Love At First Touch
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Love At First Touch
Love Comes First Book Four
Olivia T. Turner
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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Copyright© 2021 by Olivia T. Turner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email
Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Edited by Karen Collins Editing
Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner
For Joanne from Book Club,
Who’s always up to be the designated driver when I need an extra drink (or five).
Chapter One
“Will you stop pacing around the room?” my brother Eli says looking exasperated. “You’re making me nervous.”
I grit my teeth as I walk back and forth along the large conference table for the twentieth time. Where is she?
It’s Monday morning at the office and I’ve been waiting to see this girl—my girl—since Saturday night. I loosen my tie as that prickly uneasy feeling (that’s been all too familiar lately) comes crawling up my skin.
“Leave him alone,” my other brother Luke says with a chuckle. “Cupid shot him with an arrow.”
“Yeah, right in the forehead,” Eli says with a laugh.
“Nah, it definitely landed in his dick,” my third (and thankfully last) brother Nolan says. “Look at the crazed look in his eyes.”
“Stop it,” I snap when I see the three of them staring at me. “I’m trying to focus.”
They’re all sitting around the conference table, looking relaxed with a carefree attitude like this is a regular old Monday morning meeting and not the epic, life-changing event that it is.
Victoria Brown will be arriving any minute now.
I’ve been counting the seconds—agonizing over each torturous one—until I can see her again.
My brothers and I run an investment company in Manhattan that our father started, Cline Corp, and the Brown family is our biggest client. Until Saturday, we had always dealt with her father Mr. Brown and then her brother Gabriel after Mr. Brown died. I knew that he had a daughter, but I didn’t know she was the most stunning angelic woman in the world until two days ago when we all attended Gabriel’s wedding.
I was sitting at the table with my sister Brooke, my brothers, and their dates when she walked over to introduce herself.
My heart stopped when I saw her approaching. It was like something had pierced my chest and gripped my heart with a fierce unyielding fist. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
She was perfect.
Long strawberry blonde hair that had me trembling, stunning hazelnut eyes that annihilated me with just one look, and a body… God, that body… I’m still aching all over when I think about how it looked in that red dress.
My eyes never left her after that moment.
The conversation kept going around me, but I didn’t hear one word after that beauty stole my attention and held it until she left.
I was planning on talking to her. I was going to ask her to dance. Hell, I would have thrown her over my shoulder and stole her away until she agreed to marry me (the thought had crossed my mind a few times), but after dinner she disappeared.
Gone. Vanished. Out of my life.
My muscles started to get tight, my neck strained, my jaw clenched, and I got a sharp edgy feeling all over when I realized she wasn’t coming back from the bathroom. I snapped at my brothers when they told me to relax, but the only thing keeping me from going over the deep end was knowing that she was coming into the office today for a meeting.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. She’s coming. Here.
I hate not having her in my sight. I haven’t even said one word to her and I’m already obsessed. I already know she’s mine.
My brothers are laughing at me, but I just ignore them. If they only knew what yesterday was like. This is me under control.
I haven’t slept, I haven’t eaten, I haven’t been myself since. I’m a wreck.
It was pure torture knowing that she was out in the world and I wasn’t beside her with my protective arm around her, breathing in her beautiful intoxicating scent.
“Westin,” Nolan says, snapping me out of my daze. “I know you like this girl—”
Like this girl? He doesn’t get it. I’m utterly consumed by this girl. She’s not just some school girl crush. She’s the one. She was made for me. She’s mine.
“—but the Brown family is our biggest client. Can you control yourself?”
I take a deep breath as all three of them stare at me with worried faces. I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Hopefully, I’ll be professional, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I kick the three of them out and have my way with Victoria on the conference table.
“Westin?” Eli says with a shaky voice when I don’t answer.
“Oh, shit!” Luke hisses as he glances out the window into the hallway. “She’s coming.”
I swallow hard as I straighten my tie and shake my hands out. I have to control myself. I can’t ruin this. I won’t be able to live without this girl in my life.
Nolan’s eyes are on me as I sit at the head of the table and wait. Every second feels like an eternity. I can hear my heart thrashing in my ears and can feel it thundering through my body, but I’m motionless and appear to be calm from the outside.
The receptionist shows her into the conference room and a little whimper escapes my throat when I see her walk in looking sexier than ever.
She’s no longer showing any cleavage like she was in her red dress. This is all strict business attire—a gray pantsuit, white blouse, black heels.
But it’s enough to send a warmth flooding through my veins that makes me lightheaded when it reaches my brain.
My ass feels like it’s cemented to the chair as my three brothers jump up and shake her hand, welcoming her in.
Normally, I’m the one who takes the lead, but Nolan takes over since I’m incapacitated at the moment.
“Welcome to Cline Corp, Miss Brown,” he says. “You remember Eli, Luke, and Westin?”
She nods politely at each of them, but her eyes widen just a little when she makes eye contact with me. She holds my gaze a bit longer than the rest.
“Westin,” Eli hisses under his breath as he turns around to me. “Get your ass out of that chair!”
I shake the buzzing out of my head and quickly stand up. I go to her and shake her hand.
It’s soft yet firm, and I can tell from one touch that I’m in love with this woman.
She’s perfect. I never stood a chance.
“Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice,” she says as Nolan closes the door and we all sit down at the large table.
“Anything for the Brown family,” Nolan says in his pol
ite business tone. “Congratulations again on the wedding. It was a wonderful party and we felt so blessed to be invited.”
“You left early,” I blurt out. “Where did you go?”
Victoria looks shocked as she turns to me with her gorgeous hazelnut eyes open wide.
“What the fuck?” Eli is hissing through clenched teeth with a demented smile on his face. “Chill.”
This is not the way to woo a woman. Even I know that.
“I mean… I wanted to talk to you and get to know you better, but you had left.”
“It was a… personal matter,” she says. “I came this morning to talk about my company’s finances.”
“Great!” Nolan says as he starts rifling through the papers in front of him. “What can we help you with?”
“My brother.”
“Your brother?” Luke repeats. “I’ve gotten very close to him. I was at his bachelor party.”
“On that garish yacht that cost the company a fortune?” Victoria says with a roll of her eyes. “He’s driving my father’s company into the ground!”
“I’m not that close to him,” Luke quickly corrects. “We hardly talked.”
“He’s spending every last cent the company makes and then some,” she says getting all worked up. My eyes are locked on her. I don’t know where to look. On her sweet lips as they move, on her fierce eyes as they dart around the table, or on her big perky tits pressing out against her silky blouse.
I hate to see her upset like this as she goes on about her brother’s outrageous spending. I’m going to fix it for her. I’m going to do whatever I can to make my girl’s life easier.
“My father would be devastated,” she says as her eyes start to get misty. “This is not the way he raised us. He built his company through hard work and integrity. Not through crazy schemes and throwing obscene amounts of money at ventures that are sure to fail.”
“How much is he spending?” I ask.
She swallows hard as she looks at me. “All of it. If he keeps up like this, we’ll be broke in a year.”
“You’ll always be okay,” I promise her. “Whatever happens, I’ll take care of you.”
“What he means,” Eli quickly interjects, “is that Cline Corp will always be here for you and your family.” He shoots me a look. “Right, Westin?”
I don’t answer. She knows what I meant.
“What business ventures are you talking about?” Nolan asks when the air in here starts to get thicker.
Victoria sighs. “His latest genius idea was to start a fashion line.”
Eli is rubbing his chin as he listens. “That might not be so bad. It’s a very competitive industry, but fashion brands can be profitable.”
She reaches into her leather bag and pulls out some photos.
“Oh,” Eli says when she tosses them onto the table. “Yeah, that’s bad.”
I lean forward and look at the clothes on the models. They look like something out of a bad science fiction movie from the eighties.
“He spent a fortune on the designs and now he’s throwing a massive fashion show, which of course he’s putting on our company’s tab. It’s going to be a disaster. Our company is a technology and electrical components distributor. What the hell do we know about the fashion world?”
“So, what brings you here?” I ask. “What can we do for you?”
She takes a sharp breath as she straightens up in her chair. “I want to split up the company. I want to take my share and have Gabriel take his. I won’t allow my father’s legacy to be destroyed any more than it already has been. I’ll protect what I can.”
“And you want us to help with this?” Nolan asks.
“Gabriel likes and respects you guys,” she says with a firm nod. “I’d like you to help me deal with it.”
“We’ll take care of everything,” I promise her. “But it’s going to cost you.”
“I’m prepared to pay,” she says. “What would a service like this cost?”
“A date.”
“A date?” she asks, looking confused.
“Or money,” Eli quickly adds.
“No money,” I snap as I shoot him a warning look. “A date for the fashion show.”
“You want to go to the fashion show?” she asks with her forehead all scrunched up. Fuck, she looks adorable like that. “With me?”
I nod. “You let me take you to the fashion show and I’ll handle your brother.”
Her cheeks go red as my brothers sink into their seats with groans.
I know what they’re thinking, but I don’t care. This isn’t about business anymore. This is about making this sweet girl mine.
“Okay,” she says with a nod. “You got a deal.”
Chapter Two
“Can you sign for this, Miss Brown?” the receptionist Kate asks when I walk into the building. “I know it’s Gabriel’s job to sign for expenses, but I didn’t want to interrupt him on his honeymoon.”
There’s construction noise all around me—hammering, drilling, and what sounds like a jackhammer echoing through the lobby of our company. I’ve been here for thirty seconds and I already have a headache.
There are construction workers everywhere. Gabriel had the genius idea to renovate the entire building to give it a ‘rich, opulent look.’
My father never needed such frivolous expenses as crystal chandeliers and gold-plated elevators to conduct his business. I can still remember the small office he rented when I was a kid with the thick green carpeting and wood paneling on the walls.
“What am I signing?” I ask as I look down at the paper. Oh my God…
Is he freaking serious? Two hundred and sixty thousand dollars for exotic plants?
I suck in a breath and hand it back to her. “I can’t sign that.”
“Is there a problem?” Kate asks, looking confused.
Yeah, my father is rolling around in his grave right now. If I sign that, he’ll spend all of eternity haunting me.
“Give it to Gabriel when he returns.”
“Oh, he called and asked me to tell you that he’ll be back in town for the fashion show and then he’ll be returning to his honeymoon. But since he’s taking a night out of his honeymoon, he decided to extend it from two weeks to three.”
“Funny that he didn’t call me.”
She shrugs. “He must have known you were busy.”
“Yeah,” I say as my hand clenches into a fist. “That must have been why.”
“He’s such a sweetheart, your brother,” Kate says, swooning. “What a fantastic honeymoon. He rented the nicest villa in Fiji. Did you know it has a staff of thirty-six people? Thirty-six people for two guests. Incredible.”
“Incredibly excessive,” I mutter under my breath as two construction workers walk by holding a huge painting. “Where did that come from? Forget it. I don’t want to know.”
I grab my mail from Kate and head over to the elevators.
“Sorry, ma’am,” a construction worker says. “Out of order for the week.”
You’ve got to be kidding me.
I grit my teeth as I head to the stairs and walk up the eight floors to my office.
This spending is out of control. And the worst part is, we’re losing business because of him. He’s putting all of his focus on spending money and has none left for making it. He doesn’t even care that we’ve lost our biggest client.
Mr. Jones owns a huge robotics company and we used to be the sole provider of their electrical components. He worked with my father for thirty-three years and after less than a year in Gabriel’s hands, he left.
That was when I decided to get involved and come to work. Mr. Jones’ daughter called to give me a head’s up about what was happening. When I confronted Gabriel about it, he just shrugged and said “we have loads of other clients, Vicky. Who cares about Mr. Jones?”
“Dad cared!” I responded in disbelief. “That’s why he was our best client for thirty-three years! We us
ed to go on vacation with their family!”
He just stared at me with that stupid look like he always has whenever I get worked up about something.
Eight flights of stairs, one sweaty back, and two aching feet later, I arrive at my office and sink down in my chair.
I sigh as I open one bill after another—all for the fashion show this Thursday.
Twenty-six thousand dollars on imported shrimp from Thailand, four hundred thousand on flowers, three hundred and seventy thousand for a celebrity I’ve never heard of to make an appearance for twenty minutes.
I leave the rest unopened and drop my head on the desk with a sigh.
Tears start stinging the back of my eyes, threatening to come out.
I miss Dad.
I wish he was here.
He would know how to handle this. He would put Gabriel in his place.
I sigh as I pick my head back up and continue pushing forward.
Ninety thousand for a DJ, eleven thousand for a red carpet rental, nine hundred thousand to rent the extravagant venue.
He’s going to ruin my father’s legacy.
But I won’t let him.
I’ll preserve it. I’ll grow it. I’ll make him proud.
I don’t need a ton of riches and all of this fancy stuff. When I picture happiness, I’m in a small house in the countryside surrounded by a loving family.
That’s all I really want. That’s all I need.
A man who loves me and some children that I adore.
My mind wanders from my peaceful little fantasy and goes to Westin Cline.
I get a shiver all over when I remember the intense way he was looking at me from across the conference table. It was the same possessive look he had on his face when I introduced myself at the wedding.