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Broken Promises

Page 35

by S. K. Lessly

  At first, my mind was a blank. I had no clue what to do...and then I did.

  I began to take more security measures to ensure my plausible deniability. What I had to do next was crucial, but it needed to be done, especially when another familiar pair of eyes, these the color of storm clouds, appeared on the screen, and then the hulking frame of another.

  Once I was ready, I stood and walked slowly to my door. I closed locked it and strolled back to my seat, doing my best to seem normal for the hidden cameras I knew were in my office. They were in everyone’s office. Big brother had to watch the hackers they employed just in case someone stepped out of line, like I was about to do.

  Most of the time, the higher ranked techs had, at the most, two systems on their desk. I, at the moment, had three.

  The first thing I needed to do was strengthen my cover story. I had one already prepared, a case I’d been working on parallel to the Celik case. I tapped into the security feed directly behind me and recorded myself hard at work on my computer. The clarity of the camera wasn’t good. You could somewhat make out what I was doing but not quite. It was good enough.

  I created my video to loop and uploaded the video. If anyone was watching me, they would see I was hard at work. You couldn’t be as good as me and not be under the watchful eyes of someone, especially once they realized what I was truly capable of. People were afraid of what and who they couldn’t control. I learned that the hard way.

  Once I had my cover in place, I started preparing to break all kinds of laws I knew could land me in prison forever. I kept the security feed in my peripheral and worked feverishly to do what I could to help him. He was walking into a trap, and I knew I was the only person who could save him.

  I logged into my system at home, a super computer I’d built, and filtered through firewall after firewall to find and locate one of my biggest fans in hopes he would be able to help. It took less than a minute for me to find a secret radio frequency known only to one person. When I felt I had him, I said out loud, “Hey Billy, it’s me.”



  I fucking hated working in the dark, with no efficient information to complete my mission, especially when I had to rely on others for Intel, namely the CIA. Which, by the way, was my current situation. My team and I were assigned to locate a Turkish-American hacker who was selling U.S. secrets to the highest bidder. He was responsible for countless American operatives’ deaths as well as fellow agents from other international agencies, which had earned the Turk a huge bounty on his head.

  We had been tasked to come to a small town called Kalkan, which was eleven hours south of Istanbul. Kalkan seemed to be a decent city. Located on the Mediterranean, it was a market coastal town with beautiful beaches on one side and rolling mountains on the other. The place was a magnet for surrounding villagers and tourists seeking romantic getaways and historical sites.

  Billy had debriefed us about this place with enthusiasm. I didn’t give a shit about the history or its fucking economics. All I cared about was making sure we wouldn’t stand out. He assured me we wouldn’t. The town was a year around kind of tourist attraction, which worked out in our favor. We would be able to blend in with no problems.

  About twenty minutes ago, we had received orders to proceed with the operation, the goal to enter the very large compound owned by the Celik, and apprehend him. This man was one of the most ruthless terrorists on the watch list we ever had. I mean, the fucker was right up there with Osama.

  We had been told by the CIA that our suspect had arrived in town two nights ago and was currently inside his monstrosity of a home. That was good news considering we were there with a capture or kill order, but it didn’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy. The problem? I had no fucking clue if the intel was correct.

  Typically, on a mission like this, we would’ve canvassed the area ourselves, taking a week to get eyes on our target and clock his habits before we grabbed him or killed him. Unfortunately, we hadn’t been able to do that. Instead, I had to rely on the Intel from the most hated and mistrusted organization I had ever worked with, the CIA.

  At least I had control over my team. There were five people with me, two of which were Jessica and Bruce. The others came from another team within Code One. I knew the men, had worked with them on many missions, and trusted them fully. At least I didn’t have to worry about the people at my back.

  From what I could tell and from the last drone fly over, the coast was clear. There weren’t any signs of movement inside or outside the compound, so the voice in my ear told me. We were ready to breach.

  We did have a few good things going for us on this mission. This compound was nestled between the bay and the Taurus Mountains. We were located outside of town and away from prying eyes. The location was ideal if things got a little messy. We could slip in, do what we needed to do and slip out either by boat or through the mountains without anyone seeing us or alerting the local law enforcement.

  I instructed everyone to conduct a weapon’s check of their MPK rifles and magazines before we started moving towards the compound. We were all dressed in black camo gear, our faces smeared with paint. The plan was to stay in the shadows, which allowed us to hide and mask our approach. At least until we got closer to the building. The CIA team back at Langley had instructions to shut down security lights on my count. After that, it was out cue to infiltrate the compound.

  We moved quietly, keeping in the shadows as planned. So far, everything was quiet. The streets were empty. The building before us eerily silent. I held up my hand for everyone to hold their positions just a few meters from the back gate of the compound.

  I stared at the obtrusive building, recalling the specs from our briefing. This asshole had booby traps all over the premises. The place was heavily guarded, patrols canvassing the grounds in twos along with guard dogs. There were cameras affixed strategically around the gate as well, making it very hard for anyone to infiltrate the compound. Good thing this mission had me.

  Based off the Intel we received, I was able to study the routines of the guards, how they moved, when they passed the only gate that wasn’t booby trapped. I studied the cameras, their locations, the direction they turned and where the blind spots were located. With that information at my disposal, I was able to formulate a plan to get inside undetected, bypassing traps and guards.

  My issue had to do with what happened once we were inside. Sure, I had the building specs but that was about it. I had no clue how many guards this guy had just waiting for a team of idiots to breech their sanctuary. For all I knew they could be expecting us.

  This was what pissed me off. It’s why I questioned this op in the first place. However, the bosses agreed that this was the only opportunity we would have to nail this son of a bitch. So, we were going in. Hopefully we would also come out intact. But, of course, that weighed heavily on the CI-fucking-A.

  Fucking great!

  I tapped my earbud to signal the team listening in that they could cut the security feed. I received a squawk in my ear seconds later telling me that security had been cut.

  I signaled my team to move, but then froze when I heard a female voice calling my name through the bud in my ear. Naturally, I brought questioning eyes to Jessica, who was crouched down next to me. Jess was the only female on the team, and the voice I heard was female for sure. What had me pausing and frowning was that I had specifically given the order for radio silence. No one should have been speaking.

  I deepened my frown and looked at her expectantly. Jess knew better than to break silence. If anyone detected or saw something they didn’t like, they were to signal each other with radio squawks only or hand signals.

  I gave her a what the fuck look and was about to call her out when I heard someone call me again, but this time I recognized the voice. I tapped my earpiece and asked softly, “Lexie?”



  “Oh, thank God. Ethan, you have to listen to me,” I said quick
ly and quietly.

  “What the fuck, Lexie,” he yell-whispered, and I could hear the anger in his voice. “I’m not going to even ask how you got this frequency. Do you have any idea where I am right now?”

  I let out a sigh at the sound of his voice and could feel my body heating up with desire. Stop it. You have no time for this.

  “Yes, I do, so please listen—”

  “This isn’t a fucking game, Alexis. Lives are at stake here. Now stop—”

  “Good-freaking-gracious, Ethan, will you shut the fuck up and listen?” I bellowed, my own frustration and anger boiling over.

  The connection went quiet for a few seconds, and I thought I'd lost him. I knew deep down I didn’t nor did I dwell on Ethan and his temper.

  I continued. “Look, I know where you are and what you’re about to do.”

  “If that’s true, why are you interrupting me?” he questioned, finally breaking his silence, his voice hard and cold.

  I didn’t let the harshness in his voice faze me. This wasn’t the man I had fallen in love with talking, it was the killer. Well, technically it was him. The killer and the man I fell in love with were one in the same. I had to keep reminding myself of that hard to swallow fact.

  Jeesh, what have I gotten myself into?

  I breathed out and told him what I knew. “Because I’m sure you didn’t plan on walking into a trap.”

  “What’s going on, Ethan?” I heard Jessica say. “We have to move or our cover will be blown.”

  There was a slight pause before Ethan said to me, “Come again?”

  I metaphorically high-fived myself, knowing I had him. “Ethan, right now you are in Kalkan, Turkey outside a building that houses the most wanted cyber-criminal, uh…terrorist, known to man. However, if you were planning on the element of surprise then your plan is shot. He is watching you approach his compound as we speak.”

  “How do you know that?” he prodded, his voice dropping a few octaves. It also sounded colder, more deadly. It actually sent chills down my spine.

  I swallowed the huge boulder in my throat. “Because,” I managed to say hoarsely, “not only can I see you from the same cameras he’s using, I can also see about ten bodies behind the door you’re kneeling next to, and they aren’t there to welcome you to Turkey.”

  “Wait. Are you saying he can see us? Now? The security feed to the compound isn’t cut?”

  “I don’t know. I mean it’s possible. But I can’t be certain. Even if the feeds have been cut, he can still see you.”

  Ethan cursed and started mumbling. I was about to ask him to speak clearer when I realized he wasn’t speaking to me. He was filling in his team. I could hear a few grunts of disapproval and even someone questioned the information he gave them.

  Ethan seemed to be explaining my credibility, but we had no time for this. Time was running out and if I was going to save them, he needed to move now.

  “Ethan, you have to get out of there quick,” I cut in, my voice firm but urgent.

  “I can’t do that, Alexis,” he replied, and my chest started to ache.

  “Why not?” My voice rose with fear. “Just turn around and go back to where you came.”

  “It isn’t that simple, okay? Trust me. You’re gonna have to get us inside without being detected.”

  I laughed uncomfortably. “Yeah? And how do you expect me to do that?”

  “I have no idea, but I need you to come up with something. I need to know where his men are. I need a safe way for my team to enter the building.”

  “I don’t know how I can help you,” I retorted, breathing heavy as panic settled heavy in my heart.

  Sure, I had done my share of breaking into various systems that were deemed unbreakable, but I was spread thin as it was. Exposed. I had infiltrated the CIA database, cut into the radio feed of Code One, a super-secret government agency, all while hacking into another site to hold my cover. I had no clue how I was going to do what he asked on top of all that.

  I was just about to tell him it was impossible when Billy chimed in.

  “Alexis, how are you able to break into a system that is unhackable?”

  “We don’t have time for this shit, Billy. You have to kiss her ass later,” Ethan chastised, impatient.

  “No Ethan, this is important, and it will help you.”

  When there was a lull in their back and forth, I spoke up.

  “Actually, I found a back door. You see, Sadik is using the CIA’s operational feed to monitor your mission. That allows him full access to your location. In other words, he's able to watch what they’re watching. Since he did that, he left his gates open for me.”

  “So, he hacked into the CIA?” Billy asked.

  I paused a second as, again, I was bulled over by realization. My heart stopped and my blood ran cold.

  “Alexis?” Ethan prompted.

  I replied, venom laced in my voice, “No, he didn’t hack in. He has full access. Someone knows he’s watching you.” I heard more curses, but they were coming from both Billy and Ethan.

  Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. It would be tricky, but I could pull it off. “Ethan, do you have a PDA or an iPad or something?”

  I didn’t wait for a response; I started typing, hoping he said yes. He did.

  “Good. If it’s not on now, turn it on. I’m going to send you what I see.”

  “I need more than that, Lexie. I need to see the true specs of the place, the grounds, everything.” His breaths were coming in short pants. I could also hear boots hitting pavement.

  “I can do you one better. I’m sending you the same feed I see. There are different angles of the grounds and the building. Also, look at the third image from the top. It’s in infrared. See the large heat source on the second floor of the building? That has to be the computer room. He’ll be there watching the cameras. However, don’t forget the booby traps he has on the property. I believe he has incendiary devices buried along the wall of the compound, so please stay clear.”

  “Do you see anyone else in the building with him? are there anymore guard lying in wait?”

  I studied the videos and shook my head.

  “No, I don’t see anything on the infrared video. It’s just him inside. All of his men are waiting for you at the gate.”

  Once I transferred everything to his iPad, I heard Ethan barking orders to his team. Apparently, he found a way in that wasn’t on the plans they saw from the CIA. They used the feeds I uploaded.

  I was worried about the time they were wasting. “You have to move fast, Ethan. If he suspects something’s wrong, he may find me and shut his system down. He could then back door me and I’ll be exposed.”

  “Okay, I understand. But listen, I need you do me one favor before you go.”

  “Sure, anything. What do you need?”

  “I need a diversion.”

  “What?” I blurted, my voice squeaking, my eyes bulging out of my sockets.

  “I need a way to get those guards away from this door so we can get in quietly. Right now, they’re waiting for us. This is the only way we can enter without risking our lives.”

  I didn’t like the idea, but I had to admit he had a point.

  I took a few precious seconds to think. Finally, a risky idea popped into my scattered brain. I smiled. Could I really pull this off? I had no idea, but I was going to try, for Ethan.

  “Okay, but what I’m about to do is risky and it doesn’t give you much time. You’ll have thirty seconds, tops, to get clear and enter the building.”

  Ethan was quiet for a moment. Then, he replied, “Do it. And Lexie?”



  I didn’t say anything else. I started banging on my keyboard, running code after code on my system as I watched them use the shadows around the building to get into position. They had moved to another entrance along the gate, poised and ready. I held my breath. I knew once I executed my plan, my connection would be gone, and I wouldn’t kn
ow the outcome of this mission.

  I had to trust all would be well. I had to trust Ethan.

  I took a breath, brought two fingers to my lips, and then touched the screen that captured Ethan’s face.

  “I love you,” I whispered just before I pushed the escape button on my keyboard, crashing the CIA’s system.

  Once that was done, essentially blinding both the CIA and Sadik, aka the Celik, I was able to knock out all the electricity around and inside the complex, allowing Ethan and his team to slip inside undetected.

  After that, I did a few housecleaning items to erase my fingerprints from every system I touched. Then, I prayed everything would work out.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Two days later, I saw three men in suits walk into my boss’s office through the glass walls of my office. The three men sent a withering glance in my direction before they stepped inside Greg’s office. Before the door was even closed, the office blinds were closed, shutting us off from the office.

  Rick walked into my office with this suspicious look on his face. “Someone is in some shit.”

  I was shocked by his words but kept my face neutral. I knew he had no clue about what I had done, but his words still made my heart race.

  I leaned into him, feigning curiosity. “Why do you say that?”

  “Humph! I know who just walked into the boss’s office. That, sweetheart, was the CIA. And not just some ole’ analyst. Those were the top echelon of the agency, The deputy director, the director and the director of the clandestine of operations.”

  I looked surprised, not because it was the CIA but because they were here so soon after what I had done and they were top dogs of the agency. I knew they didn’t have any proof; they weren’t smart enough to have found anything. Also, if they did have evidence against me, they wouldn’t have gone to Greg’s office. They would have come directly to me. In fact, they actually would have taken me in the dead of night inside my house. Still, I couldn’t be too cocky. I needed to stay on guard.


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