by Obama Barack
digital networks
conservative rhetoric and, 131, 404
Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign and, 47
presidential campaign and, 130–31
terrorism and, 441–42
Dillard, Kirk, 33
Dimon, Jamie, 291, 296
Ditka, Mike, 53
Dodd, Chris, 66–67, 108, 553–54, 555
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010), 306, 545–56
complexity of, 546–47
Congress and, 546, 552–56
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and, 55–56, 550–52, 554
Democratic divisions on, 547–49
proposals, 549–51, 552–53
Republican obstruction strategy and, 545–46
Volcker Rule, 182, 552–53, 555
Dole, Bob, 370
Domestic Policy Council, 213
domestic surveillance, 314
Donilon, Tom
Afghanistan war policies and, 318, 320, 433, 579
bin Laden operation and, 676, 677, 679, 686–87, 688, 693, 694
Egyptian revolution of 2011 and, 646
Libya military intervention and, 661, 662, 666
Maersk Alabama hijacking and, 351
national security advisor appointments, 218, 595
presidential campaign and, 182, 183, 192
Donovan, Shaun, 238
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy, 591, 603, 609–14
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 9
Dowd, Maureen, 133
DREAM Act, 603, 609–10, 616–19
Dreams from My Father (Obama), 674
“Drum Major Instinct, The” (King), 71
Du Bois, W.E.B., 131
Dudley, Bob, 573
Duncan, Arne, 533
Dunham, Ann (Obama’s mother)
Affordable Care Act campaign and, 379
death of, 30–31, 107
environmental issues and, 487
illness of, 25–26, 379, 426
Obama’s intellectual development and, 6–7
patriotism and, 13
on United Nations, 468–69
Dunham, Madelyn Lee Payne “Toot” (Obama’s grandmother)
illness and death of, 197–99, 221
life of, 113–14
Obama’s character and, 114
Obama’s intellectual development and, 5–6, 10
Obama’s presidential campaign and, 112–13, 143, 150, 162
patriotism and, 13
race and, 142, 143
Wall Street initiatives and, 296–97
Dunham, Stanley Armour (Obama’s grandfather), 5–6, 9–10, 13, 45, 47, 113
Dunn, Anita, 183
Durbin, Dick, 52, 56, 68, 247, 582
Dylan, Bob, 543
Earth, Wind & Fire, 287
Earth Summit (1992), 503
Ebola virus, 387
economic policy
Bush administration, 176, 179
debt ceiling obstruction proposals, 671
Obama’s presidential campaign positions, 175–77, 193–94
Republican federal spending cut proposals, 670–72
See also economic policy, Obama administration; TARP; Wall Street initiatives, Obama administration
economic policy, Obama administration
additional stimulus dollars, 669–70
Bush tax cut deal, 603–7, 670
congressional address (Feb. 2009) on, 284–85
financial crisis as change opportunity, 304–5
first-term appointments and, 211–14
housing initiatives, 269–74, 279, 302, 403
Keynesian theory and, 236–37, 240
margin for error and, 301–2
Republican obstruction strategy and, 575–76, 671–72
transition team planning, 238–39
See also American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; tax policy, Obama administration
economic problems, post-financial crisis
climate change policies and, 490, 506, 508
deficit, 670
European Union, 525–26
Greek debt crisis (2010), 527–32, 566
immigration and, 614–15
improvement in, 492, 493
Massachusetts Senate race (2010) and, 417, 418, 523
Tea Party and, 404
unemployment, 521–22, 525, 575, 670
education policies, Obama administration, 244, 265, 533, 616
Edwards, John, presidential campaign, 87, 98–99, 105, 125
authoritarianism, 363, 640, 642, 643–44
Camp David Accords, 625
human rights issues, 638
Nasser regime, 363–64
Obama’s Cairo speech (2009), 357, 362, 365–67, 370, 633, 638
Obama’s visit with Mubarak (2009), 364–65
See also Egyptian revolution of 2011, Obama administration responses
Egyptian revolution of 2011, Obama administration responses, 642–51
foreign leaders’ responses, 645–46, 651
foreign policy team tensions and, 644, 649
idealism and, 648
Mubarak resignation demand, 648–50
Mubarak’s dismissal of, 642–43
Mubarak speech, 646–47
Muslim Brotherhood and, 643–44
national security establishment and, 650
orderly transition proposal, 644–45, 647–48
Wisner mission, 645, 646
Eikenberry, Karl, 437, 438
Eisen, Norm, 534
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 216, 450
election of 2008. See Clinton, Hillary, presidential campaign; Obama, Barack H., presidential campaign
Elizabeth II (queen of the United Kingdom), 327, 344–45
Ellison, Ralph, 9
Emanuel, Rahm
Afghanistan war policies and, 434, 436, 443
appointment of, 209–10
auto industry initiatives and, 299–300
bin Laden operation and, 676
climate change policies and, 490, 495, 500, 502–3, 505–6, 510
counterterrorism policies and, 354
Deepwater Horizon oil spill and, 561, 570, 572
Dodd-Frank Act and, 545
Egypt visit (2009), 367
financial crisis planning and, 237
first-term appointments and, 213, 219
Gates arrest and, 397
Geithner confirmation and, 278
Iran and, 454
Iraq War and, 315
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and, 629–30, 634
Massachusetts Senate race (2010) and, 418–19
New York City mosque controversy and, 588
presidential transition and, 224, 233
press and, 254–55
public relations, 587
Recovery Act and, 254–55, 256, 257, 258, 263, 264
resignation of, 596–97
resignation offer (2010), 419
Russia and, 484
Wall Street initiatives and, 283, 293
Warren and, 552
work-life stress and, 532, 533
Clinton initiative and, 377–78
Democrats and, 384, 392, 393
final vote, 425
House approval of Senate bill, 423
joint congressional address, 411
merged bill negotiations, 417
political risks, 408, 409, 419
press coverage, 418–19
team, 381, 382
> Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 9
Eminem, 191
Emory, Luke, 252
Emory, Nate, 252
energy policy, Obama administration
climate change policies and, 490, 491–94
oil drilling and, 559–60, 568
Recovery Act and, 265, 492–94
environmental issues
climate change and, 488–89
Malia Obama on, 486, 516
Obama’s childhood and, 486, 487
See also climate change; Deepwater Horizon oil spill
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 489, 494, 495, 560
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 346–47, 349, 640
European Union (E.U.)
climate change policies and, 507, 510–11, 512, 513–14
G20 summit and, 334
Greek debt crisis (2010), 527–32, 566
post-crisis economy, 525–26
Turkish membership, 347
Everett, Von, 253–54
Exxon Valdez disaster (1989), 560, 563
Fair Deal, 375
Fairey, Shepard, 196, 403
Family and Medical Leave Act, 554
Fannie Mae, 174, 179, 278, 279, 548–49
Farrakhan, Louis, 629
Fatah, 625, 626, 631
Favreau, Jon
campaign position of, 56
China visit (2009), 483
congressional address (Feb. 2009), 283, 284
DNC acceptance speech (2008) and, 166, 167
Dodd-Frank Act and, 556
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize award and, 439
presidential campaign speeches and, 56, 101–2, 110, 142, 162
presidential transition and, 225
role of, 358
White House Correspondents’ Dinner remarks and, 691–92
federal gas tax issue (2008), 148
Federal Reserve
Dodd-Frank Act and, 550
financial crisis planning and, 236
first-term appointments and, 213
stress test and, 280–81, 303–4
Volcker and, 552
Feinberg, Ken, 572
Feinstein, Dianne, 151, 587
Fiat, 300, 301, 302
filibuster, 243–44, 255, 412, 546, 554, 594, 617
Filipic, Anne, 93
finance industry
attitudes of, 291–92, 295–97, 546
Glass-Steagall legislation, 547, 548–49, 552
See also Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; TARP; Wall Street initiatives, Obama administration
financial crisis (2008)
Affordable Care Act campaign and, 377, 378
auto industry and, 297–98
Bush’s transition comments on, 207–8
climate change policies and, 490
constituent letters on, 267–69
as economic change opportunity, 304–5
first-term appointments and, 211, 214
global financial system and, 278, 449–50
Greece and, 528
housing market and, 172–75, 269–70, 278, 548–49
impacts of, 178–79, 196
inauguration (2009) and, 226
McCain’s responses, 180–81, 182, 183–85, 186–89, 191
moral calculus and, 271–72
Obama administration auto industry initiatives, 298–301, 302, 497–98
Obama administration housing market initiatives, 269–74, 279, 302, 403
Obama administration team stress and, 302–3
Obama administration transition team planning, 235–39, 240–41, 244–45
Obama-Paulson communications, 175, 179–80, 182, 186
resentment narrative and, 276–77
stabilization of, 304
tax policy and, 605
unfolding of, 177–79
U.S.-Chinese relations and, 476
U.S. global dominance and, 329–30, 339
Wall Street attitudes, 291–92, 296–97, 546
world democratic vulnerability and, 346, 347, 350
See also American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; G20 summit; TARP; Wall Street initiatives, Obama administration
First Libyan Civil War (2011). See Libya military intervention
Fitzgerald, Mike, 106
Fitzgerald, Peter, 42, 46
Flavin, Matt, 308, 323, 324
“football” (nuclear strike codes), 227
Ford, Gerald/Ford administration, 386
Ford, 297–98
foreign policy
Bush administration, 345–46, 447, 448, 452, 476, 626
See also counterterrorism; foreign policy, Obama administration
foreign policy, Obama administration
American impact and, 309–10
anti-democratic trends and, 346–48, 350, 601, 602–3, 636–38
ASEAN, 476, 478–79
authoritarianism and, 467
Bush administration policies and, 345–46, 447, 476
Cairo speech (2009), 357, 358–59, 362, 365–67, 370, 633, 638
challenges to conventional wisdom, 311–12
China, 473, 475–77, 479–83
criticisms of Obama’s patriotism and, 343–44
diplomacy emphasis, 98–99, 447–49, 454
Europe-Middle East visits (2008), 159–60, 357
financial crisis and, 325–26
G20 summit (London, 2009), 325–27, 334–39, 343
idealism and, 366, 369, 370–71, 449, 648
international attitudes toward the United States and, 449–50
international summits, 286
Mexico, 566
Middle East, 636–38, 640–41
Muslim world and, 357, 364–67
national security establishment and, 311, 319–20
Obama’s first-term appointments and, 216–19
presidential campaign and, 98–99, 153–60, 357
successes, 483–85
tensions within team, 644, 646, 649
U.S.-Asia trade agreement, 476–77
See also Afghanistan war, Obama administration policies; counterterrorism policies, Obama administration; Egyptian revolution of 2011, Obama administration responses; global financial system; Iraq War; national security, Obama administration and; nuclear nonproliferation strategies, Obama administration; Obama’s official international travel
Fort Hood shooting (2009), 441–42
fossil fuels
climate change policies and, 489, 490, 492, 495, 499
Iran and, 454, 456, 481
McCain-Palin drilling proposal, 559
Minerals Management Service and, 567–68, 570, 571, 574
Obama administration energy policy and, 559–60, 568
U.S. global dominance and, 328
See also Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Fox News, 608, 673–74
G20 summit and, 334, 335, 336
Greek debt crisis and, 530, 531
Iranian nuclear program and, 471, 472
Libya and, 656, 658, 660, 665
Normandy commemoration (2009), 367, 369–71
post-crisis economy, 527
Frank, Barney, 189, 553, 554
Franken, Al, 382
Freddie Mac, 174, 179, 278, 279, 548–49
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 356
fuel-efficiency standards, 494–95, 497–98
Fugate, Craig, 689
Furman, Jason, 182, 213
G20 summit (London, 2009), 325–27, 334–39, 343
Gaddafi, Muammar, 364, 653
; See also Libya military intervention
Galston, Marygrace, 93, 94
Gandhi, Indira, 602
Gandhi, Mohandas, 445–46, 598–99, 601, 603
Gandhi, Rahul, 601–2
Gandhi, Rajiv, 601
Gandhi, Sonia, 601–2
Gaspard, Patrick, 535
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 394–98
Gates, Robert
appointment of, 214–18
bin Laden operation and, 686, 699
cabinet roles and, 533, 534
casket homecoming policy and, 440
condolence letters and, 430
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and, 611–12, 613
Egyptian revolution of 2011 and, 644, 650
European missile defense system and, 342
government machinery and, 285
Guantánamo Bay detainees and, 582
Iraq War and, 314–15, 353
Libya military intervention and, 657, 658, 659–60
Maersk Alabama hijacking and, 351
McChrystal Rolling Stone profile and, 577
national security establishment and, 311
Pentagon-Obama administration relations and, 434–35, 436–37, 438, 443
retirement of, 686
role of, 430
additional deployment request, 316, 318, 319
counterterrorism and, 353
deployment decision (2009), 442–43, 444
McChrystal appointment, 321–23
McChrystal report, 432, 433
Pentagon-Obama administration relations and, 434–35, 436–37, 438, 443
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 328
Geithner, Tim
appointment of, 211, 212–13, 214
austerity policies and, 330
cabinet roles and, 533, 534
China and, 473
confirmation of, 277–78
deficit and, 670
Dodd-Frank Act and, 306, 546, 547, 553, 554, 555
European economies and, 526
financial crisis planning, 236, 238
G20 summit and, 326–27, 336, 343
Greek debt crisis and, 528, 529
post-crisis economy and, 523
on public relations, 524
TARP and, 523
Wall Street attitudes and, 291
Wall Street initiatives and, 278–82, 292–93, 294, 295, 303
Warren and, 551–52
gender. See women
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 328
Geneva Conventions, 580, 581
G20 summit and, 334–35, 336
Greek debt crisis and, 529, 530, 531, 566
Iran and, 456
Obama’s visit (2008), 159