All You Could Ask For

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All You Could Ask For Page 18

by Angeline Fortin

  “Nay, in itself, this night was not wrong, my angel, but I did tell Jack that I wouldn’t seduce you.”

  “You didn’t,” she reminded him. “I seduced you, remember?”

  A reluctant smile lifted the corner of Richard’s lips. “Aye, you have since the moment I saw you again.” He bent his head and brushed a soft kiss on her lips, whispering, “Don’t worry, angel, I don’t think he’ll literally kill me.”

  “Enough of this!” Jack growled.

  Ignoring her brother, Abby placed a tender hand over Richard’s heart. Her fingers curling against him and her eyes pleaded with him. But he just took her hand, kissed her fingers, and turned purposefully away.

  “Ready then, Jack?”

  The words had barely passed Richard’s lips before Jack whirled about catching hid under the jaw with a sharp right hook. A hard left to Richard’s midsection promptly followed the unexpected blow.

  The punch, so close to his recent wound, left him more stunned than the uppercut. He bent over, panting in pain.

  “I say, Jack!” Abby cried out, rushing to Richard’s side. “That’s not at all fair, hitting him just there. He’s been injured, you know.”

  “That is not my problem,” Jack snarled. “Come on then, MacKintosh! Or are you going to hide behind a woman’s skirts?”

  A split second later, Jack’s head snapped back from the powerful jab that Richard delivered to his chin and he staggered a step to the side.

  Richard grinned at his lifelong friend. “Let’s at it then, eh, old chap?”

  Abby watched, cringing and flinching, as the blows were exchanged one after another. Her stomach roiled, with misery and dread. Richard was barely recovered, but Jack had little mercy.

  There was nothing pulled, no quarter given for a lifetime as mates. But Richard gave as good as he got, going so far as to tackle her brother around the waist and drive him into a tall étagère that occupied a small niche along the hallway. It tipped sideways with crash after crash as the glass on each level shattered, the porcelain knick-knacks inside spilling out. A table with a vase of flowers was next. Then a large landscape fell with a solid thud.

  “What the bloody hell’s going on here?” Francis yelled from down the hall. He was in his dressing gown, obviously awakened by the noise. Servants, too, were beginning to filter into the hall.

  Glenrothes took in Abby and the fighting men in a swift, keen glance before he turned on his heel with a yawn. “Somebody fetch me when it’s over, won’t you?”

  Abby looked between Francis and the fight with a look of wide-eyed disbelief before crossing her arms with a scowl, calling above the fray, “You are all quite mad. Mad! Do you hear me?”

  * * *

  “You lads all finished then? Back to being friends now?” Abby drawled sarcastically about half an hour later as Jack and Richard both lounged back in hard wooden chairs in the dining room. Jack was holding a beefsteak over one eye while she dabbed at Richard’s bloody knuckles with witch-hazel.

  “You think something like this would come between lifelong friends?” Francis asked with a chuckle. With neither beefsteak nor injury to distract him, he was instead working his way steadily through a large plate of eggs and a rasher of bacon.

  Abby rolled her eyes in disgust. What was it about men that they might be able to beat one another with their bare fists and not have it affect their friendship? Surely such an altercation between two women would forever alter their relationship but Francis seemed to think Jack and Richard would simply shake hands and forget the rest.

  “You are all quite ridiculous.”

  With a deep sigh to express her disgust in the male species, she dropped her rag and Richard’s hand, and turned away to pour herself a cup of tea. The housekeeper had seen to the loan of a blouse and undergarments for her from one of the upstairs maids, so she was at least able to sit among the men without being a constant reminder of what had started the fight to begin with.

  Jack, however, seemed to need no help remembering. Dropping the steak, he leveled a hard look upon Richard through his one good eye. “Are you going to do the right thing here, MacKintosh? Or do I need to take this to my father? I think it might be the one thing in life that we can agree on.”

  “I will,” Richard said without hesitation, but it was too much for Abby.

  “No, he won’t,” she said firmly. All three men turned to look at her in surprise. “Richard and Francis, too, will be leaving shortly to return to Egypt to find Vin and Jace. I’m sure you’ve heard them speaking of it. I know you worry for me, Jack, and I love you, but I must insist that Richard do this. When he returns and if he cares to ask anything of me, he can do it in his own time and for reasons more acceptable to me than this.”

  “I can wed you before I go, angel.”

  He held out his hand to her and she took it, squeezing it affectionately. “And I can wait until you get back. You have said it yourself. You are out of options and out of time. Go, please!”

  His eyes probed hers, looking for answers but she only shook her head. She wouldn’t give in on this, not when it was so important to him.

  “Gentlemen, may I have a private word with Abby, please?”

  “A word had better be all you’re having,” Jack grunted, waving them away.

  “Make it quick,” Francis reminded. “The morning is half gone already. We’ll need to get her home soon.”

  Chapter 31

  It is never too late to be what you might have been.

  ~ George Eliot

  Still holding Abby’s hand, Richard rose and led her out of the dining room and across the hall to the parlor. Closing the door behind them, he drew her into his arms and looked down at her, wondering where to begin. She already had a look on her face that he remembered from years past. She was determined to have her way and wouldn’t hear a word to the contrary.

  She’d always been a tough nut to crack, he thought with amusement. She liked things to go her way and had always been ready with a sharp glance and sharper words to whip away any opposition. Strange, but instead of it prompting irritation, he felt only tenderness for that attribute. In fact, it was one of many things he loved about her.

  Abby also liked to get in the first word…and the last word of any argument, he recalled and sought to cut her off before she even had a chance to get warmed up.

  “Don’t think for one…”

  Cradling the back of her head in one hand, Richard tugged her to him cutting off her words with a swift kiss before raising his head.

  “But I…”

  He kissed her again. She was stiff in his arms. So ready for a fight that she couldn’t even relent for a moment.

  “Richard, I…”

  He slanted his mouth over hers again, teasing her lips with his tongue until her body wilted against him and she parted her lips with a sigh. He drew her bottom lip between his and sucked gently rousing a moan from her. Her arms snaked around his neck until she was pressed flush against his body.

  “Richard,” she began only to pause and bite her bottom lip when he raised a brow.

  “May I?”

  “May you what?”

  “Launch the first volley?” he asked and was rewarded with Abby’s soft blush and self-depreciating chuckle.

  Aye, she knew herself as well as he did. She inclined her head regally.

  “I am going to go to Egypt.” He bit back a smile at her look of astonishment. Of course, she thought she knew what he was going to say. It was actually quite rewarding to have surprised her. “It needs to be done and I have to be the one to do it. But beyond that, I don’t want to put you in a position that would hold you up to censure from the ton. I don’t want you to face the gossip of a hasty wedding. I believe you’d had enough of being dangled up for their enjoyment.”

  “I have,” she agreed softly, her hand reaching up to stroke his cheek as if thanking him for his understanding and consideration.

  Encouraged by her feminine compliance, Richard
hugged her to him and went on, “That being said, we must marry. Jack would have it no other way and I wouldn’t either,” he added, sensing that an argument was building inside of her. “I knew before I even took you to my bed last night that it was the inevitable outcome. We will marry before I leave.”

  “But I don’t…” Abby stuttered. “You just said…”

  “We will do it quietly and make a formal announcement when I return.” Cradling her face in his hands, he read there a willfulness that he knew would challenge him in the years to come. To his surprise, he looked forward to it. “I don’t know what it is between us, angel, but I think it’s something worth exploring. Once I have Vin back, I promise I will court you as you deserve.”

  Abby stilled in Richard’s embrace. It wasn’t a protestation of his love, but she had not expected that from him yet. She suspected that she had shocked him with her own confession but hadn’t necessarily unnerved him with it. She also understood that there could be no future for Richard, not a truly free future at any rate, until he was able to finish the task at hand. She didn’t want him until he was able to give himself to her with a free heart. She wouldn’t have him any other way.

  But could she have him at all? Abby bit her lip. She had made a bargain with her father, after all. Richard deserved the best chance possible to save his friends. Given her father’s current attitude regarding the whole situation, he was unlikely to assist them at all if he knew there was no reward waiting for him in the end. It all boiled down to her father and what his choice would be. She could have no answer for him until then.

  So instead of giving him a direct answer, she said only, “I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. I can wait a little longer.”

  “That sounds suspiciously like a ‘no’,” he said with a frown.

  “I think there’s no reason to rush into this.”

  “I believe there is.”

  A knock sounded at the door and Francis’ voice filled the silence that had fallen following Richard’s response. “The carriage is here.”

  “Shall we?” Abby asked brightly, turning away.

  Chapter 32

  I can’t go back to yesterday

  Because I was a different person then.

  ~ Lewis Carroll from Alice in Wonderland

  114 Mount Street, London

  Later that morning

  Glenrothes’ carriage pulled up on Mount Street to find the front stoop of the townhouse entirely blocked by the elegant carriage parked before it. Though the coach was unmarked, it was evident given the quality of the horses and quantity of footmen attached to the coach that its owner was a wealthy one. As the earl’s driver maneuvered behind the larger conveyance, Abby’s heart seized with bewilderment. Could her father have actually done as she asked and was even now begging Cambridge’s assistance for Richard? She had never imagined he would be so proactive to her challenge.

  But if the duke was inside! Conflicting emotions raced through Abby. Gladness that Richard might finally gain the assistance he so desperately sought and simple dread of the same knotted her stomach.

  “What’s going on here, do you think?” Jack peered through the window of Glenrothes’ closed carriage. Bother Richard and Francis, who had insisted on accompanying them, looked curious as well. The entourage did create quite a display.

  “It could be anyone,” Abby told them, though she couldn’t banish the tension from her voice. “Help me down, won’t you, Jack? I better be getting in before anyone notices I’m gone.”

  “That wouldn’t be a problem if you hadn’t…”

  “Oh, stuff it, Jack. I don’t need a lecture,” she responded just as Richard opened the door and leapt down.

  “I’ll escort you in, angel.”

  With raised brows, she shook her head. True, she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her days on his arm, but this wasn’t the moment to begin. Not with so many uncertainties lying just beyond her front door. “I doubt that’s the best idea.”

  Richard stood stubbornly until she took his hand with a sigh and descended. Jack got out as well. “Why don’t you all come in?” she asked with some sarcasm.

  Francis smiled at that and shook his head, declining. “I’m sure you’ll appreciate that I’m quite comfortable here.”

  “Lady Abygail, is that you?”

  Abby turned with a groan to see Harry Brudenall standing at her front door with Cortland, who stood just inside. The marquis was dressed to ride in a dashing bottle green riding jacket and black top hat. As usually, he didn’t miss a beat upon seeing her outside the house rather than within…and on another man’s arm. Instead, Aylesbury swept a deep bow and grinned merrily. “Good morning, my dear!”

  “Bloody hell,” Richard cursed soundly under his breath.

  Abby looked up him with wonder, unable to stifle her pleasure at his jealous tone. She’d never imagined how delightful it could be to have a man be so possessive of her person. Everything he’d done in the last few days had made her feel more beautiful and desirable than she ever had.

  “Haven’t you anything better to do, Aylesbury?”

  “Why, good morning, Captain,” the marquis said cheerily, tipping his hat in mock greeting. “Whatever has you out so early today?”

  “Harry! Goodness, I’ve completely forgotten our ride.” Abby blushed deeply, pulling her cloak around her in spite of the warm morning. Hopefully, the observant marquis wouldn’t notice that the white cotton blouse she wore as one of a lesser quality than those normally worn by a lady. “I went out for an early walk. With my brother, you see.” She fabricated the lie haltingly as she indicated her brother. “Glenrothes and Captain MacKintosh came upon us and were so kind as to offer us…I mean, me a ride home.”

  “How kind of them.” Aylesbury met Richard’s challenging glower with a lazy smile.

  “Oy, miss, where you been?” Cortland popped his out of the doorway. “I didn’t see you go out this morning.”

  “It was early, Cortland,” she bit out through clenched teeth.

  It was one thing to sneak out for the night and think that she could sneak back in without anyone noticing. It was quite another to feel as if she had been caught red-handed in the act. It was clear already that Harry didn’t give credence any of their excuses thus far.

  “I remember you, sir,” Cortland said to Richard. “Where did you get off to the other day when you came to see Lady Abygail? I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

  Aylesbury and Jack both raised a questioning brow at that, and Richard rolled his eyes. Abby was certain that he thought as she did. Any chance they’d had at discretion was slipping rapidly away.

  “I…er, had another appointment.” Abby bit back a smile at that and Richard grinned reluctantly as well. “Might as well just give in, angel. I can’t see any way out of this now.”

  She didn’t need him to explain but shook her head. “I said, we’ll see.”

  “See what?” Aylesbury asked curiously.

  “None of your business, old chap.”

  “Is that so? Perhaps, I consider it my business.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Richard, please.”

  Abby put a hand on his chest, raising the other to keep the marquis away as he moved to go toe to toe with Richard. Richard was glaring at Aylesbury who, for once, looked deadly serious as he frowned back. They were like two bulls prepared to fight for the lone female. Though she generally thought such behavior to be utterly ridiculous, she couldn’t stop a small corner of her heart from feeling the thrill of their attention. But still…

  “Both of you, please. Jack, could you help?”

  Her brother just shook his head, looking with amusement between the two men with interest. “I think not. I’d rather like to see this play out.”

  “You hadn’t enough of that already this morning?” she snapped before remembering whose company she was in.

  The marquis cast Jack an interested glance. Jack’s red, swollen eye was already blac
kening and very noticeable. It was also obvious that the injury was a recent one. Since few men resorted to fisticuffs before breakfast, Harry’s curiosity wasn’t unfounded. “Had a bit of a scuffle, Merrill? With whom?”

  Abby groaned, noticing neighboring residents peeking out from their windows, while others strolling down the street had simply stopped to listen. Even the coachman and footman, who were normally trained to ignore everything around them, were casting interested looks their way. She might as well announce from the top of the Tower where she had spent the night and with whom. The gossip was going to be horrible if she didn’t get this under control.

  “Enough,” Francis barked out as he finally descended the carriage as well. Apparently, he could see what was happening as well as she. “You’re attracting unwanted notice with this nonsense. Perhaps we should all just go inside.”

  “Perhaps Aylesbury should just leave,” Richard grumbled, though he complied with his brother’s request and moved to take Abby’s arm just as Aylesbury did.

  “Perhaps you should.”

  “Now that’s simple rubbish,” Jack cut in and took Abby’s arm leading her to the still open door. “What a pair of cocks, both. Disgusting.”

  Since Abby agreed to large extent—as flattering as their rivalry was, they were taking it a bit too far—she took her brother’s arm and let him lead her into the front hall, hesitating when Cortland moved to take her cloak. With few options, she let it go, hoping her blouse would go without notice and thankful that she at least had the proper garments beneath it. She asked in a whisper, “Has there been anything of interest going on this morning, Cortland?”

  In other words, she thought, had anyone realized that she was gone all night?

  “Very little, miss.” The butler shrugged, looking first at Jack then Francis with wide-eyed appreciation. “The younger misses and Lady ‘addington are still abed and your father’s at breakfast with ‘is guest.”


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