Guts & Glory: Brick (In the Shadows Security Book 6)

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Guts & Glory: Brick (In the Shadows Security Book 6) Page 10

by Jeanne St. James

  And, hell, she not only loved anal, she could bake cookies. Was there a more perfect woman than that?

  The woman standing in his arms kept surprising him.

  He leaned his chin on her shoulder and peeked at the tray. “Please tell me those are chocolate chips and not raisins.”

  “Who in their right mind puts dead grapes in cookies?”

  “Fuck, woman, you just stole my heart.”

  After turning in his arms, she slipped a hand between them to grab his cock over his jeans. “I don’t want your heart. I just want this.”

  “And you call me insatiable.”

  She arched an eyebrow at him. “Are you complaining?”

  He grinned. “Fuck no. I guess I better load up on carbs at dinner.”

  “Good idea, Navy boy, you’re going to need it.”

  “Why did we waste two nights?” he muttered under his breath.

  She shrugged one shoulder. “Because we were trying to be good.”

  “We were not only good, we were great,” he announced before kissing the tip of her nose and letting her go.

  If he kept standing there, he was going to shovel down a half dozen cookies and then fuck her right there on the floor in the crumbs.

  He needed some distance. But, unfortunately, that distance made him more aware of what she was wearing.

  Besides the pink V-necked tee that emphasized her curves, she wore soft cotton grey shorts which clung to her thighs. She was not short, and her legs were long and smooth. He needed to spend more time between them later tonight.

  But now was not the time, since Kramer and his woman were coming over for dinner. Brick had to prepare the steaks and figure out whatever else they were going to serve the couple.

  Reaching around Londyn, he grabbed one of the warm cookies off the tray before she could smack him away. He tucked it in between his teeth as he headed toward the fridge.

  He quickly scarfed down the warm cookie and it was crazy good. Soft and chewy, the chocolate chips still hot and sweet on his tongue. Like Londyn.

  He mentally groaned at that thought which reminded him of when he was a teen with raging hormones.

  Grabbing the four remaining steaks from the refrigerator, he took them to the counter so he could season them.

  “You’ll probably spot it so I’m telling you first. I set up my rifle and scope in the spare bedroom at the end of the hall. It’s on a tripod, so be careful. In fact, just stay out of that room. Rifle’s loaded.”

  “For what?”

  “That room has the best view of Kramer’s backyard. I’ll be able to do some surveillance from there. From what I could see, their backyard is set up like ours.”


  Personal, not general. Like they were setting up a life together, not just playing a part.

  Merely a slip of the tongue.

  “I doubt they spend a lot of time out there.”

  He shrugged. “When they’re out back, I can observe. And I can also see into one of their windows. Unfortunately, the house next door blocks the rest of them on that side.”

  “Wouldn’t surveillance be easier by bugging their house?”

  “It would be, if we had the equipment with us. But we don’t and I’m not the expert on planting bugs.”

  “What are you the expert on?”

  “Killing bugs.”

  “Like an exterminator.”

  She had no idea. “Something like that.”

  She glanced at the clock on the microwave above the stove. “I need to change before they get here.”

  “You look beautiful the way you are.”

  Her hand automatically went to the top of her head and it wasn’t her mouth that smiled but her eyes. “I’m a mess.”

  “I know we’re just sitting outside and grilling, but if you’re going to change, then dress to kill. I’m not talking an expensive outfit, or pearls and heels. I’m talking sexy.” As soon as he said that he regretted the words that turned her expression to suspicious.


  He turned away from her to dig through one of the cabinets for spices. “Just do it. I want to keep Kramer on the hook.”

  “Wait. Am I the hook?”

  “I’m thinking you will be. But we’ll know better after tonight, if you cooperate."

  “So, should I flirt with him? In front of Barb? That’s kind of gross.”

  He finished shaking the salt on one side of the steaks and twisted his head to look at her. “No, not with him.”

  She squeaked out, “With Barb?”

  He snorted and ground fresh black pepper over the platter of meat next. “With me.”

  “I’m supposed to flirt with you? My own husband?”

  He put the grinder down and turned, leaning his hip against the counter. “Londyn, trust me. A wife flirting with her husband, showing everyone how happy and in love she is, how much she still wants to jump his bones after being together for years, makes the rest of us with functioning dicks want that. No, not ‘that,’ her. It’s hot as fuck. We all want a woman who can’t resist her man after ten years.”

  “Ten years?”

  “Yeah, we’ve been married ten years.”

  “Glad we cleared that up.”

  He laughed. “Just trust me.”

  “You sure my fawning all over you won’t just be for your benefit?”

  “Oh, I’ll benefit, too.” But Londyn would be the cheese in the trap to help catch Kramer.

  Unfortunately, he was feeling the snap of that trap himself. It was rare that he wanted to sleep with a woman more than once. Twice was usually his limit.

  Three times? Never.

  Three times makes it more than just a random hookup, it made it a “thing.” And “things” tended to get messy.

  Did that make him a dick? He mentally shrugged. He always made it clear he wasn’t looking for long-term. Or even short-term. His bio on every app stated how he was only looking for “a good time.” Minus the fun and friendship.

  No deep conversations, no sharing of personal stories, no morning breath or awkward goodbyes.

  None of that. He wasn’t wired that way.

  Though, his wires seemed to be a bit crossed, because tonight he would insist Londyn come back to their bed. His bed. The bed. Damn it.

  He hoped after this morning’s activities and discoveries, she wouldn’t refuse.

  She couldn’t say no after that, could she?

  Was she still talking? Her mouth was moving but he had no idea what she was saying because he was distracted. About earlier, about later. And especially with right now with what she was wearing. It wasn’t even meant to be sexy. It was just basic cotton shorts and a tee.

  But she probably had no idea how those little gray sweat-shorts hugged the curves of her ass and thighs.

  He shook his head to clear it, struggled to pull his gaze from her and turned to face the steaks in an attempt to collect his scattered brain cells. Bracing his hands on the edge of the counter, he dropped his head and closed his eyes, unable to fight the memory. The one when he was deep in her ass and she was loudly encouraging him to take her harder.

  He hadn’t.

  Not because of his concern of causing her discomfort, but because he didn’t want to blow his load in thirty seconds flat.

  So, using the excuse of not hurting her, he took his time, enjoying every fucking second, wishing it would never end. But all good things came to an end eventually.

  Not “good,” great. Because hearing and watching her reactions...


  It was great. Better than great.

  The best.

  Between those shorts, the press of her nipples against the thin cotton of her shirt, and that hair he wanted to grab in his fist—all on top of the memory—blood surged to his dick. He set his jaw. “Londyn, go upstairs and do what you need to do. Otherwise, I’m going to season you instead of these steaks.”

  She gave him a warning, too, but hers came out a bit huskier
than his. “Don’t eat my cookies.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her he was going to eat her cookie later. Again reminding him of when he was a teen boy with out of control hormones.

  He lifted his head once she left the kitchen, removing the temptation of everything that was her from within his reach. Just like those warm cookies sitting on the counter.

  The cookies he could resist.

  He wasn’t so sure about Londyn.

  Brick sized up Kramer over the lip of his beer bottle as he lifted it to his mouth. He’d been nursing it for a while, and it was disgustingly warm, but he wanted to appear as if he was drinking as much as their new neighbor.

  The more beer Kramer drank, the more likely he would loosen up. And while he was starting to, the man had a seriously long stick up his ass when it came to Brick. Not so much when it came to Londyn.

  They had eaten, passed around the plate of cookies and, since the day’s heat had waned a bit, now relaxed outside by the in-ground pool under the covered lanai which spanned the outdoor kitchen area where he had grilled the steaks.

  The ungodly humidity had cemented his ball sac to his left thigh in the bullshit khaki shorts he’d put on before they’d arrived. He’d also removed his contacts and donned his glasses to once again play the part of IT nerd to the best of his ability.

  Londyn had done as he suggested, thank fuck, and dressed in short, snug black shorts that made her ass look like a man’s perfect playground and displayed a generous amount of her soft thighs. She also wore a sleeveless, red button-down blouse that left no doubt just how big her tits were. In fact, the buttons were straining a bit when she moved, which she did a lot of. If one of them popped off, it could take out an eye. Good thing he was wearing “safety” glasses.

  She had muttered a couple times—when only he could hear it—how her “boob sweat” was out of control and she couldn’t wait to take off her “damn” clothes.

  He couldn’t, either.

  But right now, they were playing the friendly neighbor game. Londyn had also done a great job working on attracting Kramer’s attention. Though, he was wondering if it was too good, since Kramer was ignoring his own woman. Brick worried if it was too obvious, Barb would get her panties in a bunch and drag Kramer home by his dick, cutting the night short.

  In fact, when Brick would ask him questions to start some neighborly conversation, Kramer would answer distractedly since he was too busy eye fucking Londyn.

  Unlike earlier, Brick’s “wife” now wore makeup. It would be barely noticeable except for the bright red lipstick, which matched her blouse and also made him want her on her knees, sucking his cock. Or the smoky eyes, which made her look sultry as fuck.

  While the attention Kramer gave Londyn bothered him slightly, it was all part of the game and he knew it would be his bed she landed in tonight.

  He hid his grin behind the bottle as he swallowed a mouthful of warm beer.

  The women sat nearby in lounge chairs, drinking wine and chatting it up like they’d known each other forever. Brick kept half an ear on them to make sure Londyn wasn’t giving away any of their secrets since she was on glass number three.

  He’d been counting.

  But mostly, they were talking and giggling about books and other female bullshit, like shopping. In fact, he was relieved when Barb agreed to spend a day with Londyn showing her the area, getting lunch and doing some window shopping.

  His and Kramer’s conversation lacked the enthusiasm of the women’s and most of the time it got uncomfortable. Brick did his best to find something he had in common with the bastard who’d killed his wife.


  Brick enjoyed sex, poker and shooting shit. Unlike Kramer, he preferred not to play with his balls on a golf course or tennis court.

  One thing they both liked was football. Though Kramer-boy leaned toward college while Brick preferred the NFL.

  When he began to run out of topics of conversation, he reminded the stock trader that he had money sitting around waiting to turn a profit, which once again perked up the man’s ears and got him focused on something other than Londyn’s tits.

  It wasn’t completely a lie. Brick was sitting on a nice chunk of change since he made obscene amounts of money being a Shadow and taking some of the specialty jobs that he did. Hiring him—who Diesel called a “target specialist” to blur the lines that Brick was a sniper-for-hire—wasn’t cheap.

  Brick fought a yawn since Kramer was now rambling about bull and bear markets, trends, IPO’s, mutual funds and other boring shit.

  His attention wandered back over to where the women had their heads close together and were talking softly.

  Like they were best friends with secrets.

  He was relieved that Londyn was pulling off her part easily. She was a natural at faking it.


  He frowned.

  Had she faked any of her reactions with him earlier?

  Fuck no. Impossible. He’d be able to tell.

  When she reached for the bottle of wine to fill up her glass for the fourth time, he cleared his throat loudly. Then again to make it seem like he had something stuck in his throat instead of giving her a signal.

  Londyn gave him the side-eye and lifted the bottle, offering to fill Barb’s glass instead of her own.

  “So, what do you think?” Kramer’s question broke Brick’s concentration.


  “I’ll have to think on it,” Brick answered, wishing he’d been paying attention.

  “I could see your eyes glaze over with the market talk. But investing wisely is important. Your money is stagnating in that savings account. I could help you.”

  Brick’s eyes slid back to Kramer, who seemed a lot more relaxed and open now that he was talking about money.

  “I appreciate the offer.” Brick had no idea what the offer was.

  “I can open an online trading account for you and once you deposit the funds, I can buy you some long-term stocks—a few that aren’t too risky to start—that pay decent dividends. Then by having those dividends automatically reinvested, your money will grow faster than in that bank. From there you can branch out with more aggressive stocks.”

  Sure he could. That fucker was not getting his hands on Brick’s money. Plus, even if he trusted the guy, he was not opening an account using the name Seamus Ramsey. Once this job was over, he never wanted to hear that name again.

  “Well, I do want to make sure Gertie’s taken care of, in case anything should ever happen to me.”

  Kramer actually cracked a smile. Brick was finally making some headway. “Solid investments are one way. But a good insurance policy is another. It’s best to diversify your funds.”

  Brick saw his opening and wedged his toe in the door. “Insurance policy?”

  “You know, life insurance. With the right policy, your wife would be set for life.”

  “As long as I lost mine,” Brick semi-joked.

  The man didn’t even blink. “Of course, you’d have to die for her to collect.”

  Of course. That wasn’t much of a sacrifice, right? “That would be a little inconvenient for me, don’t you think?”

  “It would make the grieving process a little easier for her.”

  Brick schooled his expression as he pushed his glasses up his nose with his middle finger like he’d seen nerds do. “Really.”

  Kramer leaned forward slightly. “It helped me when my wife died.”

  Bingo. His boot was now solidly planted inside the door. “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss. I didn’t realize you were a widower.”

  Kramer waved a hand around like he was swishing away Brick’s feigned sympathy. “It was rough, but the money helped make it easier to deal with all the expenses. You do have a life insurance policy, right?”

  Kramer was not only opening the door, he was inviting Brick inside. Perfect. “Uh, sure. A small policy through my employer.”

  “What about Gertie?”
r />   “No. She doesn’t work.” Brick pinned his eyebrows together, hoping he looked clueless. “Should she have one?”

  “It can’t hurt. Accidents happen all the time.”

  Yeah, why not benefit financially from your loved one’s unfortunate “accident?”

  Life insurance had its purpose, but a cushy windfall wasn’t one of them.

  “I’ll have to look into it.”

  Chairs scraping across the brick patio caught both their attention. The women rose to their feet and Barb had fingers pressed to her temples while wearing a pained expression.

  “Is everything okay?” Brick asked, sitting straighter, on high alert.

  “She gets a lot of headaches,” Kramer announced, not sounding concerned in the least.

  As the women got closer, Londyn said, “I’m walking Barb home.”

  Barb tipped her head. “I’m sorry I have to leave early. It’s one of my migraines. Maybe the wine set it off.”

  With the women standing next to each other, Brick saw how opposite the two of them were. Kramer’s woman was petite with short dark hair. Even though she was pretty, she was a bit too thin for Brick’s taste. She was not the type he would “swipe right” for. Even her clothes didn’t compare. She wore denim pants that stopped mid-calf, a plain loose cotton tank top and pull-on white sneakers.

  With the way Kramer was interested in Londyn, Brick was surprised the man had chosen her after losing his wife. Or even before. At this point, he was still considering Barb as Kramer’s accomplice.

  Maybe Kramer had a wider taste in women than Brick did.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. That’s unfortunate. We were in the middle of talking business,” Brick said. “We can pick it up another time.”

  “Oh, he can stay. I’m going to climb into bed and hope this goes away before my date with your lovely wife,” Barb said.

  When the woman winced, Londyn curled an arm around her shoulder, gave her a sympathetic smile, and said to Kramer, “I can take her home and make sure she’s settled. You stay and finish your talk.”

  Yes, Londyn was a fucking natural at this. Brick was starting to think he couldn’t have picked a better partner for this job himself.


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