Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 83

by Jen Davis

  “What about hosting a charity event to promote the winery?” Jackie marked a number one in ink on her paper.

  “I knew we’d get along well. I’ve got a small one lined up in a few days to be our grand opening, so to speak.”

  “What? Really?” She began tapping her pen on the table. This day kept getting better and better.

  “Yes, it will be at Firenza. Kind of a ladies’ night. Wine, cheese, chocolate, and some kind of raffle or auction to raise money.” Madison listed a short menu they could use and the types of wines they had to pair with them.

  “We would have a tasting first to get people loosened up. A flight of five of the wines that we will spotlight should do just fine. After that, they can buy more, if they want. In keeping with the fun theme for the evening, the charity would be for the local humane society or something. Everyone loves puppies and kittens.”

  “Now, what kind of an auction are you thinking?” Jackie twirled her pen in her fingers. It was exciting to be in on the ground floor of starting something new and fresh.

  “We could’ve asked for donations, but I had another idea in mind.” There was a mischievous look on Madison’s face.

  “What?” This event sounded more fun by the minute. “From the expression on your face, it sounds intriguing.”

  “Tell me, Jackie. Do you have a boyfriend?” Madison crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  That was the last thing Jackie expected to hear.

  “Huh? Boyfriend?” She shook her head. “No, I haven’t been in town long enough to meet anyone, and with work and all…” Actually, she’d been here since late summer but preferred to find her boyfriends between the pages of a book. “Ah, why?”

  “I thought about having a bachelor auction.” Madison beamed.

  “Bachelors? Like win a date with so and so?”

  Bachelor auctions? Hadn’t that gone out in the eighties?

  “Yes. You bid on the person you wish to take to dinner at Firenza. The meal is included. I think it will be fun. They’d have to be single, of course.”

  “Of course.” Jackie wasn’t buying it. With the current state of political correctness, who would want to do such a thing? It was genius, though. Women loved wine, animals, and food. They would also get to pick a handsome man to enjoy it with.

  “I know everyone meets on the internet today, but when you live in a small town, the person you’re looking for could be right next door and you don’t even know it.” Madison placed her elbows on the table and interlocked her fingers. “This is a tourist town. Half the year, it’s filled with people who aren’t from here, which makes it even harder to find someone that you’re meant to be with.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense, but where are we going to get the bachelors?” Jackie was warming up to the idea.

  “You let me worry about that.” The front door opened and closed. “Here’s one right now.”

  She thought it was Alain coming back in, but it was a young man. Well, a man that appeared to be around her age or a few years older. Jackie started at his shiny shoes and gave him the once over. He was a sharp dresser, that’s for sure. The navy suit looked custom made and expensive; so were the sunglasses the man pushed up until they settled in the thick of his black hair. The man was tall and slender, but the suit showed off the muscular frame of his body to perfection. However, it was his deep brown eyes that held her captive. They seemed to see right through her. The man had a face that would make women of all ages stop for a second look. A straight nose, full lips, and strong jaw. The whole package screamed mischief and mystery, while the scruffy five o’clock shadow raised the sexiness level to the top of the scale.

  “Here’s one what?” Even the guy’s voice was tasty and rich, just like chocolate milk. Jackie unconsciously licked her lips. Was it hot in here?

  “I need you to volunteer to be one of the bachelors in my auction for charity,” Madison told him.

  “What?” The guy pulled out a chair and straddled it. “Maddy, no way.” His light aftershave invaded her space, but instead of causing her allergies to kick in, it caused her to lean closer. There was something familiar about him, but she couldn’t place it.

  “Please,” Madison begged. “It’s for a good cause.”

  “What cause?” He scratched his chin, and the raspy sound of it tickled spots on her skin that had no business being entertained on the first day of a job.

  “It’s for the Humane Society. You like cats and dogs.”

  “You know I love pussy.” The man had the nerve to wink at Jackie. It should have been a warning that that man was a tease, but she actually had to place her hand in front of her mouth to hide the gasp that formed on her lips. He was a player, that was for sure.

  “Jasper!” Madison tossed a pencil at him. “Just for that, you have to do this. Get me some names of other guys also. I’m thinking Arlo would be good. I’ll get Layla to bid on him.” She listed a few more names, but the man in front of them just exhaled and shook his head. “Wait, where are my manners? Jackie, this is Jasper. Jasper, this is Jacqueline Smith.”

  He stood and reached over to shake her hand. “Nice to meet you. Jaclyn Smith was always my favorite angel. You know, on Charlie’s Angels.”

  Jackie also rose and took his hand. It was warm and strong and made her cozy all over. “Right. Same name, different spelling.” Then it hit her: they had met before. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Pleasure’s all mine.” Jasper didn’t let go. “Wait. Do I know you?”

  Chapter 4


  It came back in a flash. He knew this woman. Well, not as much as he’d liked to, but they’d met last fall at Stephanie’s book signing. She was a reporter. He dropped her hand. Journalists were the worst, so why was she here talking to Maddy?

  “Don’t you work for the paper?” The last thing they needed was someone nosing around the place.

  “I used to. Then, one morning, Madison came in to place her help-wanted ad for the winery, and I was lucky enough to get the job. It was time for a change.” She tilted her head to the side, and a thick strand of red hair fell across one eye until she brushed it away with graceful fingers. What the hell? Graceful fingers? He’d had too much coffee if he was noticing people’s digits. She was a hottie, though, and hard to forget. Her rejection last fall when he’d asked her out on a date still burned.

  Out of nowhere, it dawned on him that that was when his downward spiral had started, and she was probably to blame. It both bugged and intrigued him. Until now, he’d not even given her a second thought.

  “You were the first to apply.” Her boss spoke up. “I wasn’t sure I’d get any capable people, so I was excited about Jackie’s experience in writing, advertising, and organization skills.”

  “So, you’re no longer a reporter?”

  It’d be great if she wasn’t.

  “Nope. The only stories I wrote at the paper were fluff, anyway. Nothing exciting ever seems to happen around here.” Jackie picked up her pen and twirled it around her fingers.

  His gaze locked on Maddy’s for a moment. If her new hire only knew all the stuff that took place in their territory. “Where are you from?” Jasper took a seat again.

  “Chicago, but I went to school at the University of Madison for journalism. The job wasn’t what I thought it would be.” Her gaze lowered to the table.

  “Good.” Jasper stopped. “I mean, it’s not good that it didn’t work out but that you’re moving on to bigger and better things. Hopefully. That is. Now here. At the winery.” He couldn’t recall ever stuttering before. So uncool.

  “Jasp, what are you rattling on about?” Madison teased.

  “You know how your husband feels about the press. He wouldn’t be happy about a reporter working here.” That would be the last thing they needed. “No one likes gossip.”

  “I’m sorry. What?” Jackie frowned.

  “It’s nothing.” Madison shook her head. “My husband is kind of high-profile and
hates attention. Let me worry about him.” The front door opened, and they all turned. It was his boss, followed by Arlo and Dominic.

  “Looks like the whole crew is here now.” Madison stood, and Roman kissed her cheek. “Jackie, I’d like you meet my husband, Roman. And this is Arlo and Dominic.”

  Jackie stood, greeted, and shook hands with each but only spoke to Dom. “I was there at your wife’s book signing last fall. You’d just proposed. It was one of the most romantic things I’d ever seen. Do you have a brother?” she joked.

  Dominic just shrugged it off. “We aren’t married yet. Soon.”

  “Well, you made her very happy. Anyone could see that.” Jackie blushed.

  Jasper remembered that moment. Everyone had stood in line for Stephanie to sign their book, but when Dom showed up, he’d handed her one that was already inscribed. Dominic’s heartfelt message to Stephanie was written inside. It was then that he got down on one knee and proposed. All the ladies in the room swooned, and all the men thought, how the hell do you top that?

  He studied the young woman giving Dom the attention and did a double take. It wasn’t just last fall that he’d seen her; it was a couple weeks ago. He’d bet his left nut that she was the beauty walking down the sidewalk. There weren’t many redheads in town, and this chick was the right height and had the same length hair.

  “Do you ever go to the Java Shop?” he blurted out, and everyone glanced at him like he’d grown another head.

  “Me?” Jackie placed her left hand on her chest, and he almost jumped with joy that there was no ring there. Damn, there he was gawking at fingers again. “Ah, yes. Why?”

  “No reason. I just saw someone leaving there a couple weeks ago and just now thought it might have been you.”

  “I used to stop by there on the way to work. I just live a few blocks away.” Jackie took her seat again. “What? Did I fall on my face or something for you to remember me?”

  “No. I just remembered the hair. You know what they say, don’t ya?”

  She just shook her head and stared.

  “Gentlemen prefer blondes, but real men prefer redheads.” Jackie blushed and looked everywhere but at him. As soon as he got home, he’d have the tech guys get him her address.

  Stalker much?

  The others rolled their eyes or groaned until Roman finally said something.

  “It was nice meeting you, Jackie. I hope you’ll feel at home here and enjoy your time working with my wife.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure I will.” Her cheeks pinked even more with all the attention switched to her.

  “So, why are you all here?” Madison sat back down next to Jackie.

  “I’m having the guys check out the storage rooms. I know everything’s been inspected, but I’m just double checking to see if anything else needs to be done so it’s all up to code. Dom’s going to work on that railing that’s loose and go over the plans for the break room.”

  “All right. Thanks for doing that, guys. We won’t keep you.” They started to leave, but she stopped them. “Oh, and Arlo, I have something to ask. It’s about the charity event. I need you there next week and any of the other guys you can spare.” She smiled at her husband.

  Roman put his hands in his pockets. “When is this?”

  “Next week. I need some bachelors for a charity auction.”

  “Oh, hell no,” Arlo spoke up.

  “Come on. I’ll make sure Layla bids on you.” She winked.

  Arlo was huge. Nothing seemed to rile him, but this had him tugging at the collar of his shirt.

  “Sorry. I need him that night,” Roman said, and Arlo sighed.

  “But—” Madison started.

  “No buts. We’re busy.” Roman’s word was final.

  “Where am I going to find enough guys in that short amount of time?” Madison was clearly panicked, but Roman just shrugged.

  “We could contact the local police and fire department for any single men that might be interested in helping,” Jackie volunteered.

  “There you go. Sounds like Jackie has it all taken care of.” Roman turned to leave.

  “But—” Madison said again.

  “No buts. You can have Jasper, but that’s it,” her husband replied firmly.

  “What? I never said I’d do it,” Jasper sputtered. He loved attention, but having a bunch of rich society ladies bid for a date with him was just messed up. It seemed almost desperate.

  “You’ll do it.” His boss pointed his way.

  Jasper exhaled and hung his head. You didn’t argue with Roman. Ever.

  “Now, let’s go. We’ve work to do.” Roman led the way. Everyone knew that what Madison wanted, Madison usually got. She rarely did ask, but it was a sign of respect to their boss. If she asked Jasper to dance naked on the table, he’d be stripping now. Fortunately, it was only a charity auction. With his luck, it’d be some rich older women that won a date with him. Not that he didn’t appreciate a woman of experience, but as he took a quick glance back before he exited the room, he kind of had a hot redhead in mind.

  Jasper pointed at Madison. “We’ll talk later.” She just smiled and waved.

  The winery had some big tanks and vats. He knew shit about wine making, but it seemed pretty scientific. Everything was either stainless steel or wooden. No one spoke as they passed all the equipment and into a storage room. That space had arches on all the walls that looked like openings to other areas, but they were fake. All except for the one in which Roman removed an ornamental piece of trim and inserted a key. A door shifted out, and they walked into a hidden room.

  Once it was closed behind them, Roman addressed the men.

  “Dom, I’ve added you to the list of keyholders, since you might be here more than the others. Most of the stuff will be coming in from the other way and stored here, but sometimes, we will need to get things from this side as well.”

  There were various crates and other items covered by drop cloths about the room.

  “That brings me to this.” Jasper swallowed as Roman pulled up a painting and set it on the table. “That was quick thinking on the Studd deal.”

  Roman removed the covering to reveal one of the rocker’s prized paintings. “He gets to collect the insurance money for it being stolen. We will be getting part of the cash. We also get to sell this piece, which should go for well over a million.”

  “How will we sell something that’s this famous and listed as stolen?” Dominic scratched his head. “It’s a fucking Picasso.”

  “The tech guys have a site on the dark web. A type of lost and found, so to speak. Studd lost it, and we found it, so we’re selling it. We also have the option for people to request things that we might be able to find as well.” Roman rested his backside on a nearby desk.

  “Won’t the police be investigating the theft?” Arlo folded his arms in front of him.

  “Yes, they will be, and they will find nothing of suspect on any of the security tapes. The tech guys have taken care of sweeping them clean during any of our visits.” Roman had thought of everything.

  “So, we’re art dealers now?” Jasper knew the painting was valuable, but it wasn’t his taste, that was for sure.

  “That and other things. Guns, jewels, gold. There are certain wine, beer, and alcohol that’s only available for sale in this state also. We’re going to bypass that here. Anything our clients want, within reason, we’ll get it for them.” Roman smiled. “At a very high price, that is.”

  “Art dealers and bootleggers.” Jasper laughed. “Never a dull moment.”

  “What if they want something we can’t get? It’s not like everyone that owes us money is going to have expensive art to just hand over?” Dominic leaned against the wall. He was dressed in his usual jeans, t-shirt, and flannel shirt. Or, as Stephanie called it, the “cross between a serial killer and hot lumberjack” look.

  For the next couple hours, Roman went over more of the details for the operation. They had several details to work out,
but they would also be getting a new member of the family soon—a highly paid, highly sought-after jewel thief.

  “When’s this person coming?”

  “Soon. They’re in Europe right now. Acquiring a few orders that have been placed already.”

  Jasper met Dom’s gaze. Things were changing all the time. Technology was making old ways out of date, and they had to adapt to keep up.

  “Any questions?” Their boss stood and made eye contact with each man.

  “No, but if anything comes up, I’ll be sure to ask.” Jasper shoved a hand into his pants pocket. The other two men just shook their heads.

  “Okay, let’s go. Dom and Arlo, you come with me, and I’ll show you the other entrance. Jasp, you stay here with Maddy.”

  They followed him out, and the three left, leaving only Jasper and Madison still out front.

  “Where’s the new girl?” He took the chair that Jackie had been sitting in. Her subtle perfume still lingered. It was citrusy mixed with the scent of flowers.

  “Since I need guys, I sent her with a flyer to the cop shop and fire station.” She rested her jaw on her fist. “At least I have you signed up.”

  “About that.” Jasper smiled.

  “Yeah?” She lifted one eyebrow.

  “I’ll do it on one condition.”

  Madison exhaled. “And what’s that?”

  “You have to make sure Jackie Smith bids on me and wins.”

  Chapter 5


  It was another collection day. They only had five stops, and they didn’t include any celebrities or aging rock stars. Ordinary people were much easier. No cameras or security guards to catch them visiting the premises. The tech guy always let them know first if there was any surveillance in the areas anyway.

  Arlo rode shotgun today. The big guy was in one of his moods. Jasper preferred working with Dominic, but with someone always needing to be with Maddy at the winery, they didn’t have much of a choice. There were other soldiers on the payroll, but Roman only trusted a few with his precious wife, and Oscar must have been needed elsewhere today. Dom would be with her all morning while they made their stops.


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