Secrets of Planetary Magic

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Secrets of Planetary Magic Page 7

by Christopher Warnock

  HEARBS & PLANTS Those Plants which are subject to the Sun doe smell pleasantly, are of good flavour, their Flowers are yellow or reddish, are in growth of Majestical form, they love open and Sunshine places, their principal Vertue is to strengthen the Heart, and comfort the Vitals, to cleer the Eye-sight, resist Poyson, or to dissolve any Witchery, or Malignant Planetary Influences; and they are Saffron, the Lawrel, the Pomecitron, the Vine, Enula Campana, Saint johns-wort, Ambre, Musk, Ginger, Hearb grace, Balm, Marigold, Rosemary, Rosafolis, Cinamon, Celendine, Eye-bright, Pyony, Barley, Cinquefoile, Spikenard, Lignum Aloes, Arsnick.

  TREES. Ash-tree, Palm, Lawrel-tree, the Myrrhe-tree, Frankinsence, the Cane-tree or Planet, the Cedar, Heletrepion, the Orange and Lemmon-tree.

  BEASTS, &:c. The Lyon, the Horse, the Ram, the Crocodile, the Bul, Goat, Night-wormes or Glow-wormes.

  FISHES The Sea-Calf or Sea-Fox, the Crabfish, the Starfish.

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  BIRDS. The Eagle, the Cock, the Phoenix, Nightingale, Peacock, the Swan, the Buzzard, the Slye Cantharis, the Goshawke.

  PLACES. Houses, Courts of Princes, Pallaces, Theators, all magnificent Structures being clear and decent, Hals, Dining-Rooms.

  MINERALS. Amongst the Elements Sun Hath domination of fire and cleer shining flames, over mettals, he ruleth Gold.

  STONES. The Hyacinth, Chrisolite, Adamant, Carbuncle, the Etites stone found in Eagles nests, the Pantaure, if such a stone be the Ruby.

  WEATHER. He produceth wheather according to the season; in the spring gentle moysting Showers; in the Summer heat in extremity if with Mars; in Autumn mists; in Winter small Rain.

  WINDS. He loves the East part of the World; and that winde which proceeds from that quarter.

  ORBE. Is 15. degrees before any aspect; and so many after separation.

  YEERS. In age he ruleth youth, or when one is at the strongest; his greatest yeers are 1460, greater 120, mean 69, least 19.

  COUNTRIES. Italy, Sicilia, Bohemia; and the fourth Climate, Phenicia, Chaldea.

  ANGEL. Michael.

  DAY OF THE WEEK & FRIENDS. He ruleth Sunday the first hour thereof, and the eight; and in numbers the first and fourth; and in conceptions the fourth moneth. His friends are all the Planets except Saturn, who is his Enemy.

  Of VENUS, her generall and particular Significations

  NAME After the Sun succeedeth Venus; who is sometimes called Cytherea, Aphrodite, Phosphoros, Vesperugo, Ericina.

  COLOR She is a bright shining colour, and is well known amongst the vulgar by the name of the evening Starre or Hesperus; and that is when she appeares after the Sun is set: common people call he the morning Starre, and the learned Lucifer, when she is seen long before the rising of the Sun.

  MOTION Her mean motion is 59 min. and 8 seconds: her diurnall motion is sometimes

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  62 min. a day 64, 65, 66 or 70, 74, 76 minutes; but 82 min. she never exceedeth.

  LATITUDE Her greatest North or South latitude is 9 degr. and two February 1643. she had eight degr. and 36 min. for her North latitude.

  HOUSES She hath Taurus and Libra for her houses, she is exalted in 27 Pisces, she receiveth detriment in Aries and Scorpio, and hath her fall in 27 Virgo.

  TRIPLICITY, TERMS & FACE [Note, Lilly does not use the standard Dorothean triplicity rulerships] She governeth the Earthly Triplicity by day viz. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; she is two dayes stationary before retrogradation, and so many before direction, and doth usually continue retrograde 42 dayes.

  TERMS. She hath these degrees in every Sign for her Terms.

  In ARIES, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

  In TAURUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

  In GEMINI, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  In CANCER, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27.

  In LEO, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

  In VIRGO, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

  In LIBRA, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

  In SCORPIO, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21.

  In SAGITTARIUS, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

  In CAPRICORN, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  In AQUARIUS, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19,20.

  In PISCES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

  These degrees are allowed for her Face.

  In ARIES, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

  In CANCER, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

  In VIRGO, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  In SCORPIO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

  In PISCES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

  Nature She is a Feminine Planet, temperately Cold and Moyst, Nocturnal, the lesser Fortune, author of Mirth and Jolity; the elements, the Ayre and Water are Venerial; in the Humours, Flegme with Blood, with Spirit, and Genital seed.

  MANNERS & ACTIONS WHEN WELL DIGNIFIED She signifies a quiet man, not given to Law, Quarrel or Wrangling, not Vitious, Pleasant, Neat and Spruce, Loving

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  Mirth in his words and actions, cleanly in Apparel, rather Drinking much then Gluttonous, prone to Venery, oft entangles in Love-matters, Zealous in their affections, Musical, delighting in Baths, and all honest merry meetings, or Maskes and Stage-playes, easie of Belief, and not given to Labour, or take any Pains, a Company-keeper, Cheerful, nothing Mistrustful, a right vertuous man or Woman, oft had in some Jealousie, yet no cause for it.

  WHEN ILL DIGNIFIED Then he is Riotous, Expensive, wholly given to Loosenesse and Lewd companies of Women, nothing regarding his Reputation, coveting unlawful Beds, Incestuous, an Adulterer; Fennatical, a meer Skip-jack, of no Faith, no Repute, no Credit; spending his Means in Ale-houses, Taverns, and amongst Scandalous, Loose people; a meen Lazy companion, nothing careful of the the things of this Life, or any thing Religious; a meer Atheist and natural man.

  CORPORATURE A man of fair, but not tall Stature, his Complexion, being white, tending to a little darknesse, which makes him more Lovely; very fair Lovely Eyes, and a little black; a round Face, and not large, fair Hair, smooth, and plenty of it, and it usually of a light brown colour, a lovely Mouth and cherry Lips, the Face pretty fleshy, a rolling wandering Eye, a Body very delightful, Lovely and exceeding wel shaped, one desirous of Trimming and making himself neat and compleat both in Cloaths and Body, a love dimple in his Cheeks, a stedfast Eye, and ful amarous enticements.

  ORIENTAL When Orientall the Body inclines to talnesse; or a kind of upright straightnesse in Person, not corpulent or very tal, but neatly composed. A right Venerian person, is such as we say, is a pretty, compleat, handsome Man or Woman.

  OCCIDENTAL When she is Occidental, the Man is of more short stature, yet very decent and comely in Shape and Form, well liked of all.

  QUALITY OF MEN & PROFESSION Musitions, Gamesters, Silk-men, Mercers, Linnen-Drapers, Painters, Jewellers, Players, Lapidaries, Embroiderers, Women-tailors, Wives, Mothers, Virgins, Choristers, Fidlers, Pipers, when joyned with Moon, Singers, Perfumers, Semilers, Picture-drawers, Gravers, Upholdsters, Limners, Glovers, all such as

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  sell those Commodities which adorn Women either, in Body (as Cloaths) or in Face, (as complexion-waters.)

  SICKNESSES. Diseases by her signified, are principally in the Matrix and members of Generation; in the reines, belly, back, navil and those parts; the Genorrex or running of the Reines, French or Spanish Pox; any disease arising by inordinate lust. Priapisme, impotency in generation, Hernias & the Diabetes or pissing disease.

  COLOUR & SAVOURS. In colours she signifieth White, or milky Skie-colour mixed with brown, or a little Green. In Savours she delightes in that which is pleasant and toothsome; usually in moyst and sweet, or what is very delectable; in smels what is unctious and Aromatical, and incites to wantonnesse.

  HEARBS & PLANTS Myrtle always green; all hearbs which she governeth have a sweet flavour, a pleasant smel; a white flower; of a gentle humour, whose leaves are smooth and not jagged. She governeth the Lilly white and yellow, and the Lilly of the Valley, and of the Water. The Satyrion or Cuckoe-pintle, Mai
den-hair, Violet; the white and yellow Daffadil.

  TREES. Sweet Apples, the white Rose, the Fig, the white Sycamore; wilde Ash, Turpentine-tree, Olive, Sweet Oranges, Mugwort, Ladies-mantle, Sanicle-Balm, Veryin, Walnuts, Almonds, Millet, Valerian, Thyme, Ambre, Ladanum, Civet or Musk, Corriander, French Wheat, Peaches, Apricocks, Plums, Raisons.

  BEASTS. The Hart, the Panther, smal cattle, Coney, the Calf, the Goat.

  BIRDS Stockdove, Wagtayle, the Sparrow, Hen, the Nightingale, the Thrush, Pellican, Partridge, Ficedula, a little Bird Feeding on Grapes; the Wren, Eagles, the Swan, the Swallow, the Owse or Black Bird, the Pye.

  FISHES The Dolphin.

  PLACES. Gardens, Fountains, Bride-chambers, fair lodgings, Beds, Hangings, Dancing-Schooles, Wardrobes.

  MINERALS, METALS & STONES Copper, especially the Corinthian and White; Brasse, all Lattenware. Cornelian, the sky-coloured Saphyre, white and red Coral, Margalite, Alabaster, Lapis Luzuli because it expels Melancholy, the Beril, Chrisolite.

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  WIND & WEATHER. She governeth the South-winde being hot and moyst; in the temperament of the Ayre, she ruleth the Etesia; she foretelleth in Summer, Serenity or cleer weather; in Winter, rain or snow.

  ORBE. Her Orbe is 7. before and after any aspect of hers.

  YEERS. Her greatest yeers are 151. her greater 82. her mean 45. her least 8. In man she governeth Youth from 14 to 28.

  COUNTRIES. Arabia, Austria, Campania, Vienna, Polonia the greater, Turing, Parthia, Media, Cypress, and the six climate.

  ANGEL. Her Angel is Anael.

  DAY OF THE WEEK & FRIENDS. Her day of the week Friday, of which she rules the first and eighth houre; and in conception the first Month. Her Friends are all the Planets except Saturn.

  Of MERCURY, his generall and particular Significations

  NAME He is called Hermes, Stilbon, Cyllenius, Archas. Mercury is the least of all the Planets, never distant from the Sun above 27.degrees; by which reason he is seldom visible to our sight:

  COLOR He is of a dusky silver colour; his mean motion is 59 min. and 8 seconds; but he is sometimes so swift that he moveth one degree and 40.min. in a day, never more; so that you are not to marvaile if you finde him sometimes goe 66. 68. 70. 80. 86. or 100. in a day: he is Stationary one day, and retrograde 24.dayes.

  LATITUDE His greatest South Latitude is 3.degr. 35.min. His greatest North Latit. is 3.deg. 33.min.

  HOUSES He hath Gemini and Virgo for his Houses, and is exalted in the 15. of Virgo: he receives detriment in Sagittarius and Pisces, his fall is in Pisces.

  TRIPLICITY, TERMS & FACE [Note, Lilly does not use the standard Dorothean triplicity rulerships] He ruleth the aery triplicity by night, viz. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

  TERMS. He hath these degrees in every Sign for his Terms.

  In ARIES, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

  In TAURUS, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

  In GEMINI, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

  In CANCER, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  In LEO, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

  In VIRGO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

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  In LIBRA, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

  In SCORPIO, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.

  In SAGITTARIUS, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  In CAPRICORN, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

  In AQUARIUS, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

  In PISCES, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  FACE. These subsequent degrees are his Faces or Decanate:

  In TAURUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

  In CANCER, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  In VIRGO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

  In SAGITTARIUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

  In AQUARIUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  Nature We may not call him either Masculine or Feminine, for he is either the one or other as joyned to any Planet; for if in Conjunction with a Masculine Planet, he becomes Masculine; if with a Feminine, then Feminine, but of his own nature he is cold and dry, and therefore Melancholly; with the good he is good, with the evil Planets ill:

  ELEMENTS. In the Elements the Water; amongst the humours, the mixt, he rules the animal spirit: he is author of subtilty, tricks, devices, perjury, &c.

  MANNERS & ACTIONS WHEN WELL DIGNIFIED Being wel dignified, he represents a man of a subtil and politick brain, intellect, and cogitation; an excellent disputant or Logician, arguing with learning and discretion, and using much eloquence in his speech, a searcher into all kinds of Mysteries and Learning, sharp and witty, learning almost any thing without a Teacher; ambitious of being exquisite in every Science, desirious naturally of travel and seeing foraign parts: a man of an unwearied fancy, curious in the search of any occult knowledge; able by his own Genius to produce wonders; given to Divination and the more secret knowledge; if he turn Merchant, no man exceeds him in a way of Trade or invention of new wayes whereby to obtain wealth.

  WHEN ILL DIGNIFIED A troublesome wit, a kinds of Phrenetick man, his tongue and Pen against every man, wholly bent to spoil his estate and time in prating and trying nice conclusions to no purpose; a great lyar, boaster, pratler, busibody, false, a tale-carrier, given to wicked ARTS, as Necromancy, and such like ungodly

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  knowledges; easie of beleef, an asse or very ideot, constant in no place or opinion, cheating and theeving every where; a news-monger, pretending all manner of knowledge, but guilty of no true or solid learning; a trifler; a meer frantick fellow; if he prove a Divine, then a meer verball fellow, frothy of no judgment, easily perverted, constant in nothing but idle words and bragging.

  CORPORATURE Vulgarly he denotes one of an high stature and straight thin spare body, an high forehead and somewhat narrow long face, long nose; fair eyes, neither perfectly black or gray, thin lips and nose, little hair on the chin, but much on his head, and it a sad brown inclining to blacknesse; long arms, fingers and hands; his complexion like an olive or Chestnut colour. You must more observe Mercury then all the Planets; for having any aspect to a Planet, he doth more usually partake of the influence of that Planet then nay other doth: if with Saturn then heavy, with Jupiter more temperate, with Mars more rash, with Sun more genteele, with Venus more jesting, with Moon more shifter.

  ORIENTAL When he is oriental, his complexion is honey colour, or like one wel Sun-burnt; in the stature of his body not very high, but wel joynted, smal eyes, not much hair; in very truth, according to the the height of body, very wel composed, but stil a defect in the complexion, viz. swarty brown, and in the tongue, viz. all for his own ends.

  OCCIDENTAL When Occidental, a tawny visage, lank body, small slender limbs, hollow eyes, and sparkling and red or fiery; the whole frame of body inclining to drinesse.

  QUALITY OF MEN & PROFESSION He generally signifies all literated men, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Astrologians, Merchants, Secretaries, Scriveners, Diviners, Sculptors, Poets, Orators, Advocates, School-masters, Stationers, Printers, Exchangers of Money, Atturneys, Emperours, Embassadours, Commissioners, Clerks, Artificers, generally Accomptants, Solicitors, sometimes Theeves, pratling muddy Ministers, busie Sectaries, and they unlearned; Gramarians, Taylors, Carriers, Messengers, Foot-men, Userers.

  SICKNESSES. All Vertigols, Lethargies or giddinesse in the Head, Madnesse, either Lightnesse, or any Disease of the Brain; Ptisick, all

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  stammering and imperfection in the Tongue, vein and fond Imaginations, all defects in the Memory, Hoarcenesse, dry Coughs, too much abundance of Spettle, all snaffling and snuffling in the Head or Nose; the Hand and Feet Gout, Dumnesse, Toungue-evil, all evils in the Fancy and intellectual parts.

  COLOUR & SAVOURS. Mixed and new colours, the Gray mixed with Sky-colour, such as is on the Neck of the Stock-dove, Linsie-woolsie colours, or consisting of many colours mixed in one. Of Saviours an hodgepodge of all things together, so that no one can give it any true name; yet usually such as doe quicken the Spirits, are subtil and penetrate, and in a m
anner insensible.

  HEARBS & PLANTS Herbs attributed to Mercury, are known by the various colour of the flower, and love sandy barren places, they bear their seed in husks or cobs, they smel rarely or subtilly, and have principal relation to the tongue, brain, lungs or memory; they dispel winde, and comfort the Annimal spirits, and open obstructions. Beanes, three leaved-grasse, the Walnut and Walnut-tree; the Filbert-tree and Nut; the Elder-tree, Adders-tongue, Dragon-wort, Twopenny-grasse, Lungwort, Anniseeds, Cubebs, Marjoran. What hearbs are used for the Muses and Divination, as Vervine, the Reed; of Drugs, Treacle, Hiera, Diambra.

  BEASTS. The Hyaena, Ape, Fox, Squirrel, Weasel, the Spider, the Grayhound, the Hermophradite, being partaker of both sexes; all cunning creatures.

  BIRDS. The Lynnet, the Parrot, the Popinian, the Swallow, the Pye,the Beetle, Pifinires, Locusts, Bees, Serpent, the Crane.

  FISHES The Forke-fish, Mullet.

  PLACES. Tradesmens-shops, Markets, Fayres, Schooles, Common Hals, Bowling-Allyes, Ordinaries, Tennis-Courts:

  METALS Quicksilver.

  STONES. The Milestone, Marchasite or fire-stone, the Achates, Topaz, Vitroil, all stones of divers colours.

  WIND & WEATHER. He delights in Windy, Stormy and Violent, Boistrous Weather, and stirs up that Wind which the Planet signifies to which he applyes; sometimes Rain, at other times Haile, Lightning, Thunder and Tempests- in hot Countries Earthquakes, but this

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  must be observed really from the Sign and Season of the year.

  ORBE. His Orbe is seven degrees before and after any aspect.

  YEERS. His greatest yeers are 450; his greatest 76; his mean 48; his little or least 20: in Conceptions he governeth the sixth moneth.

  COUNTRIES. He hath Grecia, Flanders, Egypt, Paris.

  ANGEL. His Angel is named Raphael.

  DAY OF THE WEEK & FRIENDS. He governeth Wednesday, the first hour thereof, and the eight. His Friends are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and his Enemies all the other Planets.


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