First Love

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First Love Page 25

by Tiya Rayne

  Chapter Seventeen

  F or the next two weeks, Luke and I act as if we were in high school again. Whenever we could get away, we spent time together. It isn’t always about sex. We hang out at his hotel watching movies and laughing. We’ve been back to the farm house to finalize the sale. He also wanted my opinion on how to decorate the beautiful house. The other day we went fishing at the old pond. It was like old times. And I won’t lie, there has been a lot of sex. I mean a lot. My vajayjay hasn’t had this much exercise in years. She’s so overworked she doesn’t even want to do her day job. My period came on two days ago and already completely gone off today.

  “Thanks for coming with me, Zora!” Marcus says from beside me. He’s pushing the buggy as we make our way down the aisle of the grocery store.

  “No problem! I’m use to these last minute grocery store runs.”

  We were having another family gathering. This time it was just the immediate family. Since the whole Tyrik and Uncle Harold thing, my family has been really good about not forcing anymore reunions. Glad they finally caught on.

  “I use to think your parents hated me and that’s why they sent me out for the grocery store runs.” Marcus jokes.

  I grabbed the first thing off of my mother’s long list.

  “Trust me, Marcus, if my parents didn’t like you, you would know.”

  I wasn’t thinking when I made the joke. I was too busy trying to figure out which brand of noodles would my mom prefer for her macaroni.

  “Maya never talks about that time. She only says it was bad.”

  I turn to his dark brown eyes. No one can ever say my sister didn’t have good taste in men. Marcus could definitely be a model. Symmetrical face, high cheek bones, gorgeous smile, and butterscotch skin.

  “Yeah, well she’s right. It was. Which one?” I hold up the two boxes of macaroni noodles, effortlessly changing the subject.

  He looks down at the boxes in my hand.

  “I’ve seen the blue one before. Let’s go with that one.”

  I place the other box back on the counter and drop the blue box of noodles into the buggy. We head down another aisle to find can milk. A woman with a baby is there. The baby is screaming and the woman looks sleep deprived and exhausted. I remember those days. Peyton was never really a crybaby, but she treated sleep like an enemy. My child hated naps. It took reading, dancing, and the hand of God to get that girl to take a nap. I give the exhausted woman an understanding smile.

  “Hey, handsome.” I say to the fussy baby sitting in his car seat. “May I?” I ask the mother.

  The look on her face says at this point she didn’t care what I did with the kid. I take the child from the restraints and hold him to my chest. I rock him as I make shushing sounds in his ear. The baby’s cries turn from wails, to sobs, to whimpers until they fade away all together. The woman watches me as if I was an angel sent from heaven. When I was sure the little one was out cold, I place him back in his carrier. He stirs for only a second before calming back down. As soon as I step away, the woman hugs me like a longtime friend.

  “Thank you!” She whispers to me.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been there before. It gets better.” I explain.

  With tears in her eyes she thanks me again before scooting her cart to the next aisle. I turn back to a smiling Marcus.

  “Sorry.” I say in explanation for holding him up. “I know what she was going through.”

  “No, no need to apologize. That was amazing to watch.” He says with a magnificent smile on his face. “I’m going to have to get you to teach me some tricks when Maya and I have our first child.”

  My eyebrows nearly disappear in my hair line. Maya Renee Henderson wanted kids? I’m shocked. Maya never seemed like the motherly type, but I guess I don’t know her all that well.

  “So you two have talked about kids?” I pry.

  Marcus actually blushes. “Well, yeah. She initially wasn’t too interested. But having Peyton around has really started to bring her around. She adores her niece. She seems to get along with her much better than she does her nephews.” Marcus continues to speak as we add the can milk to the buggy and head towards the next thing on my mom’s list.

  “I think it has to do with how smart and well behaved Peyton is.” Marcus admits. “I love Keaton and Kendric, but they are too rambunctious for your sister.”

  I nod my head. “Not only are they boys, they are toddlers too. It’s to be expected.”

  He nods and smiles.

  “So how many kids do you want?” I like the way his face lights up when I ask that question.

  “As many as she’ll give me.” He admits. “I was an only child growing up and I wanted siblings so bad. I wouldn’t mind having three or four, but if she only wants one I’ll be ok with that too.”

  Can I say one more time how perfect my brother-in-law is for my sister?

  “Well, for what it’s worth, I think you would make a great dad. Peyton adores you and haven’t stopped talking about that visit to the museum.”

  “I’m glad she liked it. We had an awesome time and thank you for the compliment.” His blushful smile let me know he really did appreciate my compliment. “What about Maya, do you think she will make a great mother?”

  I cut my eyes to Marcus. He really didn’t want me to answer that question.

  “Let’s just say, this damn kid better be healthy because I’m not so sure she wouldn’t eat her weaker offspring.”

  Marcus throws his head back and laughs. He was goading me. He knew damn well I was going to say something like that.

  “That’s just wrong. I’m telling her what you said.”

  “If you do, I’m telling her you want 10 kids. See who she’ll be angrier with then.”

  Another boisterous laugh from him that has me joining in.

  “Zora?” Only one voice has the ability to make my heart speed up and my body soften at only the mention of my name.

  Marcus and I both turn to the side and find Luke standing there. He looks absolutely amazing in his basketball shorts and t-shirt. His body has that just left the gym flush to it. I so badly want to pull his sweaty body into mine and sink my lips into his. No matter how many times I have Luke, I will always want him again. He was my favorite addiction.


  Walk away Luke. Walk the fuck away. No matter how many times I repeat that in my head, I still call out her name. My reasonable thought went out the window the moment I saw them together. At first I didn’t think anything of it. They weren’t touching like lovers. I can’t imagine being Zora’s man and not holding her hand every chance I got, or touching her while out in public to let everybody know she was mine. Then she said something and he laughed. Watching them two laugh together made me want to walk over and fuck that guy up. I guess I could see the attraction. He was clean cut, and a pretty boy. I fucking hated him.

  The moment Zora turns around and sees me I watch her eyes go to shock to lustful. She looked beautiful today. She was wearing another one of those summer dresses. This one had thin straps, tiny flowers all over it, and fell to her feet. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail on the top of her head that looked like a pompom. She was gorgeous.


  My name coming from her lips had me fighting the hard on that was trying to rise. In these basketball shorts it would be obvious. I have to look away from Zora or everybody in Kroger will know what this woman does to me.

  “You must be Calvin.” I say holding my hand out to the man.

  He looks down at my hand quizzically and then over to Zora. He probably wonders how I know him. Damn, I didn’t think this through.

  “She mentioned you when I ran into her the other day.” I hope that was believable. Is it wrong that I kind of want this dude to be suspicious? Yeah, Luke, it is.

  “Yes!” Zora says. “This is Calvin.” She clears her throat. “My Boyfriend.”

  Calvin’s eyes widen. He turns to Zora and they have a silent c
onversation with Calvin smirking down at her.

  He finally turns to me and shakes my hand. “Yes, I’m Calvin.” He wraps an arm around Zora’s shoulder and pulls her into his chest, Zora tenses and then slightly relax at his side.

  Ok, so he wants to play that role.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you.” I say with all my southern charm. I’m determined to behave myself.

  “Calvin, we should be finishing up that shopping list.” Zora says holding up a pink paper.

  “Just a minute, Baby!” Calvin says, and I want to beat his fucking face in for calling her baby. “So when did you run into Zora?”

  Zora’s pleading eyes turn to Calvin. She won’t look at me.

  “A few days ago. We had a nice long conversation.” I knew how the word long came out. I wanted him to read more into it.

  “Is that so?” He looks down at Zora. “What else did you talk about?”

  “Nothing serious.” Zora cuts me off before I could reply.

  I ignore her panic. “The usual. Just catching up. Like the old days.” I wink down at Zora when I say the last part. She closes her eyes and drops her head when I do.

  “The old days?” Calvin turns to Zora with a smirk. “Tell me about them.”

  “It was good seeing you again, Luke. Come on Calvin we should get back before the family starts worrying.”

  “Yes, let’s not keep them waiting, Sugarfoot. So long, Luke.” He places a hand on her lower back and turns her around.

  I watch them walk away. My blood burning at the sight of them together. Calvin turns around to look at me over his shoulder before turning back to Zora to whisper in her ear. I never turn away from him. I wanted him to know that I was still here. I would always still be here. No matter who was in the picture.

  I wasn’t in the mood for grocery shopping. I put my few things back and stormed out to my truck. The entire drive back to my hotel, all I could think about is seeing them together. It messed me up. As soon as I pull into the hotel parking garage, I sent off an angry text.

  Me: My hotel room. NOW!!

  She replies back immediately, like she was waiting on it.

  Zora: I can’t. I told you my family has plans today.

  Reading her reply pisses me off more. I was being irrational and unreasonable but I couldn’t stop myself.

  Me: You have two hours to get your ass to my room or I’m coming to get you.

  I was actually mad enough to do it. I turn my phone off, I didn’t want any more excuses why she couldn’t come to me. Fuck that.

  I go upstairs to my suite and take a shower. One hour and 45 minutes later there is a soft knock on my door. I knew who it was. I’m a bastard for the power trip I got from knowing she ditched her dude to come to me.

  That’s right, asshole, she’s mine.

  I open the door and she’s standing there looking fucking gorgeous.

  “Luke, I only have a few….”

  I don’t let her finish before I pull her by the neck into my lips. I devour her words. Fuck her few minutes, I’m not letting her go until she can’t walk straight. I close the door behind us. With my lips still glued to hers and her hands in my hair allowing me to take everything I want from her lips. I pull the fabric of her long dress up her hips. When the fabric is bunched up at her waist I raise it to slip over her head. I drop the soft fabric to the floor and immediately find my way back to Zora’s lips. Her back goes against the hotel door with a thud that knocks the breath out of her. I take that breath into my mouth, not even given her time to catch another one. My greedy hands are already gripping the thin straps of her underwear. I don’t peel them down like a normal person. I yank the sides, the fabric ripping and echoing into the room. I knew I was being rough, but again, my ability to make coherent thoughts was nowhere in sight.

  “Luke! Luke! Slow down.” She tries to say, but I wasn’t having it.

  I was like a beast. I kept imagining the two of them in that grocery store. After tossing her torn panties to the side, I go into my pocket and pull out one of the condoms I put in there after I got out of the shower. I place the gold wrapper between my teeth ripping the package in half. I quickly slip the condom on, then I hike one of Zora’s leg up over my forearm. I slam into Zora all the way to the hilt of my dick, my balls smacking against her luscious ass. She screams at my invasion. She was already wet as fuck, but my dick was a monster.

  “Luke,” She whimpers my name.

  I ease out of her to my sensitive cockhead and then slam back in her. Her back bounces off the hotel door making it rattle. Zora’s pussy was fucking amazing. There were no other words for it. I swivel my hips making her squeal and dig her nails in my back. I know when I’m hitting Zora’s spot. If I don’t leave with scratches on my back, I wasn’t doing something right. I growl when I realize that I can’t get deep enough at this angle. I pull out of her and she whimpers. I pick her up like a bride, carrying her onto the nearest flat surface. I drop her down to the sofa. She bounces only once before I pull her bottom to the edge of the seat. I’m between her legs with my face buried in her goodness before she can blink. I love eating her pussy. Zora is so responsive and the way she taste is like eating your favorite dessert. Before I started having sex, guys in the locker room would talk about going down on their girl like it was a chore. I could have lived with my face buried between Zora’s legs. I licked and sucked on her clit until she came, squirting her goodness into my mouth. I lapped it all up. Drinking her down the way I love. She whimpers and tries to pull away when she becomes too sensitive. I wipe a hand across my wet face and lick her remaining essence off my lips. She’s breathing hard from her orgasm. I don’t let it deter me. I’m on a mission, wipe that fucking jerks face out of my memory. I spread her legs into a wide v, peering down at her trimmed soft curls barely covering her swollen lower lips. My dick slides between her fat pussy lips and she hisses from the sensitivity. I give her a few slow strokes to warm her up before I let loose again. My hips move like pistons in between her thighs. Her cries of passion consuming me, encouraging me to go as deep as I can go. Her hands are on my thighs, trying to keep me from fucking her so deep. I growl at her attempts at keeping me back. I let her legs go and grab both her hands in one of mine and pin them to her stomach.

  “You will take all of this dick.” I grunt as I dig into her so deep her back bows off the couch. “Does he fuck you like this Zora? Huh? Does he make this tight hot pussy feel this good?” I sound like a jealous mad man, but I couldn’t help it. I was a jealous mad man.

  She whimpers when I pick up the pace. I have sweat pouring down my face. My hair is hanging in my eyes. I use one hand to rake it back out of my face.

  “Does he fuck you this good, Zora?”

  “No!” She admits on a moan.

  “I know he doesn’t. This is my pussy. Tell me it’s mine?”

  “It’s yours.”

  “Who does it belong to?”

  “You Luke, only you.”

  I felt ten feet tall. I had no right to claim her like this, but I needed to hear her say it. Somehow hearing it out of her mouth calmed my beast. It helped clear my mind long enough for me to realize that although she was enjoying it, I know I was killing her. I slowed down my strokes, releasing her hands. I leaned down, placing her lips to mine. Those forbidden words on the tip of my tongue, needing to be free. The words we were not allowed to say.

  “This is mine, Zora. Always!”

  Although I was talking about where our bodies were joined, I also meant her heart. Her heart was also mine.

  “Always yours, Luke!”

  Her brown eyes lock to mine as she admits that truth. Her words shoot to my balls and they tighten spewing my come into the condom. I groan and say Zora’s name like a prayer. I feel her body tighten and tremble underneath me. Once again Zora and I have tempted fate. I had this strange feeling as if soon, all this was going to catch back up to us.

  I had no idea those words would come back to bite me in the ass so

  Turns out, Zora never did make it back to her family gathering. I took her so many times that night she could barely move. It was four o’clock in the morning and I was just starting the shower. Zora had just walked out of the door not even five minutes ago. I ate her pussy from behind as she leaned against the door before she left. I can still taste her on my lips. The soft sound of knocking at my door had my dick hard again. I swear this girl is going to be the death of me. With a towel wrapped around my waist, I sauntered over to the door with a smile.

  “I knew you would….” My words died out in my throat when instead of Zora’s beautiful face smiling up at me, it was Melissa.

  “Surprise, Baby! I told you I had a big surprise for you.” Oh shit!


  I swear I felt like I was seventeen again as I slowly stick the key into the front door hoping not to wake my parents up. I haven’t had to sneak into a house in years. When I was able to open and close the door with minimum noise I figured I was home free. All I needed to do now was head upstairs and soak my sore vagina in some Epsom salt. Luke laid it down. I mean he has always put in that work, but today he knocked walls loose. I’m not complaining. I’ll take a sore vagina from great sex any day. I know seeing me and Marcus at the grocery store triggered Luke. He beat it down like he was mad at it when I walked in that door. I imagine he was mad after the stunt Marcus pulled. I wasn’t upset with my brother-in-law. He did me a huge favor. I knew Luke was getting pissed off with the cutesy names Marcus was calling me, I also didn’t miss that sly quip about a ‘long conversation’. Thank goodness Calvin wasn’t real, because I’m sure Luke would have really pissed him off with that comment.

  I switch the lamp behind the couch on in the family room.

  “Where have you been?”

  I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of my sister’s voice. I clutch a hand over my racing heart.

  “Jesus, Maya, you scared the shit out of me.” Maya is lying on the couch under a blanket.

  “Where were you?” She asks again, and my mind is just registering her words.


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