Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 61

by Jen Davis

  “It’s a long story.”



  She turns on her stomach and looks up from her book. “Yeah, baby?”

  I lick my lips nervously. She has never talked about her mother and I have never pushed. But I just thought they didn’t get along. Is there more to the story?

  She pulls down her sunglasses and regards me curiously. “What’s wrong?”

  “I just had a question.”

  “You can ask me anything, Cat. What’s wrong?”

  Instead of beating around the bush, I ask bluntly, “Why don’t you ever talk about your mom?”

  Her whole body freezes and she sits up. Brushing sand off her legs, she sits in a criss-cross position. The picnic blanket beneath us crinkles.

  Why is she acting strange?

  I continue building my sandcastle, waiting for her to answer.

  Her eyes regard me warily. “Why are you asking that?”

  My eyes narrow. “Why aren’t you answering?”

  Her lips purse. “Don’t give me an attitude.”

  I set down my bucket. “Mom, I’m not!”

  She sighs. “I know baby. I’m sorry, it’s just…” Adjusting the big straw hat on her head, she looks off into the distance. “She’s not someone you should know about.”


  “She’s just not, Cat. Drop it. Please.”

  But I can’t. If Valentin really does have something over my family, I want to know what it is.

  “Was she a bad person?”

  Mom doesn’t answer.


  She doesn’t seem to hear me as she plays with the sand in her hand, but her heart is not really in it. She looks like she’s completely out of it.

  What the…

  I scoot forward and rest my head on her shoulder. “Mom, can you just tell me something about her? Like why does he want to know about her?”

  Her head turns instantly, and I can feel her bright blue eyes on me, even through the sunglasses. “Who?”

  Darn it, I had said he.

  I shake my head, gulping. I scoot back. “Um nothing, it’s just something for school, uh, my teacher wanted us to talk about our family and, uh, I had nothing to say about your side of the family, Mom.”

  Good answer, but you might want to include less “uhs” if you don’t want to sound like you’re lying. And like an idiot.

  “Why don’t you ask your father about his dad then?” She sounds vulnerable and defensive.

  I look at her, confused. “What?”

  “He doesn’t talk about his father and you’re fine with it, right? My mom is not someone who I want to talk about, especially not with you. So just drop it, Kitty.”

  “Drop what?”

  We both look up at Dad. I smile, seeing him in the shorts Mom had gotten him. It has unicorns on it. It is completely and utterly ridiculous and not anything at all like anything Dad would wear.

  But they have an agreement.

  He is work-obsessed. So is Mom. But he is even more so. He is constantly on his phone and laptop and Mom had finally gotten tired of it and decided that at least two weekends a month, we would go out as a family and he wouldn’t be allowed to do any work. And he also let her plan out every single thing. Which I found stunning because he is usually very controlling about things. But apparently, Mom is his exception because he let her take over. Including choosing the clothes he wears.

  I find it hilarious and adorable. I know I am lucky to have parents who are in love with each other.

  I had heard my uncles making fun of him, but they were quickly shut up by Mom, who swore she was going to get them the exact same pair for Christmas. They all knew Aunt Chloe and Raven would definitely make them wear it then.

  I shrug, gathering more sand for the castle. It is the saddest sandcastle I have ever seen in my life. “Mom doesn’t want to talk about her mom. And you don’t want to talk about your dad. I just feel like there’s a lot I don’t know about our family.”

  His face tightens as he drops down beside us. Mom is silent, and looks away at the ocean, seemingly lost in her thoughts.

  He nods. “Why do you want to know, Caterina?”

  “I don’t know, Dad, I just…I’m seventeen. I think I should know who my grandparents are. Were they nice? Did they bake cookies?” I look up at him. “Are they dead?”

  His shoulders rise and fall. “You know my mother is—”

  I roll my eyes. “I know about her. She was sweet and beautiful and amazing and that’s why you guys named me after her.” I really wish I had met Katerina Giovanni. From the way that Dad describes her, she seems wonderful. But one isn’t enough.

  “But what about your Dad?” I look at Mom. “What about your parents, Mom? What are you guys shielding me from?”

  I peek at Dad’s face. I think he truly considers telling me. But Mom grips his hand in hers and he gives her a silent, barely noticeable nod.

  Why is Mom being so weird about this?

  Usually, she is bubbly and happy. But now I don’t even think she knows I am here. She isn’t even looking at me. Or Dad.

  Sighing silently, Dad positions her so that she rests on his chest, between his legs. She turns from the sea and closes her eyes, pulling the hat over her face. She intertwines her hand with his.

  Dad looks at me with soft eyes. “Caterina, we cannot tell you yet. Maybe when you are older.”

  My heart stops.

  So there is something going on.

  I glance at the phone Valentin had given me. “When she refuses to answer, you’re going to text me Okay, I’m in.”

  He was right.

  Chapter 17


  I make the decision that if my parents aren’t going to tell me what the heck is going on, I am going to find out for myself. I have to. My mind is racing and I am going to go insane if I don’t find out what is happening.

  A part of me regrets it before I even send the text. A big part of me.

  People have always said my curiosity and stubbornness are going to get me in deep trouble one day. But seeing how I get it from my parents, that isn’t all my fault.

  I leave Mom and Dad to talk and spend time together on the beach and walk into the beach house. I quickly type “I’m in” on the phone I’ve managed to hide from everyone. It takes me twenty minutes of debating to finally send it.

  Maybe I am going to find out something horrific, maybe I am going to hate what I find out, but at least I will know. I have been in the dark for far too long.

  I am ready to go out into the light.


  On Monday, I walk into school with my head held high. I feel like everyone is staring at me. Not a lot of the people from the school had been invited to the party enough to know what happened Friday night but it sure feels like it.

  The stares, the whispers. God, will I ever get used to it?

  Thankfully, the halls aren’t crowded.

  I look at the number that Valentin has texted me:


  With my heart beating fast, I climb up the stairs quickly. The bell isn’t going to ring for another twenty minutes or so, so there aren’t that many people to watch me walk to my doom. I have no idea what Valentin is going to do but he held up his end of the bargain and let me take Chase and Mell home so I am going to do this.

  I am going to find out what my parents are hiding from me, what Valentin has on them, and why he is interested in me so much.

  And, oh yeah, I am going to get back my gun.

  I suddenly feel powerful as I stalk into the room. My hair is in a small bun at the top of my head and I’m wearing a leather jacket and my most comfortable jeans. I barge in.

  “I’m here.” Aunt Raven always announces herself when she enters a room and I find that to be awesome.

  I find Valentin sitting comfortably in the back of the room. My eyes have to adjust to the dim light. He looks mysterious, just sitting there. He’s dresse
d in a black t-shirt, black jeans, and sneakers. Which are also black. He has a baseball hat on his head, covering his eyes.

  I look around, taking in the room. I have no idea whose room this is and if the teacher is going to be coming here soon.

  He looks up from his phone without much surprise. “You’re here.”

  I look around. “Isn’t this a class?”

  He leans back. “Yes.”

  “So isn’t a teacher going to be in here?”

  “She will.”

  I look at him warily, still in front of the door. “So aren’t we going to get into trouble?”

  His lips lift in a knowing grin. “Not if we do this quickly.”

  I lick my lips quickly. “What are we doing exactly?”

  Valentin sets down his phone on the table. His huge body makes it look like he’s sitting in an elementary chair. He crosses his arms and his muscles bulge. I dimly wonder how a teenager can have muscles like that. I can see his tattoos peeking out and I grimace. I’m sure all of them were crazy skulls like all psychotic people have.

  “Are you going to stick by your word?”

  I am feeling uncomfortable being a room alone with him. “What do you mean?”

  He regards me with an even expression. “You promised to cooperate on Friday.”

  “And I am!”

  His lips lift up. I swear he says, “Let’s see how long that lasts” before he motions me forward. “Come.”

  I take my sweet time walking toward him. I smoothly maneuver the tables and I’m glad. This would be worse if I look like an idiot while doing it.

  I stand a couple of chairs in front of him. Crossing my arms across my chest, I try not to glare down at him. “Okay. Now what?”

  He smiles, watching me. His hat covers his eyes, which for some reason irritates me. It’s not fair that he can see me but I can’t see him. “Patience, Kitten.” He nods to the chair next to me. “Set your bag there and stand in front of me.”

  I do what he asks.

  I tell myself: information, information, information.

  I also know I have to keep my word. If I promise something, I do it, and I had promised to be here if he let Chase and Mell go.

  I stand in front of him, as far away as I can. Valentin looks me up and down, and his forehead lines, slightly irritated. He flips his hat backward so now he looks even more gangster-y. He pulls me forward by my waist and looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. I jump as he pinches the material of my pants. “Skintight jeans?”

  My eyebrow pulls together. I really want to step away from him but I also want to get this over with. “What do my pants have to do with this?”

  For a moment, Valentin is silent. Then he cocks his head looking confused and sort of in a trance. “What kind of being are you, Kitten?”

  I lick my lips, looking up at the ceiling, “What do you mean?”

  “How can you be so fucking innocent?”

  My eyes snap to his. I know my eyes are becoming stormy by this point. They are exactly like Dad’s. Mom says she fell in love with his almost instantly but I have a hard time believing that someone wouldn’t get freaked out over mine. When I get furious, they become kind of scary. Even to me. But I try not to get angry too much so not many issues arise.

  I look at the ground so that he doesn’t see. “Innocent?”

  Valentin circles my wrist gently with his finger. “How can you not know what I brought you here for? Look around. You’re in an empty room. Alone with a guy. Does that not at all make you a little bit curious?”

  My heart starts beating fast. Is he suggesting what I think he is suggesting?

  Oh God, please God, don’t let this be anything sexual. Please, please, please, please. No more kissing.

  Are you sure about that?

  Okay maybe a little kissing—Caterina!

  Fudge. Fine, no kissing. None.

  I shrug. “I’m assuming it’s something torturous.” I roll my eyes, “That’s more of your type.”

  His laugh rumbles out of his chest, and it’s kind of beautiful if one is to disregard everything else about him. “You have no idea what my type is.”

  I scoff. “Are you kidding?”

  He shrugs, grinning. “Okay, maybe you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.”

  There’s silence for a moment before Valentin leans forward and starts unzipping my jacket. I swat his arm away. “What are you doing?”

  He smirks. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  I watch as the jacket falls to the ground. By this point, my heart is in my throat but I have no idea what to do. I feel his eyes on my breasts, which are barely held by my bra and undershirt.

  Why didn’t you wear something that covered more?

  Because I didn’t know I was going to be stripped!

  You’re the one who texted him…

  Darn it, I know.

  All right, just making sure.

  His eyes darken and his smirk falters. He lets me go for a moment to swipe the phone from the desk and shove it in his pocket. He flips the table top, making me lose the only protection I have. Before I know it, he pulls me on his lap.

  “What the heck do you think you’re doing? You told me you wanted to talk and now you’re—”

  His palm covers my mouth. “Did I ever tell you that you talk too much?”

  I struggle against him, but it only makes me straddle him more. What the heck does he think he is doing? This is the second time that he is doing this! He is getting dangerously close to covering my nose. I can’t breathe. My heart slams against my ribcage and I scream under his hand.

  Before I bite him, he drops his hand, his jaw ticking. He pulls back my arm, slightly painfully and holds it tightly behind my back. His eyes once again darken to a ominous green. “You promised to cooperate, Kitten. I am not hurting you so stop struggling.”

  Yet. He hasn’t hurt me yet.

  But his words soothe me into ceasing my struggles.

  After a moment of silence from both of I blurt out. “Just saying, not that you probably care, but I feel highly uncomfortable in this position.”

  A smile sneaks over his face. “Good. You should learn how to come out of your safe bubble.” Still not releasing my wrists behind my back, he uses his other hand to take the hair tie from my hair. Dropping the tie on the ground, he slowly runs a hand through my hair.

  I shake my head quickly, making the process much faster. I want to be finished with this as soon as possible.

  Valentin grins. Leaning forward he whispers into my ear, “Stay still and quiet. This will be pleasurable.” His thumb brushes against my lips.

  I gulp, my heart suddenly racing for reasons that I am too ashamed to admit. How can I be that sensitive to a touch that lasts for like three seconds? There is something wrong with me. I force myself to reply, “Isn’t that what rapists say to their victims?”

  I regret it as soon as I do. But instead of doing one of his many cruel “things”, Valentin merely narrows his eyes and cocks his head. “You have a reply for everything, don’t you Kitten?”

  I flash him a fake smile, squirming on his lap. “You always have a problem with people that don’t instantly agree with you.”

  He grips my hips, stilling me. “Stop moving.” He chuckles and shakes his head suddenly. “You’re very disrespectful, do you know that?”

  I get started to go on a full-blown rant. I glare at him, my hands fisted in anger. “I’m the most respectful person ever! You’re the one who from day one—” My words are swallowed as his lips smash against mine. His kiss is not kind or sweet. His hand grips my neck, pushing me toward him. His lips are hard, demanding of my pleasure. Before I have time to react, he pulls back. I whimper and instantly bite my lip as if I could pull it back in, embarrassed.

  What the heck is wrong with me?

  I can feel my cheeks are flushed, and my heart beats a thousand times per second. I can’t look at him, so I stare at the wall behind him, t
rying to calm myself down.

  He chuckles and his hand trails from the back of my neck. “Finally, you’re quiet.”

  I almost reply, but his hands on my body freeze me. It feels foreign, strange, incredible, and stunning all at the same time, almost as if shaping my body. Nothing in his face or body gives away what he’s feeling. I have no idea if he likes what he sees or touches.

  But why would I care anyway?

  His hand doesn’t stop. He moves his hips so that I fall forward on his chest. My head falls on his shoulder. Our bodies are so close to each other that I can feel every beat of his heart and I have no doubt he can hear mine. His smell envelopes me in an intoxicating manly scent that I only ever smell on my Dad and uncles.

  Except Valentin’s is slightly different.

  I can feel my body flush as his skin heats my body. He lets go of my wrists and brings my arms around his neck. “Don’t let go.”

  I’m in complete heaven as his lips kiss my neck. I am floating on air, having completely forgotten the world. Is this what everyone felt like?

  His hands grip my waist as he pulls me even closer. “Fuck, your body is so fucking soft…” While his mouth does incredible things on my neck, his hands wedge between us to unbutton my pants.

  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I understand this shouldn’t be happening. I halfheartedly try to move off his lap but his hands immediately pull me back by my hips. “Don’t fucking move, Kitten.”

  One of his hands slips into my pants. I bite my lip hard enough to break skin. My whole body shakes in fear and excitement, knowing this is something I have never experienced before. “Valentin…”

  He slips a finger past my underwear and my eyes flash. My heart beats fast enough that I feel it in my throat. “Do you want me to continue?”

  I nod without thinking. I’m on a high that I never want to come off of. I can clearly see his jaw tick. His other hand comes up and weaves his hand into my hair. He presses his lips against mine, and I’m surprised that it’s softer than before. I’m quick to open up, which surprises me.

  I feel his hand in my pants. I don’t know what’s happening, and neither does my body, but I can feel that it’s good. It feels so good. How can something that feels so good come from someone that’s a monster?


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