I Am the Night (The Night Firm Book 3)

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I Am the Night (The Night Firm Book 3) Page 9

by Karpov Kinrade

  I smile. "You're finally learning."

  He narrows his eyes at me but continues. "You and Elijah should hit the books tonight to see what you can learn about it before you go. There might be traps. Spells. Best to get as much information as you can, for protection at least."

  I'm about to say that Racul will be there too, but I don't think Sebastian will find that as reassuring as I intend it to be. Quite the contrary, so I keep my mouth shut.

  When we get home, Lily arrives at the same time, and she grins when she sees us.

  "I've missed your face," I say, reaching to hug her as she approaches.

  "Yours too," she says. "Which is why I thought I should come home, at least for a few days."

  I tilt my head at her. "Is everything okay with Kaya?"

  "Oh totally. She's going to swing by later to stay in my tree for a bit. Seems only fair."

  "That's wonderful," I say.

  We enter the house together and Liam and Elijah greet us with exhausted enthusiasm.

  "Thank the gods you all are home. These kids are running us ragged."

  Lily laughs. "Kaya and I can take care of them tonight. Give you a break."

  The gratitude evident on their faces makes me laugh out loud. "Come on guys, it couldn't have been that bad."

  "Alina burned down a tree. And Zara nearly flooded a village."

  I gasp and Elijah raises a hand. "I stopped her. I used wind to move the water, but now we have a new lake."

  "How's Ana?" I ask.

  "Already in bed," Liam says. "She was lovely, though a little sad that her 'friend' hadn't come to see her recently."

  I shake my head sadly. "She must have led such a hard, lonely life. At least when I lost my dad, I still had Adam. We might have been in and out of foster homes, but we always had each other. Poor girl. Even her imaginary friend isn't always there for her."

  Liam nods. "I think being here is good for her. She's surrounded by a family and love. Healing will take time, but like the body, the soul can heal with the right ingredients."

  I've always been intrigued by the juxtaposition of Liam's hot-headed anger, and his heart and skill for healing. He really should have gotten the water element, but he's made it work.

  "How are the babies?" I ask.

  Liam rolls his eyes dramatically. "They will be the death of me. I thought one was a handful. Two is triple the damage, especially when one can turn into a dragon and fly."

  Elijah chuckles. "I had to keep using air power to prevent Zara from flying away entirely."

  "Sounds like you two had an exciting day. How about we all get dinner and I'll tell you my news?"

  Dinner for them would be blood. But I needed real food. As if to prove my point, my stomach begins to rumble.

  "Where are the kids?" Lily asks.

  "I got them to bed, but those babies won't stay asleep. I tried separating them but then they scream and cry, so… I don't know what to do," Liam says, looking despondent.

  Lily giggles. "I'll take care of it." She heads upstairs while we settle into the library.

  Elijah brings me a tray with steak, potatoes, green beans and a fresh salad. "This is normal meat, yes? Nothing weird… or talking?" You really can't be too careful about the meat in this world, I've learned.

  "I would never feed you anything else," he assures me. I smile and thank him and dig in.

  "Where's Derek," I ask?

  Liam shrugs. "He hasn't come home yet. Hopefully he's chasing down a lead."

  This is when cell phones would be super handy. I don't often think of the things I gave up to live in the Otherworld, but every once in a while the thought crosses my mind when a modern convenience could solve a host of problems.

  Also, I miss him. After last night, I find myself thinking about his lips… and other body parts, at random. I'm looking forward to another round with the Water druid.

  Pulling my mind out of the… water…I tell the remaining brothers about my meeting with Racul.

  They are stunned silent.

  "I told her this is a bad idea," Sebastian says.

  None disagree with him, but I see the spark of intrigue in Elijah's eyes, so I pounce. "Have you heard of the Ancient Library?" I ask the Air Druid.

  "Not specifically, but there have always been rumors of a secret library filled with cursed spells and dangerous magic. If you really do get in, please take notes on everything you find and bring back as much as you can. That's a gold mine." He pauses, his pale blue eyes full of thought. "I should go with you," he says finally.

  "I wish you could, but that wasn't part of the deal. I'm not sure Racul will be okay with anyone else coming."

  " Racul isn't to be trusted," Liam says, his eyes blazing.

  Oh the irony that the Fire Druid and Fire Dragon, both sexy, arrogant hot heads, hate each other so much.

  But Racul did try to execute Liam for a crime he didn't commit not so long ago, so I don't blame him.

  "This isn't about trust. He doesn't want the world to end. Neither do I."

  Sebastian opens his mouth to say something, but I shake my head. Not right now. I don't want to explain to everyone else what's at stake. I probably shouldn't have even told him, but I needed someone to confide in. I won't deny I'm scared. But I'm not trying to save the world to just save my own life. There are many lives on the line, and I need the Nights focused on that, not on me.

  Sebastian clamps his mouth shut and frowns at me.

  "It sounds to me like Racul has mommy issues," Liam says, still pissed. About the kiss or the whole thing, I have no idea. Probably everything. It doesn't take much to rile him up, in or out of the bedroom.

  "That may be, but if the Mother of Dragons is behind it all, how do we handle this? You guys nearly had a fit at the thought of me going up against her, but we will have to if she tries to destroy the Otherworld. So, any ideas how to defeat her?"

  Elijah stands. "I need to do some more research. On the library and on dragons. When reading up on how to take care of Zara, I came across some references to other books which I have since acquired yet haven't had a chance to read. I'll get on that now."

  I'm done with my dinner and set the tray aside, standing. "I'll join you. Two eyes are better than one."

  He smiles. "Your mind—and company—will be much appreciated."

  As we leave, Sebastian pulls me aside, holding my hand. "Why don't you want me telling them?"

  "Because they need to focus, and so do we. We'll tell them if we have no choice."

  "Fine. But we have to tell them eventually."

  "Not if we save the world," I say with a wink and a nonchalance I'm totally faking.

  I find Elijah already bent over a stack of books at a table in his office library. I sit across from him and without looking, he pushes a pile to me. I take a quill and parchment and open up the first book in the pile. I basically have a photographic memory, so the notes are more for Elijah than for me.

  I speed read the first book, but nothing stands out as helpful other than one story of a dragon killed by its own reflection in a children's myth. It seems sketchy at best as reliable information, but I take notes anyways and move on.

  Several hours pass and my neck cramps before I set another book down to stretch. Elijah is gone, and reappears moments later with a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies. "I know they're your favorite. I thought you could use the sugar."

  "You are my favorite person in the world right now," I say as I munch on one. "Seriously, I wish you could still enjoy food. These are the bomb."

  When only crumbs are left on the plate, Elijah stands behind me and massages my shoulders.

  "Oh my god that feels amazing."

  "You're tense. I shouldn't have kept you up this late. You have an early morning."

  "I know, but this is important. One of these books might hold some useful information," I say. Though so far none have yielded much. My parchment only has a few notes on it and none particularly relevant.

His massage finishes, leaving me much more relaxed, and I stand and lean against the table to face him, half sitting on it as I do. "We have the unicorn dagger," I say. "That could kill her, couldn't it? If it came to it?"

  He takes a step closer to me, and I'm reminded again of how delicious Elijah really is, with his silver blue eyes and perfect porcelain skin. He's tall and lean, with a chiseled body that would be the envy of any underwear model. When he takes a step closer to me, it becomes a little harder to breathe.

  "Theoretically it could," he says. "But the challenge would be getting it into her heart without her killing you first. From all accounts, she is the most powerful being in the world. In any world actually."

  He comes closer still, and lifts a finger to wipe at my lower lip. "You had a bit of chocolate there," he says softly, his eyes dropping to study me—all of me.

  "I know I've told you this before," he says. "But I've never known a woman—or anyone—like you. And I'm not talking about your powers. I'm talking about your mind. And your heart." He pauses, as if considering his words. "I have lived in my head so long, it has distanced me from my emotions. I considered them a weakness to overcome, rather than a necessary part of my being."

  He brushes a stray hair out of my face as he studies me. "But you. You have the mind of a genius. Unparalleled. Even by me, if I'm being honest. And yet it hasn't numbed you to your heart. You still care. You are still full of compassion. And… Eve, you made me feel. You made my heart beat again—metaphorically of course."

  I chuckle at that. "Of course."

  "What I'm trying to say is, I know I'm not the most expressive or romantic person, but I am drawn to you like I have never been to anyone before in my very long life. I hope you know I would do anything for you. Sacrifice anything for you."

  And in that moment, I know that if the Air Druid doesn't kiss me soon, I will throw him to the table and make shit happen myself.

  But he surprises me and makes the first move, leaning in to claim my lips.

  The touch is just a breath between us, stirring my air magic as he deepens the kiss into something that blows through me and leaves me weak-kneed. He lifts me up to the table and spreads my legs to press himself between them as he runs his hands down my back, clutching my ass to pull me closer.

  His breath hitches as my hand slides down between us.

  Then it's my turn to lose my breath as I feel the length and girth of what's being offered.

  He grins into my mouth. "I take it that's satisfactory?"

  "It'll do," I joke, and he lifts me from the table, my legs straddling him, his muscles bulging as he carries me to the middle of his office where a bear skin rug is spread out before the fire. He lowers me to the rug carefully and once he does, he pulls off his shirt.

  I admire the ripples of muscles and run my hands over his abs, then raise my own arms so he can help me undress.

  "Gods you are beautiful," he says as my breasts are freed.

  I lay back as he tugs off my pants and underwear, and I return the favor until we are both naked, the lights of the fire dancing over our skin.

  He lies beside me and uses his mouth and hands to memorize every inch of my body. With air magic he teases and tickles my most sensitive spots, creating a delicious tension within me that builds and builds like a tornado at my center.

  Then I take control, pressing his back to the rug as I straddle him, teasing his hardness before I move up his body to feel his tongue.

  And feel it I do.

  He takes me in his mouth with such passion and attention to detail that I have to pace myself to keep from losing it too soon.

  Finally, I can no longer handle more, and my body is pushed over the edge, into sheer bliss.

  Without hesitation, he readjusts my hips to his own, and as I slide onto him, I moan and melt into the pleasure he brings with his every thrust. His hands hold my hips, while his magic explores my breasts.

  On impulse, I channel my own air magic and use it to push us off the ground, so that we are both hovering in flight as we make love. He joins his magic to mine and the intimacy and connection from this shared elemental power is intoxicating. I feel drunk on it, on him.

  When I fall over the edge again, he joins me and together we soar.

  We slowly fall back to the carpet and with deep satiation, fall asleep in each other's arms.

  The Past

  The changing heart turns evermore

  And changes that of more and more

  Now I see forever lost

  These broken things of little cost

  ~Neil Stevens, The Changing Heart

  I wake in Elijah's arms, his breath on my neck as he spoons me in front of a dying fire. I send a spark of fire magic to fan the flames, giving the room a much-needed burst of warmth, then turn over to face him, our legs entangling underneath a feathered blanket. He must have brought it at some point in the night. I kiss him tenderly on his lips, and he stirs, waking, kissing me back.

  A banging on the office door interrupts our moment. "Derek's home and has news," Liam shouts through the door, then takes off down the hall, probably to get everyone else.

  I groan my disappointment and pull out of his arms reluctantly. "Guess we'd better get dressed," I say.

  He sighs. "I prefer you this way," he admits with a boyish grin. "But I suppose you are right. I wish we'd found more that could help you today. I'll keep looking while you're gone."

  I kiss him and let my lips linger as he cups my ass and grows hard against my stomach. "You're not making this easy," I say against his mouth.

  "I blame you entirely," he says, smiling and releasing me. "But alas I am a patient man. Let's go see what Derek found."

  I collect my clothes from last night, and rather than putting them on and trudging through the castle, I have a better idea. "I'm going to dematerialize, so don't be alarmed."

  "I've wanted to see this," he admits.

  Still naked with an arm full of clothes, I close my eyes and imagine my bathroom.

  And just like that, I'm there.

  Damn, I love this.

  I shower the sex and the previous days romp through the cemetery off me and dress in a clean outfit, then meet the brothers in the dining room, where the children are finishing up breakfast.

  Alina in Liam's arms with a milky bottle of blood, Zara on the floor with her grilled shark, and Ana in a chair eating pancakes with syrup and blueberries.

  "Yum, that looks good," I tell her.

  She grins through syrupy lips. "It is!"

  "I'll have what she's having," I announce to whatever ghosts are listening, but it's Matilda herself that comes out carrying more freshly made pancakes.

  "Thank you," I say, accepting my plate. " I feel like we haven't spent much time together recently," I tell her as she sits next to Ana across from me.

  "It is a strange time," she says ominously. "Join me for tea when you have a moment. Let us catch up."

  "I will," I promise. With this ticking time bomb over my head, I'm becoming more aware of how precious these relationships are and how important it is to make time for the people I love, no matter what else is going on.

  "What are you kids up to today?" Matilda asks.

  "Research," Elijah says, sharing a meaningful glance with me.

  "I'm going to try to get into the Ancient Library," I say. "Have you heard of it?"

  Matilda's eyes widen, and then Alina begins crying and Zara joins her.

  "Oh my," Matilda says, standing. "Let me take the babies upstairs so you kids can have your meeting."

  Ana finishes up her last pancake and helps by picking up Zara, who clings to her. The five of them head upstairs, leaving me with the Night brothers.

  Derek has been pacing, waiting until the kids were gone to speak.

  "What did you find?" I finally ask, once we are completely alone.

  "This," he says, holding out a Memory Catcher.

  My heart nearly stops in my chest. "What does it show?" I

  "The murder," he says.

  "Holy shit. How?"

  He runs a hand through his hair, and I realize how disheveled he appears. He normally looks like he just stepped off the cover of GQ but this morning his hair is a mess, he's got a day old stubble covering his chin and his clothes are dusty and torn in places.

  "I've been up all night hunting," he says. "Looking for animals that might have seen what happened. I must have caught the memories of every wildlife in the area until it occurred to me to try the fish in the pond where she was found."

  He looks exasperated with himself for not thinking of that one sooner, and I let our water magic connect, giving him a little boost of love and confidence. His gaze lands on mine and he grins just a little as acknowledgement.

  "Don't keep us in suspense, brother. Who killed her? If it was Dath'Racul I'll ring his neck myself," Liam says.

  Derek frowns. "It wasn't the Fire Dragon."

  He lays the crystal down and activates it.

  I hold my breath as the holographic image starts to play and we see Lyx standing near the pool of water talking to someone, though we can't see who it is.

  She looks happy. Excited. Probably about the work that's being done for her people. We were just about to move some families into their new homes that day.

  Then there's a blur.

  Lyx screams.

  And a monstrous creature appears, reflected oddly through the water. It's golden and black, with malformed wings, a body covered in boils, a head that is misshapen with eyes too small and too wide apart, and a mouth too big. But what stands out the most is the protrusion coming from the side of its head. It's the exact size and shape of a unicorn horn, though it doesn't much resemble one in color and form.

  The creatures wings expand and it crashes into Lyx, impaling her with its horn and shoving her into the water, where she falls.

  Then the memory ends.

  "The fish swam away when Lyx fell into the lake."

  We all sit in stunned silence. "So, Racul is wrong, it wasn't his mother. It wasn't any of the dragons. But… what is that creature?" I look around the table hoping one of the brothers can shed some light on this.


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