Jack of Hart- Wild Card

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Jack of Hart- Wild Card Page 21

by Violeta Bagia

  ‘You were doing your job.’ I looked away. ‘That was your task.’

  ‘I put the job first.’ His admission was laced with guilt. ‘Always have, even when I shouldn’t have.’

  ‘You did what I should have done.’

  A tight smile met me before the eyes of a haunted man returned, and the smile was replaced by a regretful shake of the head.

  ‘But you didn’t, and that’s what she deserved. You always were the better man.’

  I didn’t know what to say to that. Could I really pretend that I was what he accused me of being? No. Not anymore…Ace, she meant more to me than I could ever articulate but Alex, he meant something to her even if she tried to deny it.

  ‘Nothing happened, Illarion.’ Alex said quietly. ‘We talked, we kissed, she left. She loves you.’

  A heavy silence descended, and Alex cleared his throat.

  ‘If they get to her, we’re all dead.’

  That was the truth of it, plain and simple.

  ‘Everyone on Operation Lullaby has been informed.’ Alex added. ‘I’m handing the reins over to you, everyone is on board. You’re running this show, now.’

  Looking down at the file, I nodded. ‘Us against them.’

  ‘Us against them.’ He nodded.



  I couldn’t bring myself to go back to Alex’s apartment, face him and Illarion. I slapped my palm to my face, groaning into it as my elevator stopped on my floor.

  Tossing my bag on the counter, I checked my phone and placed it on top of last month’s Vogue.

  I poured myself a glass of water and relished in the cold liquid.

  Peyton should have been read in by now, she and Matt were going to be our people on the inside, it wasn’t ideal, but we needed everyone, especially people who’d been with me for the past year. I placed the glass down with a sigh and flicked through the messages and emails on my phone.

  By now, my absence from the Bureau would have gotten around which also meant that whoever was on Team Adam, so to speak, would be alerted that something was amiss.

  Peyton and Matt were our insurance, if they could spread the chatter enough to lead them to believe I was still in the dark, it could buy us more time, or it could blow everything if they read my bluff.

  As I reached for the glass on the counter again, a sudden, very overpowering sensation ripped through me. It was gas, and if I had to guess, it was some form of 3-methylfentanyl. But it was highly potent, incredibly similar to whatever took me out in the hotel that day.

  And if that was the case, I didn’t have long. I couldn’t breathe; almost like a heavy blanket was thrown over my face. My knees gave way and I crashed into the ground. I pressed my hands to my chest, reaching for my collar. Illarion was at Alex’s and Aurel and Matt were headed there too. Not that it mattered where they were, I couldn’t reach my phone to call any of them anyway.

  Another pang of pain drew my attention to the fact that I was most certainly running out of air and most likely about to pass out and if that happened, I’d be open to attack. I’d given myself about five minutes, max. If only I could reach out to Illarion…

  As much as I tried, my attempts failed. The gas was blocking my power, I couldn’t reach Illarion. And that brought another realization forth, someone was coming for me. Shit.

  Desperation to stay conscious overrode the pain in my lungs and the desperation to call for help, overrode the fear of being taken.

  Throwing my hands out, I caught myself before I crashed into the floor and I clutched at the fabric around my neck desperately pulling at it. A heavy helplessness dawned on me.

  Tears sprung to my eyes, falling, wetting my cheeks as my face hit the tiles.

  Coherent thoughts were becoming impossible. I looked up at the counter, my phone was right there, if I could just reach…

  I clawed my way across the floor, heaving, sucking in whatever little oxygen I could. I was so close I just had to reach a little more…I had to call them…

  My fingers grazed the edge of the counter, pulling the magazine closer to the edge. My phone was on it, I could do this. With a painful breath and long reach, I pulled.

  The phone and magazine came crashing down on top of me, the phone narrowly missing my head. I scrambled to it as quickly as my hands would allow and pressed the screen with trembling hands.

  Just stay still, I wanted to scream when my hands wouldn’t stop shaking.

  Dark edges started to claim my vision and at that point I could barely see.

  Frantically, I tapped it, hoping that something, anything would come up. I didn’t see whose number started to dial, I didn’t see whose name lit up the screen as they picked up, all I could do was hope that my hoarse plea was heard.

  ‘Help…please…please help.’



  My heart skyrocketed, and my mind went blank, completely taken over by a strong sensation of fear. Whatever Alex was explaining to us went over my head and only when Matt gripped my arm did I come rushing back to the present.

  ‘Something’s wrong.’ I pushed away from the table.

  ‘Hey.’ Matt asked. ‘What is it?’

  ‘It’s Ace.’ I stammered. ‘Something’s happening.’

  My breath got stuck in my throat and Aurel’s concerned expression stunned me into action.

  ‘The connection is real.’ Alex’s eyes widened, following me up.

  Just as he’d said it, Aurel’s phone rang, he swiped the screen, answering the call and Ace’s panicked, broken voice came through.

  ‘Help…please…please help.’

  ‘We have to go!’

  Alex and Matt rushed outside leaving me and Aurel running after them.

  We split up as soon as I reached the end of the hall. Aurel and I took the stairs down two at a time while Matt and Alex went the other way.

  Aurel raced ahead, snatching the keys from the valet earning a series of creative remarks.

  He reached my car first and got in, I threw myself in after him, holding on as Aurel swerved and screeched through the under-ground parking garage. Thankfully as soon as we got out, the streets were mostly empty. He sped up, navigating parked cars and cabs. And as we rounded the corner nearing her building, He skidded to a halt as a bank up of weekend traffic filled the street, he cursed.

  ‘Go! I’ll be right there.’

  Immediately jumping free of the vehicle, I sprinted down the sidewalk and into her building.

  There were multiple Sensitives.

  As I ran forward, I knew Aurel would back me up. Whatever came would be the least of our worries if I didn’t get to Ace.

  She was suffocating. And my body pushed me faster than I’d ever run, Aurel on my tail, Matt and Alex would be coming any minute.

  But the more time that passed… no, I wouldn’t entertain the idea, I couldn’t let my mind go there.

  Tears stung the back of my eyes when I felt her growing weaker and weaker—her walls were down.

  Cowards, they couldn’t take her when she was strong, they had to beat her down to stand a chance.

  As I rounded the last corner I ran ahead and skipped the elevator, taking the stairs. Aurel shouted that he was on his way and I caught a glimpse of him coming up the service stairwell.

  ‘Someone’s headed up here!’ I shouted and Aurel broke off.

  Good. He would cut them off and surprise them.

  The sixth floor came into view and I took those last few stairs in one go, I ran, pushing myself without letting my mind accept the fatigue.

  The door was right there, only a few more feet. I barely skidded to a halt as I threw my whole body at it, splintering the door right off the hinges. Once it gave way, I wasted no time rushing inside.

  She was unconscious by the kitchen counter, her body curled up, gripping the phone in her hand.

  Just outside, in the hallway I heard Aurel make contact with the Sensitives I’d felt earlier.

  Years of
training kicked in like second nature, I turned her onto her back, quickly clearing her airways. Counting with each cycle of CPR I gave her, I pressed my hand to her heart. After four cycles, Aurel ran into the apartment, dropping to his knees beside us.

  ‘Here!’ He called, dropping a case beside me bringing his phone to his ear. ‘I need a medic now, we have an agent down, she’s been out for approximately three minutes and we’re about to begin with the defibrillator.’

  He threw the phone aside and pulled Ace’s sweater up, exposing her chest.

  I continued with chest compressions while Aurel prepared the pads, quickly, I ripped her tank top and cleared her airways.

  ‘The Sensitives?’

  ‘Neutralized.’ He bit, thrusting the pads into my hand.

  ‘Come on…’ I stuck them on.

  As soon as they were in place, I nodded to Aurel.

  ‘Clear!’ He shouted.

  He moved back, running his hands over his head and if I wasn’t so charged with adrenaline now.

  Her body convulsed as the power shot through her, but she didn’t respond.

  ‘Charge again,’ I yelled, aware that my voice was cracking.

  ‘Clear!’ Aurel shouted again.

  Her body jolted, still nothing.


  The pulse of energy fired, throwing her body into the air.

  I gripped the trigger, watching my hand shake uncontrollably and with each failed attempt, she was thrown up into the air and brought back down, unmoving.

  Matt and Alex rushed into the room dropping beside us, I didn’t a hear a word they said over the noise in my head.

  Continuing chest compressions, I ignored everything else and when I felt a rib crack under my fingers, I ground out an angry cry.

  ‘No!’ I yelled at her still face, snatching the defibrillator from Aurel. ‘You’re not dying! Clear!’

  Aurel shook beside me, rage and angst flowing through his pores, every emotion, every feeling colliding with mine. Alex and Matt weren’t faring much better, but a firm grip on my shoulder gave me strength to keep going.

  ‘Keep her mind shielded!’ I somehow managed to choke out to Alex.

  Seconds later, his shield was up, and Ace was protected.

  ‘Come on Ace!’ I dropped the paddles, letting Aurel charge them again while I went back to compressions.

  ‘Charged.’ He ground out, a lot quieter this time. ‘Clear.’

  ‘We have company,’ Matt announced.

  ‘Go!’ I yelled to him and Alex.

  They both disappeared and a fight broke out just beyond the walls of her apartment.

  Aurel charged again and once more, I hit the trigger.

  As the pulse rocked through her this time, the energy in the room sparked to life, every bulb and electrical outlet burned and fired in a brilliant flash of light as Ace took in a sharp, deep breath.

  ‘Come on,’ I pushed the machine away, pulling her up. ‘Deep breaths come on. Deep breaths, Ace.’

  She coughed, rapidly sucking in air.

  Her body shook through the remaining convulsions as I held her up. Letting her catch her breath for a few seconds, I tipped her chin toward me, checking her eyes.

  ‘Tell me you’re okay,’ I breathed, grazing her cheek with my hand. I wasn’t blind to the fact that I damn near lost her. ‘Ace, talk to me. Tell me you’re in there.’

  ‘Holy shit.’ Matt breathed out as they both came back and sat beside us.

  My body shook as she trembled in my arms, her wide, scared eyes shocked me.

  Alex’s shield faltered with Ace’s stronger mind trying to push him out, but he held on. I couldn’t risk him dropping it now, she was still compromised.

  Turning to Aurel, I cleared my throat. ‘Check where the medics are, she needs a doctor.’

  ‘No, no doctors, please.’ She shook her head.

  Her voice broke with the words, but he already left, leaving a shell-shocked Matt by the door.

  ‘I won’t leave your side, I promise, but you need to get checked out.’ I pressed my hand to her cheek.

  Alex exhaled loudly and rubbed his jaw. ‘Fuck me.’

  Matt’s response was much the same and when he left, I turned my face slightly, Ace’s eyes were darting around, barely focusing.

  ‘Stay with me.’ I tipped her face to me. ‘What happened?’

  ‘It came out of nowhere. I couldn’t breathe.’

  Grinding my teeth, I nodded, pressing my lips to her forehead. ‘I sensed someone heading here.’

  ‘Me too.’ She said.

  ‘Aurel took them out before they could come up, got Alex to shield you too.’

  ‘Good.’ She looked around and then cringed. ‘Oh wow, my chest hurts.’

  ‘I broke your ribs.’ I whispered. ‘I’m so sorry.’

  ‘CPR’s a bitch.’ She said, inhaling. ‘Help me up, please.’

  ‘Easy.’ I warned, holding her at arm’s length. ‘I still think you need to see a doctor.’

  ‘No, Illarion, no doctors.’

  ‘Ace.’ I coaxed her face up to me. ‘I’m not going anywhere; I’ll be with you the whole time.’

  Alex moved beside us, stopping the next chain of pleas from Ace. He gave me a pointed look but kept his distance. ‘They’re here. Shield is down.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I tipped my chin.

  ‘All good.’ Alex’s gaze darted between me and Ace and then he moved. ‘I’ll give you some space.’

  I looked up and cringed when I saw the small crowd. ‘Get them out of here.’ I said to Matt and Aurel.

  ‘On it.’

  Ace’s eyes met mine and as another person joined us, I looked up noticing that it was the medic team Aurel had called. Ace shifted beside me, her body tensing up.

  A redheaded medic knelt beside us, stopping whatever Ace was about to say. She gently pressed her fingers to Ace’s wrist.

  ‘How long was she unconscious?’ She asked me, speaking in a very thick, Irish accent.

  ‘Just over four minutes.’

  She nodded, once again taking Ace’s heartrate. ‘Ace—I’m Cara, I need to take you in for observation.’

  Ace gave a quick nod, but everything inside her was against it.

  Cara spoke again. ‘The fact that you’re awake and coherent is a good thing.’

  Easing up, Ace relaxed.

  Feeling her pulse under my fingertips was the only thing keeping me sane right now.

  Cara stepped back as soon as I shook my head and told them to take the aids away.

  ‘I can walk.’ Ace said. ‘Please don’t let me become a spectacle.’

  ‘We’re fine here.’ I insisted. ‘I’ll help her.’

  ‘Alright.’ She smiled, leading us both outside. ‘Your friends should get checked out too.’

  I looked back at Alex and realized that both he and Matt were bruised and bleeding.

  ‘We’re fine.’ Matt said staunching the flow of a cut above his brow with his sleeve.

  A few tenants from the building that escaped Matt’s damage control tactics and had gathered outside.

  ‘Get them out of here.’ I said again to Alex, not a moment later, they were gone, reigning in whoever they could, getting them out of our way.

  Alex turned the corner and ushered the newcomers away and Ace once again focused on him, forcing another rush of jealousy to the surface.

  Anger and sadness quickly replaced that initial feeling when I realized that a lot of it was on me. I let her walk away a year ago, I didn’t come here to find her, I let her think I’d given up and it was obscenely selfish to be miserable that Alex was in her life again.

  As we walked through the crowd and her eyes found mine, I gave her a tight smile and looked away.

  Had she felt all that?

  Her eyes traveled over the compliant tenants and the curiosity was chased away when the strong sense of compulsion filling the hallway, explained their non-chaotic behavior.

  “Thank you.” Her v
oice came through in my head.

  Keeping my eyes ahead, I squeezed her shoulder and nodded. Taking her out around the back, I led her through the rear entrance to avoid the lobby and when Cara spotted us, she waved us over, helping Ace into the back.

  ‘You’re going to be alright, love. Just sit back and relax. We’ll get you in and out in no time.’

  Ace’s heart rate tripled and when I squeezed her hand, she looked at me and let out a long breath.

  This wasn’t a threat, this was a warning, and I was reading it, loud and clear.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Groaning through the broken ribs, concussion from smacking face first into the floor and toxic gases that had rendered me an unconscious mess, I was counting my lucky stars that I was feeling relatively alright, considering everything.

  Illarion hadn’t made an appearance since I’d woken which left a bitter taste in my mouth, actually, no one had come.

  As pieces of the afternoon clicked together, a sudden thought dawned on me. Illarion was annoyed, upset even. And when I dug a little deeper through my memories, I suppressed a quiet breath when I remembered the distinct feeling of jealousy rushing through him when I looked up at Alex.

  Oh Christ, Illarion read it all wrong. I had to tell him, he couldn’t, he couldn’t think that I was…no, Alex was in my past. He knew that.

  But an insidious voice whispered that perhaps I was wrong.

  I laid back against the pillow and pressed my hand over my face. What a mess.

  Raising myself up on my elbows, I looked around. This wasn’t a room I recognized, nothing in here seemed to belong to anyone who was rooted in one place. This looked like it belonged to someone who was a drifter, only the bare essentials filled the space. A bed, a small unit harboring minimal personal effects and a small arm chair in the corner with a spare blanket draped over the arm rest.

  As my eyes drifted across the white and grey décor, a quiet tap at the door drew my attention.

  ‘Can I come in?’

  Alex’s muffled voice echoed through the quiet space.

  ‘Yeah, sure.’ I looked down at the attire I was in and smoothed my top down. Huh. I wasn’t wearing this yesterday.

  Slowly the door swung open and Alex’s head popped around the corner.


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