Reawakened: The Unexpected Series

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Reawakened: The Unexpected Series Page 2

by Roberts, S. E.

  I turn toward Officer Harris as I reach for the door handle to get out.

  “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done had you not stopped to help us.” I push the door open.

  “You’re welcome.” He gives me a bigger smile. This one showing his teeth. Damn. I hope his wife realizes how lucky she is to have this fine specimen for a husband. I have got to stop with these thoughts. “Why don’t you grab your boys and I’ll carry your suitcases in?”

  “Uh, yeah. Thanks.” I feel like an airhead, but I can’t seem to think straight around this guy.

  I wake Auggie so he can walk and then carry Jayce into the building. Once inside, I notice the bright white walls. This part of the building is definitely deprived of character. There’s a large staircase directly in front of the door and if I’m not mistaken, there’s three floors. I was fortunate enough to snag a first-floor unit, so I won’t have to lug my children or groceries up all the stairs.

  “This is us.” I motion toward the first door on the right. “You can just set the suitcases down. Thanks again.”

  “Okay.” He sets our luggage against the wall. “You okay from here?”

  I don’t know why, but his question fills me with warmth. It’s been years since I’ve had a man care for me. I know he doesn’t intend to make me feel that way, but he still does.

  I give him a half smile. “Yes, we’re fine.” I reach for my keys, and out of the corner of my eye I notice him shift on his feet.

  “All right. Have a good night, Mrs. Greene.”

  I turn to respond to him, but he’s out the door before I can say anything. It takes a few seconds for me to comprehend what he called me, but then I gaze down at my left hand.

  The offending stone reflects the light off the ceiling. I’ve tried taking it off many times, but it hurts too bad. I feel like a part of Miles is still with me when I’m wearing it.

  “Mom, are we going inside?”

  I snap out of my trance. “Yeah.” I clutch his hand to mine. “Let’s go see our new home.”

  Home. I have no idea if this place will ever feel like home again.



  I try to conceal the bags under my eyes with makeup, but it’s no use. I look and feel like a damn zombie after hardly getting any sleep.

  Three hours isn’t going to cut it for what I have to face today. After waking up at five this morning and not being able to fall back to sleep, I decided to finish unpacking what I could while the boys slept before calling for a tow truck for my car that was still sitting on the side of the road. Thankfully, that was an easy fix.

  I examine my pale face. You’d never guess that I spent the last five years living on a beach because my skin looks like it has never seen the sun. I blame my mother. I remember she was always white as a ghost and would look like a cherry tomato anytime she went outside. I hope to God that’s the only resemblance I have to her.

  I give up on my appearance and walk to my closet in search of something to wear. It’s as hot as hell, so I decide on a pair of lilac shorts, paired with a white low-cut tank top. Probably not the best thing to go visit my mother-in-law in, but frankly, I don’t care. Is she even my mother-in-law anymore? No, I guess technically not.

  Miles would probably roll over in his grave if he knew that his boys have only seen their grandmother three times since he died. I haven’t visited Phoenix since we moved, but she came to North Carolina a few times to see us. When I say us, I mean the boys. She never liked me because I stole her only child away from her right out of high school.

  Yes, I was eighteen when I got married to the love of my life. I know everyone thought we were foolish, saying there was no way we knew what love was that young, but it was the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced.

  Damn it. I wipe at the stray tear that is now rolling down my face. I was so pleased with myself because I hadn’t cried in so long over missing him.

  I think the worst part of his death was how sudden and unforeseen it was. There was nothing I could have done to prepare myself for the pain and heartache that I’ve had to face over the last five years. Eight years with him was not enough.

  I head back to the bathroom to run a brush through my hair and then walk to the kitchen.

  “Hey.” I kiss Auggie on the head before making my way to the coffee maker for cup number four this morning. Thank God Claire brought me my favorite java or there’s no way I’d make it through today.

  “Hey,” he murmurs as he goes back to the picture he’s coloring.

  “What are you working on?” I hate seeing him like this. I know he was sad to leave Grandma Rose. I just hope that I can make this move a good thing for both of them.

  “Just coloring Grandma Rose a picture. Can we go to the post office later, so I can mail it?”

  “Of course. She’s going to love it.” I smile at him. “Why don’t I go wake Jayce up and we’ll go have breakfast before going to Grandmother’s house?”

  “Yeah, okay.” He puts his crayons back in the container, seeming to be satisfied with my suggestion.

  Yes, Glenna makes them call her “Grandmother”, not Grandma or Nana or anything like that. She’s so freaking proper, it makes me insane.

  She was another reason I hesitated to move back. It’s not that I don’t want her in Auggie and Jayce’s lives, but I just hope she treats them better than she has me all these years. She was closer to Auggie when he was a baby, because she was always around. I wanted to pull my damn hair out, but she was all I had while Miles was deployed. I want both boys to have a relationship with her because of Miles, but I’m worried one of these days I may slip up and say something I shouldn’t. Although, if she messes with my boys, I won’t feel one ounce of remorse.

  I wake Jayce and then help them get ready for the day, and we find a new little diner to eat at. We enjoy eggs, bacon, and pancakes, and I have my fifth cup of goodness. Don’t judge me.

  We pull up to the large, western-style home, and I take several deep breaths. I have to ready myself for what’s on the other side of that door. I haven’t been back here in years. I know that Glenna’s house has most likely turned into a shrine of her son, and I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to handle it. I’ve kept a few pictures around for Jayce and Auggie, mostly in their bedroom, but I couldn’t bear looking at his handsome face all the time.

  I finally gather the courage I need and open the door.

  I straighten my shirt out and make sure the boys don’t have syrup on their little faces, because heaven forbid they show up at Glenna Greene’s house with food all over them.

  I ring the obnoxiously earsplitting doorbell and then seize both boys’ hands and wait until she answers. She’s expecting us but still only opens the door as far as the chain will allow her to. After closing it, she releases it all the way and gives me a tight-lipped smile.

  “Come see Grandmother, boys,” she stoops to their level in her Dolce & Gabbana floral print dress and matching designer heels. She looks like she’s getting ready to attend a wedding, not entertain her grandsons.

  Jayce hides behind me as he holds on to my leg for dear life. I can’t say I blame him though. The woman is intimidating. It’s been a year and a half since she visited us. Honestly, if she didn’t have a friend in North Carolina, I’m guessing she never would have come.

  Auggie goes to her open arms, and she gives him an awkward hug. She’s obviously concerned for her expensive wardrobe and careful that he doesn’t get anything on her. It’s hard to believe this woman raised my husband, but it’s no surprise that she only had one child.

  He walks back to me, and then she looks at me exasperated, as if I’m keeping Jayce from her.

  “Jayce, darling, come see Grandmother,” she tries again.

  I decide to be helpful and gently haul him to my front and then bend down to him.

  “Can you go see Grandmother? She missed you.” I give him a reassuring smile.

  I can see the
hesitation on his face as he dips his head, but then makes his way toward Glenna.

  After he hugs her, she stands back up. “See, that wasn’t so bad.”

  She turns to walk through the front door and we follow. The smell of lemon permeates the air, and I’m immediately sent back to high school when I spent many days at the Greene’s house. It’s silly how the scent begins to make me emotional.

  I shove the thoughts aside and put my big girl panties on before walking further into the house. We pass the kitchen on our left, and it seems to look identical as the last time I was here. But what I’m not prepared for, even though I should have been, are all of Miles’s military flags and pictures that overtake the living room. I grab my chest thinking I may be having a heart attack, but really, I think it’s just heartache. One of his buddies had given me pictures he had of him since I lost everything in the fire. The day of the funeral, Glenna took everything I brought for the memorial, including all the pictures. I was such a mess at the time that I didn’t have the energy to fight with her.

  “August, don’t touch that!” Glenna hisses, and I’m already wanting to strangle the woman.

  I was so lost in thought that I hadn’t noticed Auggie walking across the room to look at a picture of his daddy.

  Her tone startles him, causing the picture to crash to the floor, immediately shattering the glass.

  I race to his side of the room, wanting to make sure he doesn’t cut himself. My mother-in-law scrambles to pick up the pieces, not even caring that he could have gotten hurt.

  “Are you okay, Augs?” I check him over for blood and am relieved when I realize that he’s fine.

  “Sierra, do not baby him. He shouldn’t have been touching anything.”

  My blood is boiling by now, and I’m seconds away from bolting right back out the door we only just entered moments ago.

  “Auggie, go sit on the couch with your brother, okay?” I prop my hands on both my hips, bracing myself for the battle that is Glenna Greene. “Glenna, he wasn’t hurting anything.” I’m trying to stay calm but can feel my hackles rapidly escalating.

  She scoffs. “He has no business touching pictures of my Miles.” That’s the absolute last straw for me. Her Miles? Fuck no. She acts like she’s the only one who lost him in that horrific fire.

  “Excuse me? He was just looking at a picture of his daddy. That hurts nothing.” I place my hands in my back pockets, needing to do something with them before I yank the lady’s beehive hair out.

  “He broke the frame.”

  “He broke the frame because you startled him when you yelled at him. If you remember, those boys lost him that day too.”

  She rolls her eyes and part of me wishes that they get stuck behind her head. “They’ll be fine.”

  My eyes go wide at her words. I can’t believe the nerve of this woman. The woman who is supposed to love us, especially my two precious boys.

  I turn my back to her and walk toward the couch. “Boys, give Grandmother another hug, we need to get going.”

  Neither argue, evidently not wanting to be here either, and then walk to Glenna.

  “You’re leaving?” she gasps as she holds her chest. Is she really surprised?

  “Yes, and if you expect to see us again, you won’t treat either of my children the way you just did.”

  I embrace their hands and we make our way out of that god-awful house. Auggie and Jayce deserve better than that witch, and she’ll be lucky if she gets to see them again anytime soon.



  The next night I flip hamburger patties on the skillet. It’s too damn hot out to turn on the oven, so I decided to make burgers and sides for when everyone comes over tonight. I’m so eager to see my two best friends and their families. And despite having reservations about moving back here, I’m thrilled about us all being together again.

  A lot has happened since I moved away all those years ago. Evan and Avery now have four beautiful girls after adopting twins and having another just a few weeks ago. Claire and Ryke also have little Jax now. She told him she didn’t want any more kids but finally caved. Now they have a two-year-old.

  The doorbell sounds, so I dry my hands on a towel before rushing to answer it. Auggie and Jayce are on my heels, also excited about seeing their friends.

  “Hey, guys!” I say as I pull the door open, and I’m immediately bombarded with hugs from Claire and Avery.

  “Sier, you look great!” Claire greets as she runs her hand through my hair. “I love the highlights.”

  “Thanks.” I smile at them. “Come in. I was just finishing dinner.”

  Everyone finishes hugging me and the boys, and then all the adults make our way into the kitchen.

  “You want us to finish the burgers so you ladies can talk about girly shit?” Ryke asks with an impish look on his face.

  I show the guys where everything is in the kitchen and then grab two beers and a bottle of water out of the fridge.

  “You bitches enjoy your beer,” Avery mumbles under her breath as she lowers herself onto the couch.

  “We will.” Claire says as she takes the first swig from her bottle.

  “Let me see her!” I say as I make my way to Emery. Unlike Zoey, she’s got red hair like her momma. I undeniably have baby fever, but I’m damn happy for her and Evan. I’ve always wondered if me and Miles would have had more children. I’m just glad he gave me my two ornery boys.

  Between the three of us, we have nine kids. It’s probably a good thing we live on the first floor, or my neighbors would hate us because all the kids are running around, minus little Jax and Emery.

  I soak up baby snuggles, and then the guys tell us that dinner is finished. We set blankets on the living room floor so the kids can have an indoor picnic, and all the adults sit in my small dining room. It’s a tight fit, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I take that back. There’s one person missing, and I wish like hell he were here. I just hope that he’s proud of me for surviving the unimaginable.

  “Sier, I want to see the storefront. I’ve only seen it from the outside,” Avery declares as she bites into a chip. “The guys can watch all the big kids.”

  I haven’t gotten the chance to visit it myself yet, because of the boys, so I really can’t pass up the offer.

  We pull up in front of the strip of stores, mine appearing to be the only empty one. I fish my keys out of my purse and mess with the lock until I figure out which way to turn it.

  I hold my breath, anxious to see what kind of mess awaits me.

  The space is dark, but I immediately find the light switch and gasp when I see my new bakery.

  I cover my mouth, not believing what I’m seeing.

  I have never seen anything so beautiful. The walls are all painted a soft lilac color that looks amazing with the black and white tiles that run along the middle. There’s a counter straight ahead with a glass display case, and behind it I can see into the small kitchen.

  I make my way through the space and gasp when I see the brand-new oven and everything I’ll need to make all of mine and Grandma Roses’ delicious treats.

  “How did…? Who did…?” I can’t get the words out because I’m so overwhelmed.

  I turn to my best friends, and they both have shit-eating grins on their faces.

  “We wanted to help.” Avery responds, acting as if they haven’t just given me the best gift ever.

  “Thank you.” I sob as I run to them, and they both wrap their arms around me as I cry. Happy tears, of course.

  “We love you, Sier, and we’re so glad to have you back,” Claire whispers into my ear.

  I wipe at my damp face. “I love you guys, too. It feels so good to be back.” I scan the room, taking in the small tables that are each decorated with black-and-white tablecloths and the lilac-colored chairs that sit around them. I couldn’t have made this place look better.

  I stare back at them. “I could never repay you guys for all this.”

sp; “You don’t have to repay us, just promise us that you’ll find your happiness again.”

  I give them a bright smile and then run back to the kitchen to check out all the fancy appliances. This is better than Christmas morning as a child.

  My besties even stocked the cabinets, so we spend the next three hours baking and dancing like goofs to music. I haven’t had so much fun or laughed so hard in a long time, and it feels great.

  “This is fucking amazing!” Avery whoops in enthusiasm as she takes a bite of the lemon bars we made.

  Claire shakes her head and snickers as she squeezes frosting onto the cupcakes she just pulled out of the massive oven.

  I know this cost them a pretty penny, and it’s an overwhelming feeling knowing that they did this for me. I don’t know what I did to deserve such wonderful friends, but I once again catch myself getting emotional at the thought.

  When we finish baking and get everything cleaned up, I walk around the store snapping pictures to send to Grandma Rose. I have an inkling she was behind a lot of this.

  As soon as I text her, my phone alerts me of an incoming call and her bright smiley face lights up the screen.

  “Hey.” I probably look ridiculous right now, but I can’t help the smile that takes over my face.

  “I’m so glad you love it.” I can hear the emotion in her voice, and it makes me miss her even more, but I know that this is where my boys and I belong. At least for now.

  “Love it? Oh, my word, I more than love it. This is seriously the best gift.”

  “Those girls adore you. You’re lucky to have them.”

  “I know.” I croak out. “I adore them too. But I know you helped so thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome. Now, go back to your friends, but tomorrow I want you out looking for a man.” She states very seriously, which has me covering my mouth to smother a giggle.


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