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Trials Page 13

by Sadie Moss

  Cam glances down at me, startled, and the girls finally notice my presence. I shoot the five of them a wide smile—well, maybe it’s more like a baring of teeth, but it conveys exactly what it needs to.

  “Hey, Sin… how’s it going?” His brows draw together. He’s looking at me like he can’t quite figure out if the real Elliot got abducted and I’m her double.

  “I’m great. I was just thinking I might take you up on that dance you offered.” I flick my gaze back to the Zephyr girls. “Thanks for entertaining my guys until I could get here. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Elliot.”

  A couple of the girls splutter out their names, but their leader just blinks at me. I squeeze Asher’s arm, gesturing with my chin to the drinks in his hand. “Is one of those for me?”

  He smiles and lifts the glass of whiskey. “Yup. Got your favorite.”

  Then I do something I’ve never done before, in public anyway: I lean up and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, breathing in his citrus and lemongrass scent. “Thanks, Ash. You know me so well.”

  The poor guy looks like lightning just hit him. His cheeks flush, and he blinks slowly. I bite my lip, hiding a grin. He kissed me in front of Alyssa and her crew once to prove a point, but this is the first time I’ve initiated a kiss between us in public.

  Like it’s no big deal.

  “Sorry…” one of the girls says, drawing out the word as if she’s watching an elephant lumber into the room and isn’t sure what the hell to do about it. “But are you three all…”

  “Together?” My heart thunders in my chest with a mixture of feral possessiveness and reckless abandon as I nod. “Yeah. They’re mine.”

  Asher inhales sharply and Cam almost chokes, and they both turn to look at me at the same time. It feels like someone cranked the heat up to a million degrees in here, and butterflies flap wildly in my stomach as I feel their heated stares burning into me.

  I tighten my grip on the two men but keep my focus on the Zephyr girls, flashing them the look I used to give drunk customers at The Den who got a little too handsy—an expression that clearly says I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.

  The girls all back up as if they share a single brain, and I see fear flitting through their eyes. They probably have no idea I can’t unleash magic on them, thanks to my cuff, and that I probably wouldn’t be able to do it successfully even if my cuff was off. But that doesn’t matter. I’ve still got my words and my fists, if they don’t back off, I won’t hesitate to use either.

  “Well… we’ll leave you three to it,” the leader finally says, and then they all scuttle off, whispering amongst each other.

  Well, fuck. So much for keeping a low profile. I know there’s zero chance this won’t end up being the big gossip of the night. One of the contestants is dating two guys at once! One of them’s from a huge, important family! And she nearly bit our heads off for daring to talk with them!


  I don’t regret it though, honestly. Let the gossip happen. I wasn’t lying when I told them the guys were mine. I might still be dealing with some pretty severe abandonment issues, and all of us might still be feeling our way through this crazy thing that’s developing between us. But I am so not okay with standing by and watching other girls flirt with them. And if I have to step out of my comfort zone to make sure everyone knows that, well, fine.

  I watch the girls until they disappear into the crowd, then look between Asher and Cam, a twinge of embarrassment shooting through me. “Um… sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get so territorial.”

  Cam lets go of my hand and grips my hips, pulling me into him. His bright blue eyes flash, and a rush of heat shoots through me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he growls in a tone of voice I’ve never heard him use before. It’s deep and intense, and it mirrors the crazy possessiveness that just rose up inside of me. “That was…” His hold tightens, and he shakes his head. “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy that was, Sin?”

  I shiver, goose bumps prickling over my skin. Cam’s gaze is making my whole body tremble, and when I glance over at Asher, he has the same expression on his face. Like he wants to get on his knees for me, like he wants to worship me. And I’m not sure what to say to either of them except yes, please.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I ask breathlessly, in a moment of pure recklessness.

  The two men look at each other, conspiratorial smiles on their faces. And then Cam grabs my hand and tugs me across the tent floor toward the entrance so fast I can barely keep up. Asher is right behind me, his hand on my elbow, steadying me as the three of us make a break for it. We hustle into Wellwood Hall and head down one of the quiet, abandoned corridors, and my heart feels like it might explode as Cam opens the door to an empty classroom.

  The moment we’re inside the room, his mouth is on mine. The door closes with a soft thud behind us, and I whimper as his strong hands grip my back, my ass, hauling me to him. He kisses playfully, teasing me—which totally fits his personality but is also damn frustrating when it feels like my body is on fire.

  “What do you want?” he whispers. His voice is hoarse and he sounds like he’s asking not just for this moment, but for much, much longer than that. “Elliot…”

  He so rarely says my name that the word sends a jolt of fresh, slick heat through my body. Another pair of hands slide up my legs, following the slit in my dress, pushing the fabric up out of the way. Slim fingers dive between my legs and I realize Asher is doing just what his eyes promised—kneeling for me. His fingers brush the fabric of my panties as his lips move over the bare skin of my thigh, and a moan pours from my lips into Cam’s waiting mouth.

  “Is this okay?” Asher asks, always a gentleman, his voice a soft rush.

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  This is more than okay, with Cam hot and playful and nipping at my lips, and Asher earnest and deliberate, each touch well-thought out, like everything else he does. I want them both so badly, and I don’t care who knows it.

  My hands skate over the large, defined muscles of Cam’s arms and shoulders. Even through the fabric of his suit, I can feel them bunching under my touch. His large palm cups the back of my neck as he finally stops teasing me and kisses me like he means it. Like he’s been dying to do this ever since we made out in the woods that day.

  Fuck, I know I have.

  Asher’s pushes aside the fabric of my panties and traces my entrance with one finger. I’m wet, and the soft groan in his throat lets me know he likes it. I shift my hips, wanting more pressure, more friction as Cam’s kisses steal my breath.

  Suddenly, Asher’s fingers disappear, and his lips pull away from the sensitive skin of my thigh. I groan in disapproval, missing his touch, needing his hands and mouth back on me.

  Then I yelp as I’m suddenly being picked up in Cam’s strong arms. He carries me over to the back corner of the room and deposits me on one of the student desks. I perch on the edge of it, the skirt of my dress riding up a little, showing most of one leg through the slit, my chest heaving in the corset top. The two men stand in front of me, and for a second, we just drink each other in. Their gazes roam over my mussed, disheveled appearance as mine bounces back and forth between the two of them, so different and yet each so perfect, stunningly handsome in their tailored suits.

  Asher keeps his focus on my eyes as he drops to his knees again, and I get the feeling he’s been waiting a long time to do this. He runs his palms up my legs, pushing the fabric of my dress up even farther until he’s exposed my soft, light blue panties. I already gave him permission once, but his eyes still ask the question as he hooks his fingers into the fabric. I nod quickly, swallowing hard, and shift my weight to let him tug them off me.

  He sucks in a deep breath, and I can barely handle the look on his face, it’s so sweet and full of hunger. Slowly, carefully, taking his time with every movement, he puts his mouth on me. My head tilts back as a shockwave of sensations explodes through me,
and I see Cam watching from a few feet away. Writhing against Asher’s mouth, I hold my hands out, silently begging the blond mage to come closer.

  He doesn’t hesitate, stepping in to claim my mouth in another kiss that practically lights my hair on fire.

  Between their two extremely talented tongues, I’m panting, moaning, clutching for some kind of handhold as I hurtle toward a cliff. I fist Asher’s dark, shaggy hair, barely resisting the urge to clamp my thighs around his head, as my other hand works its way down Cam’s stomach to the fierce, hot bulge in his pants.

  Fuck, he’s hard. His cock seems to strain toward my touch, and he makes a satisfied humming noise as his hips jerk. I work my palm over the fabric, jacking him off through the material of his trousers.

  “Oh shit, Sin,” he mutters into my mouth, his breath growing uneven. “I can tell Asher’s driving you crazy.”

  He’s not wrong about that. I could swear the dark-haired mage somehow managed to get his cuff off, because he seems to be reading my damn mind. Every lap of his tongue, every swirl and flick, seems perfectly attuned to the needs of my body. He’s not rushing, and the slow and steady build of pleasure in my core is like a rising sea threatening to drown me.

  I lose track of how much time passes as Asher pushes me right to the edge then backs off over and over again, working me a little higher each time. My lips are swollen from kissing Cam, and his hands are tangled in my hair—my attempt at an updo completely ruined by now. Tugging his shirt from his pants, I work to undo his belt and fly, and when I slip my hand inside, he grunts into my mouth. Asher hears it, or maybe he feels the reaction in my body, or maybe he just can’t fucking wait anymore, because he finally locks his mouth around my clit and sucks.

  The orgasm that’s been threatening, hovering just out of reach, slams into me, nearly bowling me over with its intensity. I’ve been on the precipice for so long that once I start coming, it goes on and on, pleasure quaking through every muscle. My grip on Cam’s cock tightens, causing him to groan again, while my other hand clenches in Asher’s hair.


  The word starts as a cry and ends in a whimper as the last few tremors shake my body, and I let out a long breath. Is it possible for a person’s bones to actually dissolve? Because I think that’s what just happened to me.

  I blink, looking at the guys. Asher’s still kneeling in front of me, his sweet smile beaming in the darkness, and Cam’s biting his lip as he gazes down at where my skirt is bunched around my waist. He looks like he wants a turn down there, and to be honest, I don’t hate that idea one bit. But it’s hard for me to focus when I’ve got their mouths on me—as evidenced by my sloppy, half-assed attempt at giving Cam a hand-job.

  And whatever fears and hesitations I might have about making a real go of this relationship thing, never let it be said that I’m selfish in the sack. These two men just took me apart at the seams and put me back together again. The least I can do is return the favor before I get my round two.

  I withdraw my hand from Cam’s boxer briefs and slip off the desk, wobbling a little on unsteady legs. Asher rises quickly to catch me, and I press my body against his, kissing him long and deep. I can taste myself on his lips, my essence mingled with his; it’s one of the hottest fucking things in the world.

  Cam’s hand slides around my waist, and he presses closer to me too, kissing my bare shoulder, enclosing me between the two of them. But when I hike my skirt up a little and drop to my knees, they both look down at me in surprise.

  I grin up at their shadowy faces in the darkness. “What? Don’t I get a turn?”

  “God, you’re so fucking hot,” Cam murmurs.

  Well, with encouragement like that, what’s a girl to do?

  His cock is still trapped in his boxer briefs, but it’s straining against the fabric, so I do the decent thing and set it free. He’s long and thick, the skin velvety soft in my palm, and his low groan makes my heart swell. I like touching him like this. Making him feel like this.

  Not wanting to neglect Asher, I make quick work of his buckle and fly, pushing his pants down enough to slide my hand into his briefs and retrieve his cock too. He’s hard as a rock, a dab of precum glistening at his slit, and butterflies dance in my stomach as I realize how much eating me out turned him on. Then again, the thought of having his cock in my mouth is making my pussy clench, so I guess it works both ways here.

  I glance back up at their faces, my fingers curled around each of them, and find them watching me with intent stares. Holy shit. I might come again just from doing this. Dropping my gaze back down, I dart my tongue out to collect the bead of precum gathering on Asher’s cock, then slide my lips over the soft skin. He sighs, his hand lightly stroking my hair, as I suck him deeper into my mouth.

  This isn’t my first blowjob, but it’s my first time with two guys, and it takes me a little while to figure out my strategy. I work one in my hand while I pull the other into my mouth, alternating between the two of them until their hips are moving, pushing back against my strokes, and the noises pouring from their lips become more strained and guttural.

  My clit throbs, aching for more already, and I’m tempted to drop one hand down there and take care of myself, but I worry I’ll lose my balance if I don’t keep a firm grip on something solid. I’m still a little new at this.

  And I wasn’t kidding—their sounds alone are pushing me toward the edge, the heady feeling of power as I kneel before them making my breath come faster.

  When I swirl my tongue around Cam and hollow my cheeks, his whole body shudders.

  “Fuck, Sin. Fuck fuck fuck.” He clutches at my hair, grabbing a fistful close to the scalp. “I’m gonna come. If you keep doing that, I’m gonna—”

  I pull him in deeper, relaxing my jaw and drawing as much of him into my mouth as I can. He curses and grunts, and his cock swells before salty wetness spills into my mouth. I keep sucking, swallowing every bit down as my hand works Asher harder and faster.

  “Elle…” There’s a warning in Ash’s voice. He’s close too, I can tell; I can feel the tension gathering in his body.

  We’re all still dressed in our fancy formalwear, and we’ll probably have to rejoin the party after this. I don’t want him to ruin his suit or my dress.

  Or maybe I’m just a greedy bitch.

  I release Cam with a final lick and slide my lips around Asher again just as his thick length pulses. His release hits the back of my throat as his body shudders and jerks, and a shaky groan falls from his lips. My pussy clenches hard, a slow wave of pleasure rolling through me. It’s nowhere near as intense as my first orgasm, but I feel it all over my body.

  After licking his cock like a lollipop to clean up any last drops, I slowly draw back.

  We’re all breathing hard, the harsh sounds bouncing around the big, empty classroom in the dark.

  Holy fuck.

  That was… wow.

  I’ve never done anything like that in my life, and I honestly feel bad for past me, because she had no damn idea what she was missing.

  Chapter 17

  The ball is waiting, and I know we shouldn’t stay away too long—I still haven’t done any of the schmoozing I’m supposed to. But in a post orgasmic haze, the three of us end up collapsing into a pile at the back of the room, my body sandwiched between theirs.

  Cam’s idly drawing patterns on my thigh. I think they’re runes, but I’m not sure. They could be nonsense. Either way though, it feels good. Grounding. Comforting. I’m not surprised that even after something like that, he can’t sit still. He’s always got a bit more energy left in him.

  Asher is silent, but the way he’s looking at me—it speaks volumes. His eyes are soft, the forest-green so damn beautiful in the dim light from the windows, and he doesn’t flinch away when I meet his gaze.

  I almost don’t know what to do with him, with this, with Cam, with myself. I want to flail around like an idiot, and I’m torn between conflicting impulses to rush out of the
room and to grab on tight to both of them and never leave. We’re all just getting our breath back right now, but any moment one of them is going to start talking—probably Cam—and then I’m going to have no idea what to say in response.

  The man in question kisses slowly, softly up my neck, making me shiver. “So, Sin finally admits she likes us, just a little bit. Should I call all the papers?”

  “Host a party?” Asher adds. “Throw confetti?”

  “Oh, shut up,” I reply, craning my neck to look at him, but a grin is stealing across my face without my permission.

  “You’re going to just vanish into the night now,” Cam says with fake, melodramatic mournfulness. “You’ll never call or write, and we’ll just have to remember you fondly in our dreams… as we think of what could’ve been…”

  “You’re an asshole.” My face is barely an inch from his, and I know I’ve still got that stupid grin on my face, so I don’t blame Cam at all for responding by kissing me.

  Just as he pulls away to suck in a breath of air, Asher’s hand gently grips my chin, turning my head, and then he kisses me as well, his tongue sliding into my mouth with all the thorough, deliberate care he takes with everything. I feel myself melting all over again as they teasingly take turns, kissing me, kissing my neck, Cam biting a little, hands starting to wander again…

  “The fact that she’s still in the Trials at all is unacceptable.”

  All three of us jump.

  There are voices just outside the room, growing louder—I think headed for this very classroom.


  We scramble to get ourselves in order, and then Cam grabs both Asher and me, dragging us into a dark corner and shoving us behind a desk.

  Fuck, it’s not nearly big enough to cover all three of us, even with Asher and Cam plastering themselves to me like they might have to shield me from attack.

  Hinges squeak, and I peek over the lip of the desk in time to see two people illuminated in the light from the hallway before the heavy door swings shut again.


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