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The imPERFECT Guy Page 13

by Leddy Harper

  I stood and kissed her briefly. “Was? You don’t think I’m done yet, do you?”

  She was in the middle of forming a reply when I made her gasp by pushing my dick into her. Her orgasm must’ve temporarily blinded her because she’d somehow missed me dropping my pants between her legs. While it made for a nice surprise, it also meant that she hadn’t been ready for the sudden pressure of my cock inside her. And as I pushed myself all the way in, I could tell that she hadn’t been prepared for me to be so thick.

  That made me smile.

  I wasn’t ridiculously big, but I had girth, and once she adjusted to my size, she seemed rather appreciative of it. Even more so when I moved my hips back and forth, stretching her wide. Her heat was intense, which meant lasting much longer would be difficult. But I’d learned to hold back, to delay my orgasm for a short while so I could be a generous lover. However, watching my cock slide into Mady and seeing her bite her lip as that last inch slid home was too much, and it wasn’t long before I felt the heat in my balls as my orgasm heightened.

  I had one hand on her shoulder so I could get all the way into her; the other hand was just under her ribcage, using my fingertips to apply pressure to the spot near her spine that I had discovered earlier. She sat forward, and at first, I thought she adjusted to get more comfortable, but I soon realized that she was watching. Her attention was glued to my thick, hard cock as it slid in and out of her, stretching her, my balls making a slapping noise against her ass as I started moving faster.

  Mady breathed, “Oh my God,” just as my orgasm hit the tipping point, which pushed me over the edge. Well, it was either that or the way her pussy tightened, practically milking me.

  I grunted as waves of pleasure shot through my body, my fingers digging into her flesh as I pulled her onto me, pushing myself all the way in and grinding into her while my balls tensed. My stomach twisted, and my orgasm ran through me, exploding inside her. She moaned and gripped me tighter as she came again, sliding her bottom off the edge of the table to take me deeper. I somehow managed to pull one of the chairs over a few inches and sat before she slipped into my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  My dick twitched as the last drops of my cum emptied inside her. We just stayed like that for a while, enjoying the closeness while the passion faded into a warm memory. I had no idea how long we sat there, but I wished it could’ve lasted forever, maybe to be found one day by archaeologists, still in that embrace. Me still inside her. Her hard nipples still pressed against my chest.

  Eventually, though, she leaned back and smiled.

  “Damn,” she whispered with a breathy giggle. “You make an excellent argument for going after the chubby kid in school.”

  “Oh yeah? Well, there’s something else you should know about me then.”

  “And what might that be?”

  I winked and watched her eyes widen with understanding when she felt me growing hard inside her once again.



  I woke up the next morning, discombobulated, feeling as though something was amiss. However, once I opened my eyes and saw my empty bed, it didn’t take long to figure out why.

  I was in Finn’s.

  A smile came on so fast that my cheeks immediately began to ache. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and recall every touch, every kiss, every look he’d given me. Realizing it was still fairly early and that I didn’t need to be awake quite yet, I pulled the sheet over my face to block out the morning sun that filtered through the windows.

  Half of us were doing the morning shoot today while the other half took the afternoon, and then we’d swap tomorrow, so each of us had solo shots in every lighting. I was scheduled for the afternoon shoot, which I was grateful for, because that meant I could get a few extra hours of sleep—something I desperately needed after last night.

  I drifted in and out of that space between wake and sleep, but I fully awoke when Finn moved closer, draping his leg over mine. I was on my stomach with one knee bent, my head turned away from him, and his naked thigh cradled between mine. The warmth of his skin was a stark contrast to the hardness I now felt against my ass…and the beautiful ache between my legs.

  He traced lines of electricity up and down my spine with his fingertips, making sure that every stroke hit the spot he’d discovered last night—the one that managed to turn my brain to mush. Every time he touched it, I struggled to resist the urge to react. It felt so good that I wanted him to think I was still asleep, because I didn’t want to give him an excuse to stop.

  “Did you know that a person’s breathing is different when they’re awake?” Finn muttered into my hair.

  Dammit! I’d been busted.

  I smiled and turned my head as far as I could without rolling over. “Oh, yeah? What issue of Cosmo did you learn that from?”

  Finn had told me last night that most of the things he’d learned about women came from reading women’s magazines. It was rather smart in my opinion, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t use every chance I got to poke fun at him for it.

  He laughed and leaned forward, pressing his chest against my back. “No, I actually didn’t know you were awake. To be honest, that was the third time I said it in the last fifteen minutes. I thought just asking if you were awake would sound a bit desperate.”

  I frowned, confused by what he meant. “Desperate?”

  “Yeah, like that awkward moment the morning after sleeping with someone when you’re trying to figure out if the other person regrets it or not.”

  With a satisfied moan, I pushed myself against him, grinding my ass into his groin to ensure there were no awkward moments between us. “Trust me, Finn, there are no regrets here.” Then, as if my paranoia had just woken up, my eyes popped open, and I rolled my shoulder to see him better. “You don’t have any regrets…do you?”

  “Yeah, I have lots of them.” The smile in his voice was the only thing that kept my stomach from turning into knots. “Such as, I regret having to go to sleep.”

  I rolled onto my side to face him, saddened by the fact that his erection no longer pressed against my ass. The thought of it being inside me again brought forth a giddiness that made me feel like a teenager again.

  Resting my hand on his bare hip, I looked him in the eyes and smiled. “Well, that’s good. I was worried since I was the one who had the most fun—or, at least, I was the one getting all the attention.”

  “Oh, believe me, Mady”—he ran his fingertip along my brow, over my cheekbone, and across my lips—“I can’t think of anything better than seeing you writhe in ecstasy. It’s my ultimate idea of fun.”

  When his breath wafted across my face, I caught a whiff of mint. “Have you already gotten up and brushed your teeth?”

  “Yeah, I brushed them in the shower while you were sleeping. I figured it’d be a good idea considering where my mouth was last night.” His grin grew wider and his eyes lit up, as if remembering what we had done.

  Oh, great. Here was Mr. Clean, smelling like the poster boy for dental freshness, and I probably had Darth Vader breath. I no sooner covered my mouth when Finn wrapped his thick, calloused fingers around my wrist and pulled my hand away.

  Embarrassed, I turned my head, but he cradled my cheek, gently bringing my face back to his before kissing me. This time, though, I didn’t resist. I ignored the insecurities that ran through my mind and released a subtle moan when his tongue pushed past my lips. As its warmth searched my mouth, we began to explore each other’s bodies with our hands.

  I ran my palm down his side, over the roundness of his ass, and then grabbed his firm thigh to pull his leg over mine. The heat from his balls warmed my skin, causing me to hum. And when he lifted his leg a little higher, meeting my pussy with the top of his bare thigh, I moaned louder. I was still swollen and sensitive from last night, so the slightest touch sent waves of pleasure through my body. My nipples ached as they pressed against Finn’s chest, making me gasp through the kiss.

Finn had taken full control last night, as if he had something to prove. While I loved getting all the attention—he’d taken me to places I didn’t even know existed outside of romance novels—every time I’d tried to take over, he’d push me back or restrain my hands while continuing to pleasure me. Just thinking about it had my thighs clenching, and because I was so sensitive from our activities last night, I could feel my heartbeat between my legs.

  I needed a hot shower, and then maybe a strategically placed bag of frozen peas. But the pressure against my leg as Finn pushed himself against me drove those thoughts from my mind. Instead, I reached down and stroked his length, feigning surprise at finding him hard and ready.

  “Well, good morning, big boy,” I said in an overly exaggerated tone.

  His cock was hot and twitched in my hand as I gripped it. And when I began to eagerly pump my tight fist up and down his shaft, he attempted to pull himself over me. However, I wasn’t about to let that happen. It was my turn now. I flattened my palm against his chest and pushed him away.

  Confusion flashed across his eyes. But when I lifted myself up and straddled his thighs, his confusion vanished, replaced by a smile that curled his glistening lips. I hovered above him with my hands were either side of his head, my knees on either side of his hips, and my body barely grazing his hard length. I was so turned on that I knew—if I wanted to—I could slide him right into me with no effort.

  But that wasn’t what I had in mind.

  I lowered my head and kissed him. And as soon as his tongue started to snake its way into my mouth, I gently bit his lip. The look on his face told me he was expecting pain, but since we hadn’t discussed our likes and dislikes, I released it and began to kiss his neck. I moved down the bed slowly, enjoying the feel of his shaft sliding through my wetness. Then I paused for a moment to adjust my hips so that the head of his dick rubbed along the full length of my swollen sex.

  As I kissed his chest, I decided to take a play from his playbook. I closed my lips around his nipple, nibbling it and pulling it with my teeth. Again, I let go just before it was painful. Then I moved my attention to the other side and did the same, the whole time, rubbing myself against his erection.

  He tried to reposition himself so he could enter me, but I didn’t let him. Smiling to myself as he groaned in a mixture of pleasure and frustration at being so close yet unable to get there, I continued my path down his body. And when I got to his navel, his cock—which now rested against his stomach—lined up perfectly with my cleavage. So I tucked my arms into my sides, fitting his cock between my tits, and slowly stroked him with my breasts.

  “Oh, fuck,” he breathed, thrusting himself as if lazily fucking me. He’d made me say those words countless times last night, so it felt good to hear him say them now.

  With the head of his cock reaching my clavicle, I tucked my chin, bringing it just out of reach of my lips. I ran my tongue along the slit, and the taste—along with the slickness—let me know how turned on he was. Unable to hold off any longer, I took him between my lips and into the warmth of my mouth.

  “Oh fuck, Mady, that feels so good,” he practically moaned with his eyes closed.

  The intense pleasure in his voice almost made me forget what I was doing. I was desperate to feel him inside me again, but I’d made up my mind—this morning would be all about him. After last night, I wanted to show him that he wasn’t the only one who could be generous, and that I wasn’t the type to just passively lay there.

  There was something about Finn that made me want to do things, made me want to please him, made me want to hear him moan my name in ecstasy. So without putting too much thought into what I was doing, I bobbed my head up and down, fucking him with my mouth, pulling him into the back of my throat. Then moving away so that only the crown of his dick was in my mouth before taking him back in again.

  Enjoying what I was doing to him, he ran his fingers through my hair, which sent shocks of electricity down my spine. As I picked up the pace and began to suck harder, Finn’s breathing grew faster, his hips beginning to buck. “Mady,” he breathed. “Fuck… Mady…”

  Hearing him moan my name encouraged me to move faster.

  He grunted, his balls tightening in my hand as he exploded in my mouth. I kept moving but slowed while his climax ran through him. Satisfied that I’d finally tasted him, I closed my eyes and hummed, keeping him in mouth until I felt his body relax. When I sat up, I smiled at the sight of him lying there with his head back and eyes closed.

  Tucking his chin just enough to look at me, his eyes hooded by heavy lids, he rasped, “Well, that was an amazing good-morning kiss…thank you.”

  I pulled myself off the bed and winked at him. “It was the least I could do.”

  He regarded me, as if it were the first time he’d ever seen me naked. “You’re so fucking hot.” His smile grew wider. “I reckon if I died right now, I’d still be the envy of every man on the planet.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  As the hot water ran over my body, I leaned against the tiled wall and smiled to myself, thinking about Finn—his lips, his eyes, his hands, and of course, his glorious cock. But when I turned my face away from the spray, the sound of the bathroom door clicking shut caught my attention.

  Then, Finn’s large and warm body slid in behind me. “I thought you may need a hand washing your back.”

  After our shower, Finn ordered us lunch from the front desk to be delivered to the room. He said I had a long day ahead of me, and that I needed to refuel after last night and this morning.

  He wasn’t kidding.

  Finn had worn me out.

  To be honest, I expected things to be weird between us, but they weren’t. Things carried on as usual, as if my face wasn’t between his legs less than two hours ago. I guess that was better than dealing with the awkwardness, but part of me wondered if we should address the elephant in the room. I mean, we’d just had lots of sex, and now, things were back to normal, like nothing had happened.

  “Are you almost ready?” Finn asked me from the little table in the corner of the room.

  “Yup. Just have to put the finishing touches on my makeup.” I wore short cut-offs and a cute plaid button-up in all different shades of pink. I wore my hair in soft curls down my back with a pink flower clip from Urban Wear’s new accessory line behind my ear.

  I studied myself in the mirror over the sink and picked myself apart. Not in a mean way, but so I’d know what needed fixing or where to add more color. I’d learned at a young age how to apply makeup, and by the time I was thirteen, it had become my obsession. Thankfully, my mom understood that I wasn’t trying to look older; I simply loved the art of it.

  A knock on the bathroom door made me jump. I’d been so deep in thought that I’d lost track of time. “You almost ready?” Finn called out.

  “Yup.” I studied myself one more time in the mirror before opening the door.


  I giggled as his eyes moved over my entire face and body. I felt naked under his gaze, which was odd considering he’d seen every inch of me—multiple times. A shiver of pleasure washed through me at the memory of it. My cheeks flushed as his eyes continued to take me in.

  Finally, Finn cleared his throat. “You look nice.”

  “By the way you were ogling me, I’d say I probably look better than nice.” I laughed at his reaction. It was like he’d had his hand caught in the cookie jar, right before dinner, after his momma told him no.

  I sat on the edge of my bed and put on the pink cowgirl boots I’d brought along. They were my own, but they accented the ensemble, and I knew Urban Wear wouldn’t mind. After all, we were supposed to make the looks our own since our mission was to depict real people in real life.

  He studied me with pure curiosity on his face. “I thought you were supposed to wear heels?”

  “I’m saving those for the second shot of the day. I thought it would look better in the eve
ning. Not to mention, they don’t go with this outfit.”

  Finn shook his head, airy laughter seeping past his smiling lips. “Whatever you say, cowgirl. Let’s go!” He smacked my butt on the way out the door and mumbled, “God, that ass.”

  I stifled my girlish giggles and added an extra shake to my hips as I strutted in front of him.

  Discovering that he found me desirable had added a pep to my step this morning. Of course, other men had desired me in the past, but the passion in Finn’s eyes and what he’d displayed during our intimate moments together had been different than anything I’d ever experienced. He looked at me as though he wanted to devour me whole. It was a feeling I never wanted to end.

  Although, I knew, unequivocally, that it would have to end at some point.

  As we made our way to the boulders that Finn had scouted a couple days prior, I contemplated just how long this thing between us could go on for. Was it merely a product of us sharing a cabin and being in such close quarters for these few days? Or would it continue after we got home? This entire trip had been a whirlwind of emotions, and I both looked forward to and dreaded leaving.

  Hopefully, we would be too occupied once we got home to experience any awkwardness—or have any deep conversations about what it all meant. Our jobs wouldn’t end when we left the ranch. We still had so much to do. But the good news was that the next part, what we had to deal with at home, was where I thrived. Posting pictures and coming up with showstopping captions was why I’d fallen in love with social media in the first place. You could create stories and looks to go with the anecdote displayed.

  By the time the photographer arrived to take the pictures, I had already determined the best spot to stand and which poses to do, so the session went relatively quick. I had to go back to the cabin five times to change my outfits for all the separate shots. The last one was my most favorite.

  The long billowy dress hugged all my curves and accentuated my best features. It was so long on my short frame that if I hadn’t paired it with the four-inch wedges from Urban Wear that I’d brought with me, it would’ve dragged through the dirt. And to complete the look, I wore my hair completely down and free of clips. I felt like a fairytale princess, but that didn’t last long.


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