Stormy's Thunder: Satan's Devils MC Utah

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Stormy's Thunder: Satan's Devils MC Utah Page 39

by Manda Mellett

  He means it will be soon that he takes Smythe down.

  “I spent my life never letting anyone get close, Cat. And it all goes back to that fuckin’ lie you hold in your hands.”

  “But you let me get close, lover.” She leans into me, sits up and with gentle prodding gets me to roll over onto my back. Then, fuck me, she straddles me. “The past is behind us, both yours and mine. It has no power to hurt us anymore.”

  My eyes flick to hers fast. Her words were a message for me and for her.

  Gently she moves her hips back and forth, her movements having a predictable effect on my cock. When she notices my growing hardness, she grins.

  “Hmm. I think you promised me some action when we got back.”

  I move my hands under my head and rest back on the pillow. “I’m all yours. Take me.”

  It will work better like this. Me giving her control.

  “Yeah?” Her hands trace my now throbbing denim covered dick. “Is this mine?”

  “All yours. But, woman, it’s been fuckin’ weeks. Don’t play too long.”

  “Ooh, on edge, are we?”

  I cock an eyebrow at her. “You could say that.”

  I thought the first time we actually got down to fuck she’d be nervous. I love this playful side of her. It’s different. I’m not taking like that bastard did. Although it goes against my nature, I’m leaving everything up to her.

  Her teeth dig into her bottom lip as her hands fiddle with the button on the shorts I wore for the last time over my cast today. My hands itch to help, but apart from tightening my stomach to give her more room to work, I stick to my resolve.

  Relieved I’m not wearing button up shorts, this torture is more than only a strong-willed man could stand, I hold my breath as she finally pushes it through the hole, and starts to move my zipper down.

  She’s careful, though. I’ve not gone commando today, she still eases it down making sure to keep it well away from my dick. Her fingers though, they brush my shaft, even that gentle touch makes me suck in air through my teeth. If she doesn’t watch out, I could blow.

  Is she going to jerk me off? Fuck, I’d prefer to be inside her when I come, I’ve been waiting for this moment for two months.

  But no, Cat obviously wants me naked. Torturously slowly she starts to pull down my underwear and shorts. Again, I offer assistance by raising my hips. She giggles softly when she realises I’m still in my boots. Once those have been discarded, my legs and ass are bare, and my clothes are on the floor.

  Her eyes focus on my cock for a moment as I fail to hide how much I want her. She licks her lips and instructs, “Take off your shirt.”

  I obey, curling my abs to sit up and rip that fucker over my head. It’s actually hot that I’m now completely naked, and she’s still clothed. I can’t fucking wait for whatever striptease she has planned, fast or slow, I just need her revealed to my eyes.

  Her brow furrowed in concentration, she leans forward and wipes the pearly drop of precum off the tip of my cock. Just the gentle touch of her finger makes me gasp. But she’s hesitant, almost fighting against herself. While I’d love my dick in her mouth, she’s not ready.

  “Touch yourself, Cat,” I instruct.



  I hadn’t known how much I’d been poised for bad news, what I’d heard instead hadn’t been a complete clean sheet of results, but the most I could hope for under the circumstances. I knew the doctor was only being cautious, the chances of having a disease that would only show itself many years in the future was simply covering their backs.

  The news I wasn’t pregnant was the best I could receive.

  Now there’s nothing holding me back. I knew I was eager to make love with Finn.

  That he was blindsided by the letter meant I’d had to take the lead.

  I know Finn thinks he’s helping, giving me control. But the truth is, I want my man to take me. I want to feel him inside, I want to forget anyone else was ever there. I don’t want Finn to pretend to be something he’s not.

  He’d told me to touch myself when I feel robbed that he’s not touching me. Instead of his eager cock upright and begging arousing me, the fact he’s not driving is doing the opposite to arousing me.

  How can I make him see what I need?

  Lowering my body, I put my lips on his. He kisses me back, but doesn’t entangle his fingers in my hair, or even put his arms around me.

  Frustrated as hell, I pull back, punching his shoulder lightly. “This isn’t what I want.”

  “Babe.” His hands slide out from under his head, his brow furrows, and his eyes half close. “Cat, no worries if you’re not ready yet.”

  If I’m not ready now, I’ll never be. My eyes flash sparks and my temper flares. Now my hands beat at his chest. “I’m more than fucking ready, Finn. Can’t you see it’s you I want? I want my man, not a toy. If I wanted something to just lie there, I’d have gotten a blow-up doll.”

  A frown covers his face.

  “Finn, for the love of God, just fuck me.” Seething, I spit the words at him.

  Still, he holds back. He swallows making his Adam’s apple bob, and the lightning tattoo on his neck flex. “Cat, if you give me control, I won’t be gentle. I can’t. It’s been too fuckin’ long.”

  “I don’t want gentle, I just want you.” How can I make him see? What Gun did had robbed me of something, and now he’s in danger of succeeding in taking my man from me. “You’re still treating me like a victim.”

  He stills. One beat, two. When I feel a third beat of my heart, he suddenly turns the tables on me. Impressively using his abdominal muscles to pull himself up, one moment I’m sitting astride him, and the next I’m on my back and he’s looming over me.

  Oh, thank God. Now he’s kissing me in the way he hasn’t done for weeks. Pouring all his emotion into the caress as his tongue invades, and his teeth nip my lips.

  We’re both breathing fast by the time he pulls away, he stares at me for a moment, then starts to move down my body.

  The only memories he brings back are all about him and how right he’s making me feel, as he lavishes his attention on my breasts. His fingers descend to my clit, and finally his mouth is there.

  My head slams back, my shoulders push into the bed as he makes me feel so good. Using hands and mouth expertly he brings me fast to the peak and I scream.

  While my muscles still quiver, he rears back, reaching to the bedside table and extracting a condom.

  Forcing my eyes open I watch as he smooths it down the cock which is jutting out proudly from his body.

  I think he’s going to hesitate, so I give him no choice. “Fuck me, Finn. Make me yours.”

  “You’re fuckin’ mine, and you’re going to know it,” he growls, then wastes no time pushing into me, filling completely.

  It’s amazing, it’s wonderful. It’s all that I hoped and expected it to be. As I flex my hips, he rotates his. Raising my legs I wrap them around him, giving him even greater access.

  There’s no room for anyone else here, all I know is him. All I breathe in is his scent. All I can see when I open my eyes is the face of the man that I love. The only taste is of our combined flavours as again he kisses me.

  Nothing exists except us.

  He pumps like a man possessed, I wail as I reach for relief. I come, again, for a second I see stars as he roars and grunts out his own release.

  Moments later I’m in his arms.

  “I fuckin’ love you, Cat.” His chest vibrates as he chuckles. “I fuckin’ love hearing you purr.”

  “Oh, I think you just got the full meow.”

  He pushes himself up on an elbow and leans down to look at me. “Want you on the back of my bike, babe. I want you to wear my property patch, I want us to buy a house. I want you to be my old lady, and I want to get married. I want, need, to tie you to me in all the ways I can. And when you’re ready, I want my babies to grow in there.” He places his hand on my stomach, care
ssing it so lovingly.

  “Do I get any say?”

  He snorts. “You hold the keys to my heart, babe.”

  I’m not going to argue, everything he wants aligns with my own desires.

  “Thank you for saving me.” He’s brought me back from the brink twice now. Once by physically being there, and then by just give me his unerring support.

  But he shrugs off my comment. “You saved me right back, babe.”




  “Stormy, it’s Pip.”

  My eyes widen, the call was from an unknown number. “How the fuck are you, man? It’s been months.”

  “Fancy taking a trip and bringing your rifle along?”

  “Smythe?” I hold my breath. Gun didn’t die at my hands, but Smythe is the man that I want.

  “Yeah. They’ve got everything out of him he’s ever going to give up. He’s a waste of space now. Just so happens he’ll be transferred to a high security prison, and I’ve got a time and place where a man of your skills would be able to take him down.”

  I want it so fucking much I can already savour the sweet taste of revenge. But, I can’t risk losing everything now. Another unauthorised execution may dissolve the trust I’ve slowly built back up. “I’ll need to clear it with Snatcher.”

  Pip snorts. “You’ve changed a lot.”

  I have. I’ve got a woman who wears my patch and a club at my back with members who I trust and would die for. I’m not going to be going rogue or taking off solo anymore.

  “Seems like your ol’ lady’s stolen your thunder.”

  “Nah, Pip. She’s given me it back.” I know I’m more of a man with her. My eyes find the woman in question, she’s over the other side of the clubroom speaking to Piston, her hand lying on the stomach where only the two of us currently know our baby is incubating.

  Kill Smythe? Yeah, I want that. But I’m not risking everything that now takes precedence in my life.

  “I’ll speak to Prez and let you know. Can I reach you on this number?”

  “Yeah. The transfer takes place a week from now. Let me know if you’re going to be there. If you’re not, I’ll make other arrangements. One way or another, Smythe’s days are numbered. He’s not worth the cost of feeding him during a long imprisonment.

  “You sure you don’t need him alive?” Not that him dead isn’t what I’d prefer.

  “No need. Devil and I have been helping to dismantle his operation. His dominos have already fallen. He taints everyone who breathes the same air. I’ve had the go ahead to take him out with extreme prejudice.”

  And he came to me.

  “I’ll let you know,” I repeat, and end the call.

  I don’t have to wait long, tonight’s our regular church. As I walk into the now cleared meeting room restored to its original glory, I take my seat, deep in thought and staring down at the new table we’ve had commissioned. In similar vein to much of the furniture in the clubhouse which has fast become home, the table was made by a local carpenter. Engraved in the middle is our emblem, Lucifer carrying his scythe and looming over three devils.

  It’s a far cry from the previous clubhouse. I don’t think any of us feel less comfortable here.

  I wait for the appropriate ‘any other business’ slot, then raise my hand. In a concise few words I update my brothers about the call from Pip.

  “You’re asking fuckin’ permission?” Thor shakes his head and raises his eyes to me.

  “You could really walk away?” Preacher seems surprised.

  Snatcher just lifts his eyebrows.

  “Smythe will be taken care of,” I emphasise. “It doesn’t need to be by my hand. I’m not saying I wouldn’t enjoy taking him out, but there’s more that matters to me. My club, my family, and my woman.”

  “Just goes to show some knocks on the head have lasting effects.” Goofy grins. In true Stormy fashion, I show him my finger, but it’s half-hearted. Since the time I disarmed the bomb he’d been wearing, I and the old man have become close.

  “I think you should do it,” Prez states, his lips pursing. “This is club business. Smythe was behind the attack that lost us the clubhouse. Anyone disagree?”

  No one does. One raised hand surprises me, or not so much the action, but the words that accompany it.

  “Not going to let a brother ride on his own. I’ll go along.” Swift raises her chin toward me.

  I couldn’t ask for better than that. “I’d be glad to fuckin’ have you,” I reply, sincerely. Oh, it’s not all roses between us, I remain determined to one day beat her ass in the gym. So far, she’s always bested me. But asshole that I am, I keep trying.

  A quick vote is taken, and it’s quickly decided. I’m going, and Swift is coming with me.

  A week later, I’m sitting on top of a roof, watching as a prison truck comes into view half a mile away to rendezvous with the jail transport that’s waiting. I take in a deep breath, hold it, steady my hand and wait.

  Nonchalantly, Smythe steps out acting as if he’s no care in the world. His attitude makes me wonder if he’s still expecting to somehow find a way out.

  No chance. You end today. This is for you, Pooh. And for you, Tailor, Buster and Slice.

  I pull the trigger, taking the relatively easy shot that doesn’t come close to my longest distance.

  A single bullet to the forehead and he drops down dead, slaughtered like the animal he is.

  Swift chuckles beside me as I start to pack up. “That’s all there is to it? Fuck, Brother. That’s too fuckin’ easy. You don’t even get your hands dirty.”

  As we retrace our steps and go to our motorcycles parked next to the SUV, I nudge her. “Yeah, fuckin’ coward that’s what I am.” I pass my equipment over to Brute, who immediately drives away.

  “Well, you can keep that. I prefer seeing the whites of their eyes.”

  “Each to their—” My phone rings, cutting me off. “Pip?”

  “It’s over, Stormy. Thought you’d like to know Marjan’s safe.”

  “Fuck. Is the kid okay?”

  “She will be,” he says grimly. “She provided a lot of the evidence that put him where you could get to him today.”

  “She in danger?”

  “Don’t worry about that. We’re getting her somewhere safe.”

  I end the call feeling lighter than I think I ever have.

  As Swift points to some shrubs, like a gentleman I turn away, letting her take her piss in private. It’s over, I muse, swinging my leg over the seat and waiting for her. Soon we’ll be on our way, heading back to Utah and the woman who’s waiting for me. All the loose ends have been tied and all the ramifications of my fuckups in the past have been erased.

  A breeze blows the hair into my face, air tinged with the smell of cordite and gun oil, the distinctive aroma left after an assault weapon has been fired. It brings back a memory of Pooh and I as we cleared an area of insurgents, as if he is here with me today. Suddenly, a bird shoots up from the undergrowth beside me, a young hawk flying away. Was that a sign, Pooh?

  “Promise me one thing, Storm,” Swift calls out as she walks back. “You won’t be pulling that trick of crashing into the clubhouse today.”

  I snort.

  “I promise you.” Placing her hand on her hips she winks. “If you try and show me your finger, I’ll fucking break it off.”

  Now that, I wouldn’t put past her.

  Two bikes ride off. Two brothers, friends and comrades in arms. Twisting the throttle, I toss back my head, letting the wind carry my laughter away.

  Coming Soon


  Born into the club, I’m a Satan’s Devil to my core.

  I suppose, given that my mom is a firefighter and my dad the ex-sergeant-at arms, I grew up with the need to protect running through my veins, and was the logical choice to become the enforcer when the vacancy emerged.

  I may be young, but I’m strong and dependable, and alwa
ys in control. I love my life and want no other.

  But I was knocked off kilter when things started happening that I couldn’t understand. Suddenly, I was plunged into a world I couldn’t direct. Unable to fulfil the expectations people had of me, I began to flounder.

  How could I balance my own desires with the duty that was being thrust on me?

  I didn’t want a woman of my own. I didn’t want to be a husband. I had years before I thought I’d be settling down.

  But fate, it seems, has other ideas.

  And it terrifies me.

  Other Works by Manda Mellett

  Blood Brothers – A series about sexy dominant sheikhs and their bodyguards

  Stolen Lives (#1) Nijad and Cara

  Close Protection (#2) Jon and Mia

  Second Chances (#3) Kadar and Zoe

  Identity Crisis (#4) Sean and Vanessa

  Dark Horses (#5) Jasim and Janna

  Hard Choices (#6) Aiza

  Satan’s Devils MC - Arizona Chapter

  Turning Wheels (Blood Brothers #3.5, Satan’s Devils #1) Wraith and Sophie

  Drummer’s Beat (#2) Drummer and Sam

  Slick Running (#3) Slick and Ella

  Targeting Dart (#4) Dart and Alex

  Heart Broken (#5) Heart and Marc

  Peg’s Stand (#6) Peg and Darcy

  Rock Bottom (#7) Rock and Becca

  Joker’s Fool (#8) Joker and Lady

  Mouse Trapped (#9) Mouse and Mariana

  Blade’s Edge (#10) Blade and Tash

  Heart Mended: A Satan’s Devils MC Novella

  Truck Stopped (#11) Truck & Allie

  Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Books 1-5

  Satan’s Devils MC Boxset 2 Books 6-8

  Satan’s Devils MC Boxset 3 Books 9-11

  Satan’s Devils MC - Colorado Chapter


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