s never okay. Anything that happens is with consent and knowledge of
all parties. People may set up a cheating role play. Some get off on that humiliation of being cheated on—cuckoldry is the name for it.”

  “Well, those people are freaking crazy,” she said, shaking her head. “There was nothing hot about walking in and seeing Doug screwing someone I thought was a friend.”

  Sympathy crossed his face. “I’m sure. But like I said, the people that do it as a kink have all agreed to it. And if I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s to not judge what flips someone’s switch. If it’s not hurting anyone and it’s consensual, that’s their business. There are people who’d label me as crazy or sick.”

  Like his ex. Like the courts.

  She frowned. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply—”

  He smiled and touched her nose. “Shut up, slave. I know you’re not judging me. Because right now that would definitely be the pot calling the kettle black.”

  He gave her collar, corset, and bound hands a sweeping look, and she laughed. “Point taken.”

  “Now,” he said, his tone changing from light to serious in a blink. “I have one more adornment for you. But I can’t put it on until we’re at The Ranch where I’ll need to prepare my slave properly.”

  She wet her lips. “Okay.”

  “Until then”—he gripped her shoulders and guided her down to lay her head in his lap—“relax and enjoy the drive. I have a few work calls that can’t wait. You think you can stay quiet?”

  “Yes, sir.” She settled against his lap, not really having any choice but to let him move her how he wanted since her hands were bound. She nestled her cheek against his thigh and he idly ran his fingers through her hair as he put in an earpiece with his other hand. She sighed and let herself relax into his touch. It’d been a long day, and there was something wildly soothing about the position and his slow stroking fingers against her scalp.

  She startled when he began talking to whoever was on the other end of his call, but he dragged fingertips along her arm, settling her again. Soon, her eyes were closing and her muscles were going lax. She liked listening to Kade conduct his business. Unlike Doug who’d barked orders at everyone, Kade’s voice had an ease to it despite the authoritative edge—like he was talking to a friend even when he was giving a directive. She could imagine that most people wanted to do what Kade Vandergriff told them to, even if they couldn’t quite pinpoint why. He was easy to say yes to.

  He ended one call and started another, but meanwhile, his hand drifted lower, tracking down her side and eventually ending up under the slit of her skirt. He coasted a palm over her bare hip and the curve of her ass—an easy touch but one that jacked up her internal temperature. Memories of him bending her over his lap and reddening her skin with that very hand were still vivid in her mind. She pressed her thighs together at the answering twinge of awareness between her legs.

  As if sensing the growing tension in her body, Kade eased the thigh that was on top toward her chest, opening her to him. She tried to pull the other knee along the seat in some modified fetal position, but he was having none of that. He stopped her other leg in its tracks and gave her hip a quick pinch.

  She clamped her lips together, fighting not to make a sound.

  He responded to some question the caller had asked and ran a fingertip along her exposed flesh. It was a barely there touch, but even so, she had to swallow down a moan. How this man could barely breathe on her and make her so desperate was a wonder. She had no hope of quelling her body’s response to him.

  The road continued to rumble beneath them, his phone call went on, and he kept up the stroking and teasing, creating a slow, rolling boil in her system. Her scent filtered into the air as she grew slick from his touch. Kade grew hard beneath her, but if he was in any hurry to alleviate that, he didn’t give any signs. Instead, he seemed to be enjoying the languid teasing. He dipped a finger inside her and slowly drew it in and out, then went back to touching everything but her throbbing clit.

  Evil, evil man.

  When she thought she was going to go out of her mind from need, the car took a turn and slowed. Kade moved his hand away from her as he ended his call, and he flipped her skirt down, making her mourn the loss of his hands on her.

  “Come on, baby. We’re here.”

  “No, sir, I don’t think I’m quite there.”

  He smirked and helped her to a sitting position. “Patience is a virtue I expect in my slave.”

  She sighed in frustration and peered out the window to see a large gate swinging open. The sun was almost gone, so she couldn’t make out everything, but when they pulled past the gate, a massive cedar and stone building loomed before them, beautiful gardens lining the front and land rolling out behind it. Trees dotted the property. In the distance, she could see what looked to be smaller buildings, which she assumed were the guest cabins for The Ranch.

  The car pulled past the main house and followed a winding road to the back of the impressive compound. Rows and rows of grapevine stretched out to their left. Kade had mentioned the owner also ran a vineyard on the adjoining property. Eventually, they pulled around a bend and stopped in front of a two-story cabin—though to call it a cabin would be an insult. It could easily fit in amongst the high-end homes she’d seen nestled in the mountains on some of her ski vacations.

  Before she could really process that they were here, that when she stepped outside, she’d be Kade’s in whatever way he wanted, the driver came around to open the door. She had a moment of self-consciousness, realizing he was going to see her dressed like this, but then she almost laughed. Everyone was going to see her dressed like this. She needed to get used to it quickly.

  She took the driver’s hand and stepped out of the car, giving him a brief, albeit flushed-cheeked, smile. He simply nodded and to his credit, his gaze didn’t drift downward. He was probably used to Kade riding around with half-naked women. The thought rankled.

  But before she could let her mind run too far down that road, Kade was by her side again, catching her elbow. “Leave your heels in the car. Slaves go barefoot.”

  It took her a moment to understand what he was saying since her mind was whirling with so many thoughts, but she quickly slipped off her shoes and set them on the seat.

  When she straightened, Kade met her eyes and held out his hand. “You ready to become mine, Tessa?”

  The simple question held a thousand warnings beneath it. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t take this step. But she’d come too far not to see what was on the other side of the neat lines she’d always played inside. She found herself moving toward Kade. Her hand slipped into his.


  If only that didn’t sound so good.


  Tessa and Kade headed to the porch, and Kade knocked on the door of the cabin.

  Here we go. Tessa adjusted her corset and tried to smooth her expression so she wouldn’t show all the trepidation moving through her. This is just a game. A fantasy. I can bow out at any time with one simple word.

  But it didn’t feel like that. It felt real and intense and heavy all of a sudden. Like this was some test she hadn’t studied hard enough to pass. What if she humiliated herself? Or made some mistake and embarrassed Kade? Were there certain rules or customs she was supposed to follow?

  The door swung open, and a gorgeous dark-haired man in glasses greeted them with a smile. Tessa blinked, not sure what she had expected, but not really anticipating Clark Kent in a polo and slacks to be at a place like this. He reached out and shook Kade’s hand. “Good to see you, Vandergriff.”

  “Wyatt,” Kade said, returning the warmth. “Sorry we’re a little late.”

  “Not a problem, the whole plan’s pretty fluid tonight, and you’re not the last to arrive by any means. We actually just moved out to the back lawn.”

  “Everything ready?”

“Yep, Kelsey’s taken charge of it all. She loves a party.”

  Party? Tessa swallowed hard. Kade hadn’t mentioned anything about a party.

  “Glad to hear she’s enjoying herself. I’m looking forward to saying hi. I haven’t seen her since you guys eloped. Congratulations, by the way, I knew when I saw you two on that island that it would only be a matter of time before that girl had your collar around her neck and a ring on her finger.”

  Wyatt chuckled, the sound deep and genuine. “I’m a lucky bastard, what can I say?”

  “Yeah, you are.” Kade’s wistful tone caught Tessa’s attention, but she didn’t have time to ponder it because Kade was placing a hand on her back, drawing her into the conversation. “And hey, we’re looking forward to joining y’all outside but I need to prepare my girl before we do. I had sent a few special requests to Jace.”

  Wyatt smiled and spared Tessa a kind glance. “Yep, he has everything you need set up in the downstairs bathroom. We’re using that as the prep room tonight. Take a right when you go inside, second door on the left. I need to go change, but I’ll see you two in the backyard in a while.”

  They exchanged good-byes and it wasn’t lost on Tessa that no introductions were exchanged. She’d asked not to be brought into his circle of friends as Tessa, the girl he was kind of dating. And he was sticking to his word.

  Kade took her elbow again and guided her forward. “Come on, this shouldn’t take long.”


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