by Obama Barack
Lew, Jack, 595–96
Lewis, John, 11, 18, 122–23, 349
LGBTQ policy, 591, 603, 609–14
Libya, 364, 653–54
See also Libya military intervention
Libya military intervention (2011), 653–58, 659–62, 665–68
Arab Spring and, 653–54
idealism and, 657
no-fly zone proposals and, 655, 656, 657, 659
Obama’s reluctance, 654–55
public calls for, 654, 656
success of, 667
team consultations, 657–58, 659–60
U.S. fighter jet crash, 666–67
Liddy, Edward, 294–95
Lieberman, Joe, 414–15, 421, 499, 500, 501, 505, 559–60
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009), 234
Limbaugh, Rush, 153, 194, 242, 260, 403
Lincoln, Abraham, xvi, 218, 225, 325, 533
Link, Terry, 42
Lippert, Mark, 55, 218
Dodd-Frank Act and, 546
healthcare and, 375–76, 380
national security establishment and, 311
Obama’s U.S. Senate term and, 57
regulation of, 234, 595
Locke, Gary, China visit (2009), 473
Lopez, Jennifer, 542
Love, Reggie
Asia trip (2010), 593, 598
bin Laden operation and, 693
China visit (2009), 480, 483
Copenhagen summit and, 515
DREAM Act and, 618
Egypt visit (2009), 367
inauguration (2009) and, 229
presidential campaign and, 85–86, 96, 103, 106–7, 135, 136, 137, 138, 201, 357
presidential transition and, 225
Sasha’s basketball team and, 540–41
supportive role of, 85–86, 200, 290, 372, 540, 693
White House role of, 251
Lowery, Joseph, 122, 123–24
Lu, Chris, 55, 535
Lugar, Dick, 60–62, 608
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 337, 513, 661
Luntz, Frank, 399
Lute, Douglas, 438, 442
Lyon, Norma, 93
Madison, Dolley, 220
Madison, James, 220
Maersk Alabama hijacking, 351, 352–53
Mailer, Norman, 627
al-Maliki, Nuri Kamal, 156–57, 314, 345, 430–31
Mandela, Nelson, 337
Marbury v. Madison, 387
Marchionne, Sergio, 300
Markey, Betsy, 424, 592
Markey, Ed, 500
Marshall Plan, 328
healthcare model, 382–83, 400, 412, 413–14
Senate race (2010), 416, 417, 418, 523, 584
Massachusetts v. EPA, 494
Massey Energy, 559
Mastromonaco, Alyssa, 55–56, 75, 220, 362, 510
McCain, John
Affordable Care Act campaign and, 422
on Afghanistan war policies, 434
bin Laden operation and, 676
character of, 152–53
climate change policies and, 499–500, 505
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and, 611
DREAM Act and, 617
Guantánamo Bay detainees and, 580
immigration policy and, 615, 616
oil drilling proposal, 559
patriotism and, 132
Republican obstruction strategy and, 260, 499–500
age and, 158
bin Laden and, 99
concession call, 202
federal gas tax issue, 148
financial crisis and, 180–81, 182, 183–85, 186–89, 191
Iraq War and, 156, 157, 168
Joe the Plumber, 193, 194
Lieberman endorsement, 414
New Hampshire primary, 110
Obama debates, 182–83, 190–92, 194
Obama’s nomination and, 149
Obama’s post-primary electoral strategy and, 152
Palin as running mate, 169–70, 194–95
political polarization and, 153, 168, 195
Republican nomination, 139
McCartney, Paul, 543
McCaskill, Claire, 111, 618, 619
McChrystal, Stanley
Afghanistan deployment decision (2009) and, 442–43
Afghanistan report of, 431–34
appointment of, 322–23
Pentagon-Obama administration relations and, 435, 436, 437–38
resignation of, 579–80
Rolling Stone profile, 577–79
McClellan, Cornell, 290
McConnell, Mitch
Affordable Care Act campaign and, 378, 382, 399, 412, 415–16
Bush tax cut deal and, 604, 605–6
climate change policies and, 499, 502
congressional politics and, 245–46
Dodd-Frank Act and, 545–46
economic policy and, 575
financial crisis and, 186
Recovery Act and, 245, 248, 256, 259, 265
Republican obstruction strategy and, 259, 415–16, 502, 575, 595, 675
resentment narrative and, 276–77
McDonough, Denis
Affordable Care Act campaign and, 409
Afghanistan war policies and, 438–39
appointment of, 218
bin Laden operation and, 688, 695
deputy national security advisor appointment, 595
Egyptian revolution of 2011 and, 644, 646, 649
Guantánamo Bay detainees and, 582, 583
Libya military intervention and, 668
Middle East and, 637
Obama’s military salute training, 307, 308
Saudi Arabia visit (2009), 362, 363
tensions within national security team and, 311, 312
McFaul, Michael, 340, 342, 343, 463, 466, 467, 484
McKiernan, Dave, 155, 317, 320, 322
McRaven, William. See McRaven’s role in bin Laden operation
McRaven’s role in bin Laden operation
execution, 693, 694, 695, 696
final decision, 685, 687, 688
raid planning, 680, 681–83
success, 699
team introductions, 700
timing, 691, 692
media. See conservative rhetoric; digital networks; press
Medicaid, 376, 413
See also social safety net
Medicare, 376, 392, 393
See also social safety net
Medvedev, Dmitry
background of, 340–41
G20 summit and, 337, 339
Iranian nuclear program and, 484
Libya military intervention and, 660, 667–68
meeting with Obama (2009), 341–43
Obama’s Russia visit and (2009), 460, 461, 462–63, 465, 466
START and, 483, 566
UNGA Week meetings, 468, 471, 472
Medvedev, Svetlana, 462, 463
Merkel, Angela
climate change policies and, 512
G20 summit and, 334–35, 336, 343
Greek debt crisis and, 529, 530, 531, 566
Obama’s Buchenwald visit (2009) and, 368, 369, 371
Obama’s Germany visit (2008), 159
Obama’s Germany visit (2009), 368
post-crisis economy and, 526–27
Merrill Lynch, 181, 548–49
Messina, Jim, 382, 392, 417, 418, 425, 591
Mexico, 566
bsp; Miami Dade College, 689–90
Michiko (empress of Japan), 477–78
Middle East
Arab Spring, 641–42, 651–52, 653–54
authoritarianism, 364, 636–38
Obama’s Cairo speech (2009), 357, 358–59, 362, 365–67, 370, 633, 638
Obama’s Saudi Arabia visit (2009), 359, 360–63
Presidential Study Directive on, 640–41, 642
See also Arab-Israeli conflict; Egyptian revolution of 2011, Obama administration responses; Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Muslim world
midterm elections of 1994, 378, 607
midterm elections of 2006, 75, 209, 242
midterm elections of 2010, 591–92
Affordable Care Act campaign and, 408, 421, 423, 594
challenges for, 575–76, 587
climate change policies and, 503
Deepwater Horizon oil spill and, 575
economic policy and, 670–71
New York City mosque controversy, 588
Obama administration analysis of, 594–95
Obama’s campaigning, 590–91
Obama’s optimism about, 589–90
press coverage, 594
Recovery Act and, 523, 594
White House personnel turnover and, 595–98
Milbank, Dana, 419
military. See national security
Miller, Tom, 106
Minerals Management Service (MMS), 567–68, 570, 571, 574
Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 543
Mitchell, George, 631, 635, 636
Mitchell, John, 585
MMS (Minerals Management Service), 567–68, 570, 571, 574
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 580, 581, 586
Morell, Mike, 677–78, 685
Morel Montes, Cecilia, 666
Morgan Stanley, 178, 180
Morocco, 651
Morrison, Toni, 31, 542
Moses, Bob, 11
Moss, Otis, Jr., 121–22, 124
Mosteller, Brian, 251
Motlanthe, Kgalema, 337
Mousavi, Mir-Hossein, 455
Mubarak, Hosni
authoritarianism and, 363, 640, 642
Egyptian revolution of 2011 and, 642–51
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and, 635, 636
Obama’s Cairo speech and, 366
Obama’s visit with (2009), 364–65
Mueller, Robert, Fort Hood shooting and, 441
Mullen, Mike
Afghanistan additional deployment request and, 316–18
Afghanistan COIN strategy and, 432, 433
Afghanistan deployment decision and, 443
bin Laden operation and, 686, 696
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and, 611, 612–13, 614
Egyptian revolution of 2011 and, 650
Libya military intervention and, 656, 657, 658, 659–60, 661, 662
Pentagon-Obama administration relations and, 319, 436
press leaks and, 434–35
Muñoz, Cecilia, 535, 617–18
Murdoch, Rupert, 692
Murkowski, Lisa, 560
Murphy, Patrick, 424, 592
Muslim Brotherhood, 364, 365, 643–44, 645, 646, 647, 651
Muslim world
Arab Spring, 641–42, 651–52, 653–54
counterterrorism and, 677
Iranian revolution and, 451–52
Obama’s Cairo speech (2009), 357, 358–59, 362, 365–67, 370, 633, 638
White House iftar dinner, 588
See also Islam; Middle East
Myanmar, 478
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 476
Nakba, 624
Napolitano, Janet, 111, 219, 520, 561, 563, 615
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 688, 689
Nash, Diane, 11
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 363–64
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 688, 689
National Economic Council (NEC), 213
national security, Obama administration and
American impact and, 309–10
casket homecomings, 440–41
diplomacy and, 311, 454
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, 591, 603, 609–14
European missile defense system, 342, 465
first-term appointments, 214–19
Gates’s role, 430
guarded optimism, 430–31
idealism and, 446, 657
internationalism and, 310–11
Iran, 452–56
Iraq War withdrawal, 215, 239, 313, 314–15, 345, 576
Maersk Alabama hijacking (2009), 351, 352–53
meaning of, 308–9, 325
military deployment timetables, 443–44
military dominance under Bush administration and, 435–37, 579
military hospital patient visits and, 323–25, 576–77
moral responsibility and, 436–37, 438–39
national security establishment and, 311, 319–20, 358, 444
Nobel Peace Prize speech on, 445
nuclear stockpile infrastructure modernization, 608
President’s Daily Brief, 312–13
soft power and, 311
staff, 307–8
tensions within team, 310–12, 432–33, 533
See also Afghanistan war, Obama administration policies; Arab-Israeli conflict; counterterrorism policies, Obama administration; foreign policy, Obama administration; Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Obama administration policies; Libya military intervention; nuclear nonproliferation strategies, Obama administration
National Security Agency (NSA), 353
nativism, 195
See also conservative rhetoric; racism
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 328, 329, 345–46, 347, 464, 654, 660
NEC (National Economic Council), 213
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 602
Nelson, Ben, 263–64, 382, 413
Nesbitt, Marty
friendship with Obamas, 59
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize award and, 445
Obama’s presidential candidacy decision and, 76
Obama’s U.S. Senate candidacy decision and, 44
presidential campaign and, 106, 116–17, 142, 143, 197
race and, 398
real estate bubble and, 172
Netanyahu, Benjamin “Bibi,” 625, 629, 630–31, 632, 633–36, 645
New Deal
African Americans and, 248
conservative rhetoric and, 258
Dodd-Frank Act and, 549
Keynesian economics and, 236–37
opposition to, 495
public relations and, 524–25
Recovery Act and, 240, 264
Republican acceptance of, 241
Supreme Court and, 388
Nicholson, Marvin
Asia trip (2010), 593, 598
bin Laden operation and, 693
Brazil visit (2011), 665
China visit (2009), 472
Copenhagen summit and, 512–13
Egypt visit (2009), 367
inauguration (2009) and, 229
Obama family life and, 541
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize award and, 445–46
Russia visit (2009), 463
Election Day, 200, 201
family life and, 96
Iowa caucus, 106–7
rallies, 135, 136
Secret Service protection and, 137, 138
supportive role, 84, 85, 86
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 445
/> 9/11
bin Laden operation and, 697, 698–700
Bush administration responses to, 354, 355, 357
conspirator trials, 586–87
Guantánamo Bay detainees and, 580, 583
military dominance under Bush administration and, 435
national security and, 309, 311
New York City mosque controversy, 587–88
Obama’s flag pin and, 132
Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign and, 46, 47
prejudice and, 310, 354
Saudi Arabia and, 361
Wright on, 140
See also bin Laden, Osama
Nixon, Richard M., 118, 489
Nobel Peace Prize, Obama’s award (2009), 439–40, 445–46, 655
Non-Aligned Movement, 364
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 476
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 328, 329, 345–46, 347, 464, 654, 660
North Korean nuclear program, 348, 450
NSA (National Security Agency), 353
nuclear nonproliferation strategies, Obama administration
India and, 601
Iran sanctions, 348, 455–56, 470, 471, 472, 481, 483–84, 608, 623
North Korea sanctions, 348, 450
Obama’s U.S. Senate term and, 60–62
Prague speech, 348–49
Russia and, 61–62, 340, 341–42, 465, 470–72
START, 342, 483, 566, 603, 608
United Nations and, 450, 456, 471–72, 483–84
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1970), 453, 456
Nunn, Sam, 61
Nunn-Lugar Act (1991), 61
Obama, Auma (Obama’s half sister), 72, 106
Obama, Barack, Sr. (Obama’s father), 7–8
Obama, Barack H.
basketball and, 8, 59, 85–86, 198, 200, 372, 539–40
courtship, 20–22
early married years, 23, 36
East View Park home of, 171–72, 173
education of, 7, 10–14, 16, 18–19
faith and, 15, 71, 160, 665
Illinois state senate campaign (1995), 24–25, 26–30, 31
Illinois state senate term (1997–2004), 31–35, 40–41, 46
inauguration (2009), 219–20, 225–32
Indonesian childhood years, 132, 359–60, 448, 478, 487, 598
law practice, 23
Nobel Peace Prize award, 439–40, 445–46, 655
public speaking style, 27, 83, 96, 101–2, 136, 192
racial identity of, 15–16
reelection campaign announcement (2011), 669
smoking habit, 290–91, 539–40
U.S. Congress campaign (2002), 36–38, 39–40
Saul Alinsky and, 194