(Complete Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #1-5)

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(Complete Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #1-5) Page 120

by Michelle Mankin

  “I didn’t say no one would notice.” His tone was teasing. Rather than hurting him, it seemed my irritation amused him. “They would notice you anywhere, no matter what you wore. With a chick like you, guys are always gonna react.”

  “A chick like what?” I asked as the road curved, the light over our heads dimming because of a steep embankment on the left that blocked out the sun.

  “One with a smoking body that makes your cock hard and a pretty face that makes your mind stupid.”

  He turned the motorcycle toward a break in a line of bamboo on our right.

  The wheels bumped off the asphalt onto a gravel-covered dirt driveway, and he said, “This is it. Manoa has his paradise. This one is mine.”

  As we pulled in front of a small one-story home with a blue roof and an attached carport almost as big as the house, I wasn’t really thinking about the structure. My mind was stuck on his last comment. A typical tell-it-like-it-is Diesel-ism that revealed a stunning truth.

  Knowing he thought I was attractive made my lips curve into a secret smile.

  Chapter Seven

  * * *


  “Go ahead and climb off, babe.”

  “Um, can you walk me through the process?”

  “You get off the same way you got on. Foot on the bar, hands on my shoulders.”

  Either way, the fuck me torture of that was the same. But at least this time when Hollie’s delicate fingers smoothed over my skin, I was able to brace, knowing the jolt of heat that shot straight to my dick was coming.

  “Great job.” I dismounted immediately after her.

  “Thanks.” Her gaze dipped as I turned to face her. “Oh. Oh my.”

  Her pink tongue swiped across her lush lips.

  “You’re so big.” When her gaze lifted, smoke swirled from the sparking embers inside her eyes. “I mean, the island is so big and nice. What I’ve seen so far.”

  Definitely, she noticed the monster hard-on inside my board shorts, so I decided to mess with her.

  Why? Because it was fun.

  “The island, huh?” I stalked toward her, nearly as fascinated with her parted lips as she was with my dick. “What in particular about Hawaii piqued your interest?”

  “The ocean, the trees and flowers, the volcano, the tropical heat.”

  Hell yeah, there was a lot of heat. But it wasn’t from the volcano or the sun.

  “Those things aren’t inside my board shorts.” My lips curved.

  Her eyes popped open wide, her cheeks blooming red with I got busted color.

  “But you’re welcome to investigate, just to be sure.”

  “You’d like that.”

  “You’d like it too. I promise you.”

  Hollie cocked a hip and arched an auburn brow. “My hands aren’t going anywhere near your island.”

  A cute comeback. Really cute.

  She might be a novice on the bike, but the girl had definite game.

  I cranked up both my brows. “I wasn’t thinking of your hands.”

  She might have game, but I had better.

  “You . . . you’re . . .” She stammered, obviously flustered. The rosy flush of her skin deepened to I surrender to the master crimson.

  “C’mon. Let’s get you inside and situated.”

  On the way toward the door, I thought of something and glanced back at her over my shoulder. “Does that small purse of yours really have all you need for a vacation?”

  She froze. Her already pale and lightly freckled complexion drained of color. “I had a box of things shipped over.”

  “There’s no box here.” I unlocked and held open the door for her. “See for yourself.”

  “You’re kidding.” She stepped into the small entryway.

  “Nope.” I gestured for her to follow me into the main living area. “Nothing here unless it’s disguised as an old leather couch or a wobbly kitchen table.”

  Looking perplexed, she scanned the open living-dining-kitchen space.

  “You sure you don’t have anything in your bag?” I gave her a full-on grin. “No bikini? No change of clothes? Nothing?”

  “Fanny was supposed to take care of everything to make it easy for me. It was part of the deal.” Her hands balled into fists, Hollie stomped a flip-flopped foot on the tile. Her agitation jiggled her tits.

  My dick jumped, eager like I was to agitate her in a whole different way.

  “What kind of deal?” I asked.

  “I was a little reluctant to come.”

  “You needed a deal sweetener to take a no-expense trip to Hawaii?”

  She nodded. Her long ponytail swished forward, dipping into the front of her sundress and entering territory I desperately wanted to explore.

  “Afraid you wouldn’t be able to resist me?”

  Hollie rolled her eyes, but I noticed the signs as I moved closer. Her pupils dilated. Her nostrils flared. Her breasts rose and fell to accommodate her increased heart rate and rapid breaths.

  “My island’s not going to have to work very hard at all.” I circled her, teasing her while enjoying the 360-degree view. “I’ll just have to wait you out till you get tired of wearing the same old clothes and wisely decide to strip down and go naked.”

  “Not running around naked.”

  “You don’t have to run. You don’t have to do anything.” I stopped in front of her and made my approach nice and smooth to bring our bodies close enough to sense each other’s heat. “Just say I want you to fuck me.”

  “Stop it.” She had to tip her head back to look up at me.

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop messing with me.”

  “Once I start, you won’t want me to stop.”

  “I’m already messed up.” Her tone took on a brittle seriousness I didn’t like. “So I’ll just decline the offer.”

  Hollie averted her gaze and took a step back from me, then two.

  “It was really nice of you to invite me. I don’t know why my things aren’t here. But if you’ll point me to where you want me to sleep—that’s not your bed—I’ll call my sister and try to sort everything out.”

  “If you were in my bed, you wouldn’t be sleeping.”

  “I’m flattered you want to include me in the get naked with Diesel Le fan club, but I’m tired.” The fight draining out of her, Hollie seemed to crumple right before my eyes.

  “I can take you back into town.” I gentled my voice. “We have shops here. We don’t have fancy stuff like LA, but you can get some things to tide you over.”

  “I don’t need fancy.” Her chin lifted, and I liked the flash of fire in her eyes better than the dullness of a moment before. “Do I look like I’m fancied up now?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t know a lot about the finer nuances of women, but I’d learned enough in my failed marriage to know that it was best not to commit verbally to a question that seemed like a setup.

  “Right. Well. Thanks for the nod. I think.” She twisted her hands together. “And a chance to get a few things might be good. I appreciate you offering. I had it in my mind that I was going to stay out of your way, get my head together, and try not to be any trouble. But I already blew that strategy. I’m sorry.”

  I didn’t know how to react to an apology. My ex only gave me one of those when she wanted something that was going to cost me big. On the other hand, Lalana usually had a calculating glint in her eye, and Hollie didn’t have that. She looked like she was going to cry.

  “Hey, it’s not a big deal to go into town. It’s like five minutes away.” I took a step toward her, deciding not to let my former avoidance training guide me. “I was planning to go to Manoa’s for dinner anyway.”

  “I’m not up to meeting people tonight.” A crease formed between her brows.

  “I get that. It’s a big production to go out when you’re a celebrity.”

  “It is.” She exhaled heavily.

  “I don’t think it’ll be as bad here as in OB or LA. Locals
are chill, and tourists aren’t looking to see a famous actress. They’re too busy looking at the beautiful, big, legendary . . .” I paused for effect. “Island.” I grinned.

  “I only used one of those adjectives to describe it.” Her lips twitched, the threat of tears abated, and I felt like I’d performed a miracle.

  “Make me a list. I’ll get what you need and grab some to-go food while you stay here, make your phone calls, take a shower, and do whatever you need to do.”

  Chapter Eight

  * * *


  Do whatever you need to do.

  Diesel’s suggestion was the same as my reason to come to Hawaii, and it rattled around in my head as I paced back and forth in his guest bedroom. Its rattan, botanicals, and peachy-pastel style made me feel like I’d been cast back into the 1970s, which was probably the build date of the ranch-style house.

  The decor was stuck in the past, just like I was.

  Stopping my pacing as that parallel hit me, I dropped my weary butt down on the bed. I wasn’t up to tackling the broader strokes of knowing exactly what I needed to do with my life yet. Instead, I zeroed in on the much smaller, more achievable task of what to do with the rest of my evening.

  I unlocked my cell, scrolled to Fanny’s number, and put the call on speaker.

  “Hey,” I said when she answered.

  “Hey, Hols. How was your flight?”


  “How long have you been there?” She sounded alert and maybe a bit concerned.

  “About an hour, I guess. I’m sorry I forgot to call you as soon as I landed.”

  “That’s okay. It’s gorgeous where you are. I’m sure you got distracted.”

  “It’s pretty.” Yeah, I’d gotten distracted by something, all right.

  Something uniquely handsome. Devilishly sharp-tongued. Unapologetically sexy.

  I’d been Diesel Le’d.

  I picked at a few loose threads on the faded coverlet and sighed, part in longing, part in exasperation. Sparring with him was exhilarating and exhausting, but I didn’t analyze my opposing feelings toward him too deeply. I was pretty sure my internal struggle was due to my attraction to him, attraction that I would never give in to for all the previous reasons, plus now I had one more.

  Swallowing hard, knowing that one reason was always with me and never far from my mind, I placed my hand on my stomach. There was no swell yet—because it was still early, of course, but also because of all the weight I’d lost.


  Fanny’s voice cut through my reverie, and I could feel the familiar furrow form in my brow as my thoughts returned to the worn-out circuitous groove of my circumstances and what to do about them.

  “You went radio silent on me,” she said. “Is it only the scenery that’s got you unfocused, or is it Diesel, the one excuse you gave me for not going away that had any merit?”

  “It’s him a little, but he’s just being himself.” Maybe a little nicer. “Typical Diesel. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  More than you can wrap your hand around.

  That unexpected random thought made me flush. Recalling the length and the thickness of him, I flushed even hotter.

  I got up and padded to the window, lifting my face toward the open space but not feeling any movement of air. The outside temperature might be a degree or two cooler than the interior, but no noticeable breeze was able to squeeze through the dense foliage on this side of the house.

  “That’s good to hear,” Fanny said softly. “What’s the larger part that you’re not saying?”

  “You know that part.”

  “I think I do, but why don’t you verbalize it, so I can be sure we’re on the same page.”

  Weariness crashed down on me. One life had been taken away from me, and I had a new one that I should be happy about, but I wasn’t sure I was. I hadn’t asked to be pregnant, and I was completely unprepared to be a mother.

  And just like that, I was right back to the quandary of my life and the paralysis because of it that had seized me since Diesel had left. But at least thinking about his departure got me back on track, reminding me why I’d called Fanny in the first place.

  “I’m not ready to talk about the baby,” I said carefully. I didn’t want us to be at odds again about Max, Samuel, and everything else.

  “You need to be ready. You can’t keep all that stuff in. It helps to talk.” Her voice was sweet and gentle. “I’m a good listener.”

  “I know you are, but I just got here. Give me some time to unwind and settle in. To do the things I came for, okay?”

  “All right. You sound less stressed already.”

  Was I? Maybe. Having absolutely no itinerary besides myself and getting my life reorganized did make me feel slightly better.

  “Speaking of getting here, I arrived safely, but my things didn’t. I thought you sent them priority.”

  “I didn’t. I delegated that task to Ash. Just a sec.” The sound on her end went a little muffled. “Ash,” she called.

  “Yeah, little one,” he replied from a distance.

  “You sent that box of Hollie’s things to Diesel’s place, didn’t you?”

  “Uh, no. It’s in the back of the Woodie. I thought we were supposed to store them here.”

  Mystery solved.

  “Sorry, Hols. Miscommunication. I can send them tomorrow.”

  “That’s all right. Diesel went into town to grab me some basics.”

  His comment about fancy things made me think it might be better that all my designer shoes hadn’t arrived. Plus, what use did I have for a bunch of different handbags to match them? And besides, how could I hold a purse and him on his motorcycle?

  “I’ll get by. No worries.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure. Why didn’t you tell me Diesel had a motorcycle?”

  “I didn’t think about it.”

  “Well, you should have.” I was going to have to get real close and friendly with him every time I wanted to go anywhere. My breasts to his solid back. My legs to his. Clinging to him like a vine with his scent to tantalize me and his heat to fry my brain cells.

  “Ash and I rented a Jeep when we went out there.”

  “Could you text me the phone number for the company you used?”


  “Is there something wrong with the Ninja?” That familiar rumbling voice had its usual effect.

  I whirled around to see Diesel standing in the doorway. He looked pissed. His muscular corded arms were crossed over his delectably chiseled chest.

  “Is that the motorcycle?” I asked him.


  “Nothing’s wrong with it. It’s just that—”

  “You afraid to ride on it again?”

  “I was in the beginning, but I’m not afraid anymore.”

  His dark eyes narrowed. “Then maybe it’s not the motorcycle you’re avoiding.”

  “Maybe it’s not.” I lifted my chin. “Maybe it’s your less-than-stellar attitude.”

  “Zing, and score. You go, Hols.” Fanny giggled, reminding me that I’d left my sister on speaker mode. We had an audience for our disagreement. “Doesn’t sound like Diesel Le is even a tiny problem for you.”

  “I feel like I missed something.” Diesel cocked his head to the side, and his lips slowly lifted. “You forget to mention dimensions when you told my island secrets to your sister?”

  “What secrets?” Fanny’s voice lifted from the phone.

  “Nothing. Just typical Diesel messing around. Gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  I needed to end the call. The man staring at me with his glittery dark stare was unpredictable. I didn’t want to get caught up in a conversation about his cock.

  “Wait a minute. Is he intimating what I think he is?” Fanny asked.

  Diesel’s eyes locked with mine. “I think the word you’re searching for, Fanny, my dear, is legendary.”

  “Ew, Diesel. N
o. Just no. I had to deal with enough of your bragging when we were on the tour bus together. Do not, I repeat, do not torture my sister with details about your ginormous appendage.”

  “She’s the one who keeps bringing it up all the time.” Crescents of amusement formed around Diesel’s curved lips, and I flopped backward onto the bed, conceding.

  He’d won another round.

  Chapter Nine

  * * *


  “I do not talk about it all the time.” Hollie sat up on the bed and glared fiery daggers at me.

  “You’ve practically mentioned it in every conversation since you got here, babe.”

  She got off the bed and came toward me, wagging her finger in my face. “It came up once, a single time.”

  “Yes, it certainly did. That you know about.” I grinned. “But if you come a little bit closer, I’m sure you can bring it back to life again.”

  “Grrr. You drive me insane.” Her eyes flashing like lightning in a storm, she huffed out a breath that lifted a wispy strand of her platinum hair.

  I clenched my fingers, twitchy with the need to touch her. My cock was already hard again, as fascinated with her as she was with it. “It’s so easy to set you off, and so fun to watch you erupt like a volcano.”

  She pursed her lips. I could practically see the gears grinding inside her head as she worked on another comeback. I was nearly as eager to continue going back and forth with her as I was to initiate some physicality between us. I’d take that silvery ponytail, wrap the length of it around my hand, and reel her body into mine.

  For starters.

  My nostrils flared as I imagined it. She was already near enough that her strawberry scent shot right into my nose and straight to my brain. It was a sweet berry fragrance that I knew Fanny had designed for her. It might have suited Hollie at one time, but it wasn’t at all right for the goddess before me.

  “You’re the one obsessed with talking about your legendary appendage and your numerous conquests.” She shook her head. “Not me.”


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