Bimbo Academy- The Complete Series

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Bimbo Academy- The Complete Series Page 10

by Jen Eastwood


  “When you were staring out the window at the snow. What was that song?”

  “You know I do not sing, Alexei. That is frivolous here.”

  Knowing what I know now, it should have been a warning. “You are the strongest person I know. Never forget that.”

  “You are still as kind as you were when we first met. Do you remember?”

  For the first time since that day, Anya looked vulnerable. “Yeah, plain as day.”

  And that rare, innocent look in her eyes disappeared as abruptly as it arrived. “That kindness will be your downfall. You are too much like Natalia.”

  “Maybe you're right.” I looked around her and motioned for the redhead to follow me. “I'll see what I can do with her.”

  At least Lara could do what she was told, no matter how much she bitched and griped about it. “There, it's clean just so mess it up all over again.”

  The room had lost the aroma. “I'll need your help with this one.” I pointed at Julia, holding her hands in front of her hips in the doorway.

  I heard her take a few gentle steps forward. “Is this another exam? I passed the one last year.”

  Waving my hand forward and then pointing at the chromed pole in the far corner, I dropped the bad news. “No, this is a corrective measure. You're damn close to getting kicked out.” When they're scared and politely obedient like this, enough of Anya had rubbed off on me that I started to like them like that.

  Lara already had the strips of black webbing in her hand. “I can take care of her while you pick the tools.”

  “Only strip her to her underwear.” I wanted to take my time with her. “You do the same.”

  My intern winked and smirked as she walked past me. “Come on, he only brought you here to save your ass from failing.” I heard a smack behind me. “And what a nice ass. I think he'll like you.”

  Lara had picked up on my preferences alright. I dragged myself to what I'd started calling my 'magic motivation table.' We'd even added a few new toys. “Everything's clean enough to eat off of.”

  I looked back to see Julia start panting and turning pink as Lara undressed her. Christ, already worked up? I decided against any toys, for now.



  Lara kept her eyes on me as she strapped Julia's hands, seven wraps up the forearm, and then seven perpendicular to those. “Over your head, back against the pole.” She was about to put Julia under lock-down. “Are you sure about this?”

  “There's nothing in my hands, so yeah, I changed my mind.”

  “Then what's the plan?” Lara stepped out of her own black staff skirt she begged and pleaded for, black bra, panties, and another accessory. “Is it alright if I keep the socks?”

  “Go for it.” Sometimes I liked her in thigh-highs, sometimes I didn't. She looked like she was wearing parts cut out of her shadow.

  Lara had her hands on her hips, facing me. “So what's the new plan?”

  I needed to know where Julia stood, first of all. “Rub up against her, but keep your hands out from between her legs.”

  Julia blushed, her bountiful tits heaving with every breath. As Lara put one hand on her flat stomach, the other on her thigh, she jerked like she'd just been shocked. “I'm sorry.”

  Was she startled, or is she naturally this turned-on all the time? I stepped closer, within range of feeling her breathing against my face. “Keep going.”

  “Slow down or I'll...” Julia tried to keel over as soon as Lara had her hand inside that strained bra. “Fuck!”

  Lara took her hands away and asked, “Is she coming right now?”

  I twisted my lips and nodded. “If it's something physical, I can't do anything.” I patted Julia on her cheek as she finished quivering. “If's it's in your head, you're probably in luck.”

  Grabbing her wrist with the copper band, I put my other hand on her forehead. Flashes of Lara and myself doing things to her I'd never imagined filled my own brain.

  “You're a creative-type, aren't you?”

  “What do you mean?” Her feeble voice had a little shake to it now. “I like to draw, write, and all kinds of stuff like that.”

  I'd only come across this issue once before, but nowhere near this level. “I'd say you're a prodigy at things like that. Am I right.”

  Julia looked embarrassed to even nod in agreement. “I just see things more clearly in my own head than I do with my eyes.”

  Better be careful, or I'll strip that gift away completely. It was time to try one of those delightfully depraved ideas I'd gleaned from her mind.

  Lara never saw it coming. As I forced her back against the wall, I pulled one leg up to my waist. Unzipping my fly, the natural erection I already had pressed against her opening. The only thing keeping my out was the damn panties.

  Shifting them aside, I plunged hard and saw the shock in Lara's face. She couldn't believe it as I covered her mouth, her eyes opened wider than I'd thought they could. And believe me, I'd seen some wide eyes on the poor girl.

  I gave her hip-shattering thrust after thrust, feeling like my own pelvis would crack. Her voice buzzed against my palm as I pulled her leg even higher, resting it in the crook of my elbow. It let that hand move up to her throat, where it clamped down hard.

  We didn't get much of that savage fucking in before I heard a whimper that twisted into a loud scream. I knew Lara couldn't speak, because hell, she couldn't even breath. It made me wish I'd have used a stop-watch.

  Pulling out of Lara and letting her go, she slid down the wall until she was a breathless mess in the floor. As Julia came beside us, my intern looked up, coughed, and then touched her throat. “God, you've gotta do that to me again. Fuck.”

  As long as she was alright with it, I planned on accommodating her. “If I tried that with Anya, she'd either love me even more, or murder me in my sleep. I don't know which.”

  Lara grinned at the idea of me even trying. “Don't run to me for help if you do.”

  Our test subject wasn't standing on her feet anymore, having already slid down the poll with her restraints. Julia was too wobbly to stay up on her own, but I had the answers I needed. As I unwrapped the strapping from her wrists, something resembling words came out of her mouth.

  “Aw, look!” Lara drug herself to her feet. “She came so hard she's turned to mush.”

  Hell, am I gonna need a medic to oversee this? “Get her some water. This'll be a long session.”

  As I helped Julia to her feet, it sounded like she said, “More, please.”

  By the time I had her on the X-table, her skin became pale and uniform as porcelain again. I took care with the velcro straps. Just jerking them too hard got the poor girl excited.

  “Have you always been like this?”

  She shook her head as Lara held the ball gag over her face. Using her last chance to speak, she said, “Only since the start of this semester.”

  We were already getting close to finals. Why the hell didn't Anya say anything about her sooner? “Lara, after she's taken care of, call Anya up as soon as her classes are done. She's got answers, and I'm dragging them out of her, one way or another.” And why did she tell me she has faith in me, if she could be the cause?

  Ever the scheming mega-bitch, I knew the chances were slim of her not being the cause. The sad part is, after she explains herself, she'd probably come back with a damn good reason, too. Until she answered my summons, I'd have to keep Julia contained, for her own safety.

  “You call your wife to your office,” Anya leaned with her arms and legs crossed, a shoulder resting on the door frame, “and you greet her by fucking your secretary on the desk.” She sat down like nothing was out of the ordinary, because not even a speck of dust really was out of place. “The two of you are,” she searched for the right words, “so predictable, it is embarrassing.”

  I let go of Lara's wrists. It really was all her fault, what with trying to get into my pants while I was catching up
on other work and all that. “She started it.”

  As I pulled back, Lara shouted, “Hey!” She stared at Anya, not sure if she needed to be worried or amused. “He's the one that tried something new, and then he pulls out a few seconds later.”

  Yoink. I pulled out all the way, watching Lara's face contort like I'd just thrown her a mortal insult. “See how she reacts?”

  Anya wasn't in the mood, standing there with a blank expression on her face, eyes narrowed. “Enough of this skit. What is the problem?”

  “You're the one who noticed the issue with Julia, so why wait until now to let me know?”

  “I do not know what you are talking about.” As soon as she was all the way in, I pressed the lock-in button under my desk, slamming and bolting the door from across the room. “Why this sudden distrust of what I say? I did nothing you would not do, Alexei.”

  That's a tell. I cut right to the point. “What did she do to you?”

  “You call me a liar?” She tried acting offended, but outrage was the one emotion other than sympathy Anya couldn't even comprehend. “What is this joke you are playing? Have you fixed my student or not?”

  I got up, put my shaft back in my pants, and walked toward the door to the back. “That's how I know you're lying. You repeat yourself and dig the hole even deeper.”

  “We will see.” Anya stared hard at Lara when she got to my desk. “And I will deal with you later.”

  You got caught, and now you're taking it out on everyone else. I'm glad you're back to normal now. “Lara, come on, you know she probably watched us and liked it for a while.”

  She teased back at Anya from behind. “He was already doing something rougher than you can do.”

  Anya didn't even look back. “Try me.” She walked through the door first. “Dear husband, we can not keep her like this the rest of the year. She will get bed sores.”

  “Har har.”

  “Alexei,” Anya whipped right around, “I did not do this, but I know who did. This has gotten more out-of-hand than I thought.” She bowed her head at me. “This is partially my fault. I am sorry.”

  “How did you get in over your head this time?” I looked around her to see what caused the sudden change. Julia was already shaking in place. “Lara, cut her free and bring her with us. I'm getting to the bottom of this.” Fuck I've done too much walking today for this shit!

  We'd walked clear across the old castle, like some mid-seventies mystery gang cartoon, minus the irritating dog with a speech impediment. Anya broke the silence first. “Julia already knows who did this to her, I am sure.”

  “Galina?” Her voice was either naturally meek, or she had been through so much hell already, she expected to get stepped on. “Now that I know someone had to make it happen, I can't think of anyone else.”

  As we stopped before the massive double-doors for the student dormitory, I had to know. “So tell me, exactly how did she do this?”

  It was like Anya tried to duck into the shadows of the early evening, backing against the far wall away from the massive windows. “You have used borage seed oil on students, yes, Alexei?”

  I didn't know how it worked, but it made even the toughest students crack. A dab of the concentrated stuff made them squirm from the slightest touch down there. “But how would Galina get it inside Julia?”

  Anya explained it so simply, it made the plan even more diabolical. “After this American bitch insulted Galina by calling her a 'potato eating, vodka swilling piece of Euro-trash,' I gave her the oil and told her what it does.” She grinned, proud of the effects from tipping one domino to drop them all. “She figured out the rest on her own.”

  “Explain 'the rest.'”

  “Every student has their own practice dummy, and their own supply of lubricant.” Anya jerked like she was holding back a rare laugh. “I did not think Galina would think to make it last this long by dosing the lube.”

  “So what did you think she'd do?”

  “Grease her dummy's pole a few times between classes. She is my kind of subtle, that girl.”

  All this over one insult she didn't even direct toward you? “God, you're such a bitch.”

  Anya got back to her normal self. “Do you expect any less of me, Alexei?”

  No, I really shouldn't. “You know I'm in charge of discipline. You should have sent Julia to me for the insult. Now it's ten times fucking worse.”

  “But you are so busy already. It is best to let cat-fights sort themselves.”

  I grabbed one of the doors. Before pulling it open, I had to make my stance known. “I just dropped about twenty points off my estimate of your IQ, Anya.”

  Galina pushed her slender self against the back wall of her dorm. She pointed directly at Anya, speaking with hardly any Russian accent herself. “You ratted me out?”

  My wife didn't say a word. Lara and Julia hung back at the entry as I walked through the tiny room and around the bed. “We could dish out the punishment here, or we can do it elsewhere.”

  The tall, slender brunette looked like she was ready to spit in my face. “You don't have any proof.”

  “So what did Anya rat you out about, exactly?”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Lara.” I trusted my little enforcer with matters like this. “I think she wants it to happen in my office.”

  I got back to Anya, who wouldn't fight back against anything I ordered her to do by that point. “Alexei, understand that Julia started this.”

  “Still trying to weasel out of it? You know I can't let it slide.”

  Lara and Galina tumbled in the corner. By the time I turned around to watch, my blonde intern had the brunette with nearly a foot over her pressed face down against her bed. “You little suck-up bitch!” She already had a zip-tie around her wrists.

  “Good job.” I turned back to Anya. “You know you've got to do the same.”

  She whipped around, pressing both wrists together. “Do not use the skinny ones this time.”

  That's all I had in my pocket. “Sorry, you don't get to make demands anymore.” Now we had one last issue to take care of. “Anya, Galina, you two sit on the bed. Lara, Julia, help me search for the borage oil.”

  “It's between my mattresses.” Galina nodded her head toward a certain corner. “Can we go now?”

  She thinks she's clever. “Thanks for letting me know I'll probably find something even worse in here.”

  “You asshole.”

  I had to use one of her sheets to bundle up all the contraband after we finished ripping the room apart. Cigarettes, liquor, and even a cell phone. Someone in the staff pool was sneaking this stuff in. Nobody else came and went from the academy often enough to smuggle so much in one trip.

  We marched Anya and Galina, side-by-side. They kept their heads down, knowing they were about to get hell, and that would just be the warm-up. Lara and Julia guided them for me, because I had dozens of pounds of banned shit to haul.

  “Alexei,” Anya shot a hard stare at Galina, “I did not know about the contraband.”

  “I believe you, and I know you didn't supply it.” Anya never left the academy. On the rare occasion I had to, she always refused to go with me. “I'll figure it out and fire her supplier. She's lucky I don't boot her ass out right now.”

  Tossing the makeshift bag over one shoulder, I dug out my office key. As soon as I was in, I dropped the bundle in the corner, bottles clinking together as I did. Every time glass hit glass, the fear in Galina's eyes amplified.

  “Take them on to the back,” I dug for the vial of borage oil and pulled it out, “and make sure you use plenty of this on them.”

  Lara's shook with excitement as she snatched it out of my hand. “Holy shit, thank you!”

  I had to doubt if letting someone that excited at the idea using it on anyone was wise. But our two troublemakers should have known better themselves. “Julia, do you think you can handle watching?”

  Her face turned stop-light red. She leaned in, whispering,
“If I clean it out of me, I think so.”

  I simply nodded at her, not wanting to embarrass her any more than she already was. “Lara, get them ready and we'll be in there in a few minutes.”

  Lara gave me a quick, sloppy salute for the first time ever. She poked a stiff finger in the small of their backs and ordered, “Go on. I've got one bottle of the magic juice and just a few minutes alone with you two.” Anya's own creation had turned on her, and it was marvelous.

  “As soon as I get all of this sorted and accounted for, we'll be in there to help.”

  Stopping and grabbing the door handle, she grinned and said, “Don't rush, do whatever you need to.” The hard slam of the door wasn't anywhere near the loudest thing I'd hear as I took inventory.

  Julia stepped back into my office right as I finished counting. Galina really did have her own little bodega, right inside the academy. Before she went anywhere else, I was learning the name of her supplier.

  Anya belted out a razor-sharp scream that made it seem like the thick door wasn't even there. She had been getting the brunt of Lara's attention. I snapped my fingers to get Julia's attention back from the pure vocal chaos. “Sit down a second.”

  “Am I still in trouble?” Julia's ass filled a chair that I wished was my lap.

  “Did you do anything wrong?”

  She took a moment to think about it. I could tell she wasn't the brightest student we had, but intelligence didn't give much of an advantage in this school. “I don't think so.”

  “Good.” I pulled a shot glass out of a drawer and poured myself a shot of gin from one of Galina's bottles. “I would offer you one, but I can't go breaking the same rules I'm enforcing, can I?”

  Julia's mouth curled a bit, letting me know she was easing up. “Do I really get to help punish them?”

  “Do you want to?”

  She really was a cutey when she smiled. “If you'd let me.” And polite as fuck.

  “I'm content to let you two do the work. Watching my wife squirm at the hands of a student would be fun change.” I was stiff as the gin already, just thinking about it.


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