Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 85

by Jen Davis

  “I see.” Jasper looked at Arlo again. “Are you going to be okay? We have to make three attempts to make him pay.”

  “He can’t pay. You only need to come once.” She placed a hand on his arm.

  There was nothing he’d rather do than put an end to this guy, but he worried about her safety until they could get the job done. “I’ll talk to the boss.” He couldn’t take things into his hands and go against the family, but he had a feeling that, in this case, Roman would agree.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” he promised.

  “Thank you.” Connie winced as she smiled.

  After they left the park, Jasper had Arlo stop at the flower shop.

  “Now what are you doing?” Arlo complained. “I’m not your fucking chauffeur.”

  “Just wait here.” He hurried in and came out with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

  “Seriously.” His driver just shook his head. Again, the pissed-off mood for no reason.

  “Yes, I am. I want this woman.”

  “You want all women.” Arlo put the vehicle into drive.

  “Not anymore.” Now only a certain redhead held his attention.

  “Who’s the unlucky lady?” he ribbed.

  “Jackie.” Just saying her name made him smile. “She’s my angel, and I’m determined to make her mine.”

  “Yeah, she seems really into you.” They pulled into a fast food drive-thru.

  “She is. She just doesn’t know it yet.” Jasper’s heart ached. He’d never been in this position before, and he didn’t like it one bit.



  Madison had ordered lunch from one of the many great sandwich places in town. They’d discussed more of the details about the charity event while they ate. It still seemed weird that it was a bachelor auction, but after the great response they were having, it was the talk of the town.

  While returning from the break room, the aroma of flowers hit her before they stepped into her office. “What the?” There, on Jackie’s desk, was a gorgeous crystal vase filled with purple roses. She’d never been a flower person, but then, no one had even given her any. They were amazing. Stunning, actually. But who would have sent them?

  “Wow.” Madison peeked in the doorway. “Those are the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen, and I used to do weddings.” She came in and lowered her nose to the petals. “And they smell wonderful.”

  “I think they must be for you. They probably dropped them in here by mistake.” It would be amazing to be the benefactor of such a thoughtful gift.

  “Why do you say that?” Her boss frowned at her.

  “I, ah, I’m not dating anyone, so I’m not sure who would be sending me flowers.” Jackie wrung her hands.

  “I think someone wants to date you.” Maddy pointed to a box that had been overshadowed by the bouquet. “You do know what purple roses stand for, don’t you?”

  Jackie shook her head. “I’m afraid I haven’t a clue.”

  “It means love at first sight.”

  “What?” Jackie hadn’t noticed it before, but she picked up the gift and looked it over. It was a small rectangular package. There was no one in love with her and certainly not at first sight. The box was wrapped in silver paper and again accented with a purple ribbon and bow.

  “What’s inside?” Madison sat on one of the chairs. “I’m guessing something sweet.”

  Jackie removed the cover and was greeted with the delicious scent of dark chocolate. “You were right.” She showed her the goodies.

  “Oh, my. Gunther’s Chocolates. Those are my favorite.”

  “Want one?” Jackie held them across the desk.

  Madison leaned closer but shook her head. “I’d love to, but I’d better not. Those are for you, not me.”

  “But who would send this? I still think it’s a mistake.” Jackie put the box down, took a seat, and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “Did they send a card?” Madison stood and studied the roses.

  “Ha! Never thought of that. You can tell I’m not used to getting gifts.”

  “Ah ha! Here it is.” She handed the small card to Jackie.

  “I’m afraid to look. Maybe I have a stalker.” Stranger things had happened. She heard about that stuff all the time.

  “Only one way to find out.” Madison leaned against the doorway. “Do you want to open it in private? I can leave, if you want.”

  “No, that’s okay.” She finally opened the card. “I just nervous with all the attention.” And dreaming that it was from someone that really cared about her. The note read:


  I’m looking forward to our date.

  Her heartrate kicked up a notch. It was signed “Jasper.” A girl could get used to this, but what did it mean? Was it all just a ploy to get her into bed and on to the next conquest?

  “Well, are you going to tell me? I’m dying over here,” her boss teased. “Unless you don’t want to share.”

  Jackie handed her the card, and Madison’s eyes widened. “Are you two going out?”

  “He asked me, but I said no. Jasper bet me that I couldn’t resist going on a date with him. Looks like he’s going all out.” She was briefly overcome with the romance of it all, but now it seemed like he was just playing to win the game.

  “Well, I’ve always liked Jasper. I haven’t known him long, but he’s a good man. I think you should go.” Madison placed the card back on the table before inhaling the fragrance again. “As they say, we don’t regret the things we do; we regret the things we didn’t do. Take my advice, and go out with him.” With that, she left, and Jackie studied the card again. Was she attracted to him? Yes. Did she want to get involved with someone with criminal ties? Absolutely not.

  Jasper’s voice could be heard in the distance. She took one more whiff of the lovely blossoms and headed down the hall. The smell of hamburgers and fries increased with every step. Arlo and Jasper were chowing down on some fast food in the office the guys shared. They both looked up when she entered.

  Arlo glanced her way, nodded, and returned to eating. She didn’t know him well, but he seemed to be a sour puss. Jasper winked and popped a fry into his mouth. Her eyes lingered on his mouth before she dragged them away. His jaw was lightly covered with sexy stubble and her knees felt weak.

  Arlo gathered his food wrappers and stood up. “I’m losing my appetite. See you later.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Jasper frowned at the man who left, but when he looked her way, his mouth turned into a smile. “I must say, I prefer your company to his any day. Have a seat.” He pulled a chair out for her.

  “I can’t stay.” But she sat down anyway. “Is he all right? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in a good mood.”

  Jasper shrugged. “He’s interested in a woman he can’t have. Good thing I don’t have that problem.” He winked, and it warmed her from inside out, even though it shouldn’t.

  “About that…” she started.

  “Do you like the flowers?” He seemed so eager to please her.

  “Who wouldn’t? They’re the most beautiful ones I’ve ever seen.”

  “Just like the person I gave them to.” He brushed her fingers with hers. They were slippery from the fries, but she didn’t mind.

  “And the candy,” Jackie added.

  “Sweets for the sweet.” The guy didn’t give up, and it was going to get harder and harder to say no.

  “Jasper. I really appreciate them, but I’m still not going to go out with you.”

  “And why not?” He tilted his head.

  “I don’t know how to put this, but it needs to be said.” Although she really didn’t want to.

  The cocky expression on his face softened, making him even more attractive. “Go on.”

  “I know I shouldn’t be working here feeling this way, but I did some searching online. Madison’s husband is the son of a Chicago Mafia boss. He’s involved in crime. If you work for him, that means you ar
e also. I don’t want any trouble.” There, she said it. It wasn’t that she didn’t find him attractive, Lord knew she did, but getting involved was crossing into dangerous territory.

  “You aren’t in any danger. From what I heard, Maddy wanted nothing to do with Roman when they met, but he won her over anyway. They love each other, and from what I’ve seen, they are very happy. Despite what you think you know about me, I want that kind of a relationship also.”

  Jackie stood up. “You’re right. I don’t know you, but you can’t have that kind of relationship with me.” Pain crossed his face as if he’d been stuck. As much as it hurt to say it, it had to be said. There was no future for them. He was charming, drop dead gorgeous, and would probably give her the best sex of her life, but she was just a simple girl. One that didn’t want her heart broken by a handsome gangster.

  Chapter 7


  It was Monday, and his bad temper had started to match Arlo’s. They both needed to get laid, but not just any woman would do. The weekend had dragged. He’d hoped to run into Jackie but didn’t catch sight of her anywhere. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask the tech guys to find her, but that bordered on creepy.

  He’d felt like a hermit staying inside, so he’d called Dominic and Stephanie to go for a run along the lake on Saturday. Oddly enough, later in the day, Arlo invited him over to his place to watch a movie Saturday night. They’d enjoyed some booze, pizza, and John Wick flicks, while wishing they were with someone of the opposite sex.

  Sunday, he’d slept in and lingered in the Java Shop like a lovesick teenager, hoping Jackie would drop in. There’d been several ladies who stopped to say “hi,” but he hadn’t encouraged them to stay longer. At least he had Madison’s assurance that the lady in question would be betting on him at the bachelor auction and winning.

  In the afternoon, he’d visited his grandfather, Frankie. The man was getting up in years, and Jasper had found a nice place in Genoa for him to live. So far, things were going well, and he was adjusting nicely to the smaller city after living in Chicago for such a long time. Even that didn’t improve Jasper’s frame of mind.

  Finally, Sunday evening had rolled around. The only thing keeping him sane was the fact he’d get to see his Angel Monday and hopefully send Richard Harrison to hell.

  It felt great to be back at work, and he’d been with Roman most of the day. They had to deliver some of the bigger high-end merchandise to their new owners. For the most part, Jasper enjoyed the variety of things he got to do in Genoa. Roman was an underboss, and his father was the boss, but they kept their businesses separate, unless his father needed help.

  It was unheard off for Roman to do business that way, but he said it was the new age of doing things.

  Arlo and Jasper were both made men and had taken the oath. They were in it for life. There was no getting out, and neither would ever dream of it. Jasper’s father had been a capo before being killed, and his father, Frankie, was in the family as well. Only age and health had caused him to retire.

  They were done around three. Roman left with Oscar, and Jasper met Arlo in town. Dom had stayed all day at the winery. He was working on some of the construction, so that was a nice change of pace for the guy.

  “Let’s go visit Ricky a little after five. He’ll be alone then.” Arlo took a final sip of coffee and tossed it in a nearby trash can. “What did you find out from the boss?”

  “I talked to Roman, and he’s okay with offing the piece of shit today.” Jasper couldn’t wait to get rid of the guy fast enough. He didn’t want the risk of Ricky hurting his wife, if the man figured out that she’d set him up.

  “Good, finally a little excitement.” He rubbed his hands together. “Who’s with Maddy, if Dom’s got to get rid of the body?”

  “We’re not getting rid of the body.” Jasper and he had just left the donut shop and were now walking to Arlo’s SUV.

  “Why not?” He flipped his sunglasses off his head and onto his nose.

  “Can’t collect life insurance if there’s no body. I had the techies check. The only policy on him is through his work. If we make it look like an accident, Connie will get some money for having to put up with that asshole.”

  Arlo just nodded and got in the car. “Then let’s do it.”

  They waited down the road until the last car left the garage where Richard worked. Then Arlo parked the vehicle behind the building, in case someone chose to drive by.

  Ricky was changing the oil on a Jeep when they came in the back door.

  Jasper strolled up to the vehicle, while Arlo stayed back. They didn’t want to panic the guy any more than they probably were. Jumpy people made things messy and complicated, and that was more work than it was worth. They looked out of place as it was. Two guys in suits in a greasy garage. The smell of oil and rubber lingered in the air.

  “Working late so you can earn some extra money, or do you have it for us now?”

  Rick jumped. He dropped the wrench in his hand, and it clinked on the concrete floor. “Oh, hi, fellas. I was just going to call.” He wiped his hands on his coveralls.

  “Yeah, well. Just hand over the money,” Jasper barked, hoping he wouldn’t have it as Connie suggested.

  “That’s why I was going to phone. I need more time.” The guy shook like a leaf. “I was going to save you the trip.”

  “Always thinking of others, aren’t you?” Arlo stepped out in view, and Jasper approached Ricky slowly. “Well, you’ve run out of time.”

  “What do you mean?” Ricky glanced from one man to the other. “I get three visits.”

  “This is your third visit,” Jasper stressed. “You didn’t have the money the last time.”

  Ricky’s mouth dropped open. “What the fuck? I gave it to you. You came to my house. Connie can vouch for me.”

  “The cash you gave me belonged to someone else. You can’t pay with stolen money.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” The man reached for a rag and wiped his hands.

  “That belonged to your wife.” Jasper smirked.

  Ricky shook his head. “Are you shitting me? We’re married. Her money is my money.”

  “Not when you gamble it all away and she has to scrape by. It’s not your money when she has to hide it so she can get away before you beat her again.” Jasper approached, and Ricky took a step back until he bumped into a table.

  “You believe her?” he sputtered.

  “I do, and this will be your last visit.” Jasper took a deep breath. He’d enjoy getting rid of this piece of shit.

  “You can’t do this. That bitch is lying!” Ricky yelled.

  “Bruises don’t lie. That’s why we have to make your death look like an accident.” Jasper glanced toward Arlo, who was now circling around to Ricky’s side. “She can collect the insurance money from your death.”

  “Jesus.” There was a green tinge to Ricky’s face.

  “He can’t help you now.” Arlo pulled a pair of leather gloves out of his pockets and slipped them on.

  “Come on.” Ricky appeared on the verge of bolting. “Give me a break. I’ll disappear. She’ll never see me again. You’ll never see me again.”

  “No, it’s time to die.” Jasper smiled. This guy had it coming.

  “Well, if you think I’m going to make this easy for you, you got another thing coming.” Ricky reached for the wrench he had dropped and started waving it around.

  Jasper pulled a taser from his pocket and hit the button. Ricky dropped to the floor like a bug that ran into a zapper. “Yeah, good luck with that.”

  Arlo now stood next to him. “What should we do with him?” He glanced around the garage. “Run his arm through a saw and have him bleed to death?”

  “It’s a garage, not a lumber yard.” He sneered. “Does anything look like it could catch on fire or explode?”

  “What do I know? I drive cars. Changing the oil and the occasional tire change is the extent of my mechanical abilities.”
Arlo was as out of place here as he was.

  They both explored around the building, but nothing really stood out. “Where’s Dominic when you need him? He good at staging shit like this.”

  “Probably done for the day.”

  Ricky moaned and struggled to his knees. Arlo kicked him in the ribs, and the man fell over. “Hey, no bruises.” Jasper scolded before walking over and kicking him between the legs. Richard let out a blood-curdling scream.

  “A boot to the balls. Hurts like hell and leaves no marks.” Jasper raised an eyebrow toward Arlo.

  “You’ve been watching too much CSI. It’s fucking with your head and making you a smartass,” Arlo teased.

  “You can’t be too careful. These days, cops can find a nose hair and track down a killer.” Jasper approached a full-sized pickup truck. “You really have to stay on top of that stuff. I once heard of a case where, during the interrogation, the cops told a guy this story about how a person sheds a ton of skin cells every day, and they found some of his at the crime scene. They hadn’t, but the guy was so freaked out, he confessed to everything.”

  “I miss the old days when you could just shoot a guy in the head, chop him up into pieces, and toss the rest in the lake. Nowadays, if you did that and got caught, they’d probably tag on extra time for illegal dumping or some other EPA bullshit.”

  “True.” Jasper eyed the truck again. “Is this on a lift?”

  “Looks like it.” Arlo circled to the back.

  “Find the button to raise it.” They both searched, until Arlo found it on a nearby post.

  Ricky groaned and started to crawl away. Jasper tried the taser again, but the charge was spent.

  “Here, try this.” Arlo handed him a long rod with a red handle and two prods on the one end.

  “Cattle prod.” He nodded toward Arlo. “Good choice.” Jasper gave the man on the floor another jolt.

  “Maybe we could just crank it up and give him a heart attack?”

  Jasper frowned. “If only it were that easy. We don’t have that much time.” He motioned to the truck. “Let’s raise that and drop it on him.”


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