Cykopath- Birth

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Cykopath- Birth Page 17

by Luca Braña

  “Why… Why would such a thing… happen…” Myo asked between sobs. Snow had slept curled up into him every night, she always comforted him when he had nightmares or when he got back from experiments… Was that… was that all fake? Did she not love them as they had loved her?

  “Cyko… Myo…” Magy crouched down near them, a few tears running down her face. Her heart hurt just as much even if she hadn’t known Snow as long as the boys. “This… It’s hard… She betrayed us, but… she herself said, she used to be a cat… We can’t expect a… a pet… to stop loving her owner…” she said, trying not to choke between words, putting her arms around both boys and bringing them closer to her.

  “But… But she… She saw what they did to us! Even if she didn’t see the experiments, she saw the results… Myo’s nightmares, our injuries, our tears… How couldn’t she understand that?!” Cyko asked no one in particular. He allowed himself to lean into Magy’s embrace. This was not fair, they had suffered too much already!

  “Snow, she… I… Why…” Myo said miserably as his sobs lowered in volume, trying his best to calm down despite what had happened. Yet, it was still hard. One of his best friends, even if he hadn’t known she could transform, had left them to go with that man. The small boy couldn’t comprehend why this had happened.

  “I… I know it’s hard to accept it, but… we need to be strong. S-she used to be a cat, we can’t expect her to be smart… Even if it hurts to know she loves that… man more than us. We still have each other, don’t we?” Magy said in a comforting tone, while trying to find solace herself by embracing the two.

  Cyko’s eyes widened. “Wait… She… She was there… She was right there, all this time! Our plans, what he had planned together with Tela… She heard it all!” Cyko covered his mouth in terror. And to make things worse, Tela herself had never met Snow, so she wouldn’t have any way of stopping her!

  “Cyko, Cyko! Calm down! Remember, she is dumb! I doubt she could understand most of what we were talking about, and even if she were to tell what she could… She still wouldn’t be able to comprehend the most important detail… We all are in this together!” Magy pulled both the boys closer. They had to overcome this, they couldn’t let their grief win, Magy knew this. She wouldn’t lose to despair again!

  “B-big sister Magy is right!” Myo exclaimed, freeing himself from his surrogate sister and grasping Cyko’s shoulders. Tears were streaming down his face, however, his expression was that of determination. “E-Even if… Even if Snow left… We still have each other, and everyone else! It hurts, it hurts a lot, and I still can’t believe she did that, but… we can’t give up, big brother!” The small boy declared, looking into his big brother’s eyes.

  “Magy… Myo…” Cyko said, before sighing and letting out a tiny giggle, “I’m glad I have the two of you. I’m sorry for causing a scene, we should… We should think of what to do next, instead, shouldn’t we?” The blue-haired boy said with a small smile, using his shirt to wipe his face of tears.

  “I’m glad you are both back to normal,” Magy said, raising her own shirt to wipe her face, which Myo copied. They still felt sad about what happened, but they had each other… They would be fine. Exchanging smiles between the three of them, they held each other’s hands.

  “Scythe says we should worry about that tomorrow. We all had a long, exhausting day that ended on a bad note for us. We need to rest,” Magy said as the two boys nodded, “I… I recommend we all sleep together. The warmth of those we trust… Of each other… It should help us sleep better,” she proposed, a red tint blooming on her cheeks.

  Myo looked confused but nodded in acceptance.

  Cyko blinked at her offer which embarrassed him for some reason, but he was touched by her suggestion. “Magy… Thank you… I think we all need each other’s warmth today,” he replied.

  They had to move their beds around, but in the end, they made it so there was enough space for all three to sleep comfortably together; Magy in the middle and both boys beside her.

  They had a hard time sleeping at first, not because they were together, but because of the fresh wound of Snow’s sudden departure and concern for their future… However, they would not give up, because they had each other.


  The day after Snow’s departure, they were called for a socialization. It had been hard on all three but still they slept enough to ignore the nightly disturbances from the guards. Waking up next to each other had been an embarrassing but heartwarming experience.

  What was strange, however, was they were given more time than usual to prepare. Normally, the guards would intrude and demand they move their butts out, but this time the guards had given them two hours to freshen themselves up as much as they could, and advised they would not have any experiment done today. Magy said Scythe was suspicious of the extra generosity, but they made the best of it.

  Two hours later, they were as presentable as they could be, considering they were dressed in rags, but they were at least clean and ready to meet their friends—should they be lucky today.

  When the guards came to get them, they were more subdued, even the brutish giant of a guard that seemed to be their leader, although they were still strict. They had arrived at the gates leading to the gymnasium with minimal fuss from the guards.

  “Listen up, rats. Today you’ll be receiving an important announcement from the higher-ups which I suggest you listen carefully to and because of this, today’s meeting will have all wards and it will be extended by one hour,” the giant guard said with his menacing voice, although he made no threatening gestures this time.

  “If you are lucky, you won’t be just lab rats anymore and actually be useful. Also, I suggest you don’t cause trouble. We won’t be there, but that giant dragon I know you all are afraid of? Oh yes, he will be there.” The guard sneered, causing several children in the crowd to shiver at the mention of Drago.

  “Now, move along, it’s almost time!” the guard yelled as he pushed the button that started to open their gate, which caused many of them to move inside, already used to this routine. Just as the guard said, all the gates surrounding the gymnasium were opening, including the one that led to the mutant ward.

  The crowds of children stayed near their respective gates, staring at the mutant ward’s gate, watching as the giant dragon, their self-acclaimed leader stepped forward, leading the mutant ward towards the middle of the gymnasium. His footsteps echoed around the large area, both powerful and intimidating.

  “I hope you all are ready for what’s coming. For the greatness that will be instilled upon us!” the dragon mutant bellowed out, eager for whatever it was the scientists were about to announce. “By now, all of you have unlocked great power! Be ready to join us, to join me! Under my command we will achieve greatness!” Drago said in a loud, commanding voice. Some mutants cheered for him, but everyone else stayed quiet, afraid of his wrath, however…

  “You’ll achieve nothing like this!” a voice yelled out in such a way that every single one of them heard it—silent in volume, but great in significance. They all knew who that voice belonged to.

  “Oh? Who dares speak up against my command?” the leader of the mutants asked out loud. The glare he was directing towards all other wards was heart stopping. His snake eyes focused on a sole figure that was walking towards him from the outskirts of the gym.

  Red hair waving behind her frame, the small girl looked at him with a determined gaze. “You will not subject these children to further torment. I forbid you to do so!” Tela yelled, her eyes returning the fire in his. She walked forward to stand just a few meters in front of the giant dragon, her head tilted up to meet his eyes.

  “FOOL!” the dragon scoffed, leering over her, electricity pulsing through his powerful body. “Who do you think you are? To stand against the strongest of the mutants?! Know your place and stand down!” His rage caused many mutants, even the most loyal to him, to back away in fear. Tela did not waver, still standing tal
l and glaring at him.

  “I AM THEIR TRUSTED FRIEND!” she yelled her response and her eyes shone a brilliant red and for a single, long lasting moment, everyone could feel a terrible pressure of emotion engulf them, yet, it was different for each one of them. People like Cyko, who wanted nothing more than to get out of this cursed place felt their sense of determination rising. Those like Magy, who were broken into accepting their treatment and just went with the flow, felt their sense of indignation rising, resentment of the treatment they had received against their will. Those like Myo, afraid and traumatized beyond hope, felt their faith coming back, their faith that everything would end up all right, no matter what happened.

  However, for those like Drago and several mutants, they could feel terror and sadness beyond anything they had ever felt, not their own, but of all the children kept captive in this facility, tortured against their will. The weakest amongst them fell to their knees in despair at the torrent of feelings that was invading them.

  Drago, despite the despair inside of him, stood tall in front of Tela, glaring at her while growing in size. “GRRRR, your powers are nothing against me! This is the power you gained from the awakening and now you are using it against your betters? You should realize that they gave us power and now, we must continue to grow STRONGER!” the giant dragon roared, the electricity in his body growing in intensity as his rage grew to counteract Tela’s mental attack.

  Tela stood unfazed against his threats, continuing to let out her own power in great waves of pressure. “You are delusional! Don’t you see what they did to us? To YOU?! Look at what you turned into! You are nothing more than a monster now!”

  “THEN YOU DESERVE TO DIE! KNOW YOUR PLACE!” Drago lashed out with his lightning covered fist, faster than the crowd could see towards Tela, who was still standing in the same place, her eyes blazed with bravery.

  The punch, powered by his massive frame and strength was stopped by an unseen force, which canceled out the kinetic energy behind it, dispersing to the sides with a loud sonic boom. Tela, staring at the fist that was bigger than her whole body and just a few centimeters in front of her, showed no fear, just resolve.

  “Don’t underestimate me. These people, they trust in me for a reason, and I will not disappoint them!” she yelled as she raised her hand towards the stunned dragon and opened her palm. An immense force pushed against the dragon, stunning him. He could not react to the sudden power and lost his balance, stumbling back and causing several mutants to panic and scatter away from him. The dragon man fell to the ground with a massive boom.

  “W-what?!” Drago said in shock as he tried to get up, but the strange force kept pressing down against him, forcing him to stay grounded. Humiliating! This was humiliating! His mind reeled. A powerful beast like him, forced to kneel to such a tiny girl! He would not stand for it! “YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!” he yelled barely able to raise his head enough to glare at the girl, his hatred visible in his eyes.

  Tela, sweating from the effort of keeping the monster down, still kept her posture. After a moment, she showed off a gentle, yet strained smile, as several children were moving to stand beside her. “I’m not afraid of you. I’m not alone. None of us are! We won’t let you hurt us!”

  Cyko, who had moved to stand beside her, looked at the girl in admiration. Even he had felt intimated against the giant dragon when he first saw him, but now… Now he felt like he was just another obstacle in the way and they could escape from this accursed place… if they tried. Tela caught his gaze and shot him a smile before returning her attention to the dragon who was still struggling to stand.

  “FOOL! IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW MANY OF YOU THERE ARE! I’LL CRUSH YOU ALL! I’LL MAKE EVERYONE SEE THE MIGHT OF MY POWE-GHAAAH!” Drago’s raging stopped as several tendrils of energy shot out from the bracelets on his wrists and covered his body, immobilizing him as his movements slowed and stopped. Drago was awake but drained of his power and could only scowl at the ceiling.

  What just happened? Everyone was shocked to see such things come out of the bracelets they were wearing. This was their function?

  “Subject Number 4, please, release your hold on Subject 357 or we’ll take severe action. This is to ensure your own safety and the safety of all those present,” a cold, robotic voice echoed throughout the gymnasium, making everyone blink as they realized that the scientists had been observing the scene. Tela glared at nothing, unable to determine where the scientists were located, and released her hold on the dragon who put himself in a sitting position as the tendrils of energy left his body to return to his bracelets.

  “Now, if all distractions have ceased. I have an important announcement to give,” the cold voice declared, setting the children on edge.

  What would they make them do now? It had been a long time since these meetings started. Did the scientists have something planned regarding their meetings now?

  “First, allow me to congratulate you. All of you have gone through severe training and rigorous experiments. By surpassing and conquering your limits, you have awakened powers beyond anything a normal human can achieve,” the scientist told them, his voice just as clinical as when he first spoke, “you survived this far, meaning you all have the potential to be the defenders of humanity, our greatest protectors.”

  “Fool, who do you think you are…?” Cyko whispered to himself before he felt someone’s hand touch his. He looked to his side to see Tela, who smiled at him.

  “Don’t let him get to you, we’ll get through this together!” she whispered to him, calming his raging heart. He nodded back to her and was about to say something, but the scientist spoke again.

  “Because of this, because you were the ones who made it this far, you’ll be… compensated. Some of you might already know this, but we grant favors to those we deem worthy and to those who are cooperative,” the scientist said, causing some children to blink in surprise. Most of them already knew of the favors—which might as well be called bribes to keep them in line. “You might find yourselves pleasantly surprised upon returning to your dorms, but I digress.”

  “Because you have progressed this far, we need to continue training you if you are to be humanity’s protectors. Upon returning to your dorms, you’ll find special clothing labeled with your names. Each of you will receive three outfits, which from now on, will be your official uniform while working for us,” the scientist declared, voice still cold and clinical.

  Cyko was getting irritated—he spoke as if they had a choice in the matter!

  “As for the reason you’ll be receiving the special uniforms, it will be to complete the next step in training. You all have had combat training against the robotic drones, a wave of a thousand per session. Many of you had excellent results while others did poorly, and for the sake of humanity’s future, we need to… separate those that made it this far only because of luck from the talented ones,” he said with an unsettling voice, shocking the children.

  What did he mean? He wouldn’t dare kill the weak ones off, would he? Tela’s smile slipped off her face as she had a bad feeling at what he was going to say next.

  “For the next part of the project, we will require you to have real combat experience. Starting next week, instead of meeting for socialization, you’ll be participating in live combat against each other, selected at random every meeting. You are to fight each other with the best of your abilities, or there will be… consequences. Subjects who refuse to fight will have themselves and all their roommates denied provisions for an entire week,” the emotionless voice of the scientist rang out around the gymnasium, scaring many children stiff.

  Tela herself was panicking, no, no! This is the worst possible thing they could have done!

  “And, the subjects we deem unworthy of future investment will be terminated. Few of you are in danger of that now, but I advise you to take the combat events seriously.”

  At his words, many children started to outright panic, and while still rooted in their places, many bega
n to cry or fell to their knees in terror. They would be forced to fight or even kill each other… And if they refused, they would be killed either way! Tela could sense their terror, their despair, and she herself could do nothing but feel afraid. Her plan relied on everyone’s trust, but this… This would make everyone turn against each other!

  Drago, meanwhile, was smirking as much as his mouth allowed him to. A test of strength! This would be the perfect thing to separate the rubble from the diamonds; the weak from the strong! Their army would be tough by the end, and he would prove himself to be at the top! However, as he looked at the redhead girl who was paling, he couldn’t help but wish he was paired to fight her—to put the insolent girl in her place would be glorious!

  Cyko, Magy and Myo showed much of the same reaction, despite their different personalities: terror. They didn’t want to have to hurt each other to any degree! The trio got closer and held each other’s hands, trying to find comfort within their warmth. Yet, even as they looked at Tela, their leader, they found that she herself was struggling just as much as them.

  “We will provide further information regarding the battles on a need-to-know basis. You’ll be given one week to rest and prepare for them. Any conflict occurring outside the sanctioned battles will be handled with extreme force,” the scientist said, uncaring towards the feelings of the despairing children, and just like that he stopped talking, filling the gymnasium with an oppressive silence.

  “MUAHAHAHAHA! This is great! We will test our powers against each other and leave the trash out of our glorious army!” the dragon bellowed, despite the weakness induced by the bracelets. Getting up from his sitting position and standing tall once again, he glared at the redhead who knocked him down earlier.

  “You see, don’t you? It doesn’t matter that people are with you! What matters is POWER! You said you are not alone? HAH! You’ll soon be fighting your precious friends! And when our turn comes, girl, I’LL be the one to CRUSH you!” The dragon man laughed as he turned and walked away, his amused and murderous voice echoing through the entire gymnasium.


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