The Moon: phlegm, skin and everything related thereto Lungs.
Saturn: Right ear. Hearing. Buttocks, podex, bowels, penis, back, height, knees. Old age.
Jupiter: : Left ear. Hearing and touch. Thighs and intestines, womb and throat. Middle age.
Mars: Right nostril. Smell and touch. pubes, gall-bladder, kidney. Youth.
The Sun: Right eye. Sight. Head and chest, sides, teeth, mouth. Full manhood.
Venus: : Left nostril. Smell and inhaling organs. Womb, genitals, hands and fingers. Youth and adolescence.
Mercury: Tongue together with Venus. Taste. Organs of speech. Childhood.
The Moon: Left eye. Vision and taste. Neck, breasts, lungs, stomach, spleen. Infancy to old age according to its various quarters.
Saturn: Sickness, affliction, poverty, death, disease of internal organs, gout. Ugly, tall, wizened, sour face, large head, eyebrows joined, small eyes, wide mouth, thick lips; downcast look, much black hair, short neck, coarse hand, short fingers, awkward figure, legs crooked, big feet.
Jupiter: : Sickness, fatigue, fever, death in childbed, Caesarean section. Fine figure, round race, thick prominent, nose, large eyes, frank look, small beard, abundant curly hair reddish.
Mars: Fever. Brothers or middle age. Tall, large head, small eyes and ears, and fine forehead, sharp grey eyes, good nose, thin lips, lank hair, reddish, long fingers, long steps.
The Sun: Fathers and brothers, slaves. Large head, complexion white inclining to yellow, long hair, yellow in the white of the eye, stammers, large paunch with folds.
Venus: : Wives, mothers, sisters, uterine kindred, delicate child. Fine round face, reddish-white complex1on, double chin, fat cheeks, not too fat, fine eyes, the black larger than the white; small teeth, handsome neck, medium tall, short ringers, thick calves.
Mercury: Younger brothers. Fine figure, complexion brown with a greenish tinge, handsome, narrow forehead, th1ck ears, good nose, eyebrows joined, wide mouth, small teeth, thin beard, fine long hair, well-shaped long feet.
The Moon: Diseases of many kinds. Mothers, maternal aunts, elder sisters, nurses. Clear white complexion, gait and figure erect, round face, long beard, eyebrows joined, teeth separate crooked at the points, good hair with locks.
Saturn: Black animals and those living in holes in the ground; oxen, goats, horses, sheep, ermine, sable, weasel , cat , mouse, jerboa, also black snakes, scorpions and other poisonous insects and fleas and beetles. Aquatic and nocturnal birds, ravens, swallows and flies.
Jupiter: Man, domestic animals and those with cloven hoots such as sheep, oxen, deer, those which are speckled and beautifully colored, and edible, or speaking, or trained such as lions, cheetahs and leopards. Birds with straight beaks , grain eating, not black, pigeon, francolin, peacock, domestic fowls, hoopoe and lark.
Mars: Lion, leopard, wolf, wild pig, dog, destructive or mad wild beasts, venomous serpents. Flesh-eating birds with curved bills , nocturnal, water hens, bats, all red birds, wasps.
The Sun: Sheep, mountain goat, deer, Arab horse, lion, crocodile, nocturnal anima1s which remain concealed during the day. Eagle, ring-dove, turtle dove, cock and falcon.
Venus: All those wild animals Which have white or yellow hoofs such as gazelle, wild ass, mountain goat also large fish. Ring-dove, wild pigeon, sparrow, bulbul, nightingale, locusts and inedible birds.
Mercury: Ass, camel, domestic dog, fox, hare, Jackal, ermine, nocturnal creatures, small aquatic and terrestrial animals. Pigeon, starling, crickets, falcon, aquatic birds and nightingales.
The Moon: Camel, ox, sheep, elephant, giraffe, all beasts of burden obedient to man and domesticated. Ducks, cranes, carrion crows, herons, chicks, partridge.
Saturn: Oak-gall tree, citron or myrobalan tree. 01ive tree and also willow, turpentine tree, castor-oil plant. and all those which bear fruits with disagreeable taste or smell, or hard-shells such as walnuts and almonds. Sesame.
Jupiter: : Trees bearing sweet fruit without hard skin such as peach, fig, apricot, pear and lote-fruit, companions Venus as to fruits. Roses, flowers. herbs sweet-smelling or tall, such plants as are light and whose seeds fly with the wind.
Mars: All bitter, pungent and thorny trees, their fruit with rough skin, pungent or very bitter such as bitter pomegranate, wi1d pear, bramble. Mustard, leeks, onion, garlic, rue, rocket, wild rue, radish, egg-plant.
The Sun: All tall trees which have oily fruit, and those whose fruit is used dry, such as date-palms, mulberries and vines. Dodder, sugar-cane. manna. tarangubin and shir-khisht.
Venus: : All trees soft to touch, sweet-smelling, smooth to the eye like cypress and teak. apple and quince. Sweet and oily berries. fragrant arid colored, herbs, spring flowers and has a share in cotton.
Mercury: pungent and evil-smelling trees. Savory herbs and garden stuff, canes and things growing in water.
The Moon: All trees the stem of which is short such as the vine and the sweet pomegranate. Grass. reeds, canes, flax, hemp, trailing plants such as cucumber and melon.
Saturn: Litharge, iron slag, hard stones. Lead. Pepper, belleric myrobalan, olives, medlars, bitter pomegranate, lentils, liriseed, hempseed.
Jupiter: : Marcasite, tutty, sulfur, red arsenic, all white and yellow stones, stones found in ox-gall. Tin, white lead, fine-brass, diamond, all jewels worn by man. Wild pomegranate, apple, wheat, barley, rice, durra, chick peas, sesame.
Mars: Magnetic iron, shadna (lentil-shaped stones) cinnabar, rouge and mosaics (fasifusa). Iron and copper. Bitter almond, seed of turpentine-tree.
The Sun: : Jacinths, lapis lazuli, Yellow sulphur, orpiment, Pharaonic glass, marble, re-algar, pitch. Gold and whatever is coined therefrom for kings. Orange and maize.
Venus: : magnesia and antimony. Silver and gold and jewels set in these, household vessels made of gold, silver and brass, pearls, emeralds, shells. Figs, grapes, dates, origanum and fenugreek.
Mercury: Depilatory, arsenic, amber, all yellow and green stones. All coins struck with name and number such as dinars, dirhams and coppers, old gold and quicksilver, turquoise, coral, tree-coral. Peas, beans, caraway, coriander.
The Moon: Nabatean glass, white stones, emera1d, moonstone. Silver and things manufactured of silver, such as cups, bangles, rings and the like, pearls, crystal, beads strung. Wheat, barley, large and small cucumbers, melons.
Saturn: Drugs cold and dry in the fourth degree, especially those which are narcotic and poisonous. Dwellings. Sleep. Retentive power.
Jupiter: : Those which are moderately hot and moist and are profitable and agreeable. Fruits. Clothing. Vital, growing nutritive faculties and the air in the heart.
Mars: Whatever is not poisonous but pungent and warm in the fourth degree. Drugs. Business. Passion.
The Sun: Whatever is warm beyond the fourth degree and is salutary and in general use. Foods. Eating and drinking. Youthful vigor.
Venus: : Moderately cold and moist foods, useful and pleasant to the taste. Savory herbs. Coition. Sensuality.
Mercury: Foods which are dryer than cold and are agreeable but rarely useful. Grains. Speaking. Faculty of reflection.
The Moon: Foods which are equally cold and moist, sometimes useful, sometimes detrimental, and are not in constant use. Beverages. Drinking water. Natural power.
Chapter 16: Lilly's Planetary Rulerships
Rulerships from William Lilly's 1647 Christian Astrology beginning at page 57 in the original
Of the Planet SATURN, and his Signification
NAMES He is called usually Saturn, but in some Authors Chronor, Phoenon, Falcifer.
COLOR He is the supreamest or highest of all Planets; is placed betwixt Jupiter and the Firmament, he is not very bright or glorious, or doth he twincle or sparkle, but is of a Pale, Wan or Leaden, Ashy colour slow in motion.
MOTION Finishing his Course through the twelve signs of the Zodiack in 29 yeers, 157 dayes, or thereabouts; his middle motion is two minutes and one second; his diurnall motion sometimes is three, four, five, or six minutes, or seldom more.
LATITUDE His greatest North Latitude from the Ecliptick is two degrees 48 minutes; his South Latitude from the Ecliptick is two degrees 49 minutes; and more then this he hath not.
HOUSES In the Zodiack he hath two of the twelve Signes for his Houses, viz. Capricorn his Night-house, Aquarius his Day-house; he has his Exaltation in Libra, he receives his Fall in Aries; he rejoyceth in the sign Aquarius.
TRIPLICITY, TERMS & FACE [Note Lilly does not use the standard Dorothean triplicity rulerships] He governeth the Aiery Triplicity by day, which is composed of these Signs; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; [Terms] in all the twelve Signe he hath these degrees for his Terms, allotted him by Ptolemy.
In Aries, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Taurus, 23, 24, 25, 26.
In Gemini, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Cancer, 28, 29, 30.
In Leo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Virgo, 19, 20, 21, 22,23,24.
In Libra, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Scorpio, 28, 29, 30.
In Sagittarius, 21, 22, 23, 24,25.
In Capricorn, 26, 27, 28, 29,30.
In Aquarius, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Pisces, 27, 28, 29, 30.
The meaning whereof is, that if Saturn in any Question be in
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any of these degrees wherein he hath a Term, he cannot be said to be Peregrine, or void of essentiall dignities; or if he be in any of these degrees allotted him for his Face or Decanate, he cannot then be said to be peregrine: understand this in all the other Planets. He hath also these for his Face or Decanate.
In Taurus, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Leo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In Libra, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In Sagittarius, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Pisces, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
He continueth Retrograde 140 dayes. He is five dayes in his first station before Retrogradation,and so many in his second station before Direction.
NATURE He is a Diurnall Planet, Cold and Dry (being far removed from the heat of the Sun) and moyst Vapours, Melancholick, Earthly, Masculine, the greater Infortune, author of Solitarinesse, Malevolent, &c.
MANNERS & ACTIONS, WHEN WELL DIGNIFIED. Then he is profound in Imagination, in his Acts severe, in words reserved, in speaking and giving very spare, in labour patient, in arguing or disputing grave, in obtaining the goods of this life studious and solicitous, in all manner of actions austere.
WHEN ILL. Then he is envious, covetous, jealous and mistrustfull, timorus, sordid, outwardly dissembling, sluggish, suspicious, stubborn, a contemner of women, a close lyar, malicious, murmuring, never contented, ever repining.
CORPORATURE Most part his Body more cold and dry, of a middle stature; his complexion pale, swartish or muddy, his Eyes little and black, looking downward, a broad Forehead, black or sad Hair, and it hard or rugged, great Eares; hanging, lowring Eye-brows, thick Lips and Nose, a rare or thin Beard, a lumpish, unpleasant Countenance, either holding his Head forward or stooping, his Shoulders broad and large, and many times crooked, his Belly somewhat short and lank, his Thighs spare; lean and not long; his Knees and Feet indecent, many
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times shoveling or hitting one against another, &c.
SATURN ORIENTALL You must observe, if Saturn be Orientall of the Sun, the stature is more short, but decent and well composed.
OCCIDENTALL The man is more black and lean, and fewer Hairs; and again, if he want latitude, the body is more lean, if he have great latitude, the body is more fat or fleshy; if the latitude be Meridionall or South, more fleshy; if the latitude be Meridionall or South, more fleshy, but quick in motion. If the latitude be North, hairy and much flesh. Saturn in his first station, a little fat. In his second station, fat, ill favoured Bodies, and weak; and this observe constantly in all the other Planets.
QUALITY OF MEN. In generall he signifieth Husbandmen, Clowns, Beggars, Day-labourers, Old-men, Fathers, Grand-fathers, Monks, Jesuits, Sectarists.
PROFESSION. Curriers, Night-farmers, Miners under ground, Tinners, Potters, Broom-men, Plummers, Brick-makers, Malsters, Chimney-sweepers, Sextons of Churches, Bearers of dead corps, Scavengers, Hostlers, Colliers, Carters, Gardiners, Ditchers, Chandlers, Diers of Black cloth, an Herdsman, Shepheard or Cow-keeper.
SICKNESSES. All Impediments in the right Ears, Teeth, all quartan Agues proceeding of cold, , dry and melancholly Distempers, Leprocies, Rheumes, Consumptions, black Jaundies, Palsies, Tremblings, vain Feares, Fantasies, Dropsie, the Hand and Foot-gout, Apoplexies, Dog-hunger, too much flux of the Hemoroids, Ruptures if in Scorpio or Leo, in any ill aspect with Venus.
SAVOURS. Sower, Bitter, Sharp, in mans body he principally ruleth the Spleen.
HEARBS. He governeth Beirsfoot, Starwort, Woolf-bane, Hemlock, Ferne, Hellebor the white and black, Henbane, Ceterach or Finger-ferne, Clotbur or Burdock, Parsnip, Dragon, Pulse, Vervine, Mandrake, Poppy, Mosse, Nightshade, Bythwind, Angelida, Sage, Box, Tutfan, Orage or golden Hearb, Spinach, Shepheards Purse, Cummin, Horitaile, Fumitory.
PLANTS and TREES. Tamarisk, Savine, Sene, Capers, Rue or Hearbgrice, Polipody, Willow or Sallow Tree, Yew-tree, Cypress tree, Hemp, Pine-tree.
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BEASTS, &:c. The Asse, Cat Hare, Mouse, Mole, Elephant, Beare,,Dog, Wolf, Bastlisk, Crocodile, Scoprion, Toad, Serpent, Adder, Hog, all manner of creeping Creatures breeding of putrification, either in the Earth, Water or Ruines of Houses.
FISHES, BIRDS, &c. The Eele, Tortoise, Shel-fishes. The Bat or Blude-black, Crow, Lapwing, Owle, Gnat, Crane, Peacock, Grashopper, Thrush, Blackbird, Ostritch, Cuckoo.
PLACES. He delights in Deserts, Woods, obscure Vallies, Caves, Dens, Holes, Mountaines, or where men have been buried, Church-yards, &c. Ruinous Buildings, Cole-mines, Sinks, Dirty or Stinking Muddy Places, Wells and Houses of Offices, &c.
MINERALS. He ruleth over Lead, the Lead-stone, the Drosse of all Mettals, as also , the Dust and Rubbidge of every thing.
STONES. Saphire, Lapis Lazuli, all black, ugly Country Stones not polishable, and of a sad ashy or black colour.
WEATHER. He causeth Cloudy, Dark, obscure Ayre, cold and hurtfull, thick, black and cadense Clouds: but of this more particularly in a Treatise by it self.
WINDS. He delighteth in the East quarter of Heaven, and causeth Eastern Winds, at the time of gathering any Planet belonging to him, the Ancients did observe to turn their faces towards the East in his hour, and he, if possible, in an Angle, either in the Ascendant, or tenth, or eleventh house, the Moon applying by a Trine or Sextile to him.
ORBE. His Orbe is nine degrees before and after; that is,his influence begins to work, when either he applies, or any Planet applies to him, and is within nine degrees of his aspect, and from that aspect.
YEERS. In Generation he ruleth the first and eighth moneth after Conception.
The greatest yeers he signifies ---- 465.
His greater ---- 57.
His mean yeers ---- 43 and a half.
His least ---- 30.
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The meaning whereof is this; Admit we frame a new building, erect a Town or City, or Family, or principality is begun when Saturn is essentially and accidentally strong, the Astrologer may probably conjecture the Family, Principality, &c. may continue 465 yeers in honour &c. without any sensible alteration: Again, if in ones Nativity Saturn is well dignified, is Lord of the Geniture, &c. then according to nature he may live 57 yeers; if he be meanly distinguished, then the Native but 43; if he be Lord of the Nativity, and yet weak, the child may live 30 yeers, hardly any more; for nature of Saturn is cold and dry, and those qualities are destructive to man, &c.
As to Age, he relates to decreped old men; Fat
hers, Grandfathers, the like in Plants, Trees, and all living Creatures.
COUNTRIES. Late Authours say he ruleth over Bavaria, Saxony, Stiria, Romandisle, Ravenna, Constantia, Ingoldstad.
ANGEL. Its Cassiel, alias Captiel.
His friends are Jupiter, Sun and Mercury, his enemies Mars and Venus. We call Saturday his day, for then he begins to rule at Sun rise, and ruleth the first hour and eighth of that day.
Of the Planet JUPITER, and his Signification
Jupiter is placed next to Saturn (amongst the Ancients) you shall sometimes finde him called Zeus, or Phaeton: He is the greatest in appearance to our eyes of all the Planets (the Sun, Moon and Venus excepted;)
COLOR; MOTION In his Colour he is bright, cleer, and of an Azure colour. In his Motion he exceeds Saturn, finishing his course through the twelve Signes in twelve yeers: his middle motion is 4 min. 59 seconds: his Diurnal motion is 8,10,12 or 14 min. hardly any more.
LATITUDE His greatest North Latitude is ---- 1 38 His greatest South Latitude is ---- 1 40
HOUSES He hath two of the twelve Signe of the Zodiack for his houses, viz. Sagittarius his Day-house, and Pisces his Night-house.
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He receives Detriment in Gemini and Virgo. He is Exalted in Cancer, hath his Fall in Capricorn.
TRIPLICITY, TERM & FACE [Note Lilly does not use the standard Dorothean triplicity rulerships] He ruleth the Fiery Triplicity by night, viz. Aries, Leo, Sagattarius. He hath also these degrees allotted for his Tearmes, viz.
In Aries, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
In Taurus, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
In Gemini, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In Cancer, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Secrets of Planetary Magic Page 5