The Arrangement

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The Arrangement Page 4

by Melissa Tereze


  “Oh, no.” Alexis laughed from deep within her belly. “I’ve had some great clients, and I've had some terrible ones. I don't need to do this permanently. I do it because I enjoy this kind of evening.”

  “You don't have friends you can do this with?”

  “I do, of course. But meeting someone new…someone who is kind and appreciative of my company gives me a real confidence boost.”

  “Well, I certainly have enjoyed your company.”

  Alexis simply smiled, enamoured by the woman holding her attention in every way possible.

  “Is this the only thing you offer?” Sam’s words caused Alexis’ eyes to widen but not enough to scare her client off. Not what I expected, Alexis thought.

  “No, I offer everything escorts offer.” She smirked. “But I prefer this side of things.”

  “Good to know.” Sam smiled but Alexis felt a pang of disappointment. “So, I think I'm pretty much done here.”

  “Okay.” Alexis smiled shyly. Why are you behaving like this? She warred with herself internally. “The night ends when you say it does.”

  “I’ll just get the bill and then I’ll…you know.”

  “Right, yes.” She knew Sam was referring to payment, but in this moment, money was the last thing on her mind. Over the two years she’d worked as an escort, she had never felt a connection with any of them. At least, not like this. There had been one other who she felt was testing the boundaries of their relationship, but this, how she felt this evening? It had never happened before. Sam, though…something was different about her. While Alexis knew absolutely nothing about her, she felt drawn. A pull she’d never experienced in this line of work before.

  She watched on as Sam paid the bill, her slight fingers holding the card machine so delightfully. Her deep brown eyes focused fully on the digits on the keypad. How her hair fell down the side of her face exquisitely. Sam, to Alexis, was a high-class woman. But she was also someone who had a past. Alexis could see that. Her only hope after tonight ended, was that Sam would one day contact her again.

  “All done.”

  “Great.” Alexis blushed, knowing she’d been caught staring. “Shall we walk out?”

  “I’d like that.” Sam smiled. She’d felt Alexis’ piercing gaze on her, but she knew what it meant. If she wasn’t careful, one thing could quickly lead to another with this woman.

  Alexis stood, waiting for Sam to do the same. Now that they’d gotten better acquainted, Alexis struggled to keep her eyes from trailing her client’s body. Curves in all the right places and legs that had clearly seen the gym multiple times this week left her own knees feeling weak. She placed her hand on the small of Sam’s back as they left the restaurant side by side, pleasantly surprised when she didn’t back away. She fully expected her to, given the unease she’d sensed at times during their arrangement, but Sam had evidently relaxed as the night wore on, leaving Alexis more perplexed than she was moments ago.

  “Can I call you a cab?” Sam asked as they reached the dock wall. “I’m only ten minutes from here.”

  “I can walk.” Alexis smiled, her eyes taking in Sam’s beautiful features. The tiny freckle above her right eyebrow, her flawless jawline. Everything about Sam was the opposite of Alexis’ usual attraction in women, but she couldn’t deny the feeling of wanting to kiss this woman. “Which way are you?” Alexis pulled herself from the thoughts she was battling with. “I’m off Portland.”

  “Oh, I'm the same way.” Sam busied herself inside her purse. “Do you prefer cash or cheque?”

  I’d prefer you. Alexis cleared her throat, keeping her arousal in check.

  “The agency state that cash transactions are required, but whatever is easier for you.” Alexis had done this hundreds of time, so why did she suddenly feel awful for taking Sam’s money?

  “Cash it is then.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Oh, seems I don't quite have enough on me.” Sam smiled, an embarrassment in her eyes evident. “You said you live off Portland Street?”

  “I do.”

  “Then we could walk home together,” Sam suggested. “I live on Birchall.”

  “Okay…” Alexis drawled out.

  “I’ll run up and get the rest. Won't take a second.” Sam could happily kick herself for not being better prepared, but she hadn’t expected to stay at the restaurant for so long. Especially not since it was her first meeting with an escort. A drink, perhaps two, then she’d planned to leave. Now, knowing that she’d spent some four hours with a woman she didn’t know…it left her feeling confused.

  “Works for me.” Alexis shrugged as they slowly made their way off the dock and towards the city’s main road.

  “I didn’t think I’d spend so long with you, I'm sorry.”

  “I didn’t think you’d stay,” Alexis admitted. “You looked like you wanted to be anywhere but with me when I first met you.”

  “This is just…new to me.” Sam side-glanced at Alexis. “I never thought I’d contact you.”

  “Why did you contact me?” Alexis asked, the humid evening air causing a slight perspiration to settle on her forehead.


  “Well, we established that earlier this evening…”

  “What you're asking is, why the company of an escort?” Sam’s eyebrow rose. “When I have a wife, why am I contacting you?”

  “Like I said earlier, Sam… Whether you have a wife or not is none of my business.”

  “Still…you must wonder why you have clients who are married, no?”

  “I’m paid to make my clients feel good. Not know the ins and outs of their lives.” Alexis hated being so formal about their evening, but her desire to take this further was becoming too much, and far too soon. I have to remain distant.

  “Right.” Sam managed a smile but Alexis saw through it.

  “That doesn’t mean I don't take an interest, so please don't think that’s what I meant.”

  “No, you're right.” Sam held up her hand. “This is an arrangement. This is your job.”

  Alexis felt a guilt settle deep in her belly. She hadn’t meant to appear so nonchalant about Sam and her life, but as an escort, she distanced herself from getting to know people too well. After all, the end result was still the same as every other arrangement she had. She still went home alone. She still woke up alone. Her everyday life was very much alone. Though she felt something for Sam, as ridiculous as it seemed, Alexis knew nothing could ever possibly escalate. Sam was married and this was an arrangement.

  “So, this is me.” Sam cleared her throat as she took her keys from her bag. “Give me a second, okay?”

  “If this is too much for you…”

  “I’ve had a great evening.” Sam offered Alexis a sweet smile. “Now you get paid.”

  Alexis watched Sam disappear into her apartment block, the heavy glass door closing behind her. Whenever she was with a client in such close proximity to their home, it usually ended differently. She certainly couldn’t recall a time that she was left standing outside, but Sam had made it clear that their arrangement was dinner and conversation. Now that was over, her client was sticking to her word. Alexis pushed her blonde hair from her face as a breeze whipped around her, sighing as she leaned back against the wall of the building.

  Why am I attracted to her?

  She closed her eyes, pushing Sam from her mind and the way she made her feel. Alexis had always been in control of her evenings with clients, and while she didn’t particularly feel that she wasn't in control tonight, nothing felt how it should. In reality, she should go home this evening and wait for another booking with Sam, but right now, she wanted to ask her to dinner on her own terms. Without the escort façade. Without the payment at the end of the night. Without…this.

  The door clicked and Alexis turned to find Sam staring at her. “Thank you for waiting.”

  “Thank you for choosing me t
o spend your evening with.” Alexis’ hand brushed Sam’s as she took the envelope from her.

  “How much of this do you give to the agency?”

  “Oh, I can't say…” Alexis smiled faintly.

  “Then there is a cheque in there for you, too,” Sam stated. “Separate from the cost of tonight.”

  “Sam, that’s not necessary.” Alexis shook her head. “Please, take it back.”

  “Goodnight, Alexis.” Sam leaned in, but hesitated.

  “Goodnight.” Alexis took the lead, pressing a kiss to Sam’s cheek. “Perhaps I’ll see you again.”


  Sam made her way up the garden path, steeling herself for an evening with her mother. She’d somehow managed to avoid a family dinner for the last couple of months, but Lindsay insisted that tonight was the night when they could all catch up together. Their father wouldn’t be there, but Sam had become accustomed to that over the years. William Priestly worked his fingers to the bone, even at the age of sixty-seven. Sam curled her hand into a fist, knocking on her parents’ door. On the way here, she discovered that her set of keys had been misplaced, unable to remember the last time she had used them.

  “Sam!” The door flew open. “I thought you’d cancel again.”

  “Not now, Mum.” Sam pulled her mum into a hug. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “You are, sweetheart.” Susan pulled back, looking at her daughter. “You look tired.”

  “Thanks.” Sam blew out a deep breath as she crossed the threshold. “Can I at least get inside before the insults begin?”

  “It wasn't an insult, my love. It was an observation.”

  “Yeah, dress it up however you like.” Sam dropped her bag to the floor, moving through her parents’ home. “Lindsay home?”

  “She has a photo shoot.” Sam noted how her mum’s eyes lit up at the mention of Lindsay working. “I think it’s a big one, too.”

  “That’s great.” She didn’t tell me about it.

  “You know how she likes to be out there and doing what she loves.”

  Evidently, we are talking about two different people.

  “So, why haven’t I seen you in so long? Are you eating? Sleeping okay?”

  “This is why, Mum.” Sam cocked her head. “I don't need a million questions from you. I can take care of myself.”

  “Judging by the weight you’ve lost, I beg to differ.”

  “What weight?” Sam let out an exasperated sigh. She loved her mother dearly, but the worry and the questions really had prevented her from visiting. It was a never-ending theme.

  “You look sick, Sam.” Susan pulled her daughter into the conservatory. “Why don't you come home for a while?”

  “Because I have a home.”

  “Which one?” Her mother raised an eyebrow. “The beautiful one in the countryside, or that bloody flat you live in?”

  “It’s an apartment and it does me perfectly fine.”

  “Your father wants us to come and visit you,” Susan said. “He’s home this weekend.”

  “And I'm probably going to be busy.”

  “As always…”

  “Mum, please.” Sam dropped her face into her hands. “Can I not just come here for dinner and hear about how your day has been? Any plans you have? Why does it all have to revolve around me and the miserable life you believe I lead?”

  “You work too much. You're going to kill yourself!” her mother shrieked. “I don't want to wake up one day to news that my daughter is dead.”

  “Um, a little dramatic…don't you think?”

  “No! No, I bloody well don't.” Susan stood, pacing the floor. “Come home, Sam. Come and stay here. Take a break.”

  “I own a business, Mum. I don't have the option of taking a break.”

  “You lost your wife and you didn’t take a single day off. That’s not healthy. It’s not right.”

  “I’m leaving.” Sam shook her head. “I’m not sitting here listening to the same thing I've listened to for two years.”

  “Something is going on with you.” Susan narrowed her eyes. “You and Lindsay. You’re behaving very suspiciously, and I don't like it.”

  “Suspiciously?” Sam snorted. “And what do you think it is that we’re up to?”

  “I don't know because neither of you will speak to me!”

  “And can you blame us?” Sam asked. “You’re always worrying, Mum. Let it go. We’re both fine.”

  “I’M HOME!” Lindsay’s voice bellowed through the lower level of Sam’s childhood home.

  “Then you should come in here before Mum has us both sectioned!” Sam yelled. “Now!”

  “What?” Lindsay appeared. “Sectioned? Why?”

  “She thinks we’re being secretive—”

  “I said suspicious,” Susan interrupted.

  “Uh, I've been working so I have no idea what’s going on.” Lindsay set her camera bag down.

  “You working is suspicious.” Sam smirked. “How did it go?”

  “Fine, yeah.” Lindsay shrugged as she disappeared into the living room.

  Sam knew something was off with her sister, but she wouldn’t bring it up here. Not when their mother was already on the warpath. Sam knew well enough to wait until she was alone with Lindsay, especially if she had any chance of getting out of here in one piece tonight. Her mum…she was relentless when it came to discussions.

  “Go and sit with your sister. I’ll make dinner.”

  “Yes, Mother.” Sam rolled her eyes, leaving her mum standing in the middle of the conservatory.

  Sam joined Lindsay in her parents’ outdated living room. Wrinkling her nose as her eyes landed on the distressed leather couch, she took a seat and eyed her sister.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Huh? With who?” Lindsay side-glanced at Sam.

  “You. Smart arse.”

  “Nothing, why?” Lindsay kicked her feet up onto the coffee table. “Have you been in touch with Alexis again?”

  “No. Stop deflecting.” Sam lowered her voice. “Work…where was it?”

  “In town.”

  “Where?” Sam asked.

  “F-For some company.”

  “Name of the company?” Sam leaned in closer. “Address of the company?”

  “What?” Lindsay’s forehead creased. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I want to know where you’ve been working!”

  “A new bistro. They wanted me to do some food shoots for them. Someone recommended me to them.”

  “You don't do shoots unless you need the money.”

  “I needed the money.” Lindsay shrugged. “Obviously.”

  “Are you putting that shit up your nose again?” Sam gritted her teeth.

  “N-No.” Lindsay’s voice broke.

  “So why do you need the money?” Sam clenched her fists. “Do you owe someone? A dealer?”

  “Fuck off, Sam.” Lindsay pulled her knees up to her chest.

  “Mum said you're being suspicious. Now you're working when you don't usually. What the fucking hell is going on?”

  “I thought you knew me better than that!” Lindsay shot off the couch. “I thought you knew I wouldn’t ever do that again. Fuck you!” Lindsay disappeared, her heavy footsteps up the stairs ending with a slammed door.

  “Fuck!” Sam dug her nails into her palms. “Mum, I have to go!” she yelled as she snuck out of the living room and towards the front door.

  “Go where?” Susan stood in the kitchen doorway.

  “Something came up at the office. I’m sorry.” Before Susan had the chance to respond, Sam was rushing out of the door and down the garden path.


  “Lindsay, please call me.” Sam spoke to Lindsay’s voicemail for the sixth time in thirty minutes. Her evening had barely begun with Alexis, but her escort was the last thing on her mind at the moment. As much as she wanted to enjoy another summer’s ev
ening on the dock with the incredible blonde, Sam found herself standing at the dock wall, desperately seeking some kind of contact with her sister.

  “Is everything okay?” Alexis asked as Sam walked towards her, her hand gripping her phone.

  “Yeah, just trying to call my sister.”

  “Oh, okay.” Alexis had noticed Sam’s lack of conversation since she arrived, but she couldn’t really comment on it. Not when it had nothing to do with her. She would sit and wait, hoping Sam would find at least five minutes to converse with her before their time was up for the evening.

  “I’m sorry. I know I should be fully here with you, but we fell out earlier and now I can't contact her.”

  “Nothing serious, I hope?”

  “Could be, I don't know.” Sam sighed, sitting down next to Alexis. “Gorgeous night, huh?”

  “Perfect.” Alexis’ eyes trailed Sam’s profile. “Should I order us more drinks?”

  “Yeah, we should definitely do that.” Sam stared out at the calm water, the sound of laughter and music playing around her. “Surprise me.” Her hand settled on Alexis’ thigh briefly, pulling away when she realised what was happening. “Sorry.”

  “Don't.” Alexis smirked as she stood up and leaned down. “Someone like you touching me?” she whispered. “Any time, Sam.”

  Sam swallowed hard, watching her escort walk inside the bar.

  Don't, Sam. Just don't!

  She calmed herself, taking deep breaths and trying to remove the feel of Alexis’ muscular thighs from her memory. Sam hadn’t touched another woman since the day she met Lucia, but just that brief moment with Alexis had ignited something inside her. Something she wasn't sure she could control.

  “They’re bringing them out to us.” Alexis’ breath washed over Sam’s ear, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. “Shouldn’t be too long.”



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