Haunted by the Wolf- Shannon

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Haunted by the Wolf- Shannon Page 8

by Margery Ellen

  “I didn't realize it was so late. Good night, Fletcher.”

  “Good night, sir.”


  The next morning, it was business as usual. After breakfast, Fletch helped Stan and Kenney restack their supplies back on the rack.

  “You and Gary were up late last night, everything alright?” Stan probed.

  “We got to talking and lost track of time. I like Gary. How is he as a boss?”

  “He’s fair. He tells it straight. If there's a problem, he'll talk to you first. Don't ever lie to him, if you do, you're out of here.”

  “I don't believe in lying, it just gets you into trouble.”

  “Good answer.” Shannon walked up behind them.

  Stan jumped.

  “Damn it, Shannon, don't sneak up on us like that,” Stan scolded.

  “Wow, Stan, what's got you so jumpy this morning,” Shannon asked.

  “You, that's what.”

  “Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Do you guys need any help?” Shannon asked as she looked out the back door.

  “No, we're all done.” Kenney set the last item on the rack.

  “Wow, what happened to the storage yard?”


  Stan joined her and looked at the yard, it was organized. He let out a long whistle.

  “Damn Fletch, did you do that?”

  “I was bored. How did you guys ever find anything out there?”

  “The only time I go out there is to store stuff, we don't use any of that junk.”

  “Why not, there's a lot of good stuff out there?”

  “Eh, all the stuff out there is old and outdated, we can't use any of it on the new chopper.”

  “Yeah, you're probably right.” Fletch smiled to himself and thought, “more parts for me," he couldn't wait to start working on one of the scrapped helicopters.

  “FLETCHER, REPORT TO THE OFFICE” sounded over the PA system.

  “Uh oh. You're in trouble now,” Shannon teased.

  “Well, it's been nice knowing you,” he teased back.

  He left them and headed for the office. When he got to the top of the stairs, he went straight in.

  “Did you want to see me, sir?”

  “Yes, Fletcher, sit down. I spoke with HQ and they said you could purchase the helicopters at scrap value, but you have to buy both. Even at scrap value, it's going to be pricey, but they said they could wait. I told them I'd run it by you.”

  “How much?”

  “Close to twenty grand.”

  “Phew, that's a lot of money.”

  “That's what I told them. They said they would take a token payment of what I thought they were worth, on one condition.”

  “What was that?”

  “You get your pilot’s license and mechanic's certification.”

  “Deal. When can you let them know?”

  “I already took care of it.”

  “You did! What do I owe you?”

  “One dollar.”


  Gary gave him a smile that said yes. Fletch quickly pulled out his wallet and handed one dollar to Gary. He didn't even ask if he was joking.

  “Well, Mr. Bradley Fletcher, you are now the proud owner of two junked, no, let's call them retired helicopters,” he replied with a chuckle.

  “Awesome. Thank you, sir.”

  “You're very welcome. Don't let it interfere with your work or your training.”

  “I won't, sir. Thank you – thank you.” Fletch shook his hand. “Wahoo!”

  “Alright, get the hell out of here. We'll start your training on Monday.”

  Fletch ran down the stairs and across the hangar. As he passed Shannon, he picked her up in a bear hug and swung her around.

  “They're mine!” He kissed her soundly on the mouth and set her back down and ran outside.


  She stood there in shock with her hand on her lips. She turned around and saw Gary standing at the top of the stairs.

  “What was that all about?”

  Gary just shrugged, shook his head, and went back into his office. Shannon walked to the door and looked out. Fletch was checking out one of the old helicopters.”

  “What's up with him?” Kenney inquired, as he looked past her.

  “I don't know.”

  “What did he say?”

  “They're mine.”

  “They're mine? That is all he said, they're mine?”

  “Yup, that's what he said.”

  Kenney stepped past her and went outside.

  “Hey, Fletch, what's up?”

  “I just bought these helicopters, they're mine.”

  “Really. What in the world are you going to do with them?”

  “My grandfather taught me how to fly in one of these. I’d like to fix one up to honor his memory.”

  “Do you want some help?”

  “Seriously?” Kenney had been a helicopter mechanic for years. “That would be great.”

  Fletch and Kenney checked out both helicopters until Stan told them lunch was ready. Kenney wrote down serial numbers so he could look up any service records on file.

  “Are you sure you don't mind giving me a hand?” Fletch asked as they walked inside.

  “Hey, if I'm busy, that's one thing, if I’m not, I'll help.”

  “Thanks. I need to wash up, I'll see you at lunch.”

  Fletch went upstairs to get a clean shirt. He was covered in dirt and grease from climbing over and under the helicopters. While he changed, and washed up, he replayed the events of the morning through his mind.

  “Oh shit. Did I kiss Shannon?” he thought to himself, “I did.” He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. “I kissed Shannon and I liked it. Wow, two pluses in one day and it's only lunch time.”

  He finished up and went to eat.

  Chapter 15

  Fletch walked into the break room with a huge smile on his face.

  “What has made you so happy, you win the lotto?” Stan asked.

  “Not yet, but the way things are going, I’d better buy a ticket,” he joked. He followed Kenney and helped himself to lunch.

  “I should be able to pull up any service records on those choppers, if they are in the system. If not, we have some old filing cabinets in back, they might be in there. Until those birds are physically scrapped, we have to keep all the records.”

  Kenney was almost as excited about restoring the helicopters as Fletch.

  “It looked like both of them were pretty complete, it doesn’t look like too much has been stripped off either one of them. You might be able to restore both of them without having to spend a lot of money.”

  “Really, that would be great.”

  Fletch took a bite of his sandwich and looked over at Shannon. When he made eye contact with her, she looked away.

  “Everything okay, Shannon? I guess I should be getting to know everyone better, but I got sidetracked.”

  She thought about his kiss and warmth spread through her, she had been thinking about it all morning. She was embarrassed for feeling the way she did. She knew she had to say something.

  “I’m fine. Why would you want two old helicopters?”

  “My grandfather taught me how to fly in a helicopter just like the ones out there. I’d like to restore one in his honor.”

  “That’s really nice. Do you think you’ll be able to get them in the air?”

  “I hope so. We’ll have to wait and see.” He gave her a brilliant smile.

  “Does your grandfather live in Bend?”

  “No, he passed away about a year ago.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Shannon felt bad.

  “It’s alright, you couldn’t have known.” He continued to eat his lunch.

  Gary thought about the timeline of what happened to Fletch and the death of his grandfather, the times coincided. “Shit, he’d better changed the subject,” he thought.

  “Kenney, is the storage rack finished?”<
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  “Yes sir. We had that finished before lunch.”

  “Good. Stan, have you had a chance to look into those items we talked about?”

  “No sir. I’ll get right on it after lunch.”

  “Take Kenney with you. Stevens, do you need to do any shopping today?”

  “I sure do. I need to make a list. Mostly produce; fresh veggies and stuff. I think we’re almost out of milk, as well.”

  “Alright, take Fletcher with you. He needs to know his way around town. Give him a bit of a tour.”

  “Yes sir.”

  She didn’t want to go anywhere with Fletch, but she couldn’t say no to the boss. She looked at Fletch.

  “We’ll go as soon as I clean up here.”

  “No problem, I’ll give you a hand.”

  “No, that’s okay, I can take care of it.” She looked at Gary, that was a mistake. “Well, if you really want to help, you can wash the dishes while I put everything away.”

  “I’m on it.” Everyone put their dishes in the sink and went to take care of business.

  Fletch started the dishes. When Shannon was finished putting things away, she picked up a towel.

  “Do you need to make a list of what you need?” Fletch asked. “Go ahead, I got this.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yup, go ahead.” His smile was enough to turn her to mush. She quickly turned away and headed for the pantry.

  “What is the matter with me?” she scolded herself. “Shannon Stevens, you have sworn off men, remember?”

  Fletch stood by the sink. His attraction for Shannon kicked up a notch.

  “What the hell? Not now, I can’t get involved, especially with a co-worker. I have too much to do.”

  The alarm sounded and plans instantly changed.

  “Sorry Fletch, we’ll have to do your tour later.”

  He gave her a high sign and finished up the dishes. When he was done, the helicopter was already in the air. He went into the hangar and looked around. He was looking for filing cabinets, but he didn’t see any. He remembered a little storeroom at the back of the workshop and went to check it out, it was more of a closet than a room. There, in the back of the small room, were two old fashion file cabinets.

  “Bingo! Let’s see what I can find.”

  Fletch went through both cabinets and he was glad he did. He found the service manuals and logs for both choppers. He also found the repair manuals and a parts catalog. The parts catalog would be out of date, but it could be used as a reference. He decided to sit in one of the choppers, the better of the two, while he reviewed the operation manual. He read for about an hour and took a break.

  It was a warm afternoon and the sun felt good. He closed his eyes and relaxed. It wasn’t long before a sound caught his attention. He didn’t open his eyes, he just listened. Someone was trying to open the gate at the back of the yard. Whoever it was, they must have thought everyone had left, no one really knew that he had joined the team.

  He heard a pop, followed by the sound of the lock and chain falling to the concrete. Fletch hunkered down in the helicopter and was careful not to make any big moves. He watched and waited.

  It wasn’t long before a wolf sniffed his way through the yard and up to the open back door of the hangar. It stopped a few times, sniffed and looked around. When it thought the coast was clear, he shifted into a man and snuck in the back door.

  Fletch quickly headed for the back door and walked in.

  “Is there something I can help you with?”

  The naked man froze. He looked at Fletch and for an escape route.

  “Oh, I don’t think so.” Fletch stood in the doorway.

  The man instantly shifted to his wolf and attacked. He was able to sink his teeth into Fletch’s shoulder, before Fletch could shift. It wasn’t long before a wolf and a bear were fighting for their lives. As soon as there was an opening, the wolf bolted out the door and was gone.

  “Damn, I should have closed the door.”

  He looked around, there was blood everywhere and he was pretty sure it was his. He limped to the back door and locked it; he’d take care of the back gate after he cleaned up. He wrapped his shoulder as best he could, he’d have Gary look at it when they got back. He cleaned things as best he could, so Shannon wouldn’t see the mess. He had just finished up when he heard the chopper returning.


  He watched from the top of the stairs as they took care of their gear. He got Gary’s attention and waved to him. Gary instantly sensed something was wrong and ran up the stairs.

  “Can I have a word?” Fletch asked.

  “Sure, come into the office.”

  As soon as Gary closed the door, Fletch collapsed.


  “The wolf, he was here. I didn’t want Shannon to see me,” he managed to say as he moaned.

  “Shit.” Gary went to the door and called out. “Kenney, can you come up here?”

  “Sure boss, I’ll be up in a few.”

  “I’d like you up here, now!”

  Stan and Shannon gave Kenny a puzzled look.

  “On my way.”

  He ran up the stairs and into the office. As soon as he entered, Gary closed the door. Fletch lay on the floor.

  “What the hell happened?” he knelt next to him.

  “Keep your voice down, the wolf was here. We need to patch him up and make some excuses. We can’t let Shannon see him like this, I don’t want it scaring her and triggering any memories.”

  “Alright, do you have a first-aid kit in here?”


  Kenney looked at the worst wound on Fletch’s shoulder.

  “That’s bad, it’s going to need stitches. We need to take him to the hospital.”

  “No, no hospital. I’ll be fine.” Fletch managed to gasp out through the pain.

  “Fine, my ass” Kenney replied.

  “What about Frank?” Frank Miller, the police chief, was a retired doctor.

  “I’ll tell Stan to take Shannon to the market, I think she has some shopping to do.”

  “Good idea. You better hurry, he’s lost a lot of blood.”

  Kenney kept pressure on the wound while Gary told Stan to take Stevens to the market.

  “Where’s the new guy, I thought he was going to take Shannon shopping?”

  “He’s indisposed. I need you to get her out of here,” he admitted quietly.

  “What’s happened?”

  “Just go, that’s an order. I’ll explain later.” Gary went back to the office to make his call.

  “Hey, Shannon! Boss wants me to take you shopping.”

  “Where’s Fletch?”

  “Beats the shit out of me, let’s go.”


  Frank Miller arrived as quickly as he could. He always kept a medical bag in his vehicle.

  “What the hell happened?” Frank asked as he examined the wounds.

  “He was attacked by the wolf.”

  “Shit, I thought we’d seen the last of him.”

  “We did, too.”

  “Why didn’t you have Doctor Stevens take care of this, she was an E.R. doctor, wasn’t she?”

  “I didn’t think it was a good idea. We didn’t want her to know that the wolf was back,” Gary answered.

  “Maybe that was wise,” Frank replied as he numbed Fletch’s shoulder so he could stitch it up. “This bite just missed his jugular; he would have been dead in minutes. Who is he? Is he a shifter?”

  “He’s a bear. Bradley Fletcher, our new trainee.”

  Gary watched as Frank prepared to stitch the wound.

  “Maybe I’d better use butterfly stitches, he’ll be halfway healed by tomorrow. Do you know what happened?”

  “He passed out before he could tell us.”

  “Well, it might be a while before he comes around. Let’s get him into his bed before Shannon gets back. What are you going to tell her?”

  “I don’t know.”

ey and Gary carried Fletch to his room and put him in his bed.

  “Make sure he gets lots of fluids, and I’ll stop by tomorrow. I’ll make up some excuse for being here.”

  “Thanks, Frank. I owe you one.”

  “We’ll settle up later. See you tomorrow.”

  Frank left while Gary and Kenney made sure Fletch was comfortable. Stan and Shannon returned shortly after Frank left.

  Chapter 16

  “Where is everybody?” Shannon asked as she put the groceries away.

  “I don’t know,” Stan answered. “I’ll go see what I can find out.” He went to find the boss. When he went upstairs, he looked in the office and then moved on to their living quarters. “Where the hell is everybody?”

  “We’re in Fletcher’s room,” Gary called out.

  “What the hell happened?” Stan asked when he saw Fletch.

  “He had a run in with the wolf. If Stevens asks where he is, tell her he wasn’t feeling well. He should be healed enough by tomorrow to fake it.”

  “So, the wolf is back.”

  “As far as we can gather, he wasn’t able to tell us much.”

  Fletch woke and tried to talk.

  “Easy buddy,” Gary told him.

  “The back gate,” he managed to say.

  “I’ll go check it,” Kenney told him. “That must be how he got in. He must have thought everyone was gone.”

  “Okay Fletch, you rest. We’ll check on you later to see if you need anything.”

  “Thanks,” he mumbled softly and closed his eyes.

  “Is he going to be alright?” Stan asked.

  “He’ll be weak for a while, he lost a lot of blood, but he'll be okay.”

  “Have you checked the camera footage yet?” Stan asked.

  “No, I haven’t had time. Why don't you check the cameras? Kenney and I better get downstairs before Stevens comes looking for us.”

  “Good idea. I'll join you as soon as I look at the footage.”

  Stan headed for the office, while Gary and Kenney went to the break room.

  “Hey, guys, what's going on? And where is Fletch?”

  “He's upstairs, he wasn't feeling well.”


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