Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 167

by Jen Davis

I saw him speak…but my ears didn’t catch his voice. His words fell into a pit of silence and darkness.

  Closing my eyes, a tear fell down my cheek. I choked back a sob. What a cruel fate.

  Before when I had heard his voice, it was almost silent. But I knew it was deep. I imagined that his voice was rough, deep and strong—just like him.

  I want to hear you.

  I felt his touch, this thumb brushing over my cheek. He swiped the tear away while his other hand released my neck. My eyes opened to look into his.

  His brown ones were soft, focused intensely on me. As if I was the only one he could see.

  Viktor brought his hand up, and his finger touched his lips. Instantly, my gaze went to his lips. He has found another way to communicate with me, letting me know that he was about to speak. He wanted me to catch every word he was saying.

  “I don’t know what you are hiding, Valerie. But I am going to figure it out. Whether you like it or not, I am going to figure you out. You can hide from Valentin, but not from me.”

  He brushed my hair out of my face. “All your secrets, Valerie. They will be mine. I want them. But I will wait for you to give them to me willingly.”

  His face was close to mine again, and he smiled, a beautiful, breathtaking smile. “Remember, I am not Valentin. I am Viktor. And you can’t hide from me, silent myshka.”

  With those as his final words, he stood straight. Viktor gave me a final glance, nodding, as if we now shared a secret. Maybe we did.

  Our secret.

  He left the room, and I was left staring at the wide windows, staring into the darkness of the night.

  Minutes turned into hours. I lost track of time. When my back and shoulders started aching from sitting in the same position for too long, I finally stood up and moved from my chair.

  I felt eyes on me, and I ignored them.

  Igor was in the room—he was always present. I wondered how much he would tell Valentin.

  Turning my head to the side, I looked at him. He was already looking at me, his eyes glaring holes into my body. Igor shook his head in warning, as if telling me to put an end to this game. Because it would lead to only chaos and pain.

  I stared at him blankly, only because I didn’t know how to end this—whatever it was between Viktor and me.

  I didn’t know how to end this beautiful secret.

  Ignoring the eyes on me, I turned off the lights and crawled in my bed. I settled deeper into my pillows and mattress and closed my eyes.

  Darkness welcomed me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

  Where he was waiting for me.

  In all his beautiful form, smirking teasingly, his brown eyes happy—his touch gentle and soft.

  I felt a touch on my cheeks, almost featherlight, but it was enough to rouse me from my slumber. Blinking my sleepy eyes, I only saw darkness.


  I touched my cheek, it wasn’t cold—it was warm and tingling, like it had just been touched.

  Sitting up on my bed, I looked around the room. My lamp was the only light, but I saw nothing. The room was empty.

  Shaking my head, I stared at the window, where Viktor had stood just hours ago. He was with me in my dreams, and now I could even feel this touch.

  My body went limp, and I was about to turn to my side when something else caught my eyes.

  On my nightstand, the pen and notepad sat there. Just where I had left them before I went to sleep.

  Only difference, the notepad was opened, and on the paper, words were written in an unknown penmanship.

  With trembling hands, I took the notepad and brought it closer to me.

  I read the words slowly. I read them over and over again. Tracing each letter with my fingertips, I just stared at the words.

  My chin wobbled, and then I smiled. A small, barely there smile, almost tearfully.

  Okay, I replied in my head.

  My fingers continued to trace the words.

  Trust me, silent myshka.

  Chapter 18


  I walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body before staring at the mirror. It was glossed over with steam, but I quickly wiped it with my palms, just enough for me to see my face.

  It had only been three days since I met Viktor. We had talked only twice. But both times, he was able to make my dead heart beat again. Just a little harder and a little faster. The drumming of the wings of a caged bird.

  My heartbeat now drummed in my ears just at the thought of him.

  The lips that had not known a smile for many years were now lifted up in the corners in the smallest smile. Just at the thought of him.

  I stared at my reflection for the longest time, wondering if this was only temporary.

  It is. This won’t last, my mind argued with my hopeful heart. You will only get hurt in the end. You are married to Valentin. Don’t forget that.

  But just a little longer…I wanted to keep feeling this way just a little longer. Just a little bit of happiness, even if it was forbidden, I wanted to feel it. Even if it was just scraps, bits of light, I would take it.

  I felt alive after so long, and that unknown feeling has quickly become addicting.

  After drying my hair with a towel, I combed it. My gaze was still on the mirror, still lost in my thoughts. They all pointed in the same direction.


  Maybe the reason why I was so infatuated with him was because the attention he gave me. I have been denied gentle touches and sweet words for many years. Valentin only gave me pain. I must have been stupid and naïve; maybe that was why I fell so easily for Viktor’s attention.

  Even now, I wondered what he was doing now. After last night, he disappeared, and I hadn’t caught a glimpse of him again. When Igor had left my room for a quick minute this morning, I tried to walk out of my room again, just a step out. I had paused, my chest tightening almost painfully.

  But when fear started to fuel inside of me, I took that step back and closed the door, hidden yet again from the outside world.

  The rules were broken; the risk of losing everything now hung on my shoulders like dark clouds.

  But still, I argued with my brain. I chose to follow my heart, like a child wanting a hug, a kiss…desperate for some quiet love.

  When my long blonde hair hung loosely behind my back, I pulled the white nightgown over my body. Now that I had felt a small taste of freedom, the high collar felt almost suffocating, the long sleeves itching.

  A strange emotion filled my heart, and I quickly shook my head. Don’t think like that, Valerie.

  Giving my reflection a final glance, I took a step back. But instead of walking away, I paused.

  Would he visit me again tonight?

  Since the morning, I had tried not to think about it. It was almost as if I were craving his presence. He gave me something…and now I was left wanting more.

  I looked at myself again, the mirror showing just a simple plain woman lost in her thoughts. It left me wondering how Viktor saw me?

  Was I beautiful to him?

  Just as the thought crossed my mind, my gaze went to the bathroom vanity. I walked closer and opened the drawers to find my makeup safely placed there.

  I wasn’t allowed to use them…except when ordered by Valentin.

  When he would come to have his fun, he would ask me to doll myself up for him.

  Don’t disappoint me, Valeria. I want you ready for me, just like I asked. Be the nice little slut you are and wait for me on the bed.

  I hated when he would order me to prepare myself. Lacy lingerie would be brought in. Pretty high heels. Makeup.

  I was to make myself sexy, not as his wife, but as a whore. A courtesan for his pleasure.

  My gaze drifted toward the makeup again. It was always used to humiliate me. But maybe, just maybe…I could use them differently.

  I want to look beautiful for him.

  My fingers feathered over the items, my hands shaking with nervousness. Bef
ore I could change my mind, I took the eyeliner in my hand.

  Another rule broken.

  Staring into the mirror, I applied the eyeliner. Just a little bit that made my brown eyes look bigger. The green speckles in my eyes appeared brighter.

  Instead of wearing more makeup, I just applied some pink lip gloss, giving my lips a glossy look with a prettier shade.

  When I was done, I closed the drawer quickly and with a bang, as if hiding a secret. My cheeks felt heated with embarrassment.

  What am I doing?

  You are a fool, Valerie.

  I silently laughed at myself, shrugging away the idea that I was playing with fire.

  Giving myself a final glance, I liked that it wasn’t much. Maybe even Igor wouldn’t notice. The corners of my mouth lifted up in a small smile, and I pressed a finger to my lips.

  It will be our secret.

  The smile was still present on my face when I walked out of the bathroom. But it slipped away when I saw Igor standing in the middle of the room.

  His legs were spread in a defensive posture, his hands behind his back. He stared at me silently, his lips set in a straight line.

  “Your dinner is here,” he said, nodding toward the nightstand.

  I nodded silently, now wringing my hands nervously in front of me. When he didn’t say anything else, I shifted my gaze away.

  I walked toward my bed and settled down before bringing the food tray on my lap. The smell of pasta and garlic cheese bread made my mouth water.

  I didn’t pay attention to Igor as I dug into my food. Eating slowly, trying to make the time go by faster. My eyes went to the clock and then down again at my half-empty plate.

  Eight-thirty p.m. Late but still early.

  The first time Viktor had visited me, it was in the morning. Yesterday, he had visited me at night, but still earlier than now.

  Maybe he isn’t coming. Maybe I was being too hopeful.

  I stared at my half-eaten food, my appetite long gone. When a pair of feet approached me, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Igor.

  He shook his head before speaking. “You are playing a dangerous game, Valerie.”

  I know that! I wanted to scream and cry. Cry because it was unfair. I was trapped here, and after so long, I finally felt something, but I couldn’t have it.

  I placed the tray on the nightstand again before looking at his lips, watching his words.

  “Do you realize how bad this could get?” Igor continued. “Little girl, I am giving you the only warning I can. Whatever you’re thinking about, don’t. Whatever you are feeling, push it away. You will only get in trouble this way.”

  His words penetrated my mind, leaving tiny little wounds at the reminder. He was right. Whatever this was…there would be no happy ending.

  I wanted something I couldn’t have.

  That alone could ruin everything.

  When I didn’t answer, Igor’s shoulders dropped. It appeared as if he were sighing. His eyebrows furrowed sadly, a look I had never seen on his face before. He was always so…emotionless.

  When he started speaking again, I could only stare, my breath caught in my throat. “I have to wait outside the door, knowing full well what Valentin is doing to you. If I could make a difference, Valerie, I would. But I can’t. I know this won’t change anything, but I am sorry.”

  My eyes widened at his words, my heart skipping a beat, and the sadness felt almost suffocating. All this time—I never knew he felt that way.

  Igor wasn’t a good man, he was far from it. He was an underdog, someone to do Valentin’s dirty job.

  To me, he was my captor. My jailor. When Valentin wasn’t here to keep me trapped, Igor was.

  But for the first time, he had let me see behind the cold armor.

  “When he comes back, he will ask me. And I will have to tell him the truth. Whatever I had seen between you and Viktor, I will have to tell him. I have no choice. You made a mistake, and you will have to bear it. So take my warning and stop this fucking mess before it gets worse.”

  My heart stuttered. The unshed tears stung my eyes, and they blinded my vision. My stomach twisted almost painfully, and I felt nauseous.

  My chest tightened, and it hurt. It hurt so much. I pressed my hand over my chest and rubbed, hoping to alleviate the pain.

  Igor took a step back, his eyes darker. He looked a little angry. “I can’t put my family in danger to protect you. I am already risking their safety by bringing you those pills. If Valentin finds out…”

  He left his words hanging, and I flinched. My fingers twisted around my dress, guilt consuming me. I knew the consequences, and it was frightening. Just the thought of it made me sick.

  I nodded slowly, hoping he could see what I wanted to say. I understand. We are all trapped. There is no escape. Valentin is the ringmaster. I don’t blame you, Igor. You have a job as my guard. Your loyalty is toward Valentin. You have your family to protect, and I have mine to protect. It’s a survival game.

  Igor stared at me for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. “Valentin is coming back in three days. He has asked for you to prepare yourself according to his rules. He will come for you first and then see to his other business.”

  As if cold water has been dumped over my head, I trembled, and my eyes closed. All I saw was my tortured body, Valentin taking his pleasure without asking. Just taking…forcing me.

  A broken doll to do whatever he wanted with, his exact words.

  My fingers dug deeper into my palms. The stinging feeling of my nails pressing into my skin snapped me out of my thoughts. My gaze met Igor’s face.

  “Three days. That’s all you have,” he said before turning around and walking away.

  I watched his retreating back. When he stopped, and then turned to face me again, I only stared at him.

  “You don’t know Viktor. He is not who you think he is.”

  I cocked my head to the side, curiosity now burning my inside. What do you mean?

  “He is a very powerful man. And you…you are just a game. To men like him, someone forbidden like you, they see it as a conquest. Don’t let yourself get swept away by his pretty words.”

  With that, he walked away and closed the door behind him.

  I was left reeling, his words leaving a giant gaping hole in my chest. He…couldn’t mean that. I stared at the closed door, my heart hurting more than before.

  I wanted desperately to believe that Viktor was a good man. He spoke to me, he made me speak…he was sweet. He touched me gently. Viktor didn’t hurt me like everyone else.

  Trust me, silent myshka.

  He had told me to trust him. His words had given me hope. I didn’t know what to trust him about, but I wanted to trust him. I wanted to believe him.

  He is a very powerful man. And you…you are just a game. To men like him, someone forbidden like you, they see it as a conquest. Don’t let yourself get swept away by his pretty words.

  The silent truth behind Igor’s words spoke louder, though.

  Did Viktor really care?

  Or was I just a pawn to his boredom?

  A single tear fell. I felt the drop on my cheek, tickling my skin. Swiping it away, I turned off the light and climbed under the covers.

  Please don’t hurt me, Viktor.

  Chapter 19


  “Ayla?” My voice was loud in panic. I sounded frantic. I was frantic.

  “Baby girl, why are you calling me? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” I shot the questions before she could have a chance to answer.

  “Huh? Oh no, everything is fine,” she quickly replied.

  I sagged against the wall, my heart thumping hard. She didn’t sound scared, but even then, the panic didn’t lessen.

  “Then why are you calling, baby girl?” I asked quietly. Shit, didn’t Alessio tell her not to call me?

  “I wanted to check if you were okay. Are you okay?” her sweet voice replied.

  Ah, for fuc
k’s sake! This was bad. Very bad.

  I wasn’t supposed to have any communication with the Ivanshov like this. It would look too suspicious. Ayla just messed up big time.

  Taking a deep breath, I replied. “Don’t worry about me, baby girl. I know you’re worrying, but please don’t. Remember, no stress during your pregnancy.”

  I could feel her nodding, and I almost smiled. “I know, but Alessio won’t tell me anything. If you promise you are okay, then I won’t worry anymore. I need to hear you say it instead of Alessio.”

  Instead of replying with what she wanted me to, I quickly spoke. “Ayla, you can’t call me again. What you just did is very dangerous.”

  There was silence on the other side until I heard her whisper, her voice now masked with fear. “Did I just mess up?”

  I shook my head. “No, baby girl. You didn’t.”


  “You just can’t do that again. That’s all. Hang up and go tell Alessio that you called me. He will handle it from there.”

  “Is he going to be angry at me?” she muttered. I could almost imagine her chewing on her bottom lip nervously.

  Chuckling quietly, I shook my head. “No, Ayla. Alessio can never be mad at you. Now go.”


  Before she could hang up, I whispered the words for her to hear. “I am okay, baby girl.”

  And then I hung up.

  Throwing the phone on the bed, I released a frustrated growl. Fucking shit! I couldn’t even talk to her properly. Instead, the mere thought of Valentin catching me left me feeling cold and sick.

  Only three days since I came back and I was already suffocating.

  A small ping from the second phone brought my attention back. Walking toward the bed, I picked it up to see a message.

  I am here.

  Ah. Everything was forgotten when I read the message. Instead, I could feel myself smirking.

  How perfect.

  It was true that I was suffocating here…but there was something—or someone—who could make me feel differently.

  A few minutes with her was enough to make me forget everything. All the mess and how fucked up my life was, in her presence—everything was gone except her.


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