All You Could Ask For

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All You Could Ask For Page 113

by Angeline Fortin

  “Oh, Lord.” She moaned again.

  All the years she had teased her friends about their lovers! She’d been brazen and brassy, allowing no mercy. Never had she imagined it would be so horrible to be on the other end of that teasing. She just might owe her friends an apology.

  “Shall I challenge him to a dual for your honor then?” Harry continued unrelenting. “Force the issue on him?”

  “I don’t want to marry him that way.” Moira shook her head. “I want him to marry me because he wants to. Promise me you won’t say anything.”

  “Very well.”

  A moment of silence stretched between them before she added, “Do you hate me?”

  “Should I?”

  “I hope not.”

  “I do not.” He shrugged. “I hope your sacrifice wasn’t in vain. I just want you to be happy.”

  “I want you to be happy as well.”

  Something flashed in his eyes that she couldn’t quite define before his eyes were dancing merrily once more.

  “Dance with me then.” He performed a courtly bow that she returned with a curtsey waving her fan with a flutter of her eyelashes and Harry burst out laughing. “You are a jolly sort, Moira my girl. Morose devil doesn’t deserve you.”

  Chapter 33

  I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.

  ~ Benjamin Disraeli

  “This is my dance, I believe,” Vin’s deep brogue whispered in her ear and Moira nearly jumped. Not because of any surprise but rather to a shiver of desire that ran through her just because of the sound of his voice.

  Moira turned and waved her fan lazily. “Is it?”

  She checked her dance card with blasé indifference though her heart was pounding furiously. She had been completely aware of what dance was next, waiting breathlessly for him to fetch her. A waltz. Her second waltz ever with him. A rush of excitement filled her but as she looked up into his face, she saw the fatigue etched there.

  “We needn’t dance if you’re too weary. Why don’t we just sit out or take a stroll around the room?”

  Vin clenched his jaw in annoyance. Must she sound so uncaring? She’d not spoken a word to him all evening and rarely left Aylesbury’s side for anything but a dance with another. He’d noted every one, every partner, determined to show her a better time than the others did. Aye, he was dog-tired, but he had one more dance in him and it would be for her.

  “Not at all. I’m looking forward to our dance.”

  “You are?” She allowed him to lead her to the center of the floor, tensing against the moment when his arm would slide about her waist lest she melt into him.

  “I am.”

  The orchestra started playing and he took her in his arms, stepping into the waltz. He held her close watching her close her eyes. The look on her face brought an ache to his heart as he recalled a similar dance years ago. That waltz! She charmed him with her enthusiasm for it, as if she were savoring every moment, making him feel as if it were her first one. Then he took her out to the terrace for some fresh air needing to cool off some himself. He looked down into her smiling face, her luminous eyes and felt a nearly overwhelming urge to kiss her.

  He’d almost forgotten about that. Or rather forced himself to forget about it just as he forced away those first stirrings of attraction when she was seventeen. Were there even more moments buried in his memory hinting at this attraction? Had he truly wanted her for years, only to deny the magnetism because of his friendship with her brother? What would have happened if she hadn’t been Jason’s sister? Would he have acted differently? Would she?

  Moira opened her eyes and met his gaze so seriously Vin had to wonder what she was thinking about. “Smile, lovey. You’ve been animated all evening with others. Is the solemn face just for me?”

  “I wouldn’t want you to think I am becoming too attached,” she replied acerbically. She had almost begun to lose herself in the dance, to lose herself in the nearness of his body, the awareness of their attraction before she recalled his suspicions. “That’s what you’re worried about, isn’t it?”

  “I just don’t want what has happened between us to ruin our friendship, that’s all,” he countered. “Has it?”

  “Only if you let it.” She frowned up at him. “As I recall you were the one who didn’t want to escort me tonight.”

  “But your Aylesbury came straight to your rescue.”

  The words had an edge that made she looked up at him curiously. Was that jealousy? Perhaps Harry was right because it certainly sounded like it. Her heart skipped a beat.

  “He did,” she agreed. “I don’t believe it was his sense of duty, however, that prompted him to do so. He enjoys my company.”

  “As do I.” Vin ground his teeth in frustration as he swept her around the floor. “I think he knows about us.”

  She looked at him in surprise. “Yes, he does.”

  “And he doesn’t care?”

  “I rather think he’s anticipating his turn,” she bit out in annoyance, fed up with his’s mixed desires. He didn’t want her for himself! Let him know that another did in every sense of the word.

  He almost choked on his astonishment. How could she say something so callous? It wasn’t like Moira at all to be so crude. “And are you? Are you going to marry him still?”

  A feeling akin to optimism washed over her as she felt the power of his disapproval. This wasn’t at all like the night a week before when they laid together in her bed talking about her possible future with Harry. Then, there had been curiosity, now there was definite irritation. It was actually working! Vin was becoming possessive, jealous. Perhaps not out of love yet but it was a good sign. When it came right down to it, she was beginning to believe her faith in him would not be in vain.

  He would want to keep her.

  She would finally be his.

  “He hasn’t asked yet,” she answered. “Will I if he does? That is the question, is it not?”

  The waltz wound down and ended and Vin took her arm in his to lead her from the dance floor. “You may take me over to the refreshment table, if you would,” she said lightly, aware that he was nearly drooping with fatigue. She wanted to caution him to take it easy but knew such advice wouldn’t be appreciated. Better she just urge him to take some refreshment and relax for a bit.

  Vin saw Aylesbury near the refreshment table and ground his teeth over the reason Moira wanted him to take her there. On stiff legs, he led her over getting a glass of champagne for them both before nodding at the marquis. “Aylesbury.”


  Moira rolled her eyes as the two faced off. Harry did know how to bait Vin with this whole ‘cock of the walk’ routine. Friends of hers they both might be, but this masculine rivalry between them was both amusing and annoying at the same time. It reminded her of stories she read of the America’s wild west where the sheriff would face the villain in a showdown on a dusty street at sundown. The question was which one was the villain in this scenario?

  A reluctant smile curled her lips as Moira glanced between the pair. It did feel rather nice to be fought over even if there was only one actual combatant in the conflict. What Vin didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

  For a moment the trio stood in silence while Harry rocked back on his heels with a taunting grin, Vin stood scowling with clenched fists and Moira just sipping her champagne between them.

  Catching the approach of a pair of females from the corner of her eye. She giggled aloud, glad for an excuse to vent her amusement. “Ooo, Harry,” she cooed. “Brace yourself.”

  “Whatever for...” The marquis saw then what she had and groaned with a roll of his eyes as one Lady Stanhope sailed forward with all the purpose of a flagship, her eldest daughter held firmly in her wake.

  “Incoming,” she whispered with laughter-filled tones, taking a step back and toward Vin. “I think I’ll just leave you...”

  The marquis caught her hand as she tried to slip away and pulled her back. �
��No, you don't, minx. You’ll stay right here and...bail me out, so to speak,” he whispered fiercely and drew up with a falsely polite smile to the newly arrived ladies. “Why, Lady Stanhope! What a pleasant surprise. Charmed.” He greeted the ladies politely yet hurriedly.

  “Lord Aylesbury,” the lady simpered. “Have you met my daughter as yet?”

  “I have,” he responded politely with a nod to the young girl at her side, “but, do you know? I don’t believe Lord Clarendon has yet.”

  Harry bowed to the side waving his hand at Vin. “Lord Clarendon, this is Lady Stanhope and her daughter…” Aylesbury searched his mind before adding triumphantly, “Catherine! Lady Catherine, did you know, I believe Lord Clarendon is available for this dance? I’m certain he would be…overjoyed to share it with you. I would love to, of course, but I am already promised to Lady Moira.”

  Vin ground his teeth as all eyes turned on him expectantly and he knew there was no polite way to refuse Aylesbury’s blatant entrapment. He longed to punch the fellow and glared at him with all the hatred he felt. “I would be honored. Lady Catherine, shall we?” Vin held out his hand hoping the next dance was a mild…and brief one.

  As they walked away, Aylesbury turned to Moira with his eyes agleam and a devilish smile. “Lady Moira, shall we?”

  As he tugged her out onto the dance floor, she frowned severely at him. “Harry, you’re awful. Simply awful! Poor Vin, he’s worn out, you know?”

  “Self-preservation, my dear Moira. Lady Stanhope has been trying to marry me off to one of her daughters for the past three seasons in London.” The marquis swung her about the floor smoothly.

  “Well, Catherine may be the oldest of the four, but at least she is also the prettiest.” She quirked her lips in renewed amusement at her friend’s expense.

  “As far as that goes.” Harry rolled his eyes again and sighed in disgust. “What is it that makes every mother believe that I long for their daughter?”

  “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” She quoted with an evil smirk from Austen's Pride and Prejudice. “Either that or you give them reason to hope.”

  “A lady's imagination is very rapid, it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.” Harry fired back from that same novel causing her to burst out in laughter.

  “Ah, I see, you do not think they need any hope at all!”

  “And they have none,” the marquis added and whirled her dizzily about. “Only you, my darling girl, have any hope at all and, alas, you want me not at all. It is enough to break my poor, simple heart.”

  “‘Poor, simple heart’ my foot, my lord,” she teased. “There is nothing simple about you.”

  “Other than I am simply charming, you mean.”

  “Oh, aye, except for that.”

  They laughed again as they danced about the room earning a glare from Vin from across the dance floor that was easily noted. Moira could feel his eyes burning into her back for the remainder of the set and knew Harry could as well from the gleam in his eye as he pulled her closer and closer.

  “He’s a lucky man, but he doesn’t deserve you,” he whispered when the dance ended and he led her off the floor.

  “That is true, I think. Hopefully, he will realize it…soon.”

  “If he does not, I shall simply have to…prompt him into the proper course of action.” He touched her jaw with a light right hook.

  “You are too good to me and I love you dearly. I hope you find the woman who doesn’t deserve you soon, my friend.”

  “I, also, but first things first. Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 34

  Keep your face always toward the sunshine –

  and shadows will fall behind you.

  ~ Walt Whitman

  “This is silly, Harry,” Moira offered a while later as they stood together in the hallway to the right of the second-floor landing. “What makes you think he’ll come up?”

  “You said he was fatigued, yes? I imagine he’ll make his excuses soon and head to his rooms.” He pointed to the hallway leading to the left across the landing. “He’ll come up and see us here together and…voila!”

  “Just like that?” she said with a sniff of doubt.

  “Just so.”

  With a wicked smile, Aylesbury backed her against the paneled wall until she was pressed against it and propped himself up with a forearm over her head forcing Moira to tilt her head far back to look at him. She’d never realized that Harry was taller even than Vin and Vin was over six feet tall. He leaned in toward her, his proximity closer than it had ever been. She could feel the heat of his body and felt a quiver of nerves unlike anything she’d ever felt in his presence. Not fear but perhaps uncertainty. She looked up at him curiously.

  “What are you doing, Harry?” Moira’s chest vibrated nervously and swallowed nervously feeling a little nauseous. This was nothing like when Vin did the same!

  “Being effective.” He toyed with a curling tendril of hair at her temple. “One must be prepared.”

  “You’re very close.” She tilted her head back to look at him again. “You’ve never been like this before. You seem almost…predatory, I think.”

  “There is a reason most women want me, you know,” he whispered. “Most do not look at me and see a friend. Most look at me and see a man, a lover. I have a fair reputation with the ladies beyond my title.”

  “I’m sorry I could not do that,” she whispered. “I don’t think I can do it now, either.”

  “Worry not. I’ll do it for us both.” He bent and kissed her cheek as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “I did say I wanted you. Do you remember? It will be easy for me. You can just close your eyes and pretend I’m him.”

  “I’m not sure I can…”

  Moira’s protest was cut off as Harry’s lips caught hers in a fierce kiss. Surprised, she let out a little squeal and raised her hands to his shoulders intent on pushing him away. He was like a brick wall, however, as he pressed her against the paneling, one hand came behind her neck to keep her head tilted back as his mouth plundered hers ardently. Despite the depth of the kiss, it was not unpleasant and, curious now, she relaxed and let him continue wondering if he would have the same effect on her that Vin did. It was…pleasant, she thought. She parted her lips to allow him entrance, analyzing her responses but gasped when his hand came up to cup her breast.

  Harry’s groan of pleasure was drown out by a deeper growl of anger before Aylesbury was dragged away from her. Moira watched in mute horror as he was violently flung against the opposite wall. His head snapped back but he met her gaze with some satisfaction before Vin grabbed him by his lapels and punched him with a hard right to the stomach.

  Not one to give in easily, Aylesbury returned the blow. Vin threw another punch, but as Moira regained her senses, she could see Vin could not take much more no matter how much he might like to. The long series of dances had already brought him to the edge of collapse.

  “Stop it!” she cried, pushing herself between them drawing a long string of curses from Vin, but Moira wouldn’t be set aside. She pushed them apart once more and sent Harry a level glare. “You’ve proven your point, Harry. Now go!”

  Aylesbury nodded shortly, rubbing his jaw. Gradually, the fight drained out of him and he was able to toss Moira a jaunty grin.

  “Eight days, darling. Not bad.” He straightened his jacket and turned away to find Vin glaring at him with murder in his eyes and the marquis returned the same look. “You don’t deserve her.”

  * * *

  The blood was pounding furiously through Vin’s veins. He could feel the pressure of it beating against his temples and chest, hear it in his ears. Could almost see the red of it in his eyes. He was so angry he wanted to throw his fist through a wall if he couldn’t beat Aylesbury within an inch of his life. He wanted to break some
thing, bellow like a madman over what had just occurred. How dare he?

  How dare she?

  He turned his incensed glare onto Moira who was just standing there with her hands on her hips scowling right back at him. How could she have done such a thing? She’d had him in her bed just last night and yet there she was kissing Aylesbury, letting him put his hands where only his had been!

  By God, he hadn’t wanted to think she might be like other women. He didn’t want to believe she wanted another. Had somehow been convinced she wanted him alone. There was that arrogance again. It wasn’t about him, he knew. Aylesbury had more right to her than he.

  He’d done nothing to make it more than that so how could he be angry with her? He had no rights, having made no claims. Had his lovemaking not filled the need in her that she would look to another?

  Didn’t that just prove his point, though? There was not faithfulness left in the world. Even Moira, who he hadn’t thought capable of duplicity. Nausea rolled through him and Vin looked away before closing his eyes. No, she turned to him because she was lonely. As lonely as he. Wasn’t that what she told him? She could do as she wished, certainly, but did their friendship mean nothing?

  With a growl, he turned away and stomped down the hall toward his rooms hearing Moira’s hiss of frustration behind him.

  “Oh, no you don’t, Vincent MacKintosh!” she snarled. “You don’t get to walk away from this. Get back here!”

  Ignoring her, he continued on to his room, but she scurried behind him catching his arm before he could disappear into his chambers and close the door on the entire situation.

  * * *

  Hanging on Vin’s forearm, Moira pulled him around to face her taking in the anger in his eyes. He was livid. His brown eyes were black chips that bore right through her and if she were in a calmer frame of mind, she might have seen this wasn’t the moment to argue with him. But she was as much as Scot as he and when her temper was up, it didn’t fade quickly. One thing she was sure of, he didn’t get to fill everyone’s expectations so tidily and then walk away without saying something about it.


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