by Mary Ting
I shrugged away her compliments. “You’re my mother. You’re supposed to tell me lies to make me feel better.” I turned away and bit off a hunk of bread.
Mother huffed and tended to the pot hanging over the fire. Stone by stone, Father had built the fireplace many years past.
I rose. “Shall I help you?”
“Nay, finish your meal. Father awaits.” She stirred the previous night’s stew with a long wooden spoon.
I sat back down and ran my finger along the ridges of the wooden table, also Father’s handiwork. “When will we visit town? I miss the market.”
I swallowed my milk after finishing the delicious bread. I wanted to ask for more, but with winter approaching, I kept my lips sealed.
Mother picked up a spoon from a washbasin and wiped it on the fabric around her thin waist. “Do not change the subject of our talk.”
“I am not, Mother.” I frowned and stood next to her as she dried another spoon.
Mother crinkled her nose. “Don’t fret. You’re of marriageable age now. We must think of finding you a husband or your time will pass. I’m only thinking of your future, Jaclyn. I want to see you settled soon. Your father and I are not getting younger.”
“Getting married and bearing children is not for me. There’s much work to be done.”
I slipped my arms around her waist and pressed my head to her back. I inhaled deeply as warmth enveloped me and her love replaced the fright from my nightmares.
Safe. I am safe. No monsters.
“Our life is good here. Why would I want to fix what is not broken?”
“’Tis what we do. People will talk.”
“Let them.”
I scowled, anger boiling through my veins. I tended to not raise my voice, so I softened my tone out of respect.
“I will not be handed to a suitor I do not love.”
Mother patted my arm. “My child, you have much to learn. Love comes later. I did not love your father at first.”
“I will not follow other people’s ways.” Pouting, I shuffled my feet on the dirt.
She released a deep sigh. “Oh, Jaclyn. Your time will come. Everyone has a destiny. Everyone has a story to tell. Some more than others. We shall see what lies ahead for you. Fate will lead you to the path you are meant to take.”
I wished I had eyes for the future. I wanted to know a demon would not seize my soul, and I wanted to see a path without the nighttime cries. They must be monsters. I’d never heard a human throat make such tortured sounds.
What fate awaits a girl who hears monsters at night?
Illness swept through my stomach. A shudder racked me, beginning in my gut, forewarning me.
Mary Ting Bio
International Bestselling, Award-Winning Author Mary Ting writes soulful, spellbinding stories that excite the imagination and captivate readers all over the world. Her books run a wide range of genres and her storytelling talents have won her a devoted legion of fans and garnered critical praise.
Becoming an author happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she had in high school. After realizing she wanted to become a full-time author, Mary retired from teaching after twenty years. She also had the privilege of touring with the Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children’s chapter book: No Bullies Allowed.
Mary resides in Southern California with her husband, two children, and two little dogs, Mochi and Mocha. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry.
Books by Mary Ting (YA)
Crossroads Saga
Crossroads (Book 1)
Between (Book 2)
Beyond (Book 3)
Eternity (Book 4)
Halo City (Book 4.5)
The Angel Knights (Prequel)
The Chosen Knights (Book 1)
The Blessed Knights (Book 2)
The Sacred Knights (Book 3)
Descendant Prophecies Series
From Gods (Book 1)
From Deities (Book 2)
From Origins (Book 3)
From Titan (Book 4)
Watcher Series
Book of Watchers
Book of Enhantresses
Published by Vesuvian Books
ISAN-International Sensory Assassin Network
Jaclyn and the Beanstalk
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