The ability to heal yourself seems to be available to those who have an intuitive knowing about the power of the Spirit. The healing inner speech has to do with relaxing, removing thoughts of resistance, and allowing the spirit of light and love to flow. A powerful healer from the island of Fiji once told me about the efficacy of the native healers. He said, “When a knowing confronts a belief in a disease process, the knowing will always triumph.” A knowing is faith in the power of intention. A knowing also involves an awareness of always being connected to this Source. And finally, a knowing means getting one’s ego out of the way and surrendering to the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Source, the power of intention, which is the source of all, including all healing.
3. It didn’t seem to matter what method was used, so long as the healer held an intention for a patient to heal. Healers relied upon profoundly different techniques, including a Christian image, a kabbalist energy pattern, a Native American spirit, a totem, a statue of a saint, and incantations and chants to a healing spirit. As long as the healer held firm to an intention and had a knowing beyond any and all doubts that he could touch the patient with the spirit of intention, the healing was effective as measured by scientific validation.
It’s crucial for you to hold an absolute intention for yourself to heal, regardless of what goes on around you, or what others might offer you in the way of discouragement or “getting real.” Your intention is strong because it isn’t ego’s intention, but a match-up with the universal Source. It’s God-realization at work in your approach to healing and being healed.
As an infinite being, you know that your own death, and the death of everyone else, is programmed in the energy field from which you emanated. Just as all of your physical characteristics were determined by that future pull, so, too, is your death. So let go of fear of your death, and decide to hold the same intention that intended you here from the world of formlessness. You came from a natural state of well-being, and you intend to be there in your mind, regardless of what transpires in and around your body. Hold that intention for yourself until you leave this body, and hold that same invisible intention for others. This is the one quality that all healers shared. I encourage you to emphasize it, too, right here, right now, and don’t let anyone or any prognosis deter you from it.
4. Research suggests that intention on its own heals, but that healing is a collective memory of a healing spirit, which can be gathered as a medicinal force. Healing itself may in fact be a force that’s available to all of humankind. It’s the universal mind of intention. Further, research suggests that individuals and groups of individuals can gather this collective memory and apply it to themselves and to those who suffer with epidemic diseases as well. Since we’re all connected to intention, we all share the same life force, and we all emanated from the same universal mind of God, it’s not so far-fetched to assume that by tapping in to this energy field, we can gather healing energy and spread it to all who enter our enlightened spheres. This would explain the enormous collective healing power of saints, and make the case for each of us holding the intention to eradicate such things as AIDS, smallpox, worldwide influenzas, and even the cancer epidemic we live with today.
When illness is viewed in isolation, it’s disconnected from the collective health of the universal field. Several studies report that the AIDS virus seems to feed on fear, the kind of fear that’s experienced when a person is shunned or isolated from the community. Studies on heart patients reveal that those who felt isolated from their family, their community, and especially their spirituality, were more susceptible to disease. Studies on longevity show that those who live longer have a strong spiritual belief and a sense of belonging to a community. The capacity to heal collectively is one of the powerful benefits that’s available when you raise your energy level and connect to the faces of intention.
5. The most important treatment any healer can offer is hope for the health and well-being of those who suffer disease or trauma. Healers do a self-analysis of what’s present in their consciousness before they focus on someone in need of healing. The key word here is hope. The presence of hope conveyed boils down to faith. I would also call it knowing, a knowing that connection to one’s Source is a connection to the source of all healing. When we live this way, we always see hope. We know that miracles are always a possibility. Staying in that mind-set, fear and doubt are banished from the landscape. If you give up hope, you change the energy level of your life to vibrate at fear and doubt levels. Yet we know that the all-creating Source of intention knows no fear or doubt.
My favorite quote from Michelangelo is on the value of hope: “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” Just imagine—the intention of healers and the hopes they have for themselves and others may be even more important than the medicine being offered. The simple thought of dislike toward another impedes the potential for healing. Lack of faith in the power of Spirit to heal plays a deleterious role in the healing process. Any low-energy thoughts you have undermine your ability to heal yourself. All five of these research-backed conclusions lead us to an awareness of the importance of shifting our focus and connecting to the all-healing field of intention and harmonizing with it.
From Thoughts of Sickness to
Intentions of Wellness
You’re probably familiar with the phrase “And God intended, ‘Let there be light!’ and there was light,” from the Old Testament. If you look in an English-Hebrew dictionary, you’ll find that the English translation of the Hebrew can be read as: “And god intended . . .” The decision to create is the decision to intend. To create healing, you can’t have thoughts of illness and anticipate your body falling victim to disease. Become aware of the thoughts you have that support the idea of sickness as something to be expected. Begin noticing the frequency of those thoughts. The more they occupy your mental landscape, the more resistance you’re creating to realizing your intention.
You know what those thoughts of resistance sound like: I can’t do anything about this arthritis. It’s the flu season. I feel okay now, but by the weekend, it will be in my chest and I’ll have a fever. We live in a carcinogenic world. Everything is either fattening or filled with chemicals. I feel so tired all the time. On and on they go. They’re like huge barricades blocking the realization of your intention. Notice the thoughts that represent a decision on your part to buy into the illness mentality of the huge profit-making drug companies and a health-care industry that thrives on your fears.
But you’re the divine, remember? You’re a piece of the universal mind of intention, and you don’t have to think in these ways. You can opt to think that you have the ability to raise your energy level, even if all of the advertising around you points to a different conclusion. You can go within and hold an intention that says: I want to feel good, I intend to feel good, I intend to return to my Source, and I refuse to allow any other thoughts of disorder or disease in. This is the beginning. You’ll feel empowered by this unique experience. Then in any given moment of not feeling well, choose thoughts of healing and feeling good. In that instant, feeling good takes over, if only for a few seconds.
When you refuse to live in low energy, and you work moment by moment to introduce thoughts that support your intention, you’ve effectively decided that wellness is your choice and that being a healer is a part of that decision. At this time, wheels of creation are set in motion, and what you’ve imagined and created in your mind begins to take form in your everyday life.
Give it a shot the next time you’re low-energy thinking of any kind. Just note how quickly you can change how you feel by refusing to think thoughts that are out of harmony with your Source of intention. It works for me, and I encourage you to do so as well. I simply will not think any longer that I must be a victim of illness or disability, and I will not spend the precious moments of my life discussing illness. I am a healer. I heal myself by co-creating h
ealth with God, and I give this gift to others as well. This is my intention.
Illness Is Not a Punishment
Illness became a component of the human condition when we separated ourselves from the perfect health from which we were intended. Rather than attempting to intellectualize reasons why people get sick and come up with a rationale for understanding illness, I encourage you to think of yourself as having the potential to become a master healer. Try visualizing all of human illness from the perspective of something that the human race has collectively brought upon itself by identifying with the ego rather than staying with the divinity from which we emanated. Out of this collective ego identification, we brought about all that goes with the ego problems—fear, hate, despair, anxiety, depression—all of it. The ego feeds on these emotions because it’s insistent on its own identity as a separate entity apart from this God-force that intended us here. In one way or another, virtually every single member of the human race bought into this idea of separation and ego identification. Consequently, illness, disease, sickness, and the need for healing simply come with the territory of being human.
However, you needn’t feel stuck there. The power of intention is about returning to the Source of perfection. It’s about knowing that the power to heal is all wrapped up in making that divine connection, and that the Source of all life does not punish, offering karmic paybacks through suffering and hardship. You don’t have a need for healing because you were bad or ignorant, or as retribution for past-life offenses. You’ve taken on whatever you’re experiencing for whatever lessons you need to learn on this journey, which is being orchestrated by the all-providing intelligence that we’re calling intention.
In an eternal universe, you must view yourself and all others in infinite terms. Infinite terms mean that you have an infinite number of opportunities to show up in a material body to co-create anything. As you view the sickness of the mind and body that permeates your own life as well as the rest of humanity, try viewing it as part of the infinite nature of our world. If starvation, pestilence, or disease are a part of the perfection of the universe, then so is your intention to end these things a part of that same perfection. Now decide to stay with that intention—first in your own life, then in the lives of others. Your intention will match up with the intention of the universe, which knows nothing of egos and separation, and all thoughts of illness as punishment and karmic paybacks will cease to exist.
Making Your Intention Your Reality
Below is my ten-step plan for implementing the intention of this chapter to optimize your capacity to heal and be healed:
Step l: You can’t heal anyone until you allow yourself to be healed. Work in a collaborative effort with your Source to create a sense of your own healing. Put all of your focused energy on knowing that you can be healed of physical or emotional disruptions to your perfect health. Connect to a loving, kind, receptive-to-healing energy, which is the field that intended you here. Be willing to accept the fact that you’re a part of the healing energy of all of life. The same force that heals a cut on your hand and grows the new skin to repair it permanently is both in your hand and in the universe as well. You are it, it is you; there’s no separation. Be conscious of staying in contact with this healing energy, because it’s impossible to separate from it except in your ego-diminished thoughts.
Step 2: The healing energy that you’re connected to at all times is what you have to give away to others. Offer this energy freely, and keep your ego entirely out of the healing process. Remember how St. Francis responded when asked why he didn’t heal himself of his diseases, which would cause his death at the age of 45: “I want everyone to know that it is God who does this healing.” St. Francis was healed of ego domination, and he deliberately held on to his infirmities to teach others that it was God’s energy working through him that provided the energy for all of his miraculous healings.
Step 3: By raising your energy to a vibrational match with the field of intention, you’re strengthening your immune system and increasing the production of well-being enzymes in the brain. A change in personality from being spiteful, pessimistic, angry, sullen, and disagreeable to one of passion, optimism, kindness, joy, and understanding is often the key when witnessing miraculous acts of spontaneous recovery from fatalistic prognostications.
Step 4: Practice surrender! Let go and let God is a great theme in the recovery movement. It’s also a wonderful reminder in the world of healing. By surrendering, you’re able to have reverence for, and commune with, the Source of all healing. Remember that the field of intention doesn’t know anything about healing per se,because it’s spiritual perfection already, and it creates from that perspective. It’s ego consciousness that creates the disorder, disharmony, and diseases of our world, and it is in returning to that spiritual perfection that harmony of body, mind, and spirit are realized. When this balance or symmetry is restored, we call it healing, but the Source knows nothing of healing because it creates only perfect health. It’s to this perfect health that you must surrender.
Step 5: Don’t ask to be healed, ask to be restored to that perfection from which you emanated. Here’s where you want to hold an intention for yourself and for others in an unbending, nonnegotiable way. Let nothing interfere with the intention you have to heal and be healed. Discard all negativity that you encounter. Refuse to let in any energy that will weaken your body or your resolve. Convey this to others as well. Remember, you’re not asking your Source to heal you, because this assumes health is missing from your life. It assumes scarcity, but the Source can only recognize and respond to what it is already, and you too are a component of that Source. Come to the Source as whole and complete, banish all thoughts of illness, and know that by connecting back to this Source—filling yourself with it and offering it to others—you become healing itself.
Step 6: Know that you are adored. Look for reasons to praise and feel good. In the moment in which you’re experiencing thoughts that make you feel sick or bad, do your best to change them to thoughts that support your feeling good, and if that seems impossible, then do your very best to say nothing at all. Refuse to talk about disease, and work to activate thoughts that predict recovery, feeling good, and perfect health. Picture yourself as healthy and free of disability. Be on the lookout for the opportunity to literally say to yourself, I feel good. I intend to attract more of this good feeling, and I intend to give it away to any and all in need of it.
Step 7: Seek out and cherish the silence. Many people who have suffered with long-term illnesses have been able to return to their Source through the channel of nature and contemplative silence. Spend time in quiet meditation visualizing yourself coupled with the perfectly healthy field of intention. Commune with this Source of all that is good, all that is well, and practice accessing this high spiritual energy, bathing your entire being in this light.
Meditation is always healing for me. When I’m fatigued, a few moments in silence accessing higher, loving, kind vibrations energizes me. When I feel out of sorts, a few moments in quietude making conscious contact with God provides me with all that I need to not only feel good, but to help others do the same. I always remember Herman Melville’s timely words: “Silence is the only Voice of our God.”
Here’s an excerpt from a letter written to me by Darby Hebert, who now lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. For more than two decades, she struggled with feeling used as well as watching her own physical condition deteriorate. She opted for nature, silence, and meditation. I repeat her words (with her permission) below:
For a year I lived out of boxes in an empty house. Then, to remove myself from this negative energy field and the scorn of people who were sitting in judgment, I moved 2,000 miles away to Jackson Hole. The magnificence, grandeur, and peace of this sacred, enchanted place began to work its magic immediately. I have lived in silence for almost two years. Meditation and appreciation have become my way of life. Leaving low energy, and moving into high energy, with your help, has wo
rked miracles. I have moved from hemorrhaging eyes, internal lesions, aseptic meningitis, and severe muscle pain to a health that includes all-day mountain hiking and cross-country skiing. I am slowly getting off of the dangerous drugs used to control the diseases, and I know I can do it. You have shown me the way to being well, and I will forever be grateful. God bless you a thousandfold, Wayne, for following your bliss and helping others to find theirs. I hope there will come a time when I can express my gratitude in person. Until then, I’ll see you in the Gap.
Step 8: To be health, you must totally identify with the wholeness that you are. You can stop seeing yourself as a physical body and immerse yourself in the idea of absolute well-being. This can become your new identification card. Here, you breathe only wellness, you think only perfect health, and you detach from appearances of illness in the world. Soon you recognize only perfection in others. You stand firm in your truth, reflecting only thoughts of well-being, and speaking only words of the infinite possibility for healing any and all disease processes. This is your rightful identity of wholeness, and you live it as if you and the Source that creates all are one and the same. This is your ultimate truth, and you can allow this dynamic aura of wholeness to saturate and animate your every thought until it is all that you have to give away. This is how you heal, from that inner knowing and trust of your wholeness.
The Power of Intention Page 23