Trails of Love

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Trails of Love Page 3

by Melissa Foster

  “Hardly, but they make me happy.” She inhaled the sweet aroma of the funnel cake. “Mm. Look at it. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  He glanced at the twisted fried batter and powdered sugar piled high on their plate and arched a brow.

  “Oh, come on, cracker. Really? A scrutinizing guy like you doesn’t see the intricacies that make this beautiful?” She gazed down at the plate between them. “Look at it. Every funnel cake is unique, which I think is beautiful in and of itself. All those different twists and curls, powdered sugar landing wherever the air takes it? It’s art on a plate. And it tastes delicious, which makes it even more special.”

  She lifted her gaze and found him watching her with an intense expression. “Sorry. I’m waxing poetic about fried dough. My family teases me because I see the world differently than most people. I can’t help it. My grandfather was the same way. He worked on the railroad, and he was also crafty. He made beautiful pieces of furniture, art, and accessories out of other people’s discarded items, which I know sounds like something a hobo might do, but he brought so much joy to people. He helped me appreciate every little thing.”

  Graham’s eyes filled with a curious, deep longing. Without a word, he reached up and ran his fingers down her cheek, light as a feather. “You’re something else, sunshine.”

  Despite the intimate touch, which made her insides turn to liquid, she thought he was teasing her. “I know you’re going to say I’m out there, or flighty, or—”

  “Spectacular,” he said firmly, eyes serious again.

  She swallowed hard.

  “Your grandfather sounds like a special man. I’m sorry you lost him.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “He was special.”

  He broke off a piece of the funnel cake and held it up to her lips, a small smile on his face. She opened her mouth, and he fed it to her. His eyes were riveted to her mouth as she ate, making her acutely aware of every move she made. When she licked the powder from her lips, he licked his lips as if he were tasting hers.

  “Good?” he asked.

  She answered with a nod, for fear of her voice failing her. She broke off another piece and held it up for him. He opened his mouth, then closed it around her fingertips. Her heart raced as she slipped her fingers from his lips and he kissed the tips of them.

  “Even sweeter than I imagined.” His eyes drilled into her as he broke off another piece and fed it to her. “What do you do for a living, Morgyn?”

  How was she supposed to talk with him looking at her like he wanted to devour her?

  “Um, I do a few things. I own a boutique called Life Reimagined, where I sell clothing, jewelry, accessories, and odds and ends that I make from gently used items.”

  He ate a piece of the funnel cake. A hint of his dimples appeared as he chewed. She figured out why those dimples affected her so deeply. He was seriously strong and sexy, which turned her on in a visceral, touch-me-please way, but those dimples were as adorable as a puppy, which made her want to cuddle up with him. The coalescing of the two was new and unfamiliar and had her completely swept up in him.

  “Like your grandfather,” he said, bringing her back to the moment.

  She realized the music had stopped and the bands were changing again. “Yes, like him. I also make teas and herbal remedies.”

  “That’s fascinating. I’d like to see your shop while I’m in town.”

  “You’re not from around here? I just assumed…”

  “I’m from a little town called Pleasant Hill in Maryland.”

  “Really? My friend Trixie goes there all the time to work with another ranch owner. Geez, small world.” Trixie was Trace’s sister. She and Trace helped run her family’s ranch.

  “It’s about to get even smaller,” he said with a surprised expression. “I assume you mean Trixie Jericho? How many Trixies can there be who travel between Maryland and Virginia? She works with my brother Nick, who owns the ranch.”

  “Six degrees of separation.” She didn’t know why that comforted her other than the fact that Trixie often talked about how great—and ornery—Nick was and how much she liked his family. Trixie liked ornery guys. Morgyn, on the other hand, had no interest in ornery, but she sure liked the man standing before her.

  “Life Reimagined. I’ll look it up.”

  “It’s not big or fancy or anything.”

  “Fancy is worthless, unless your business is built on elegance or luxury, like a resort. Who’s running it while you’re here?”

  “I closed it for the weekend. And don’t think just because I work when I feel like it and I don’t follow trends that I’m airheaded or flighty. I take my life seriously. If I’m anything, I’m floaty.”

  He smiled. “Floaty?”

  “Yeah, you know, I sort of drift through this beautiful life, taking it all in and not stressing over little things. Or big things, really. I don’t see a reason to get all wigged out because something isn’t working right. It’ll either get fixed or it won’t.”

  He nodded, brows dipping like he was trying to make sense of that. “Floaty. I like that description. Did you make those boots? Is that why they were in your van?”

  “Yes, and I know they’re a little loud, but that makes them extra fun.”

  “They’re different, but so are you. How do you decide what to make?”

  “I don’t know. Inspiration is funny. When it hits, I usually have no idea where it came from. I don’t analyze why I do what I do, but I only create things that make me happy, and I love breathing new life into the old and the new. I see possibilities in everything from furniture and clothing to people and places, and I want to chase down those possibilities and bring things to life in a different way. Brighter, happier, more colorful. Nothing is exempt from my calling to change it up.”

  “How would you change me up?”

  I’d like to strip you down, but… “From what I’ve seen, you don’t need changing.”

  “Oh, come on,” he said with a tease in his eyes. “No bedazzling my hat? Adding rhinestones to my boots?”

  “Your lucky hat?” She gasped dramatically. “And risk being beheaded? I wouldn’t think of it.”

  “Good point. The punishment would be quite severe. I wouldn’t go as far as beheading, but a spanking might be in order.”

  He winked and the temperature rose by about a zillion degrees. Then he broke off another piece of funnel cake and held it up for her.

  “I’ve never been fed before,” she admitted.

  “Sorry.” He lowered his hand. “I got carried away.”

  “I like it. It’s kind of romantic being here with you as the evening rolls in, while life goes on all around us.” She realized what she’d said and quickly added, “Not that we’re…that you’re…like that.”

  SHE WAS CUTE when she backpedaled, but she’d have to be a robot not to feel the chemistry thrumming between them—and this passionate woman who followed her heart and walked in her grandfather’s footsteps was no robot.

  “Aren’t we exactly like that?” he said, and then he fed her the funnel cake.

  He could watch her eat all day long. Pleasure rose in her eyes the way passion had inhabited them moments ago when she was describing her work. She held his gaze, darker passions pushing that innocent pleasure aside as she swallowed and her tongue slid seductively across her lips, leaving them glistening and painfully tempting. He leaned forward to wipe powdered sugar from the corner of her mouth, and her breathing shallowed and her eyes took on an even more wanting look. For the second time in the last few hours, he didn’t think, didn’t weigh the consequences, as he cupped her cheek and licked the powder from her lips. Her breathing hitched and her eyes closed as he lowered his mouth toward hers.

  “Seduction by funnel cake. I should have thought of that.”

  Zev. Instead of enjoying the warm press of Morgyn’s lips, an incredulous laugh fell from Graham’s. Morgyn’s eyes flew open, meeting the curious—and protective—eyes of Zev, Sable,
and Axsel, whom Graham recognized from the bands.

  Sable’s jeans-clad hip jutted out. “Well, lookie what we have here.” She folded her arms across her chest, amusement playing in her eyes. “Did our sweet little Morgyn pick up a man?”

  The ends of Axsel’s dark hair poked out from beneath a knit cap, which he wore in almost all the photos Graham had seen of the band. He had kind hazel eyes, and they were currently raking down the length of Graham’s body as he said, “He’s definitely all man from where I’m standing.”

  “Oh my gosh, you guys!” Morgyn pushed to her feet, and Graham rose beside her, stifling a chuckle. “Graham, this is my sister Sable and my brother, Axsel. You guys, this is Graham…um…?” She turned a curious look to him.

  “Braden,” he said, and offered his hand to Sable. “Nice to meet you. I see you’ve already met my brother Zev.”

  Sable glanced at Zev, who winked. “Foreplay? Yeah, we met.”

  “Jesus, you too?” Zev shook his head.

  “Relax, dude,” Axsel said as he shook Graham’s hand. “Sable loves foreplay.”

  Zev draped an arm over Sable’s shoulder with a hopeful look. She shrugged him off and said, “Not happening, hot stuff.”

  “You’ll change your mind,” Zev said. “Who’s up for a drink and a little dancing before I take off?”

  Graham glanced at Morgyn. “What do you say, sunshine?”

  “She’s coming.” Sable narrowed her eyes and said, “And not the way you think.”

  Graham knew Sable was just being protective, but Morgyn looked annoyed, and she sure as hell didn’t need to be treated like a kid. He put a hand on Morgyn’s back and said, “Choice is yours, sunshine. You lead, I’ll follow.”

  A look of sheer appreciation smiled back at him. “It’s okay. We should go or her claws will come out.”

  “I prefer talons,” Sable said with a heavy dose of snark.

  Morgyn shot Sable a rebellious glare, then ripped off a hunk of funnel cake, put it in Graham’s mouth, and immediately pressed her lips to his in a sugary, stake-her-independence kiss—and he fucking loved it.

  She flashed a satisfied smile. “I want to stop by the bathroom and then get out of my wet clothes.” Morgyn said it so innocently it came across wickedly hot, and by the look on Sable’s face, Graham wasn’t the only one who interpreted it that way. “We’ll catch up with you guys…but where?”

  “My trailer,” Axsel said. “Come on, Zev. I’ll introduce you to some of my groupies.” He grabbed Sable by the arm and dragged her away.

  “As long as they’re not dudes,” Zev said.

  Axsel snort-laughed. “Nah. You’re not man enough for that.”

  The first blush of the day stained Morgyn’s cheeks as she put on her boots and Graham gathered his belongings. “Sorry. I mean, I’m not sorry about the kiss, but sometimes Sable grates on my last nerve.”

  “She’s just a little overprotective of her younger sister. I get it. I have four older brothers and an older sister. They’re all protective of me, and I’m just as protective of them. It’s called family, and it’s a good thing.”

  “Then I could do with a little less of a good thing.”

  He put his arm around her, keeping her close as they headed back toward the tents. “Well, I have no intention of giving you less of a good thing, so if that’s what you’re looking for, you’ve got the wrong guy. And that kiss, as sweet as it was, wasn’t our first kiss. That was just you marking your territory.”

  “Oh yeah?” She bumped him with her hip. “Why is that?”

  “Because you’re still standing.”

  She looked up at him as they gave two dancing girls a wide berth and said, “So you think when you kiss me the first time, I’ll sleep with you?”

  “No, sunshine.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “When I kiss you for the first time, you’ll wish I’d sleep with you.”

  Chapter Three

  EVEN AS THEY jumped over puddles, walked around groups of people, and slowed to greet a few cute pups, Morgyn’s mind spun. You’ll wish I’d sleep with you. Did he really say that? She stole a glance at Graham, and the coy look he gave her confirmed it.

  Holy smokes.

  Usually when guys said things like that, it was cheesy and laughable, but not coming from him. He made her blood simmer, and the quick kiss she’d stolen left her hungry for more, but why on earth did he make her think so much?

  “Where are we headed, sunshine?”

  She pointed up ahead, squinting in the dimming light. “It’s right there, between the big blue tent and the pup tents.”

  “Something doesn’t look right.” He grabbed her hand, walking quicker and holding her tight, as if she might run away if he didn’t.

  Fat. Chance.

  She wanted that first kiss.

  And a whole lot more.

  They rounded the pup tents and dodged a group of shirtless guys. Graham stopped cold in front of her makeshift tent. The broken pole she and Brindle had fixed with duct tape had bent, collapsing one side of the canopy. The ground beneath was soaked, along with the pretty peace flags and cloth stars she’d hung up.

  “This is your tent?” Graham rubbed his jaw. “Sunshine, a tent typically has sides. It looks like someone broke your canopy.” He set his bag on her beach chair.

  “It’s been broken for a long time.” She stepped inside and waved at the pole. “The rain must have weakened the duct tape. But that’s okay. I can fix it again,” she said as she dug through her backpack.

  “You can’t sleep in this.” He inspected the broken pole. “This isn’t something you fix with duct tape. You need a new pole, and a real tent.”

  “Yeah, I know, but like I said, I didn’t know it was going to rain. I can dry off the chair and sleep on that.” She whipped her dress over her head.

  Graham ran over, shielding her with his body. “Whoa, you can’t—” His gaze slid down her body, lingering at her yellow flowered bikini top, his eyes darkening. “Holy hell, sunshine. You’re fucking gorgeous.” His entire body seemed to grow bigger and harder as he pressed closer, his head swinging from side to side with a warning look in his eyes.

  “Far from it,” she said, “but I’m glad you think so.”

  She knew her body wasn’t anything special. She was tall and too thin in some places, too fluffy in others, while most of her sisters were blessed with curves in all the right places. But maybe she’d been wrong about her body for all this time, because there was no faking the appreciative, wolfish look in Graham’s eyes as his arms circled her waist. His hot chest pressed against her flesh, and her dress dropped from her fingertips. Her nipples rose to achy, needy points as his hands moved slowly and greedily up her back, holding her tighter. His big hand pushed into her hair, staking claim like he owned her. And at that moment, he did. She could barely breathe with the feel of his hot, hard body against hers, his heartbeat thundering against her chest and his eyes boring into her, growing darker by the second. Her pulse quickened as his other hand slid lower, settling at the base of her spine, his fingertips brushing over her bikini bottom. His body heat seared into her as his whiskers brushed against her cheek, sending titillating sensations rippling through her, and he pressed a tender kiss beside her ear. Goose bumps raced up her spine, and she closed her eyes.

  She held her breath, waiting for him to say something, anything. Her whole body prickled with anticipation. His breath warmed her skin, his body ignited the inferno that had been building all afternoon, and he began swaying to a sensual beat. His lips touched her cheek again and again, kissing his way toward her mouth. He didn’t hurry, and each touch amped up her need until it thrummed inside her, pulsing and wanting. Then his lips brushed over hers so lightly she opened her eyes, nearly drowning in the desire looking back at her. He threaded his fingers into her hair, holding on tight as he tugged her head back, angling her mouth beneath his as those incredible lips descended upon hers in a possessive, needful kiss. She felt dizzy and l
ight, and at the same time, she’d never felt more grounded in her life as they swayed and arched, deepening their kisses. Her hands ran over the muscular ridges of his back as his arousal ground into her belly. All she could think about was how badly she needed him. She groped at his shoulders, holding on tight as she pressed her entire body harder against him. Their tongues tangled as they devoured each other’s mouths, and the world spun away. She wasn’t even sure she was breathing anymore. She’d never—ever—gotten lost in a kiss. In a man. And that was exactly what was happening as they groped and ground, caressed and kissed. He cupped her ass, his thick fingers pressing and lifting as he bent his knees and aligned their bodies. His hard shaft created the most erotic friction against her center. She went up on her toes, trembling with desire as she pushed her hands beneath the waist of his jeans and grabbed his ass. It was firm and soft, cold and hot at once. He made a guttural sound that wound around them, binding them together in an intoxicating cloud of lust and greed. Her knees gave out, and he held her even tighter. Her emotions whirred, dark and wild, as he eased their kisses to shivery soft titillating teases. She pushed forward, needing more. Wanting all of him.

  “Morgyn,” he said in a gravelly voice that sounded as desperate as she felt.

  Fire blazed in his eyes as he crushed his mouth to hers again, deeper and rougher than before. His hands moved hot and hungrily up her back, and then his palms pressed against the sides of her head as they both came away breathless.

  “You need to sleep in my arms tonight, sunshine.” He brushed the tip of his nose over hers and said, “You just rocked my world.”

  She couldn’t think straight enough to respond. She might have whimpered, might have moaned, or maybe she just breathed at him. Whatever she did brought his smiling lips to hers again in a deliciously sweet kiss.

  “I don’t want to move from this spot,” he said in a rushed whisper. “But I have a feeling if we don’t get going, your sister is going to come after me with a shotgun.”

  “Okay.” She had no idea how she’d managed to answer. Her body was on fire.


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