Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 6

by Erin Trejo

  “I’m gonna take you hard,” I warn her before slamming inside of her. I get so deep that I choke up. Brooke’s pussy clenches, and I swear to God, I won’t be able to hold out long. I know how bad she needs this, but fucking help me, I need it more.

  Chapter 18


  Declan holds my arms above my head with one of his hands. My mind is whirling with every thrust of his powerful hips. He’s lost in the sensations flowing between us. I raise my hips trying to pull him in deeper. I need this. I need the release. I need to feel. Declan must know what I need. He can sense it. He doesn’t ask, he just gives, and I think that’s what keeps calling me back to him.

  He plunges into me, and my body reacts. My pussy locks down of its own accord, trying to keep him inside of me. That’s the only place I want him. I want him to own me. I want him to pound into me so roughly that I will feel him for days, needing to feel the pain paired with the pleasure that he inflicts has me writhing beneath him.

  “You like that? You like when I hurt you?” He asks, looking down at me breathlessly. His eyes glisten in the light of the room. The way he watches me, I almost come undone.

  “Harder.” The only word that will form on my lips makes him smile.

  Declan grins before pulling out of me slowly. Just as I’m about to protest, he slams back into me roughly. My body jerks and spasms as he takes me harder, just like I asked him to.

  “Yes!” I cry out as the warmth floods me. My stomach tingles, my heart beats rapidly. I want this more than I have anything else in a long time - to feel him explode inside of me, to feel the weight of him on top of me. It’s all my mind can do to focus on the moment at hand.

  “Brooke!” Declan growls my name. I pry my eyes open and look up at him. His movements slow, his hand moving between my legs.

  He rolls his hips, touching me so deeply. His thumb circles my clit and lights flash behind my eyes. My orgasm takes me by surprise. I come harder than I ever have before with Dec right behind me. My pussy clenches, milking Declan for everything he has. His face is contorted in pleasure as his release takes him over the edge. He grunts and groans as I feel his dick twitching inside of me. He releases my hands, and I instantly bring them to his shoulders, holding him tightly.

  “Was that hard enough for you?” He smiles down at me.

  “That was perfect.”

  Chapter 19


  The last few weeks have consisted of business meeting after business meeting. It’s almost annoying as fuck, but it has to be done. Brooke has been around to get fucked more times than I can count. I’m not complaining. She’s growing on me.

  The club has signed off on new shipments of guns from our overseas provider and business is running smoothly. Aside from our lack of manpower, this club is kicking ass. Soulless Bastards have always been on top. The more we push ourselves, the more we work. We know how to run business. We know how to take care of it, too. Since Chop’s been gone, we have seen the money start to stack up. We knew where it was going but having it back where it belongs is nice.

  “Why are we even doin’ this? We have strippers at the clubhouse,” I grumble as we walk into Leggs, a fucking strip club.

  “Shut the fuck up. Maverick wanted his party here,” Blu says. I just groan. We have fucking strippers. If we don’t, give me ten minutes and we’ll get some. Wasting time and money coming here isn’t my ideal solution.

  I glance around, but there is nothing here I want. “Such a waste.”

  We pull up chairs and sit around the table when a pretty little thing walks up to us.

  “What can I get you, boys?” she asks. I glance over, running my eyes up and down her body. She isn’t bad looking, but working here, I’d guess that she’s as used up as the club whores.

  “Whiskey,” I tell her.

  She nods before going around the table taking orders. My eyes fall on the stage at the front when the lights dim and the music begins. Same old acts. The girl spins around the pole, does her thing. It used to get me hard watching them. Not anymore, though. It’s always the same thing over and over. There are never any new moves, just the same shit on repeat.

  “I’m goin’ to piss,” I tell Blu. He gives me a nod as I shove out of the chair. I stalk across the room when I see a woman with her hair piled up on her head. I let my eyes drag down her body taking in her knee-high heeled boots and sexy-as-sin ass in those tight-fitting jeans. I adjust my dick as I walk past her. But when she yells at the guy in front of her, I stop dead in my tracks. That voice. I turn around and look at her. She’s telling this man off, and it’s sexy as fuck.

  I can’t move. I stand there like a goddamn fool entranced by her little rant. The guy she’s yelling at looks over at me, but I can’t take my eyes off her. After a few seconds of him not paying attention she turns her head to see what the fuck he’s looking at.

  “Oh, for fuck's sake!” she yells. “What the hell are you doing here?” She moves toward me with the look of anger etched into her face. She’s hot as fuck like that, too.

  “What the fuck are you doin’ here? You a stripper?” I ask her. I know she isn’t. At least judging by what she’s wearing I wouldn’t guess her to be.

  “Are you serious right now?” she asks, narrowing her eyes at me.

  “You’re in a strip club, butterfly.” I motion around with my hand. She raises her eyebrows before she huffs.

  “I have too much work to do to deal with you.” She stomps past me, and God fucking help me, I follow behind her. I see her smile and nod at some guy who I assume is a bouncer before she walks down a back hallway. I try to follow her, but the man stops me.

  “You can’t go back there,” he says. I look down at his hand on my chest before I lose it.

  “Now you decide who can and can’t go back there?” I ask, putting two and two together. This is the club she was talking about. This is where someone came after her. “Where the fuck were you when someone punched her in the fuckin’ face?” I raise my voice.

  “That won’t happen again,” the guy snaps at me.

  “You know what, you’re right. It won’t, ‘cause if it does, I will fuck your whole world up.” His eyes widen before he steps up closer to me. That’s when I hear her.

  “Let him past, Nick,” Brooke hollers down the hall. Nick turns to look at her, but I don’t. I keep my eyes trained on this little fuck who let her get hurt. Nick steps back, but I don’t move.

  “She ever gets hit on your watch again, I’ll come back for you,” I say when only he can hear me.

  Nick nods slowly before I turn and walk down the hall. Brooke walked into the last room, and that’s where I head.

  “What kind of security you got workin’ here? I hope he’s not all of it,” I say, pointing toward the door. Brooke’s eyes come up from the desk she was staring down at to meet mine.

  “For now he is.” She looks away quickly before I let out a growl.

  This is bullshit.

  Chapter 20


  There’s a deep rage simmering in those gray eyes. He’s mad. I don’t know why he cares, but I can see the look. I look back down at the paper in front of me, trying to avoid his gaze. It’s harder than I thought it would be too.

  “You know that’s bullshit, right?” he says. I take a deep breath and look up at him.

  “It is but when you have a fucking budget, you make it work,” I say calmly. I’ve looked into a hundred different ways to try to get this club back up and running at full speed and security wasn’t high on that list considering we haven’t had any problems.

  “One fuckin’ bouncer? He doubles as security?” Declan’s eyes blaze with fire.

  “Yep, one per shift. That’s all I can afford at the moment. One bouncer.” That’s all he’s getting. The only thing he’s doing right this minute is making my goddamn panties wet, and I don’t like it. I don’t like that he is affecting me. I don’t like that I’m letting him.

  “This you
r club?” he asks, his voice calming slightly as he runs his hand over his face.

  “My uncle’s club, but I run it most of the time.”

  “I didn’t realize this place was still open,” he says, dropping into the chair across the desk from me.

  “It’s barely open. That’s why I’m here. My uncle can’t handle it on his own. He asked me to come in and see what I could do with it so he wouldn’t have to shut it down,” I admit to him.

  Declan nods his head before looking around, “I hope a remodel is on the list of things to do.”

  I huff out a breath before I smile. “A remodel is nowhere near the top of the list. Did you miss the part about having one bouncer?” He gives me a sad smile before scratching at his neck.


  “Maxed out.”

  “Fuck!” he says. I nod. Yep! My feelings exactly.

  “I’m doing the best I can. Changed out beer distributors - that saved us a little. I’m still trying to look at it all, though. It’s time consuming,” I tell him.

  “I bet it is. I got a few connections on the liquor end. Might get you a better rate than you are now.”

  I pull my eyes up to meet his.

  “That would be great. Thanks.” He nods and looks around the small office. He has more to say. I wait for it. Declan leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees before looking at me.

  “How much would it take to get you in the green?” His eyes burn straight through me. My body comes alive when he’s this close to me. I shake my head, trying to focus on his questions rather than my hormones.

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m nowhere near that,” I tell him. It’s true. I’ve played with numbers for over a week. This club was once a money machine.

  “Previously, they rolled in at least a million a year. Recently, income has dropped by seventy-five percent, and with the amount we are putting out for all of the accommodations and paying the girls - we’re going under. The liquor prices have gone up. The girls are demanding more and more money. Our DJ was offered a better paying job and has asked for a raise. You know the area has had a higher crime rate lately, which is driving out our upper-class businessmen.”

  “Not what I asked you,” he says.

  “To be back where we need to be and actually start making a profit, I guess somewhere in the upper hundred thousand area,” I snap. I watch his face. That number didn’t faze him even a little. Declan leans back in his seat, his thumb trailing so fucking sexually over his bottom lip. You can tell he’s lost in thought. I wouldn’t know what the fuck he’s thinking though.

  “I’ll front it,” he finally says.

  I shake my head with a grin on my face.

  “Not a chance in hell.”

  “Why the fuck not? You need bailed out; I see this as a great fuckin’ investment,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.

  “I don’t want your shit mixed up in this! Are you insane? I didn’t ask you for a handout!” I snap. I’ve never asked for help. Not with something like this. I’m not stupid, and I can handle it myself. Bringing Declan and his guys into this will just make it that much worse.

  “I’m not offerin’ a handout. I’m offerin’ a business deal,” he says calmly.

  “No,” I say firmly.

  “Why not?” He leans forward, watching me.

  “I don’t want your deal, Declan. Do I look stupid to you?” I glare at him.

  “Not at all.” He stares back at me.

  I swallow hard before I stand up and walk around the desk. “I appreciate the offer, Declan. Like I said, you don’t know me. This isn’t my club to take offers on anyway, and if it were, the answer would still be no,” I tell him as I pull the door open. Declan stands and moves toward me. He stops when he’s next to the door.

  “You are stubborn as hell, and you have no fuckin’ idea how much I like that.” He looks down at me with a grin on his face. “The offer stays open if you ever want to take it.”

  He leans down, brushing his lips against mine slowly. His kiss is soft and sweet. Not like the man I’ve come to know in him.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  Chapter 21


  “Heat’s comin’ down on us,” Blu says. I look up from the joint I was rolling.

  “From where?” I ask.

  “Not sure. I told Chandler to get a fuckin’ handle on it or I’ll turn his ass over to his captain myself,” Blu says with a pissed off tone. I chuckle slightly.

  “Hated that motherfucker since the day he started workin’ for us,” I tell him. Chandler is a cop we have on our payroll. I can’t stand the little bastard, but he’s never failed us before.

  “They’re hittin’ everything around. It ain’t just us. We need to ride out North anyway,” he says. I nod once before lighting my joint.

  “What was that shit at Leggs the other night?” he asks, leaning back in his seat.

  “Brooke works there. Her uncle owns it.”

  “Didn’t strike me as the type to own no damn strip club.” Blu laughs at the thought.

  “Fuck no! It’s got a lot of promise and used to bring in big money. Said the fuckin’ club is goin’ under. I offered to help her out. She didn’t want it,” I tell him.

  “She may take you up on it later. You should get her to ride with us.”

  I look at Blu when the words leave his mouth. I can’t believe he, of all people, just said that to me. Blu doesn’t like outsiders anywhere near our shit, let alone on a fuckin’ ride to our sister chapters.

  “What the fuck for?” I ask, inhaling.

  “She makes you different. I like you when she’s around - you ain’t such an ass,” he says on a laugh.

  “Fuck you! She’s been around a few times, Blu,” I tell him flipping my hand through the air.

  “Yeah, a few times you weren’t such a dick.” He laughs.

  “She’s got the club to handle.” I shove out of my chair and head toward the door. “I’ll be back later. Got some shit I wanna handle before we ride.”

  “Heard that.”

  I walk into the main room and see Tic standing against the bar looking rather pissed.

  “Where’s your head, brother?” He brings his eyes to mine.

  “Gone. I just heard that Saints Crossing might cross the fuckin’ line, man.”

  My eyes widen when he says that. Saints Crossing is another MC just on the outskirts of town. They’ve never been a problem for us before, but they’ve always wanted a little more reach than we were willing to give them.

  “You talk to Blu?” I ask immediately. Tic shakes his head. “Just heard it. Was waitin’ on you to come out.”

  “Get the fuck in there and tell him. I got some shit to handle. I’ll be back soon.” Tic nods before heading toward the office. This isn’t what we need right now.

  The last time we had an issue with Saints was when my dad was the fucking president of this club. He didn’t handle things back then the way we do now. He was always on the fence about fighting over territory. Now? We will fight to the fucking death because that’s what we do. This is our land. No one makes a move on it without us saying it’s ok. It’s a funny thing to think about for me. My father wouldn’t fight for his land, but he would make his fifteen-year-old son kill a man in cold blood while his kids watched it happen.

  I walk over to my bike and grab my helmet, my mind whirling with ideas. A straight fucking ambush sounds good to me right about now. I don’t care who gets in the middle. We will take them all out. One by fucking one.

  I rev up my bike and pull out onto the road, throttle it, and go. I need to feel that speed. I need to feel the rush I get when I ride, the way the bike rumbles beneath me. A lot of people call it a death machine, and if you don’t know how to handle it properly, it could be. That’s not me. I know how to handle my machine; I’ve been riding since I was a kid.

  The first time my dad threw my ass on the back of his bike I was three. He thrust an oversized helmet into my hands and t
old me to hold the fuck on. I did, too. I loved it – everything about it. It sent a thrill through my body that nothing could compare to. I guess the asshole did one thing right with me.

  I roll through town without a care in the world at the moment. Everything drifts away when I ride. Things will still be there when I get back, but for now, I’m free of it all. I’m about to take the next left through town when I see her standing on the sidewalk. I’d know that ass of hers anywhere.

  I pull up at the curb and cut the bike off. I know she heard me pull up. The two other girls she’s with are staring, but Brooke refuses to make eye contact with me. It stirs up something unusual in my chest.

  “You tryin’ to avoid me?” I ask. Brooke slowly turns to face me, a haunted look crossing her face.

  I climb off the bike quickly and move toward her. Cupping her cheek in my hand, I bring her eyes to mine.

  “Talk to me. What’s goin’ on?” I ask again.

  Her eyes fill with tears before she says, “My uncle’s dead.”

  Chapter 22


  My heart breaks in my chest. It’s in pieces that will never be able to heal. I lost my dad and now my uncle. My family is slowly dwindling down to nothing. It’s a hard reality to have to face. The cop that came to the house to tell me about his death was sincere. He said they would investigate it but nothing seemed out of the ordinary in his suicide note. One bullet to the temple. That’s what they said. One of the girls apparently went to his house to hook up. It wasn’t uncommon with him. They told me that she found him in the living room. The same living room we used to spend Christmas and holidays in.

  “I’m not going,” Angel says softly. I whip my head up and look at her.


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