Tempted: Reckless MC Opey Texas Chapter

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Tempted: Reckless MC Opey Texas Chapter Page 6

by KB Winters

  Not that there was much dignity in letting a guy who hated me fuck me up against a tree, then again dignity wasn’t what I was after with him.

  Still, I stood tall and made my way to the bunkhouse, thankful it was too early for any of the guys to be back from a night of trouble making. Taking advantage of the alone time, I grabbed the necessities and took a quick shower to get rid of the smell of sex—and Gunnar.

  I knew sleep wouldn’t come easy so I didn’t bother trying, opening my laptop instead to check on the state of things back in New York. There’d been no more movement inside my apartment other than a few dozen menus shoved under the door.

  But I got hit with a news alert about my second-floor studio that made me sick. “Transient, Wallace Roosevelt Carver, was found dead in an unoccupied second floor apartment. Authorities believe the cause of death was heat exposure.” The article went on to talk about the homeless problem in the city as the temperatures hit record highs and some other bullshit about the risks of exposure. I knew it wasn’t the heat, but some cold blooded asshole who didn’t care about human life at all.

  My heart broke for Wallace. He was a good man who’d fallen on hard times and got used to living a hard life. He was harmless and wouldn’t hurt anyone. The man didn’t know anything useful or real about me, either. Dammit!

  Just one thought came on the heels of my guilt and sadness over Wallace. Maisie. I couldn’t risk her safety, and I wouldn’t put her in danger just to save myself. As I thought about it, I wouldn’t put any of the guys at risk. They were honorable men who’d fought hard for people who didn’t deserve it and had become broken for their efforts. I couldn’t interfere with the healing that was going on at the Hardtail Ranch.

  I wouldn’t.

  I had to leave. My problem was I had nowhere to go. I jumped off the bed and shut my laptop, scanning the room for anything that belonged to me. It was best to leave no traces of me when I ran, because any hint of me could mean danger for those left behind.

  I left the copy of Huck Finn for Slayer that he’d been reading but tore out the front page with my name scrawled on it in the loopy cursive handwriting of a young girl. I hated to leave it behind. That book had gotten me through a dozen foster families, but I hoped it would offer Slayer some of what it had given me over the years. I left nothing else lying around that belonged to me because a life of temporary living had taught me to be tidy, or as Vivi said, tidy made getting the hell out easier.

  Thirty minutes later, the car was packed again, and I was behind the wheel trying to decide where to go. I could be in Mexico in a few hours but crossing the border meant cameras and official ID, exactly what I didn’t need at the moment. No, I couldn’t run without a plan, but I couldn’t stay here with Maisie.

  I glanced around to make sure there were no eyes watching before I started the engine and pulled out of my spot to drive away from the bunkhouse. I intended to leave Hardtail ranch in my rearview mirror. The southern edge of the property was under construction so that exit was out of the question. Most of the official ranch business took place on the west side of the property, which left the north end unoccupied. More importantly, undisturbed.

  I came to a break in the road, a small dirt path that I hoped would take me to a spot where I could stay for a few days. Maybe without any distractions I could come up with a workable plan to disappear. In fact, maybe it was time to do things old school.

  It was time to get out on the streets and get shit done. Time to go analog.

  Chapter Eleven


  “All done, Gunny!” Maisie raised her sticky, syrup-covered hands in the air and wiggled her fingers with a giggle. “It was yummy, Miss Martha!”

  The older woman beamed down at Maisie’s smiling face, tweaking her nose before she set a few more biscuits in the bowl at the center of the table. “I’m glad you liked it, sweetheart.”

  “Where is Peaches?” A full day had passed since the woman had shown her face on the ranch, and I was starting to think maybe she’d given me what I had silently begged for, her early departure.

  “Don’t know, maybe she’s busy.” I hoped that whatever kept her busy also kept her away. My body still tingled for her and yeah, I couldn’t stop thinking about the way she felt under my hands, under my body, clenched around my cock while I pumped into her. That one time hadn’t been enough and that just fucking pissed me off.

  “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen hide nor hair of her in more than a day.” Martha’s words were full of concern. I wanted to tell her it was unwarranted, but then she’d give me that disappointed look that I couldn’t stand, and I was in too good a mood for that. “I sure hope she’s all right.”

  The sound of the phone ringing in my office was like a lifeline, and I took off down the hall like I was being chased, smiling at the name flashing across my display screen. “Cross, man. How the hell are you?”

  “Good to hear your voice, brother. Thought maybe you’d forgotten about us old Bastards.” The smile in his voice matched my own, and I dropped down in the worn brown leather chair and kicked my feet up on the heavy wooden desk.

  “Never. Had a few problems with one of my contractors so I’ve had to deal with that shit. This good ol’ boy bullshit is getting on my nerves.”

  I didn’t give a fuck whose uncle used to work on the land I now owned, and I didn’t care how long someone’s family had lived in the area. But everyone around here did and thought they could bully me into extra fees and licenses. “It’s been a real fucking pleasure to show them how I do business.”

  Cross laughed and it was rich and deep, a real sign that being with Moon and her son had done wonders for him. Transformed him from a broken man into a complete one. The club was better for it, and I only hoped I would be half as good as he was.

  “Wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall for that conversation,” he said chuckling in his deep baritone.

  “It wasn’t pretty but I got my point across. How’s shit up your way?” I knew Cross well, had served as his VP for years, and I knew this wasn’t a personal call, at least not strictly personal.

  “Quiet, which is good. And the money is steady so no complaints. But, ah, shit I just found out from Jag that Peaches might be headed your way.”

  I opened my mouth to tell him she’d already been annoying me for days, but he kept on talking. “She’s got some bad motherfuckers looking for her.”

  “Yeah, what’d she do?” Women like her were nothing but trouble, and now I regretted letting her stay even one damn day.

  “Nothing. She did a job for the Covert Affairs Division but she was strictly logistics, hacking CCTV and shit like that, no real clue what the target or job was. But someone sent her some footage accidentally.” His emphasis on the word said he didn’t believe it was an accident at all. “Now everyone who worked the job behind the scenes is dead and they tried to kill her too. Twice.”

  Shit. Goddamn. “Fuck me, Cross.”

  “Yeah, I know. Vivi didn’t say anything to anyone until today, but she got worried you might turn her bestie away.”

  “And she batted her lashes for you to step in on her behalf?” Vivi was a solid chick, but she was a loud mouth and a know it all, two traits I hated in women.

  “More like she asked for a favor, and I couldn’t refuse, especially when she didn’t even remind me just how much we all owed her.” He was impressed with her for it, which meant I couldn’t say no. “I know you left all this shit behind, Gunnar and believe me I wouldn’t ask if there were any other options.”

  “The clubhouse wasn’t an option?” Because it seemed like a place filled with armed veterans was as safe as the next one.

  “Vivi is the only family she has. This is the first place they’ll come looking. Believe me, we’ve been on alert here since we found out she’d been here and gone already.”

  “She’s already here. Arrived a while ago and been annoying me the whole damn time.”

  The relief in his
sigh made me feel guilty. These guys were my brothers, no matter what, and I wasn’t ready to turn my back on a request for help because of a woman.

  “Is she still there?”

  “I haven’t seen her today, but I’m sure she’s in the bunkhouse, thinking of more ways to get under my fucking skin.” She had a talent for getting me riled up faster than any woman I’d ever met. “I’ll tell you what I told her; she can stay a few days, but I have a child to think about, Cross.”

  “We’d appreciate if you’d do what you can.” His voice had cooled, and I could hear the distance there. He was pissed.

  Yeah, well, so was I. “Why in the hell do you even care about this chick?”

  “She pitched in to help us for no other reason than Vivi is family, and she’s too damn stubborn to ask anyone else for help. I figured if she came to you…never mind. I’ll figure something out. It was good to hear your voice, brother.” The call ended just like that.

  “Dammit!” Peaches was nothing but trouble. Even when she wasn’t around Peaches was causing trouble in my life.

  “Everything all right, Boss?” Slayer stood in the office doorway looking intimidating as fuck with his dark features, thick beard and permanent scowl on his face.

  “Not even a fucking little bit. You need something?”

  “Yeah.” His gaze swung up and down the hall before he stepped inside. “I didn’t say anything at first because I didn’t know what her deal was but—”

  Christ would this woman twist up every man in her orbit? “What the fuck did she do now?”

  “Nothing.” Slayer flashed a grin and leaned forward on his elbows. “When we came home the night before last, she was gone, and I didn’t think anything of it, figured she’s entitled to her life as much as the rest of us. But she wasn’t there last night and all her stuff is gone. Plus she left this behind but she tore the front page out.” He held a book up with the page open so I could see the jagged edges of a torn page.


  “Why would she just leave like that? Is she all right?”

  “People leave Slayer. Besides, she was only meant to stay a few days anyway.” I wished like hell I could ignore the worry in his eyes but dammit, if this battle hardened warrior was worried, I couldn’t.

  “Yeah, but she left when we were all gone, and she didn’t say goodbye.” He sighed and pointed to the book again. “She’s had this book since she was a kid, said it was the only thing other than unhealthy coping mechanisms she’d gotten out of foster care.”

  “Ah, fuck! Fuckity fuck!” So much for a relaxing day cracking heads over at the Barn Door to make sure the club was on track. Opening day was in six weeks, and I wouldn’t accept anything less. “She leave a note or something?”

  Slayer shook his head. “Not a trace that she’d ever even been there. Not a pink razor or a stray hair, which was suspicious on its own.”

  She was running. Again. And I couldn’t help but feel like it was my fault. I should be happy to be rid of her, but knowing how serious her trouble was, guilt settled over me like a goddamn dark cloud. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  “Not a problem, Gunner. Just thought you should know. Later, man.”

  Now I had to figure out what the fuck to do about Peaches.


  “I don’t want any more goddamn excuses, just get this shit done!” If one more contractor stood in front of me and delivered more bad news, I would kill them all, bury them under the land and then torch it all to hell. “You said it would be finished by the end of the week unless the weather turned bad. You’ve had plenty of times to meet that deadline, and there’s nothing but sunshine ahead. Get it done or get the fuck out.” Staring at the waste of human space, I dared him to make another fucking excuse.

  “My granddaughter’s communion is Friday.”

  “Not my problem. Finish the job when you said you would, or we’ll settle this in court. I’ve been more than patient with you Griff.”

  “You have.”

  “This is my business and if you can’t stick to your word then I’ll find someone who can.” Griff seemed like a nice guy but had too many excuses and it seemed like everyone just let him get away with it. Before he could tell me another damn sob story, I walked off, meeting Saint outside where he sucked on a cigarette.

  “How’d things go with Griff?”

  “He’s fucking with me, right?” That was the only reasonable explanation, this whole goddamn town was screwing with me to get me to leave.

  “Griff’s harmless, but I think he’s a little too used to low expectations.” Saint replied.

  I wanted to ask him why the fuck he hired the guy then, but it was pointless. If Griff didn’t come through, I’d hire the next guy. “Everything else coming along?”

  “Yep. If Griff meets his deadline, we can start putting the inside together Tuesday or Wednesday next week.”

  My shoulders visibly relaxed. “That’s good news.” The kid still wouldn’t look me in the eye, but I was getting used to the scared kitty routine. Almost. “What’s your story?”

  He shrugged, green eyes dancing everywhere but my face. “No story. Went into the Army right out of high school, had a special talent for weapons and they fostered that in the service. Shit went bad, lost some guys and now my head’s all fucked up. End of story.”

  I should have recognized the signs sooner. Max had spent years walking around like a goddamn zombie, only unlike Joplin, he wasn’t afraid of his own shadow. “You seein’ someone about it?”

  He shook his head. “Nah, it’s fucking useless, you know?”

  “That’s what everyone thinks. Until they get to the other side.” It sounded trite, but it also had the benefit of being true. “Listen, I need to know you can handle your shit when this place is packed, the music is pumping and lights are flashing all around you.” I saw the moment the light bulb went on in his head.

  “Got it, Boss. I’ll be ready, I promise.”

  “Good. You need to take care of yourself.”

  “Right. Thanks Gunnar.” His gaze was a little cagey, but I understood better so I didn’t say anything. “I’ll let you know how things are going. Have you found Peaches yet?”

  “No.” Not that I’d spent a lot of effort looking for her, but so far she hadn’t popped up in any of the hotels or B&B’s in Opey or the surrounding cities. Cross hadn’t called again and that made me feel like a bigger piece of shit, like he knew he couldn’t count on me once I left Vegas behind. “Shit. I’ll see you around Saint.”

  Dropping onto the ATV I’d taken out of the barn that morning, I looked out at the land. Today was a little cloudy, but it didn’t take away from the beauty or the vastness of the ranch. No, that was the task ahead of me. Riding around the whole damn ranch, because I told Holden I wanted to do it myself, to make sure there were no downed fences, no squatters or stray animals. There was something about riding around the property with the wind and sun on my face. It was almost like having a bike between my legs while it ate up the road.


  From the section dedicated to The Barn Door, I headed west toward the southern pasture, which was bare right now so the grass could replenish before we moved the cattle again. Nothing was out of order, and I let myself enjoy being outdoors as I rode around the property, giving the cattle in the west pasture a wide berth just in case they thought I might mean their calves harm. I didn’t know a hell of a lot about animals, and I didn’t want to learn about them today.

  The northern pasture was unused and overgrown and I stopped for a few minutes when, my thoughts wandered to Peaches and the way she felt in my arms. Damn, that girl has some soft skin. Just like a lady should. She was wild and wicked—completely in the moment. It was hot as hell. It was goddamn unforgettable and thoughts of her, from the way she smelled to the way she moved, invaded my head making me wonder how she’d look completely naked and laid out on my bed. With my cock slipped between those lush lips of hers.


  I had to get a grip. Peaches was long gone and thinking about her was about as fruitful as thinking about a goddamn mermaid. I hadn’t smoked a cigarette since Maisie came to live with me, but I wished I had one now. I needed something to calm my nerves.

  I took off again and scanned the tall green bushes, thinking, and saw a small red triangle that had me off my ATV and closing the distance on foot. It was a tent, which could only mean a squatter. I slid my every day 9mm from my waist and called out, “Hey, anyone over here?”

  I didn’t expect an answer but the air grew still and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Someone was here.


  In the clearing I found not only a tent but also a small camp, complete with a fire pit and a camping pot. “This is private property,” I called out, “so if you leave now we won’t have any problems.”

  “Seems like all we have are problems,” a familiar, husky voice called out.

  “Peaches? What the fuck are you doing out here?” I slid my gun back into its holster. Fuck. She stepped out of the tent and crossed her arms, glaring at me like I was the enemy.

  “I was honoring the spirit of our agreement if not the actual words. Guess it’s time to move on.” She shrugged and scanned the area, quickly packing up her things. “I’ll be gone soon.”

  “We’ve been looking all over for you.” That brought her up, short but instead of gratitude there was disbelief on her face.

  “Let me guess, you looked everywhere except this one spot where I was the entire time?” It was a rhetorical question I guessed, since she turned around and expertly disassembled the tent, folding it quickly and shoving it into a nylon bag.

  “What were doing out here?”


  This damn woman was determined to make me lose my shit. “Not good enough.”


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