Jack of Hart- Wild Card

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Jack of Hart- Wild Card Page 38

by Violeta Bagia

  “This will be so much easier on you if you just let me in.”

  Horror mounted as his words, as loud and as clear as if he were right here with me, sounded beside me.

  I pressed my back to the tiles and slid down, ignoring the iciness surrounding me.

  That’s when I felt it, complete and utter helplessness.

  “Let me in.”

  He was here, and I was losing.



  The brief was short, much to my relief. Not only did the idea of leaving Ace alone while she was highly strung, eat away at me, I also didn’t have time to waste by humoring their absurd ideas.

  As Raymond sat at the opposite end of the large, twelve-person table, in Elena’s place, I found myself wondering whether I could trust any of these people.

  ‘As you know, Agent Hart has been suffering from severe PTSD, this has been something in her file since her departure from the military.’

  My nerves were getting cut short with each word.

  ‘While she has been managing with regular visits with the psychiatrist, unfortunately the events of New York last year have left her shaken, more than our field agent doctors are trained to deal with’

  Several men nodded. I was going to personally see to each of them being walked out of this company.

  ‘Now I, and a few of her closest friends believe that treatment will be most beneficial for her, she is a perfect candidate and we believe that she will make a full recovery.’

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Had I not known him personally, I would have thought he was being controlled. But no, his mind and feelings were clear, free of intrusion.

  Careful to shield my thoughts, I played along with Raymond and the board, letting them think I was agreeing to the monstrous idea they were proposing.

  ‘I would like to speak with Ace on Friday and see what she thinks. Does that suit you, Director?’

  ‘Yes.’ I said confidently. ‘Ace will cooperate, I’ve already spoken to her.’

  ‘Wonderful.’ He smiled.

  While everyone else ate it up, underneath his perfect smile, I saw him sizing me up, reading my face, studying my body language. He didn’t believe it just like I didn’t believe he was doing this to protect Ace.

  But I kept the façade going, this meeting served the only purpose it needed. I knew how long, and when.

  As he spoke and delivered the details of how they’d administer the Serum and how it was for her safety, I averted my gaze, making every effort to hide my feelings.

  The Darkness inside me flared in a defensive action protecting Ace, protecting its keeper, but for the sake of all of us, I forced it down.

  Hiding that kind of power in a room full of Sensitives was a challenge to say the least. So, as the discussion continued with helpful input and recommendations, my patience was rapidly wearing thin.

  Gradually, as the conversation died down with a plan of action in place, I collected my things and promptly left.

  Whatever they said, whatever they were planning, would never be a problem, Ace wouldn’t be here for that to happen. I shoved that disaster of a brief to the back of my mind, and stopped at the door and paused, taking a moment to bring myself back to the present and ignore the way I dreaded seeing her, knowing I was lying.

  But as I reached for the handle, a feeling I couldn’t quite pinpoint, rolled over me in waves of confusion. Something was off, it was too still, too quiet.

  The moment I stepped inside I was immediately struck by a heavy blanket of dread. I dropped my jacket and the folder and rushed into the bathroom; my body worked before my mind even processed what I was seeing.

  The water was turned all the way to cold, Ace was seated against the shower wall, her eyes looking past a spot on the wall, to something I couldn’t see. She was shivering, her wet hair draped in knotted ropes around her bluing cheeks, her lips parted slightly so I could see her teeth chattering. I dropped to my knees and reached up, turning the water off.

  When I reached for her hand, I jerked back, she was frozen.

  She gripped my arms when I reached for her again and wrapped a towel around her body. She was conscious, but she wasn’t there. Whether by instinct or because she knew what she was doing, she wrapped her arms around my neck, letting me help her out of the cold. The piercing emerald eyes that were always filled with eternal stories and life, were vacant.

  ‘Ace?’ I urged, pressing my fingers to her pulse. It was a strong and steady beat, but I couldn’t get her attention. ‘Ace, look at me.’ I pleaded. ‘Come on.’

  No response. I moved her into a seated position against the wall of the tub and when she failed to reply, I swallowed back the fear and steadied my voice again.

  ‘Come on, Ace. Find your way back to me.’

  She was in there. She was struggling, fear flashed behind her eyes and her energy flared inside, just under her skin.

  Tears slipped out onto her wet cheeks.

  ‘It’s going to be okay; I won’t give up on you. Just find your way back to me, please.’

  She was fighting. But it was useless.

  Helplessness dawned on me, I needed help, oh God I needed help. Daniel was out in the field, Josh and James were both in the van tracking him. My mind recoiled at what I was about to do but I had no choice. I reached for my phone and dialed.

  Aurel answered.

  ‘I need your help.’ I breathed into the phone, holding Ace against me, keeping my hand on her skin, hoping it’d help to ground her. ‘Something’s wrong. Please hurry and come alone.’


  A loud series of knocks brought me to my feet and when I opened the door, I abruptly stepped back, Anna stood by Aurel’s side.

  ‘Why is she here?’ I hissed, keeping my voice low. ‘I told you to come alone.’

  ‘She was worried, she wanted to help.’ Aurel said quietly, following me to the bathroom.

  Ace sat silently, deathly still. Her eyes focused on a spot across from her.

  ‘She’s not in a good place, Brother.’ I murmured. ‘This is not a good idea.’

  ‘Just wait for us in there.’ Aurel said softly, guiding Anna to the kitchen.

  As Aurel’s eyes fell on Ace, I felt the shock rush through him. He knelt and pressed his fingers to her pulse and then he looked back up at me.

  We both knew what this looked like, but I wouldn’t let my mind go there.

  He bowed his head and pressed his hand to her shoulder, gently squeezing.

  ‘I can see her.’ He said softly. ‘But her aura is dim.’

  ‘He’s suffocating her.’ I muttered.

  He bit down hard and looked up at me. ‘Illarion—’


  He wet his lips and looked back at her, his eyes narrowing intently. ‘I don’t see anything else, Brother. I see her aura. That’s it. It’s weak, but it’s hers.’

  ‘You didn’t see the baby, did you?’

  His eyes snapped back to me the second the words left my mouth; horror replaced the confusion.

  ‘I wasn’t sure.’

  ‘Maybe you’re not sure now.’

  ‘This is different.’

  Biting back a retort, I looked down at Ace, her eyes remained transfixed, even her emotions were shut down and hidden.

  ‘Don’t you think he’d be good enough at shielding himself by now?’ I added.

  With a shake of his head, he looked across at me. ‘I get that this is hard for you, Jesus, how could it not be? But this, it’s nothing more than the Darkness. We’ve seen this before; we’ve seen it consume and break people…’

  He trailed off and then he jerked back, almost falling over his own feet. His eyes quickly darted between Ace and the doorway where Anna had suddenly appeared.


  My heart leapt into my throat.

  Without warning, Ace shot up and rushed her. Neither of us had a chance to react before she was on top of Anna.

  Ace’s eyes went blac
k, completely consuming her green irises, she knocked Anna to the ground and pressed her hand around her throat. She was too strong for anyone to fight off, she barely put any effort into the gesture, but it was enough even without a military background.

  Anna screamed, thrashing in vain against Ace’s strength, her arms flailing wildly, making contact with nothing more than the charged air around her.

  Aurel rushed Ace and I rushed him. He wrapped his arm around her throat, forcing her to her knees in a choke hold. Panic set in, spurring me into action—I threw my weight into Aurel, throwing him off balance.

  He hit the wall behind us shattering the plaster and Ace was back on her feet, moving quickly toward Anna.

  Before Aurel could grab her again, I sped to her instead and threw my arms around her waist pulling her back.

  After a few seconds of struggle, she released her hold on Anna and I took the moment of calm to pin her to the ground.

  She thrashed against me, clawing at my face, clawing at whatever she could grab, but I caught her hands and pressed them above her head and when I refused to let her go, a guttural, venomous scream filled the bathroom.

  Aurel wrapped his arms around a very shaken, very scared Anna. He moved her away, eyes wide with shock and fear.

  ‘Why did you bring her here?’ I yelled over the screams. ‘I told you to come alone!’

  Aurel grit his teeth and pushed Anna behind him.

  ‘She is sick!’ He shouted. ‘Get her treated now or so help me, Illarion, I’ll call them!’

  Ace finally calmed under my hold and I looked up at Aurel. ‘Get the hell out. Both of you.’

  Anna’s eyes rapidly filled with tears and she broke down, when I looked away from her.

  For a second, Aurel remained rooted in place and finally he turned, ‘Call them or I will.’ And then he and Anna left.

  A broken breath left my lips and I looked down at Ace. Her body shook under me, eyes wide and I realized I’d still been holding her arms above her head.

  I quickly released her and pulled her up.

  She was frozen with fear but beneath that, there was understanding and confusion all at once.

  Her eyes moved frantically, taking in the scene around her.

  The plaster was shattered behind me, water all over the floor.


  I swept my hand across her cheek and brought her eyes back to me.

  ‘What did I do?’ She whispered; her voice was so low I barely heard her.

  ‘It doesn’t matter, you’re here.’

  ‘What did I do, Illarion?’

  Ignoring the question again, I reached to help her up, but she swatted my hand away.


  ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  ‘Don’t lie to me.’ She sobbed.

  ‘You attacked Anna.’

  Her wide eyes quickly filled with tears and spilled over. A choked cry broke free from her and she pulled back and shot to her feet.

  ‘I don’t know why I’d do that.’ She said, her voice raising an octave. ‘I don’t remember.’

  ‘It’s okay—’

  ‘It’s not okay!’ She shouted, turning on her heel. Her eyes flared and blackened. ‘I’m a freak!’

  ‘You are not.’ I said firmly, taking a step toward her.

  ‘Look at me. Does this look like a normal person?’

  Her wet hair hung in a mess around her face, the knotted towel barely clung to her shaking body and the fire raging inside her roared to life with the Darkness.

  ‘Ace, you need to calm down.’

  ‘Stay away from me!’

  ‘No.’ I said firmly, ignoring the air picking up behind her. ‘I’m not going anywhere. Focus on me and focus on letting the Darkness go.’

  ‘I can’t control it. You need to stay away from me. I’ll hurt you.’

  ‘You won’t hurt me. I trust you.’ I moved toward her again, and when she stepped back and hit the wall, she wrapped her arms tightly around her chest, the static grew, and tiny sparks of electricity burned to life in the air.

  Cautiously, I stepped closer and closer, focusing on her eyes. The black began to dissolve away and her green peeked through the raging storm.

  ‘I trust you, Ace.’ I said firmly. ‘I’ve told you before and it hasn’t changed.’

  ‘You need to let them take me.’ She whispered and as she did, she dropped her arms and I took that chance to step up to her.

  The energy collapsed, and she expelled a long breath.

  ‘Don’t say that.’

  ‘They have to.’ Her voice shattered me. ‘I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, he’s getting stronger, he’s taking over.’

  ‘He’s not going to win.’ I shook my head, tightening my hold on her.

  ‘He already is.’


  I was reluctant to leave her after that, but she insisted she needed to sleep and I couldn’t argue with that. She was exhausted but this episode pushed our timeline back. It wasn’t ideal but I couldn’t move her when she was like this.

  I had to see Aurel and do some damage control. He had to understand what happened and I needed to know he was on our side—as improbable as that was at this point.

  As I reached the door to their apartment, I knocked loudly and stepped back, waiting. A quick shuffle of footsteps sounded, then the deadbolt unlocking.

  His eyes narrowed when we came face to face.

  Anna stood behind him; a violent dark bruise spanned across her neck. Christ, I pulled my gaze away.

  ‘What are you doing here, Illarion?’

  ‘Can we talk?’

  He stood in the doorway, his eyes turning to ice. Anna still looked terrified, but she was unsure whether blaming me and Ace was warranted. Somewhere deep down, she didn’t blame her for what happened and as selfish as it made me, I was hoping she would be enough to convince Aurel.

  ‘It’s fine.’ I heard Anna say. ‘You two need to talk.’

  Aurel didn’t budge, but when she gently squeezed his arm, he stepped aside letting me in.

  I followed him to the balcony and waited until he shut the door and we were alone.

  ‘I’m sorry for what happened.’

  ‘Sorry?’ He scoffed. ‘She nearly killed her.’

  ‘She wasn’t herself.’

  ‘Damn straight.’ He shook his head, keeping his voice low. ‘She needs help and the longer you put it off, the worse she’ll get.’

  ‘She’s not sick.’ I was on repeat, saying the same damn thing to the same deaf ears. ‘She does need help, but not what you’re talking about.’

  ‘I’m sorry Illarion, but you need to snap out of this delusion. I can’t help you.’

  ‘I’m not going to let them submit her to that treatment.’

  ‘So, what you told the board yesterday was bullshit?’

  I flinched and he expelled a breath.

  ‘They’re not barbarians, they’re doctors.’

  ‘You’re really ignorant, you know that? Have you seen what they do down there?’

  He chose not to answer that, because answering it meant he’d seen it, it meant he knew that they broke more people than they fixed.

  ‘They’ll lock her up and when she can’t fight back, it’ll kill her.’

  ‘It helped your mother.’ He said quietly, and I had to do a double take to register that he’d dared to say it.

  ‘Choose your next words carefully.’ I warned.

  His mouth closed, and he looked away.

  Then, reminding myself why I was here, I reigned it in and took a different approach. ‘We need you. Please.’

  He stood his ground and with a heavy sigh, he pressed his hands to the railing and turned his head to me. ‘I can’t. Not after that. I’m sorry, Illarion, I really am.’

  ‘We’re dead in the water here, Brother.’ I said quietly, feeling the fight inside me dying.

  He opened his mouth like he was about to say something and when he didn’t, I turned for t
he door. I wasn’t going to make this any harder than it already was.

  I pulled the door open and stopped, I was greeted by Elena, Raymond and two other board members who stood in the hallway, watching me cautiously.

  Turning my head over my shoulder, I swallowed hard when Aurel looked away. Of course he’d called them. Did he think I was a threat to him and his family? Pain sliced through me.

  ‘We need to speak, Director.’ Raymond said sternly.

  ‘Since when does speaking involve being escorted?’

  He ignored me.

  ‘Please come with us.’ Elena said instead.

  Did I even need to bother questioning where this was going?

  I followed them with steely determination.

  We reached the boardroom, which had four more members already seated.

  ‘Thank you for coming, Illarion.’

  ‘I didn’t have a choice.’

  Elena shifted uncomfortably, ‘I know you have many questions and I will do my best to answer them.’

  ‘The only question I have, is why we’re wasting time questioning the loyalty of one our finest agents, when a war is quite literally building on our doorstep.’

  ‘Would that be your loyalty you’re referring to?’ One of the newer members asked. ‘Or Agent Hart’s?’

  ‘And you are?’ I asked, he sunk back down averting his gaze.

  Elena forced a tight smile and returned her attention to me. ‘We’re trying to ensure that Agent Hart remains safe and receives the best treatment we can offer her. I thought we understood each other?’

  ‘I guess you were mistaken, like every other time something slipped under your grasp.’

  ‘Careful, Illarion.’ Raymond chimed in.

  ‘No.’ I shot back, turning my attention directly to him. ‘The last time I checked, the name on the head of this agency is still mine, and as such, I demand this decision be revisited.’

  ‘And what would you have us do?’ Elena asked.

  ‘I’m asking that we give her some time, she’s fighting this.’

  ‘She’s already attacked people; you understand how we find your request a little difficult?’ Raymond added.

  Damn it, Aurel.

  ‘That was under the influence of Simon Dalca. She wasn’t aware of her actions.’


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