Meant to Be Me

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Meant to Be Me Page 24

by Wendy Hudson

  Eilidh was at the fridge. She relieved it of another beer and raised it in Darcy’s direction. “Do you mind?”

  “Go ahead. You can’t drive anywhere tonight with your car in that state. I’ll make up the spare room.”

  Eilidh smiled gratefully and took a few gulps of beer while listening to Darcy on the phone. It was obvious she’d been through the routine many times before, and that realisation depressed the hell out of Eilidh. She considered whether to tell Darcy about the notes and calls but was quick to discard the idea. She was already so wired and worried, and Eilidh hated the thought of adding to her stress.

  Or would it be worse if she hid it and Darcy found out at a later date?

  Who knew what lengths this person would go to in order to keep them apart? Their objective seemed clear. The thought they’d been so close to the cabin and had probably been watching them made Eilidh shudder.

  She was shaken more than she wanted to admit. It was another message for sure. Jealousy could be a destructive emotion, and it oozed from the stalker’s every action. Darcy had said there’d yet to be violence against her that she knew of, but the night of her accident was still so unknown, and the crash had been rather fucking violent.

  It also didn’t mean there wouldn’t be aggression against Eilidh. It might only be a smashed window now, but who knew what they were willing to do, to get their message across?

  Darcy hung up and threw her phone impatiently on to the sofa. “Fat load of good they were. They’ve given me a crime reference and will come out to take a look as soon as they can.”

  Eilidh moved across the room and wrapped her arms around Darcy’s shoulders. “We’ll figure this out.” She held her at arm’s length. “Promise.”

  “I’m not sure how. Between the police, me, and Anja, we haven’t the faintest idea who’s doing this or why.”

  “They’ll slip up at some point. They have to. And when it happens we’ll be ready.” She stepped back towards the kitchen and reached once again for her beer, then offered it to Darcy. She realised it was no good hiding the fact that Eilidh had the stalker’s attention. The only way they were going to get through this was together, and that could never happen with lies.

  “Have some of this.” She headed back towards the sofa. “We need to talk.”

  Chapter 46

  Darcy seethed as Eilidh relayed everything she had been subjected to that past month.

  “I could cope with the notes and texts, the late night silent calls. Yes, they had a clear message, but I kept telling myself they would never follow through with the threats. But now…” Eilidh gestured in the general direction of her car. “Now I’m a little worried and really fucking creeped out. I thought it was time to tell you.”

  Darcy winced as she hobbled the few feet back and forth in front of the fire. She couldn’t sit still. How dare they suck Eilidh into their twisted fantasy?

  “It’s good that you did. I understand why you kept it from me, but it’s gone too far now. Who the hell do they think they are? Interfering in my life like this. In yours.”

  A wreath.

  They laid a fucking wreath on Eilidh’s doorstep.

  “We have to take all this to the police as well.” Darcy stopped a moment and met Eilidh’s worried look. “Have you kept everything?”

  Eilidh shook her head. “I’m sorry, Darcy. I have the texts, and the Facebook messages, but anything else I needed out of my sight. They went straight in the bin.”

  Darcy began pacing again. “It’s all right. We know how careful they are, although the messages on Facebook might lead somewhere. I doubt the account is still active, but surely now there are actual threats the police have to take it more seriously? Look into it further? Surely they’ll believe it’s the same person?”

  Eilidh stood and caught her by the shoulders. “This isn’t your fault, Darcy.”

  Darcy felt herself deflate, and the anger slowly seeped away as Eilidh drew her in to a warm embrace. Between physio, a lack of sleep, and the general battering her mind and body had taken the past few months, she didn’t have the energy levels to maintain any prolonged period of outrage. Most days Darcy felt wilted, cast in shadow, but Eilidh’s arms wrapped around her were like sunlight. They revitalised her with a flush of longing and excitement, as well as reassurance.

  “I know.” Darcy spoke in to her neck. “I hate this so much. That you’re going through this because some psycho thinks I belong to them. I wish it would end.”

  “Me too, sweetheart.” Eilidh squeezed her extra tight a moment before letting go. Her fingers trailed down the back of Darcy’s arms and grazed her wrists before interlocking with Darcy’s. “I don’t think we’re solving the mystery tonight though. Why don’t we get some sleep?”

  They’d reached this point of the evening a number of times before. It was when Eilidh normally went home, when the air would become heavy with all the things they both longed to do and say. Declarations that couldn’t be taken back without damage and actions that Darcy ached for but knew would change everything.

  Darcy never wanted her to leave, but something always caught hold of the words in her throat, stuffed them back inside her head. Eilidh would linger a moment, as if waiting for Darcy to ask her to stay, before smiling and leaving her with one last kiss goodnight.

  It was always going to be up to Darcy.

  “Sleep. Sure. The guest room is this way.” Darcy kept hold of Eilidh’s hand as she walked slightly ahead down the corridor. Her heart thundered in her chest as she led Eilidh towards the bedrooms. Turn right and show Eilidh to the guest room as promised, or turn left and… Her boot caught on the rug, and she fumbled forward a little at the thought of what might happen if she turned left.

  “You okay?”

  Eilidh held onto her from behind as she steadied herself. Darcy felt the heat radiate from Eilidh’s body, her hands firm and sure on Darcy’s waist.

  “Yeah,” she whispered as she pressed back lightly against Eilidh.

  She heard Eilidh’s breath hitch, felt her lips move close to Darcy’s ear before she planted a shiver-inducing kiss behind it. One hand slid from Darcy’s waist to brush across her stomach, and Darcy felt herself melt in to it. She was sinking into warm honey, the world muffling around her, where only the circle she possessed within Eilidh’s arms mattered.

  “Stay with me tonight.” Her decision wasn’t born from longing, wasn’t her body’s cravings speaking for her. She was ready. Darcy had wanted Eilidh from that first morning on the bridge. The random, astonishing, and terrifying ways in which the world had brought them together to this point had given her the final push she needed that night. Nobody was going to dictate Darcy’s feelings, her life, or who she spent time with. The stalker had done her a favour.

  “Are you sure?” Eilidh’s hands had stilled.

  She spoke into Darcy’s hair, and Darcy heard the tremor in her voice. The slight uncertainty. The worry that question induced because what if Darcy wasn’t sure? What if she changed her mind? Darcy loved her for asking, for giving her that one final chance, for giving her the power to decide.

  She couldn’t even contemplate parting with someone who had become so precious to her, in a thousand unique and wonderful ways. She wanted Eilidh to know that, to be free to feel it as well. Eilidh should no longer have to doubt and wonder what this was for Darcy.

  She turned inside Eilidh’s embrace, looped her arms around her neck, and twisted her hands into Eilidh’s hair. She brought her lips close enough to Eilidh’s for their breath to mingle. “I’m certain.”

  Eilidh kissed the words from her lips, and together they fell against the bedroom door. Darcy fumbled to get it open, and they both stumbled into the dark room. Darcy’s body cried out, vibrating with delicious energy and desperate to satisfy the anticipation that had built within her for weeks.

  But she could still se
nse Eilidh’s tentativeness; she seemed unsure as her hands cautiously explored. Darcy cupped Eilidh’s face and brought their eyes level. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You won’t hurt me,” she whispered.

  Eilidh lightly traced her collarbone with a fingertip, skimming one of the many deep red lines that still marred Darcy’s skin. “Are you sure?”

  Darcy pressed a firm kiss to her lips before trailing more along her jaw and nipping her earlobe. “Positive,” she breathed as Eilidh shuddered satisfyingly. “Stop worrying.”

  Eilidh’s lips became fierce then and she took control, backing them towards the bed whilst simultaneously pulling Darcy’s top over her head. The cool air made her skin pimple momentarily before Eilidh’s warmth covered her.

  As her layers were stripped away, Darcy felt anything but exposed.

  Hot breath, urgent tongues, and every brush of skin caused a ripple of reaction that spurred Darcy forward. It urged her to reach deep for Eilidh and learn all the parts of her that she craved to know.

  Eilidh’s skin was soft, supple, and fluid beneath her fingertips, and oh-so warm to her lips. Darcy was lost and found in her arms as she kissed and nibbled Eilidh’s neck, smiling when the nip of her teeth at Eilidh’s earlobe drew a delicious moan from her lips. The muscles in her back tensed like corded rope beneath Darcy’s hands as she rose up enough to press herself against a need deeper than Darcy had ever felt before.

  She felt her heart and soul piece back together as every question between them, every need, and every desire was asked and unequivocally answered. In Eilidh’s embrace, she was strong, despite feeling every emotion, every thought, and every insecurity laid bare for her. In Eilidh’s eyes she saw desire, she saw want, need, lust… But more than that she saw genuine caring that verged on adoration, and it was that look that undid her more than anything else.

  Every kiss was a promise made between them. Promises Darcy hoped they spent a very, very long time living up to.

  Again and again, they gave in to it, to each other.

  Until a blissful, dreamless sleep descended upon their tangled limbs.

  Chapter 47

  After a restless night, Anja tore off the bed covers and stomped down to the kitchen. She was still annoyed with herself for being so reckless the night before, for giving in to the frustration and tempting fate. After all this time, she couldn’t believe she had let her temper get the better of her judgment and put herself at risk of being caught.

  As coffee brewed, she thought about the current situation with Darcy. About the Eilidh issue and the obvious fact that no matter what she had tried, Eilidh clearly wasn’t going anywhere of her own accord.

  She needed another plan.

  Her rash action the night before had only done more damage. It had forced Eilidh to stay the night, and Anja had no question about where she’d spent it. The thought brought another surge of anger that she swallowed back and forced herself to breathe through.

  She needed a day with Darcy.

  Just the two of them. No interruptions. No Eilidh.

  Anja needed to know how far things had gone with Eilidh. Not about the sex, or hopefully lack of it. It was about how Darcy felt. How far gone is she emotionally when it comes to Eilidh?

  As she sipped her coffee, Anja considered a scenario that had looped on repeat through the night that had a variety of outcomes. If her stalker persona couldn’t force Eilidh to back down, maybe it was time to be brave and fight for Darcy as Anja.

  She thought again about telling Darcy how she felt. Well, not fully. A declaration of love might overwhelm her, scare her away. But if Anja told her she’d been having some kind of feelings other than friendship, something confusing and unexpected, it would surely be enough to at least get Darcy thinking.

  Anja knew her friend would be understanding of that, wouldn’t run or recoil. Even if outwardly she denied feeling anything similar, it would give her pause. Anja was certain of that.

  It needed to happen soon, before she was in too deep with Eilidh and any declaration from Anja would seem like sabotage. It would be too difficult for Darcy to consider.

  An idea came to mind. When she thought about everything Darcy loved, the boat was an obvious first choice. They’d enjoyed many amazing days on the water together, and Darcy would be reminded of that when Anja made her confession.

  She would be in a happy place, comfortable, somewhere she felt in charge. The cabin was too risky; Anja was afraid it might invoke memories of her first clumsy attempt at honesty and the whole thing would fall to shit.

  Yes, the boat could work. She knew Darcy would be missing it and would be aching to get out there again. Between them, they would manage fine. Darcy would not only be in her element, but when the moment came, she’d be unable to run away from it this time.

  It also meant Anja couldn’t do the same.

  Anja reached for her phone. It was time. She couldn’t hide forever, from her feelings nor what they might mean for her relationship with Darcy. The uncertainty of everything and jealousy over Eilidh was threatening to consume her.

  She had to tell Darcy or risk losing her forever.

  Darcy luxuriated in the satisfaction of a full-body stretch. Even her leg couldn’t detract from her smile, and her wrist had more than managed. She imagined hinting to Sam about the extra physio session it had enjoyed and chuckled to herself.

  Her phone buzzed, and she groaned but reached for it anyway. To her surprise, it was Anja, with an interesting proposition that got Darcy thinking.

  Eilidh wafted in to the room carrying plates of sausage, eggs, black pudding, and toast. “Breakfast is served.” She propped the tray on a pillow in the middle of the bed and climbed back under the covers close to Darcy.

  “Thank you.” Darcy leaned in and kissed her. “No fair. You’ve brushed your teeth.”

  Eilidh laughed and kissed her again. “What do you want to do today?” She stabbed at a sausage and looked at Darcy expectantly. “Your wish is my command.”

  “Well…” Darcy looked at her mischievously. “After our, erm, workout last night—which was incredible, by the way.” She couldn’t help but kiss Eilidh’s smile. “I’ve realised how much I miss being active. I’m itching to get out of the gym and try this leg out doing something normal like Sam suggested. Something other than a walk.”

  “Such as? Why do I feel like you already have a plan?”

  Darcy was relieved that the physiotherapist in Eilidh wasn’t immediately protesting. “I miss my boat.”

  “You have a boat?” Eilidh’s eyebrows peaked in curiosity. “I knew you sailed, but I didn’t know you actually owned a boat.”

  “Part of one,” Darcy corrected. “A few of us at the club went in on it a few years ago and either sail together or get to take it out on a rota. It’s nothing fancy.”

  “You want to take it out?” Eilidh seemed keen and eager. “You know I love the water.”

  Darcy couldn’t hide her delight. “I was worried you’d think it was a bad idea.”

  “Not at all. You know yourself what you feel capable of, and who better to supervise on your first outing without the boot than your own personal physio?”

  “You sure? I don’t want you to feel as if you have to say yes.”

  “Very sure. Anything to keep that grin on your face.”

  Darcy did a happy jiggle. “We’ll play it safe. Attach the outboard in case we’re struggling. I don’t care as long as I’m on the water.”

  Eilidh nodded. “I know some basics, and I’m happy to take instruction from my captain.” Eilidh saluted, and if it weren’t for the tray of breakfast, Darcy would have pounced. Instead, she pulled Eilidh towards her by the scruff of her shirt and let her lips tell Eilidh exactly what it meant to her.

  “I also have another idea, but I’m not sure how happy you’re going to be about this one.” Darcy was coy, reluct
ant to spoil the mood and their morning.

  “You want to invite Anja?” Eilidh lay back against the pillows, cup of tea in hand. She seemed a little wary, as if Darcy was going to have to convince her it would be a good idea.

  “Aye. I think this would be a good opportunity for the two of you to spend time together, get used to one another. You never know, you might even start to like each other.”

  Eilidh blew out a long breath. “Fine. But only because I really like you.”

  Chapter 48

  Darcy’s nerves were jangling. She hadn’t sailed since the autumn, and despite her experience, the thought of being on the water while not one hundred percent unnerved her, even though she knew it was safe. Anja was a skilled sailor, and the boat was manageable for her with Eilidh’s assistance.

  “You’re nervous. I can tell.” Anja was prepping the boat while Darcy looked on. She eyed Darcy suspiciously. “This is second nature to you, Darcy. It’ll be fine. And I’m here.”

  As another car pulled in to the club, Darcy realised it might not only be the sailing that had her worried. “I know. And you’ll have some extra help.” She looked as Eilidh climbed out of a rental car, and Anja followed her gaze.

  “Are you serious? Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?”

  Darcy shrugged. She wasn’t sure why she’d left it to the last minute. It had crossed her mind if she told Anja she might not have turned up. “I wasn’t sure you’d be up for it.”

  Anja sighed. “So much for getting you to myself for a day,” she muttered.

  “I know. I’m selfish and I’m sorry. But I hate that you don’t get on with Eilidh. I thought this was a good opportunity to change that. Plus after what happened last night with her car, I didn’t want to just ditch her today. It was pretty scary, An.”

  Anja’s focus was on a stubborn knot, but Darcy could tell she was quietly annoyed. “I suppose. Did you call the police?”


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