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The imPERFECT Guy Page 28

by Leddy Harper

  Somehow, I’d managed to hit every green light on the way, pulling into the parking lot nearly twenty minutes late. It could’ve been worse, but I hated arriving after the drinks. I always felt like I’d missed out on something. All the best gossip was spilled during the first portion of the evenings.

  And tonight, I’d definitely missed out on a lot.

  As I raced up the walkway to the entrance, cursing my mom the entire way, the door swung open. I didn’t even have a chance to open it for myself. If I hadn’t been in such a hurry—or so stressed about being late—I might’ve noticed something was up before I stepped inside. But instead, I was caught off guard and practically had a heart attack when everyone jumped out and yelled, “Surprise!”

  I dropped my purse and covered my mouth with my hands.

  My gaze scanned over the pub that I’d spent every other Monday night in for as long as I could remember. Only it didn’t look at all like it usually did. Steamers hung from the beams along the ceiling, and every chair and table in the place was decked out in purple—the same color that had become my signature on social media.

  I stood stock-still at the entrance, unable to move until I’d taken it all in. My friends and family filled the room, all the women wearing purple wigs. Once the excitement began to settle, I spotted Finn walking toward me with the biggest smile across his face, and a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

  “Did you do all of this?” I asked while mindlessly taking the colorful flowers from him. I remained in awe, unable to take everything in.

  He kissed me and then glanced around him. “Everyone did. It was a joint effort.”

  “W-what’s this for? I mean, it’s amazing and wonderful, and I was totally surprised, but why?” It wasn’t my birthday or an anniversary, that I could remember. Not that I was great at remembering things to being with, but I definitely had no idea what the reason behind this was.

  When he smiled again and met my stare, I began to get worried that he was about to propose. It wasn’t like we hadn’t discussed it or anything, but through various conversations over the last few weeks, it seemed like we were on the same page about it. Neither of us were ready for that step.

  But then he eased my anxiety by saying, “We all just wanted to let you know how proud we are of you.”

  I glanced around the room again, this time, taking in all the faces in front of me. That was when I noticed my three besties and Gia, standing toward the front, and I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer.

  “Oh, honey. Don’t cry!” My mother’s voice came through the small crowd. Which didn’t make much sense to me, considering she’d left my house a few minutes before I did. Not to mention, I had to practically kick her out.

  “Ma?” I turned and hugged my mom, who also wore a colorful wig. “How did you get here?”

  “I drove.” She rolled her eyes at me, the same as I’d done to her my whole life, and it made me giggle.

  “No, I mean…you were just at my house.”

  “I know. I was in charge of making sure you didn’t show up before everyone was ready.”

  Now it all made sense. Actually, no, it didn’t, because while, yes, she’d stalled to give the group more time to set up, but that didn’t explain all the other times she’d invite herself over and then overstay her welcome.

  Just then, my dad stepped forward and kissed me on the cheek. “I have to admit, sweetheart…had I known that you were going to out yourself on social media, I would’ve done everything in my power to stop you. But only because I’ve always worried that people would use that against you, and you’re such a trusting person. I just never wanted to see you get hurt.”

  If he didn’t add in a but soon, I’d likely pass out from holding my breath.

  “Now that I’ve been able to see all the good that’s come from it, I’m really glad you didn’t talk to me about it first. This is absolutely amazing, Madelynn.” His eyes began to glisten, which would explain his sudden need to clear his throat and give me a hug.

  “Thanks, Papa.” I kissed his cheek before being grabbed by someone else.

  Julie wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in to a tight hug while whispering into my ear, “We all love you so much, stinkface. Every person here came to show you their support.”

  Prior to making my post, I’d discussed it with Julie. Then the two of us sat down with Nellie and Brooke, and I explained it to them. At first, they seemed offended that I’d kept my dyslexia from them for so long, but not one of them ever said anything about it. Instead, they stood behind me and held my hand as I’d typed my story and posted it.

  I had a big family and amazing friends, and I honestly didn’t know where I’d be without them. Or without Finn. There were so many things that could’ve gotten in the way of our being together—work, his jealousy, the fact that I’d believed he wasn’t my type at all. But in the end, we’d figured it out. It might’ve taken a few tears, a couple of arguments, and a serious conversation or two, but it’d be a lie if I said it wasn’t all worth it in the end.

  My mom clinked her glass, waiting for the room to settle before speaking up—although, everyone here knew she didn’t need to do that, considering she could be heard on a battlefield from a mile away. “Madelynn, we’ve all come here today for several reasons…”

  The entire pub was quiet, all eyes on my mom and me.

  “First and foremost, we’re here because we all love you,” she said, choking up.

  “Here, here!” Everyone raised their glasses, but Ma quickly calmed them down.

  “I’m not done yet,” she scolded, causing everyone to break out in laughter. Then she faced me again and winked. “Secondly, we are so proud of you and all your achievements. And we know this is just the beginning.”

  “Thank you, Ma. And thank you to everyone for doing this for me.”

  Nellie moved to my side and looped her arm with mine. “If you’ll all please turn your attention to the back wall, we’ve put together a short video.”

  In awe, I watched as pictures of random social media posts were projected onto the back wall of Donovan’s, all containing my hashtag. Various people—some famous, most not—shared their own flaws with the world, owning the imperfect parts of themselves that made them who they were. By the end, I was in tears, unable to drink the champagne that had been given to me shortly before my mom’s toast.

  And just when I thought the surprises were over, Finn climbed onto a table in the center of the room, garnering everyone’s attention. “Before we all get to the celebration portion of this evening, there’s one more reason you were brought here, Mady.”

  Again, my heart clenched as I worried that he’d propose.

  “You’ve reached a lot of people with your message, and it’s touched even more hearts. Your success has skyrocketed in the last few months, but this is only the beginning…because tomorrow, we’re going to be on our way to the Ellen Show.”

  “What?” There was no way I’d heard him right. Ellen had been my idol since I was a small girl.

  Thankfully, he climbed off the table and made his way to me. Taking my hand in his, he looked me in the eyes and said, “I know I’m not your assistant anymore, and I know I promised I would never make decisions for you, especially when it comes to your business. But when Ellen reached out to see if you wanted to be a guest on her show, I didn’t think twice. I just told her yes and figured I’d deal with the fallout later.”

  “Fallout?” I shook my head and cupped his cheek. “It’s the Ellen Show. Trust me, Finny Fanny, there’s no fallout.”

  “What did I tell you about that?”

  Smiling, I hummed and brought my lips to his and whispered, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Mady Russo. I know that we haven’t been together very long, but there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re the perfect woman for me. You’re the one I’ve been waiting my whole life for.”

  “What a coincidence…because you’re my perfect guy, imperfections
and all.”



  Finn came up from behind me with a cold bottle of water, interrupting my conversation with the girls. Well, only Nellie and Julie. Brooke had gone off to watch the fireworks from the dock.

  Every year, Nellie’s parents hosted a big Fourth of July party. And just like every other holiday, it was extravagant. Elaborate fireworks were planned, good food was served, and of course, there was the company of my dearest friends. And Finn.

  I couldn’t get over how different my life was now compared to only a year ago.

  “Well, they’re about to get started,” Nellie said, inching her way toward the lake, where the fireworks display was set up. “My mom’s probably looking for me so I can get the show started.”

  Usually, Nellie’s older brother was in charge of lighting the first one. But since he was a little occupied this year—rumor had it he was going to pop the question—Nellie had to take the lead. Needless to say, she wasn’t thrilled about it.

  “Have fun, hooker!” I winked at her.

  She scowled and said, “That was one time. And it’s not a hooker; it’s an escort.”

  Julie and I laughed.

  “Whatever you say, Nells,” I called out after her and then turned to my best friend. “What about you? Are you going to leave me, too?”

  With a sheepish shrug, she said, “Yeah, but I’ll catch up to you when the show’s over.”

  And then it was just Finn and me.

  He stood behind me and kissed my neck, his arms around my midsection. “I can’t stop thinking about how different this holiday will be next year.”

  I giggled as I rested the back of my head on his shoulder. “Tell me about it.”

  A year ago, I never would’ve foreseen that I’d be married and knocked up right now. But I was. Although, it didn’t exactly happen in that order; then again, who was keeping track, anyway? I was with the person I couldn’t imagine my life without. And we were having a baby.

  I’d grown up in a big family, which was exactly what I’d wanted for myself—to settle down and have a few kids of my own. But there was a time not too long ago that I was convinced it wasn’t in the cards for me. Meeting the perfect guy seemed impossible.

  Little did I know, I was just waiting for the imperfect guy to come along.

  And he did. In the most unexpected way.

  The last fourteen months had been a whirlwind. Shortly after appearing on The Ellen Show, Finn and I had moved in together. The Ellen show had also garnered another change in our life, it had catapulted my social media campaign into stardom. I’d had to hire another assistant just to go through the offers that had poured in. I’d also appeared on another half dozen talk shows, it had been a whirlwind, and things were finally settling down in that area of our lives. Everything just clicked into place, as if that was the way things were supposed to happen. Six months after moving in together, I’d sold my house, and then we started trying for a family.

  Yes, we tried to get pregnant before we were married.

  I was never the traditional one, and considering Finn had already been down the aisle once, it wasn’t a big deal for us. Marissa and Kyle had just welcomed their daughter, and after one night of babysitting, Finn and I had gotten the fever.

  We hadn’t been trying long before the second line showed up on a home test. I was ecstatic, even though my hormones made it seem I wasn’t. When I’d found out I was pregnant, I’d put on the Beach Babes bikini—the one that was made out of dental floss. Apparently, Finn had really liked it on me, so I wanted to give him one last look at me in it before I ballooned up. Unfortunately, it hadn’t gone as well as I’d planned.

  He’d spend the day with Kyle, and when he got home, I’d met him at the door in the bathing suit. That’s when everything went downhill. The plan was to tell him why I’d worn it for him with a smile on my face. Instead, I immediately started to cry, blubbering about how, in a few months, I’d be a fat cow. Needless to say, he’d found it amusing.

  At least that was a moment neither of us would ever forget.

  “Are you cold? Do you want to go back to the house?” Finn asked me for the hundredth time in the last hour.

  I giggled and shook my head. “We’re fine. Stop fussing.” I patted my stomach that seemed to be growing rounder by the moment. Ever since he found out that I was pregnant, Finn could not relax. I didn’t think it was possible for him to become even more protective of me, but he’d proven me wrong.

  Just then, a loud pop filled the air, seconds before an array of colors filled the night sky.

  Everyone oohed and awed as the fireworks display burst into various colors overhead. Finn held my hand in his and gently squeezed at all his favorites. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face if I tried.

  I watched the show while he held me in his arms, feeling safe and loved, happier than I ever imagined possible. And right before the finale, I turned to face him. As the colors lit up his face, I touched his cheek in preparation for giving him even more good news. We had even more to look forward to next year.

  “I really like the name Natalie for a girl.”

  His brow furrowed for a moment. “I thought we agreed on Michaela.”

  “Yeah, we did. But in case they’re both girls, we need a second name.”

  He was silent for a second, staring at me as if calling my bluff. “It’s July fourth, not April first, so this can’t possibly be a prank.”

  I laughed and kissed his lips briefly. “It’s not a prank, Finn.”

  “Wait…” He pulled away but lowered his face closer to mine. “Are you saying we’re having twins? Or are you just trying to be prepared in the event we are?”

  I’d gone to the doctor yesterday morning after finding a small amount of blood in my panties. I didn’t say anything to him, because I didn’t want him to worry in case it turned out to be nothing. Which it was. I was given a clean bill of health, as well as some pretty shocking news.

  When I was informed that there were two heartbeats—not including mine, like I’d originally thought—I thought tonight would be the perfect time to tell him. However, I hadn’t anticipated the noise, or the fact that it was dark, which prevented me from seeing his full reaction.

  “This isn’t a drill. It’s not a test. We are, in fact, having twins, Finn.”

  Without saying anything, he grabbed my face and kissed me, the finale exploding in the sky over our heads.

  Life couldn’t get any better.

  Leddy’s Notes

  Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not one to write a series. So when I set out to give each girl their own story, I wanted to make sure they were all COMPLETELY individual books. And I think I accomplished just that with this one. I just loved Mady’s character so freaking much that I had to give her a story. And on top of that, I’ve been wanting to write a real male character—not one with abs and fancy cars and loads of money. I wanted the real guy, the one with all the imperfections that make him so unbelievably perfect for that one special person. And I couldn’t help but fall in love with Finn. He was so real to me that he literally could’ve been someone I know personally. I love it when that happens!

  I hope you all enjoyed Finn and Mady as much as I do. They are definitely one of my most favorite couples to date! And here’s to seeing where Nellie and Julie will take me!


  Hey You!!

  I couldn’t have made it through this without my family. My three girls push me to better myself on a daily basis, and if it weren’t for them, I probably would’ve given up by now. I owe everything to them.

  I also wouldn’t have gotten through writing this book without these people…

  Lobs: I thank God every day for you. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you in my life. Thank you for being my support person haha!!

  Sean: You’re the most perfect guy I know!

  Mimo: Thank you so much for your careful eye with this one! Welcome to the team!

  Kev M: Your expertise has come in handy again! I think I shall keep you around lol!! Thank you again!!

  Amanda: Now that you have my cat’s kitten, that makes us family LOL!! You’re the greatest Biffle anyone could ask for!

  Best Friend: Thanks for always having my back! ITS for life!

  Emily: Am I still dead to you?? Let’s hope not. I still have many more projects I’ll need your help with LOL! Love you!

  Autumn: Thank you for not firing me for always forgetting to do what you asked me to LOL!

  Robin: You’ve once again given my book an amazing cover! You’re the best!!!

  Angela: I can’t thank you enough for giving me whatever time you can spare. I love you, girl!!

  Sarah: I’m so thankful to have you in my life! You’ll always be in it, so I don’t ever wanna hear you say differently!

  Aliana: I’m so happy I’ve found you! You can’t get rid of me now!

  All the girls in Leddyisms: You all have shown me so much love and support. I seriously have the best group ever!!

  Readers: Whether you enjoyed Corbin and Brooke’s story or hated it, I can’t thank you enough for giving me chance. It means the world to me!

  Bloggers: You all are hands-down my heroes. I’m so appreciative for each and every one of you for all you do. Without bloggers’ help, I’d be nothing. I love you all!

  About the Author

  Leddy Harper had to use her imagination often as a child. She grew up the only girl in a house full of boys. At the age of fourteen, she decided to use that imagination and wrote her first book, and never stopped. She often calls writing her therapy, using it as a way to deal with issues through the eyes of her characters.

  She is now a mother of three girls, leaving her husband as the only man in a house full of females. The decision to publish her first book was made as a way of showing her children to go after whatever it is they want to. Love what you do and do it well. And to teach them what it means to overcome their fears.


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