Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs

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Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs Page 55

by Gerry Bartlett

Page 55


  Wow. It paid to be with one of the Grammy nominees. I loved it and felt great in my red dress. I even got a whispered compliment from one of the stars next to me. Cool. The show started again with songs sung by famous recording artists up for Grammys in different categories and more awards were given out.

  Then it was time for Ray and Sienna’s duet. The auditorium went dark until there was a single spotlight on the grand piano. Ray sat there in a tux and white shirt, open at the throat. My heart skipped a beat, he looked so gorgeous and so lonely. He started to play the haunting melody I’d heard hundreds of times. He and Sienna had practiced together in Austin before we’d ever arrived in L. A.

  Then Sienna strolled up to the piano in a hot pink mini-dress that matched a stripe in her short spiky hair and she started to sing. She sang of missed chances and how she’d lost her love. Ray sang with her, a counterpoint. How he’d wanted to try again. But she said no. They harmonized, then went off on their own riffs. It was beautiful and sad and when it ended, you could have heard a sigh or a sniffle, it was that quiet.

  The applause rolled up from the floor all the way to the balcony. Sienna grinned and pulled Ray up from the piano bench. She hugged him, then they both took a bow and hurried off the stage. No time for more. The show was on a schedule.

  I sat back, relieved that it was over and that it had been so glorious. Wow. I felt a hand touch mine and looked over to take whispered compliments from artists nearby who I’d admired for years. Double wow. A few minutes later, Ray, now changed back into the black silk suit and black shirt he’d worn in to the awards show, slid into his seat. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “You were awesome. ” I held on to his hand. “I never heard you sing like that before. With your whole heart. ”

  “Thanks, babe. ” He smiled. “Guess I had nothing to lose. ” He looked around, answered some hand signals from some people around him, nodded to others. The smile became a grin. He was beginning to believe he had done well and could relax. I could see it.

  We sat back then and enjoyed the show until it was time for the award for best performance by a group or duo. Ray’s category. Sienna and her date, a new guy I’d met just a few times, sat just behind us. She put her hand on Ray’s shoulder when they read the nominees. Their names got a lot of loud applause and whistles, so they were a popular choice.

  “And the winner is, Israel Caine and Sienna Star for—” The rest was drowned out by a roar of applause.

  Ray grabbed me and gave me a big kiss, then turned around and hugged Sienna. They jumped into the aisle and headed toward the stage to the whoops and hollers of their friends and fellow nominees. Both of them had such joyful grins, I felt myself tear up. Ray held his Grammy for a moment, then handed it to Sienna.

  “I want to thank my lady, Glory St. Clair, for literally saving my life. I wouldn’t be standing here today if it wasn’t for her. I love you, babe. ” He blew me a kiss and I wiped my eyes and blew one back. “Also, thanks to Chip Rollins and O. B. G. Sounds for keeping the faith. ” He winked at me, then turned the mike over to Sienna. She thanked a long list of people until music drowned her out.

  A few minutes later, Ray was back in his seat with a Grammy in his lap. “Check it out,” he whispered, then handed it over.

  I fondled it, though it was just a piece of metal and wood to me. What mattered was what Ray had told millions of people tonight.

  “It’s amazing, Ray. ” I handed it back. “I already knew you were a star. This is just concrete proof. ”

  It seemed to take forever, but finally the last award was handed out and the show was over. Ray and Sienna were surrounded and congratulated. Several of the well-wishers wanted to talk future deals. Nate worked his way forward from where he had been sitting and passed out business cards. Seemed like Chip might have some competition if it came to contract talks again.

  “Okay, woman, I think we can get out of here now. ” Ray slung his arm around my shoulder.

  “Are we going to Chip’s party?” The vampire had made sure we knew he was holding a special celebration for his winners. Ray wasn’t the only one of his stars to cop a Grammy tonight. There had been three others. As far as I knew Ray was the only vampire among them.

  “I let him know I was skipping out. He gave me a key to the Masters’ Club. That’s the private vamp club here. Why don’t we go check it out?” He was leaning close and said this into my ear. “You’re supposed to be teaching me the joys of my condition, remember?”

  “I guess I owe you something after that tribute from the podium. ” I couldn’t help it. I pulled his face down and gave him a kiss. He quickly turned it into something special. When I heard someone clearing his throat, I pulled back. Valdez, with Brittany beside him, stood in the aisle waiting for us.

  “Where to?” Rafe didn’t show by his expression what he thought of the kiss, just followed us up the aisle of the rapidly clearing building. “Fred called. The limo’s in front. ”

  “Good. We’re heading to a new club. I’ve got the address right here. ” Ray handed a card to Rafe. “Give this to Fred. ” Outside, Ray followed me into the back of the limo while Brittany and Rafe were told to squeeze into the front with Fred.

  “Alone at last. Where were we?” Ray pulled me into his arms.

  “On our way to a club. I was thanking you a minute ago. Don’t take it as a green light, Ray. ” I smiled and patted his chest. “That was a wonderful thing you said up there. My friends will be amazed. ”

  “I meant it. I’ve never forgotten how you took me on after Lucky turned me. You kept me from losing my mind and my life. ” Ray kept his arm around me. “I didn’t want to be a vampire, you know that. But I’m stuck. Chip’s right. Time to make the best of it. I’m staying in L. A. and keeping an eye on Ian’s experiments. I’m going to plug into the vampire scene and get in good with Chip’s crowd. He’s got power and not just in the music biz. ” Ray played with one of the curls the hairdresser had left to fall next to my cheeks. The rest of my hair was in a twist at the back of my head. It exposed my neck and let the fabulous earrings and diamond necklace I wore show off to advantage.

  “I’m glad to hear you making plans like that, Ray. ” I shivered when his fingers brushed down my jaw to my neck. “But I’ll miss you. Unfortunately, I’ve always known Austin is too far from your usual scene to stay your home base. ”

  “Oh, I could make it work if I thought you really wanted me there. ” Ray leaned down and put his lips against the vein throbbing at my neck.

  God, but these vampire men and their moves. Of course it didn’t take them long to figure out how erotic it was to have a man play around with your life force. I shifted in the leather seat and ordered my body to quit reacting. So what if I’d sort of had sex with Blade just hours before? If Ray had figured that out, he’d just take it as a challenge. He eased his hand along my knee and up my thigh. Somehow my silk dress worked its way even higher.

  “You do need to be here. Chip’s a good connection for you. He obviously can show you aspects of the vamp life that I don’t have a clue about. I’ve never been into the power and, uh, the high life the way he is. ” I worked hard to keep my voice steady, but it wasn’t easy with Mr. Magic Fingers such a busy boy.

  I didn’t want Ray to get away with touching my breast. It was wrong. I wasn’t going to make love with him. It would send the wrong message. I was leaving and he was staying. I’d push him away in a moment, but, oh, when he slipped aside a bodice so well made it hadn’t required a bra, it felt so, um, good. He had a light touch. Not mean and rough against a tile wall.

  My eyes popped open. When had I closed them? Ray’s head was bent over my breast and he’d worked the dress down. He was about to draw my nipple into his mouth if I didn’t stop him. I slid my hands into his hair and helped him along instead. Why the hell not?

  “Glory,” he whispered just before he pulled it into the
warmth of his mouth. He traced the lacy edge of my thong and slipped a finger inside. Of course I was wet. This man could always make me want him. I’d like to blame Ian’s supplement, which revved my libido along with my metabolism, but it was more than physical this time.

  Israel Caine had stood onstage and told millions of people all over the world that I’d saved his life and that he loved me. Loved me. I pulled him with me, to lie on top of me as I fell back on the leather seat.

  “Ray. ” My hands were in his hair again as I brought his mouth to mine. “Kiss me, Ray. ” I wanted to taste him and memorize his flavor. It would be a long time, maybe never, before I’d see him again. He licked his tongue into my mouth and I raked it with my fangs. His finger probed me and I knew he felt my desire as I moaned and arched against his hand.

  The car stopped and the intercom came to life. “Mr. Caine, we’re here. ”

  “Tell him to drive around the block,” a shameless slut named Glory whispered.

  “Just once?” He smiled against my mouth and added a second finger inside me.

  “Twenty times. ” Then I laughed and sat up, forcing him to roll off of me and almost hit the floor. “Oops. Guess that was a close call. ”

  “No way. We’re going around the block. ” Ray reached for the switch to call the driver.

  “No, we’re not. I’m not doing this in a backseat of a rented limo. ” I pulled up my bodice and straightened my skirt. “Let’s go check out this club. ” I put my hand on his flushed cheek. “It’ll be fun. ”

  “I know something else that’ll be fun. In bed back at the hotel. ” Ray slid his hand up under my skirt again.

  “Nope. We’re here. Let’s go. ” I plucked out his hand and shook my head. “Not happening. ”

  “Oh, man, I thought I finally got you with that big speech tonight. ” Ray reached for the door handle.

  “Was that all that dramatic declaration was? A way to get into my panties?” I slapped at his arm. “And here I was full of warm fuzzy feelings and you were just being a conniving jackass. ”

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