Taming His Cowgirl (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 1)

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Taming His Cowgirl (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 1) Page 15

by Delta James

  Ruth finished making a hearty breakfast. Ryder ate with Ruth and Charlie and went over what would need doing for the next few days. After he’d finished, Ryder pulled on his boots, grabbed a large soft pillow, his down vest, Sherpa jacket, and hat and headed out to the barn via the kitchen door. Ruth was no longer there. He filled a travel mug with coffee and creamer and was about to leave when he saw several fingers of ginger in a basket on a shelf. Smiling, Ryder selected one he thought might be a good size to start with and tucked it into his pocket. Ryder went outside and down the steps to hook up a truck and trailer, load Mouse, and go collect his errant fiancée who was going to be introduced to another kind of punishment for her bottom as well as needing a pillow on which to sit for the return ride.

  * * *

  Sierra had reached the high pasture where she’d stashed the mustang herd. She went first to the creek to see if it was still running and was relieved to see it was. That meant all she needed to do was get hay put out for the herd and they’d be fine until the snow ceased falling and melted.

  She rode over to the hay storage and opened it. She pulled down numerous bales of hay and began roping and dragging them out to various spots in the meadow. Sierra would haul each one up onto its end and cut the baling twine that held them together. She pulled out twenty bales of hay and felt that would give the herd more than enough forage until she could get them moved down out of the high pasture.

  The ride up to the pasture and the work getting the hay bales dragged out had been frigid work and made more difficult due to the fallen and still falling snow. Sierra was cold. She rode Joker up to the lean-to and got off, leading him inside. She removed his gear and grabbed one of the waterproof winter blankets that she had purchased for each of their line shacks. She got him blanketed and put some hay in the manger for him.

  Once she had Joker settled, she went inside the line shack itself, built a fire, and started the heating unit. Her plan was to let both herself and Joker rest and get warm before heading back to the Flying M. Once she was well away from the high pasture, she planned to check in with Ryder. She hoped that by checking in before she got home, he’d be a little less angry with her slipping out of the house this morning.

  Sierra pulled off her boots and socks and put them on the drying rack in front of the fire. She grabbed an extra pair of wool socks she’d brought with her. It didn’t take long for the combined heater and fire in the line shack to begin to dispel the cold. She took water from her canteen and placed it in one of the pans and lit the stove to heat it. Once hot, she grabbed some of the hot chocolate mix and made herself a cup of cocoa.

  Joker’s nicker of greeting reached Sierra. She went over to the window and looked out. It was Ryder. He must have used the truck and trailer to get within easy reach of the line shack. If Charlie had told him which pasture she most likely had put the herd, it would have been easy enough for him to get there and then follow her tracks through the snow. She wasn’t sure whether she should be relieved or concerned that he too took Mouse into the lean-to and got him settled before heading into the line shack.

  Sierra quickly stripped out of her clothes. She hoped that finding her naked and waiting for him might go a long way toward mitigating whatever anger he might have.

  * * *

  Ryder had no trouble finding the gate on the western border described by Charlie. He’d also found Charlie’s directions to the high pasture easy to follow. Once he saw the tracks of a single horse headed up that way, he knew he’d found the right spot. As he entered the meadow, he could see the bales of hay she’d pulled out for the mustangs and most of them happily munching away. There was smoke coming from the chimney of the line shack and Joker had been put in the lean-to for a rest period. Ryder did the same with Mouse.

  Ryder opened the door to the line shack, stomping the snow off his boots before stepping inside. He wasn’t sure what he had expected, but the naked woman kneeling on the bed wasn’t it. He smiled; she was stunning, proud, and incredibly sexy. His cock stiffened immediately when he saw her there smiling seductively, her tits on display with their very aroused nipples.

  “Sierra,” he said evenly.

  “Hey, babe,” she said quietly.

  He turned and removed his hat, coat, and down vest. He also leaned down and removed his chaps.

  “Is there a reason you didn’t mention to me that you had a herd of mustangs hidden up here or that you were coming up to make sure they had food and water?”

  “Because I thought I’d have them moved off the Flying M before there was any snow,” she said honestly.

  “And once you saw it had snowed, you figured you’d just ride up here, take care of them, and ride back and no one would notice and I’d be none the wiser?”

  “I left a note.”

  “Ah, yes, the very vague note you left in the barn. Heaven forbid you leave me a note telling me what you were up to much less wake me up…”

  “But you looked so peaceful sleeping…”

  Ryder shook his head. “Bullshit. You didn’t wake me up because you knew I wouldn’t go along with this hare-brained scheme. You knew that if you didn’t provide for this herd, they’d move down out of the high pasture and might move off of the Flying M in search of better forage. Didn’t you?”

  He tone was even but Sierra could tell Ryder was pissed.

  “It’s a good thing you’re already naked.”

  She grinned. Maybe not as pissed as she thought. “I thought so. When I saw you putting Mouse up, I thought maybe we could take a break up here…”

  “Did you,” he said, smiling and crossing over to her and reaching out to cup her breast in his hand, thumbing the turgid nipple.

  She moaned appreciatively and arched her back to push herself deeper into his hand. His hand was cold in contrast to her heated flesh.

  “Yes. Wouldn’t you like to get warm before we head back?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, you’ll be plenty warm before we leave.”

  He leaned down to kiss her. Sierra closed her eyes and parted her lips, waiting for his to descend on hers.

  “Go stand in the corner,” he whispered.

  Her eyes flew open. “What?” she stammered.

  “You heard me, little girl. Take that sweet, sexy body of yours and go stand in the corner.”

  “Wh…Why?” she said in an apprehensive tone.

  “Oh, you know why. You, my beautiful cowgirl are going to get your bottom spanked before we leave here.”

  “No, Ryder…”

  “Yes, Sierra. Now go stand in the corner until I’m ready to spank you. Behave yourself from this point out and you might be able to avoid having my belt taken to your backside before we leave.”

  She started to get up. “You mean you won’t spank me at all or just you won’t spank me until we get home?”

  He pinched the nipple he had continued to fondle and chuckled, “Corner, Sierra, now.”

  The look in his eyes and set of his mouth let her know he had no intention of letting what she’d done this morning go without punishing her. Her only hope was that if she behaved he would refrain until they got back to the Flying M and maybe until everyone had retired for the evening. The idea of Ruth or Charlie knowing that Ryder spanked her was mortifying.

  She got up off her knees and went to stand in the corner.

  “Babe?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes, sweetheart?” he answered.

  She could hear him removing his socks and boots and then saw him put them next to hers on the drying rack.

  “Do we have some extra socks up here?” he said as he began to forage in the box up on the shelf.

  “There should be. Ryder?”


  “What are you going to do?”

  “Well, I’m going to put some socks on. Even though you have it nice and toasty in here, I’m afraid my feet will get cold before the socks I had on have a chance to dry out. Ah, here they are. This is nice, babe, having several pairs of dry
socks and glove liners. Good thinking.”

  “Thanks,” she said, unsure of how to proceed. That he was royally pissed was evident. What she couldn’t figure out was what he planned to do. “Ryder, am I in as much trouble as I think I am?”


  She laughed nervously. “I don’t know. I think I’m about to get spanked before we head back down to the Flying M.”

  “That would be correct. And I plan more than one way to add some fire to your ass. Once we get home to the Flying M, you and my belt are going to have a little chat about slipping out of our bed and sneaking off to do something you knew better than to do. Then, little girl, you’re grounded.”

  She whirled around. “You can’t ground me. I am not a child.”

  “Turn back around and put your nose back in that corner. I can and will ground you if I think it’s the most effective way of keeping you safe or stopping you from doing something you shouldn’t. And if I were you, I’d be far more worried about how much your ass is going to hurt from the spanking you’re going to get and whatever else I might have in store for you. This will be the first, last, and only time you pull a dangerous stunt like this on me.”

  Sierra turned back to face the corner. She shivered, not from the cold but in response to Ryder’s dominance. She could hear him sit down on the edge of the bed.

  “All right, Sierra, you can come out of the corner, but you come over here to me and put yourself across my knee.”

  “Ryder, please. Can’t this wait until we get home?”

  “Did you wait until I was awake or bother talking to me before deciding to pull this little stunt?”

  “No, but I couldn’t just leave them up here to starve.”

  “They’re wild horses, Sierra. They would have moved down to find forage. What you didn’t want was for them to wander off the Flying M—although how you thought they were going to get past the perimeter fencing is beyond me.”

  She had turned around and grinned at his observation. “I never thought of that…”

  “Too bad. That lapse in judgment is going to cost you. Now get your tail over here and put yourself in position for your spanking.”

  “Ryder… no. I know you said you were going to spank me if I misbehaved…”

  “And what? You didn’t think I would consider this misbehaving?”

  “No, I did…”

  “So then what are you fussing about? You knew you were misbehaving and knew you’d get spanked for it.”

  “But I thought you’d wait for me to get home…”

  “I see,” he said. “So, you thought I’d just go about my daily life knowing you’d gone off alone in a snowstorm and wait for you to deign to show back up at home? And when you saw I’d come after you, did you apologize? No, you greeted me naked, hoping I’d forget all about your naughtiness and just want to fuck you. Now, given how many times I fucked you last night, I can understand why you might think that, but believe me when I tell you that I love and value you far too much to let you seduce your way out of a spanking it is obvious that you need. Sierra, I’m not going to tell you again. If I have to come get you, little girl, I’m going to decide you need me to add your first taste of a welted bottom before I take you home. Is that what you want?”

  “No, Ryder, please.”

  “I’m going to count to three. If I get to three and stand up, you’re going to have to ride across the front of my saddle because you will not be able to put any weight whatsoever on your backside. One—two—”

  Sierra quickly crossed over to him and draped herself across his knee. He trapped her leg between his and steadied her upper body with his left hand.

  “Ryder, pl—”

  Her plea was cut off as his hand landed the first of what would be many stinging strikes to her naked bottom. She cried out; Ryder steadied her but continued to lay a pattern of painful swats all over her backside.

  “I’d have thought as tender as you were yesterday after you got spanked, you’d have waited a little longer to test me. But never fear, Sierra, I won’t let you down again. I will always be here to keep you safe and keep you in line.”

  Sierra began to struggle and Ryder increased the strength behind his blows. Her buttocks bounced beneath his hand and her body shuddered as the fire he had ignited in her backside grew to feel like a wildfire out of control.

  “Ryder, I’m sorry,” she managed to get out.

  “Not as sorry as you’re going to be,” he said calmly as he continued to spank her bottom until it was a deep red and she was openly crying and wailing for him to stop.

  She tried to raise up, but all that earned her was another dozen hard swats to her already blistered backside.

  “You don’t get up until I give you permission to do so.”

  * * *

  Ryder stopped and waited to see if she would stay in position. This time, she did. He dug into his pocket and pulled out the finger of ginger. He briefly considered peeling it but decided just to score it to allow some of its juices to start to flow. He figured just inserting it in her with only a bit of the juice escaping into her private passage would be enough to make his point.

  He smiled. What she had no way of knowing was that he planned not only to make punishing her anally a part of his discipline repertoire, but would also use it to train her so that eventually he could pleasure her via that portal as well.

  Ryder slipped his hand between her legs and used his fingers to draw out some of her natural lubricant. Some he rubbed on her clit, causing her to moan with desire. No doubt about it, Sierra had a heightened aroused response to his dominance. The other he brought up to work around her puckered hole.

  Sierra began to struggle as he thought she might.

  “Settle down, Sierra.”

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she said, clearly upset.

  Ryder smiled. From her reaction it was clear that he would be the first to claim her in that hole as well. He gently rubbed the tight ring of muscle, getting it to relax before inserting just the tip of his finger into her.

  Her reaction was swift and strong. She kicked her legs, tried to get off his lap, and screeched at his fondling her in an area she had never considered to be erogenous.

  “Stop it, Ryder.”

  “Sierra, naughty girls who do dangerous things get disciplined more harshly than when their misbehavior doesn’t include things that could get them hurt or killed. When your naughtiness reaches that level, I will punish your bottom both inside and out.”

  “What… what are you going to do?”

  “I brought a small piece of ginger with me. And before I make you go stand in the corner, I’m going to prepare it and then insert it in your sweet little virgin hole where my finger is. I’ll let it sit there for a bit until you feel a bit of sting, then use it to fuck you there.” He continued in a matter-of-fact voice, “Interestingly enough, the practice is referred to as figging. Not sure why as it is ginger and not a fig that is used. In any event, decidedly uncomfortable but also highly arousing.”


  “Yes. You submit and that’s all I’ll do today. Although I should probably tell you that I plan to get you comfortable with something up inside your bottom so that eventually I can fuck you in all three of your holes.”

  “You are not going to do that to me,” she cried.

  “Yes, sweetheart, I am. If you need me to remind you of who is in charge, I can quit fingering you and go back to spanking you for a bit, but we’ll end up right where we are. And if you still refuse to yield, I’ll take my pocket knife and peel the whole thing as opposed to just scoring the skin before I put it in. I understand the more of the flesh that is exposed, the greater the amount of fresh ginger juice and thus the nastier level of sting to it when inserted in a little girl’s bottom.”

  “Ryder, no, please?”

  “You knew what you were doing was wrong, didn’t you?” When she failed to answer, he raised his hand up and brought it down hard on her backs
ide. “Answer me.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you going to submit or do you need me to redden your pretty little butt some more before I fig you?”

  Ryder waited for her to decide whether to yield or fight. When she sighed in resignation and went limp over his knee, he released the breath he realized he’d been holding.

  “Good girl,” he crooned.

  He dipped his fingers into her wet pussy again and brought them up to try to ease the tension in the tight ring of muscle. He felt her relax and inserted the tip of his finger once again. He felt the natural resistance of her body, but felt she was resigned to accepting this as part of her punishment.

  Ryder withdrew his finger, scored the skin of the ginger in several places, and slowly inserted the plug. It wasn’t very big, just a bit larger than his finger, but he felt for her first time it would be sufficient. He heard her sharp inhale of breath as he settled the plug in her and merely held it there. Even not peeled and only lightly scored, the ginger would emit a bit of its natural juice through the slits in the skin he’d made.

  “God, Ryder, take it out. That hurts. Please?”

  “Naughty girls who are being punished do not get a say in how long their punishment lasts. They trust that their loving partner will administer the needed level of discipline to curb their bad behavior.”

  Ryder slowly slid the ginger root back before sliding it forward again. Sierra’s wail of distress was tinged with arousal and he smiled. Several times he slowly fucked her bottom with the ginger root until he could feel her squirm not from pain, but from arousal.

  “All right, Sierra. You can get up but you turn and face me.”

  “You aren’t going to leave it in me, are you?”

  “Yes, I am. You get to experience being plugged while you stand in the corner. If I think you are properly chastised, I may pull it out before I fuck you… or I may not. Now do you want to get up?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said quietly.

  She stood up slowly and did as she’d been ordered, gasping at the new sensation as she did so.


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