Guardian of Darkness

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Guardian of Darkness Page 15

by Katie Reus

  When he slid a finger inside her, she started rolling her hips against him and he knew it wouldn’t be long for her. Not because he’d remotely learned her body yet, but because her inner walls gripped him tight and the scent of her lust was overpowering. It mixed with his own arousal, drowning him, overtaking everything, including any sense he had.

  Her slickness covered his finger as he ground his palm against her clit.

  She moaned against his neck and he was pretty sure she said his name but he could barely make it out above the blood rushing in his ears.

  So driven to make her orgasm, he continued sliding his finger in and out of her, wanting to do so much more, but—

  Tearing her head back, she shouted, “Fuck!” before piercing his skin again.

  It took all his restraint not to come in his pants as she started climaxing, sharp and fast, her orgasm seeming to be a tsunami as she writhed against him, drawing blood from him as she came in wave after wave.

  He closed his eyes as she rode through it, holding her tight as she came down from the high—and continued to ignore the ache between his legs.

  Appearing a little dazed, Vega pulled back slightly from Gabriel. Staring at him with wide eyes she cleared her throat. “That was…”

  “Bad timing,” he murmured, his lips curving up into a grin. What the hell had he been thinking, bringing her to orgasm now of all times? They needed to get out of here. But when she’d taken blood from him, it had ignited something raw and primitive inside him. Something that apparently made him lose all reason.

  She quirked an eyebrow. “I was going to say amazing.”

  Chapter 18

  Judoc slammed his fist into Carson’s face, savoring the feel of the other male’s nose crunching under the impact.

  The piece of shit excuse for a wolf flew back about four feet and didn’t even attempt to get up this time.

  It took a lot to truly anger him and right now Judoc was doing all he could not to kill this wolf, to rip out his still-beating heart and shove it in his mouth. This male was family, blood.

  As he’d listened to Gabriel earlier in his office, and then as he’d been chasing Carson down, he’d replayed some strange things that had happened in his pack involving Carson over the years. And come away full of rage.

  Judoc had thought back to when Carson had lived here, how he’d seemed to easily sleep with so many females, even females who were happily in relationships. The females would suddenly leave the male they’d been seeing and jump into something with Carson. In some cases, Judoc had been utterly surprised, and now he wondered if Carson had violated their minds and their dreams, done to them what he tried to do to Vega. He didn’t actually wonder—deep down he knew the truth now. The male had never gone after truly mated individuals, but some of those relationships had been tight and had been heading in that direction. And Judoc was pretty certain Carson had ripped apart those relationships simply because he could.

  “The only reason you’re not dead is because you are going to suffer,” he snarled as Carson lay there, attempting to wipe blood from his face. Technically he was alive because Judoc knew Gabriel needed him, at least temporarily.

  Shifters weren’t like vampires; they didn’t relish torture. But for the first time in his life, he understood truly why vampires could torture someone for decades. Before Carson died he would admit exactly how many crimes he had committed against his pack. And to whom. And Judoc was going to let any victims take out a piece of him.

  He glanced over at one of his sentries. “Take him to a holding cell. Chains around his neck, ankles and wrists. No one is to sleep on shift. He might be able to enter your subconscious that way. Anyone guarding him will have no access to the key or the ability to unlock the holding cell. That will be traded off to someone else off-site. If someone needs to open the cell, they’ll have to call the key holder and explain exactly why. Normal operating standards do not apply here. This isn’t some asshole packmate who got too crazy and needed to sleep it off. He’s a fucking terrorist in our midst. Treat him as such.”

  The female in front of him nodded once. Layla was new to his pack and didn’t have a former relationship with Carson, didn’t know him at all. Which was a bonus.

  At that thought, Judoc continued, “In fact, only those new to the pack guard him. No one who knew him when he lived here before is allowed to guard him or see him. You make the rotating list of guards for now. That’s an order,” he snapped out before turning back to Mira who was still in dragon form.

  She’d crushed up the helicopter so that it resembled a ball and was batting the thing around with her wings like she was a fucking cat.

  Seriously some days he questioned his life. “Mira!”

  She immediately stopped and looked at him, her big dragon head turning slightly to the side.

  Judoc opened his mouth, but was cut off by a packmate, José, who raced through the trees on a four-wheeler, wearing a North Face jacket, jeans, and gloves. His expression was tense as he slammed to a halt.

  Turning away from the dragon, who then continued to knock the helicopter around, Judoc faced José.

  “We’ve got an issue,” his packmate said, “a couple miles from here. Found a lynx shifter on our territory. A wolf shifter too.”

  He swore under his breath. Could tonight get any more complicated?

  “We actually saw the wolf,” José continued. “When we attempted to bring him down, the lynx appeared from the trees, knocking down two of our sentries. They were careful not to overly injure anyone. And I kind of get the feeling that they were holding back. We’ve got them contained but not completely secured. They say they won’t talk to anyone but the Alpha.”

  Judoc nodded once, not asking any more questions because it wasn’t necessary. If he had two outsiders in his territory and they wouldn’t talk to anyone but him, he needed to get there now and handle it.

  He turned back to Mira, barely keeping his frustration in check. He wasn’t angry at her, and if anything, he owed her for taking out that chopper so easily. “Can you shift to human?”

  She knocked the helicopter out of her way and quickly shifted back to human form, faster than he’d ever seen anyone make the change from animal to human. Seconds later she stood in front of him, completely unabashed in her nudity. Most wolves were like that but with her she didn’t even seem to notice when she got sidelong looks from some of his wolves. More likely she didn’t care.

  Her gray eyes were vivid even under the light of just the moon. Her dark hair fell around her in soft waves, even though nothing about her was soft. If he’d felt an ounce of attraction toward her, she would make a damn fine Alpha’s mate—and not because of her looks. She was strong and lethal. Unfortunately, he was pretty sure she viewed him as a potential snack she tolerated. “I need to deal with the issue of Carson and the two intruders on my land. But I also need to get back to Gabriel and Vega. I need to know more about your sister and what’s going on. We can take the four-wheeler and you can talk to me as I drive.” He wasn’t asking but telling.

  “Of course. I think they should be okay for now but I don’t know. I have not heard or felt any more rumblings along the psychic link I have with my sister. She might have expended a lot of energy opening that hole. In fact, I’m fairly certain she did. She might be napping to regain her strength, for lack of a better phrase.” Despite Mira’s words there was still a sense of urgency rolling off her.

  It mirrored the urgency humming through him. It more than bothered him that there was an ancient being sleeping somewhere on his property, near his packmates. The people he was supposed to protect and keep safe. He nodded once then looked around. “I need clothes for Mira.”

  Immediately one of his wolves raced up, a bundle of clothes in his mouth. Wyatt dropped them in front of Judoc.

  They would be a little big but at least the length would work on her tall frame.

  “Thank you,” she said, tugging the sweater over her head. The jeans hung low on
her hips and she had to roll them a couple times but they fit well enough. She wore the clothing as if she was a fucking queen. Hell, for all he knew, at one time she had been.

  It didn’t take long to drive to where the lynx and wolf were being held. The two, both in animal form, looked as if they were dozing while his wolves surrounded them. They must have shifted to human form to inform José they would only talk to the Alpha, but shifted back to their animal form. It would be easier to escape that way. Not that the two appeared to be trying anything anytime soon.

  But he wasn’t fooled by their casual poses. Two shifters who had infiltrated his territory were not to be taken lightly. Because he had a lot of security in place. They wouldn’t have gotten near the actual pack’s home, but the fact that they were in his woods pissed him off. Judoc jumped off the four-wheeler and strode toward the two. His wolves moved back, parting the way for him.

  “Shift.” He didn’t raise his voice but injected a lot of power into that one word.

  The two did as he said, and before him stood a tall white male with bluish eyes, and a female with brown skin and amber eyes. She was petite compared to the male and…pretty much all his wolves, but there was no fear in her eyes. Not in the male’s either.

  Neither were familiar to him, but that meant nothing. The world was a large place.

  “Why are you on my land? And who are you? Your answer better be good or I’ll kill you right here.” For how he was feeling, he was ready to do just that and be done with it. He had too much shit to deal with right now.

  Before either of them could answer, Mira stepped up next to him. Damn it, she was such an Alpha it drove him crazy. She should not be interrupting him and she damn well knew it. “You might want to ask about the third shifter with them.”

  He looked at her and she pointed to her nose. He inhaled deeply and caught the hint of something on the wind. It was so faint he wasn’t even certain it was another shifter. Almost like bear.

  “To the west. I’m not sure how far away. There is something here that does not belong.” Her words were so matter-of-fact.

  Before he could send out the order for one of his wolves to hunt down the other intruder, a giant male in human form, wearing dark blue clothing, dropped from the trees like a ninja. As the big male approached the circle, his wolves congregated together, clearly ready to attack.

  “Stand down,” Judoc said quietly.

  The male held up his hands and said, “This isn’t how I wanted to meet. These two are my people. My name is August. Vega and Gabriel work for me. Are they alive? And have you hurt them?” There was no forgiveness in the male’s eyes if the answer was yes to the last question.

  Going on what Gabriel had told him about why they were here, this was clearly the boss who’d ordered them to bring Carson back. “You’re the one hunting Carson. He’s now in my pack’s prison.”

  The other male’s expression didn’t change at all. “Alive or dead?”

  “Alive for now.”

  “If he has a laptop or any type of technology, I need to see it.”

  “Pretty ballsy to be making demands of me.” When the other male went to speak, Judoc shook his head. “I don’t have time for any bullshit. Gabriel already told me why you’re after Carson. I will help you with that problem—later. And that doesn’t mean you get a pass for being on my territory. Right now I’m dealing with some shit so the three of you will be escorted back to my pack’s mansion until I can deal with you.”

  August didn’t move. “Not until I talk to Gabriel.”

  Mira snorted under her breath, earning a curious look from August.

  “Right now it’s not possible to talk to Gabriel or Vega. Because of that shit I told you I was dealing with? That’s why.” And he wasn’t going to offer any more explanation than that. “So take what I’m offering you and you will be guests, with limitations, in my territory. For now.”

  The male paused a long moment, sizing Judoc up. “Vega set off her panic device. If she’s hurt because of you or your pack, you’re dead.” His words were devoid of emotion as he continued. “And I’m not threatening you. Just stating a fact. Her pack will go to war with you. So will their allies.”

  Yeah, no shit. “I don’t owe you anything, but no one in my pack has hurt her or will hurt her. Or Gabriel. We’re on the same side. At least about Carson.”

  “So let me talk to Gabriel or Vega.”

  “I can’t. And I’m done with this conversation. Your choice, head back to my home as my guest or you’re free to take on my entire pack right now. And you still won’t be any closer to talking to Vega or Gabriel.”

  The guy actually paused, as if he was considering taking on his whole pack. Then he nodded once. “That is acceptable. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  Polite, civil words that did nothing to mask the raw beast of a male—who was now looking at Mira with a whole lot of interest.

  To Judoc’s surprise, the female actually winked at the male as he was being led away with an escort.

  “Tell me you don’t know him,” Judoc muttered.

  “Nope. He smells good though.” She looked as if she might say more, but instead grinned as she watched August walk away.

  Judoc shook his head. “You and smells.”

  She shrugged. “He’s got a nice backside as well.”

  “Okay, now that that’s under control, I need more about your sister. How can we get her to let them go? Or how can we get them out?”

  Mira was quiet as they stalked back to the four-wheeler. As she got on behind him, she said, “I’ve been trying to reach Prima along our link but I think she’s blocking me. Either that or she’s simply sleeping again. I can dig through where the ground closed up, see if we can get to them that way. But…it is not a sure thing. She’s linked to the earth. She can create pathways for them, could have already moved whatever hole she pulled them into… I’m sorry that I do not have a more solid answer for you.”

  “It’s better than nothing. Keep trying to reach her,” he said, starting the engine.

  Chapter 19

  Vega adjusted her sweater and pants, fighting the heat flooding her cheeks. She wasn’t embarrassed or anything but…what had happened was wholly unexpected. Not to mention insane timing. She wasn’t sure what had driven her to act so rashly when they should have been trying to get the hell out of here.

  Okay that was a lie. After she’d drunk from Gabriel she’d wanted to keep drinking, to keep taking from him as pleasure had infused her. She’d never experienced anything like that in the past when she’d taken blood from someone.

  Gabriel reached for her again, his big hands settling on her hips in a possessive manner she liked way too much. “I’ve never had a vampire drink from me before.”

  Technically she was a hybrid but she knew what he meant. “Yeah…I, uh, I’ve never felt like that when drinking from someone.”

  “Turned on?”

  “Yes.” It had been a heady experience.

  “I hate to say this, but we need to get out of here. Whatever is going on…” Shaking his head, he looked around again but didn’t take his grip off her.

  A shiver of cold snaked through her as she looked up at the walls of the cave. “We could climb out.” But the thought of trying to claw their way through however many feet of dirt and rock? Yeah, not feeling really great about that. Especially since they’d be doing it with very little traction or support, given the sharp angle of the cave walls. Surprised at the cold, she wrapped her arms around herself.

  When she shivered again Gabriel pulled her into his arms. “We’re going to get out of this mess,” he murmured. “At least the voice has been quiet.”

  Nodding, she bundled closer to him, enveloped in his warmth. “I’m surprised by how cold it is in here.” More importantly, she was surprised she was affected by it.

  Gabriel shifted against her and buried his face against her neck. The action seemed so instinctual that she arched into him even as she ached f
or him. For more of this. Them. She couldn’t believe they’d gone from well, nothing, to this. Not that she was certain she knew what this was. Abruptly she stepped back.

  “What is it?” he demanded.

  She let out a curse and reached into her back pocket. The necklace August had given her was still there. She’d tucked it into her pants during the hunt for Carson because she hadn’t wanted to leave it behind and it would have broken if she’d left it on during her shift. She’d lost her phone, probably on the forest floor before they’d been pulled into this place, but the necklace was still there. Grimacing when she saw that it was more or less destroyed, she let out another curse. This was not good.

  “Where’d you get that necklace? Did a male give it to you?” Gabriel’s voice was neutral enough but his wolf flashed in his eyes and stayed there.

  She blinked once. “Are you jealous?”


  Maybe she shouldn’t be surprised by his honesty but she sort of was. This was a whole new side to Gabriel. “August gave this to me as a sort of failsafe—”

  “It had a panic button,” he said before she could even finish. And he wasn’t asking. So he was at least familiar with this type of thing.

  “Yes and I’m pretty sure it was activated.” Which meant there could be a whole mess of stuff going on with Judoc and his packmates right now. She refused to think about that, however, because she needed to compartmentalize and their only goal was to get out of this cave. And you know, figure out what the hell was going on.

  “We’ll worry about that later. You ready to climb?” he asked, watching her closely.

  She had no idea what to make of his look, if anything. “Yeah. How should we do this? Go at the same time or should one of us wait while the other climbs?”

  “I’ll go first,” he said, still holding on to her.


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