Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 14

by Erin Trejo

  I reach for his hand and squeeze it in mine. “I don’t even remember my mom. I was so young when she died. At least you have that memory of yours. You should keep it safe, Declan.”

  “Here. Keep it. You need it more than I do.” He passes the rosary back to me.

  “Declan.” I start to protest when he spins me around. His hands come up to cup my cheeks.

  “Everything I’ve ever wanted is all inside of you. You are what I want, Brooke. You hold my heart. I want you,” he says in a demanding tone.

  “You do?” I ask not sure that I heard him right.

  “I love you, Brooke. I love your attitude. I love how you test my patience. I love how you snore lightly in your sleep. Fuck, there’s nothin’ about you that I don’t love.” Before I can open my mouth, Declan closes it with his.

  His lips are on mine, and everything else just fades away. Nothing matters in this moment but him. He makes me feel whole. He makes me feel loved and cared for. When he pulls back, I smile up at him.

  “You’re lucky I love you or I’d kick your ass for manhandling me like that.” Declan throws his head back and laughs a real, deep laugh.

  “Come on, we got a party to get to.” Declan drags me down the road again, only this time I’m high on him.

  We walk back into the party when everyone turns to face us.

  “I’m only gonna say this one more time,” Declan hollers. Everyone settles down, and all eyes are on us.

  I look up at Declan and try to get a read on what it is he’s doing when he says, “Brooke’s my old lady. For now and forever. I’m claimin’ her ass one last time!” he roars. The guys all go crazy. Mayhem moves toward me first, lifting me in his arms and spinning me around.

  “Told you, you are family! You’re stuck with us now!” he laughs.

  When he sets me down, Cherry runs toward me.

  “I’m so happy for you, Brooke. You deserve to be happy,” she squeals in my ear.

  I hold her tightly before I say, “Happy Birthday!” She smiles when she pulls back. Blu is standing there watching me.

  “This mean you’re stayin’ this time?” His tone is harsh like always. Dec moves back to my side, grabbing my hand in his.

  “I think you’re stuck with me,” I tell Blu. He nods once before stepping forward.

  “He went through hell for you. It ate him alive. I watched him spiral downward the last few months, and I hated it. He’s like a son to me. We’re brothers. I know you two had your reasons, but love is stronger than the shit we deal with.” I get what he’s saying. He doesn’t want me to hurt Declan anymore, and I don’t plan on it.

  “I get it, Blu. You guys mean a lot to me. I love Declan.” He nods before pulling me into a hug.

  “I’m glad you’re back, Brooke,” he whispers in my ear.

  When he pulls back, he says, “We still have that issue with Mouse and you kickin’ his ass!” He points at me. I try not to laugh. It isn’t funny. I disrespected the club and Mouse, and I feel like shit for it.

  “I’m really sorry I did that. I wasn’t trying to be an ass.” Blu starts laughing and so does Declan. I look around at them a little confused.

  “I ain’t mad at you, darlin’. Mouse did his job. He knew better than to lay a hand on a woman, but nevertheless, he got his ass handed to him. We’re gonna give him hell for that,” Blu says as he walks away laughing.

  Declan grabs me around the waist and leads me to the side of the clubhouse. Standing in the darkness of the shadows, he pulls his gun from the back of his jeans. He settles it on my chest before dragging it farther down.

  “Now, butterfly. You want that hard steel between your thighs?” he asks, rubbing his gun between my legs and setting all my senses on fire.

  “I want your hard steel between my thighs. I love you, Dec.”

  “I love you, butterfly.”


  Soulless Bastards MC

  No Cal



  I bring it.

  I own that shit.

  Then I walk away and leave you to clean up the mess. That’s the way I’ve always lived. For me, there is no other way. This is who I am.

  Was I always like this? If my mom were still around she would tell you yes. She’s the one that gave me the nickname. She knew I was a wild child. Eventually, I became too much for even her to handle. Or life did. I always believed it was me. My dad tells me otherwise, but deep down, I know I was partially responsible for her splitting. She didn’t want to be a mom. She wasn’t ready, but for the first eight years of my life, she tried. I remember her. She was an amazing mom but I pushed her to her limits.

  Being the enforcer of the Soulless Bastards MC came naturally to me. I liked fucking people up. I liked taking lives. It gives me a thrill of epic proportions. I haven’t had a single regret in what I do. I don’t think I can; it’s a part of me, a way of life for me. With my family by my side, I have everything I have ever wanted. Well, I almost have everything I wanted.

  The one thing lacking is a woman at my side. An old lady. I had one once. I fucked that up too.

  The day she died was the day I lost what was left of my sanity. Of course, I have always been a little off, but losing Becca took what was left of me and smashed it into the ground.My heart was buried with her. I don’t think I will ever be the same again. Most days, I don’t want to be. I like being me. I am the king of my own demise.

  Chapter 1


  “Hey, motherfucker! Get off the goddamn roof!” Declan yells up at me as I look over the edge. I just grin at him. Who the fuck is he to tell me what to do?

  “Get fucked! It’s quiet up here!” He shakes his head before walking back inside. I drop back onto my back and finish smoking the joint that lingers between my fingers.

  I inhale and close my eyes, letting the rest of the world fade away. Sometimes I wish it would. You know that feeling you get when enough is enough and you just want to say fuck it and hide? That’s my mood today. The sulking, brooding, fuck you kind.

  “Church!” I hear my dad, Blu, yell signaling it’s time to have a meeting. I know that’s more for me than the rest of the guys. When I refused to come in earlier, the motherfucker threatened to set the goddamn clubhouse on fire. I blow out a ring of smoke before shoving off the roof. With my joint hanging between my lips, I grab the edge of the gutter and swing my legs over the side. I drop to the ground, landing on my feet.

  “How nice of you to join us, Spiderman,” Tic, my brother, says when he looks up at me.

  “I didn’t wanna join you. That’s why I was up there,” I say in the most annoyed tone I can manage as I shove past him and walk inside.

  Some days you just need to be alone. Some days you just need a goddamn break from the rest of the world, but living as part of this MC, you don’t get that often. You can at least dream, right? I walk into the office and drop into my chair, glancing at the other guys.

  “What the fuck has your dick so twisted?” my pop asks when he sees my face.

  I glare at him like he’s insane before I say, “You know what day it is.”

  He seems to think about that one for a minute before a somber look passes over him.

  “Fuck, Mayhem. I didn’t think,” he says softly.

  I wave my hand through the air before I tell him, “It’s fine. You’d think I’d be over that shit already.” I grab the cigarettes out of my cut and light one up. Four years ago. That’s when Becca died. That’s when I died. You’d think someone like me would get over it, but here I am still a raging piece of shit. My heart still feels like it’s in a million little pieces, and I have no idea how to put it back together. Thankfully, pop gives me a sad smile letting me know that conversation is done for now.

  “We have a new shipment of guns comin’ in on Friday. I also have the fuckin’ meetin’ with Bill tomorrow,” Blu says. I grumble at the thought.

  Bill is the local mayor. Soulless Bastards have had him in
their pocket for as long as I’ve been alive. The motherfucker is old as shit, but he works well with this club and we use that to our advantage as far as the money part goes. He pays well. I glance around at the looks on the other guys’ faces before I ask, “What the hell does he want?”

  My dad scrubs his hand over his face before looking up. “From what he said on the phone, he’s gonna need a security team for his kid.” We all glance around a little confused.

  “Since when is his kid around?” Declan asks the question we’re all wondering.

  “Fuck if I know. Since he drug her ass back from overseas. I don’t know shit about it. All I know is she’s been gone for years,” he says.

  We all shrug and go with it. We always run a lot of security for him so I assume this one won’t be much different, and if it’s his kid involved, maybe the pay will be higher.

  “Heard that. We got it covered whatever it is.” Tic adds.

  “The shipment Friday is gonna need security too, and we are votin’ on Monster this Saturday. We got a shit ton to take care of this week. Anyone have anything else to bring to the table?” Blu looks around at everyone, but no one says a word.

  “That’s all I got then.” He slams the gavel onto the table before the guys all stand. I watch them all leave as I stay planted in my seat smoking my cigarette.

  “You ok?” my dad asks, shifting to move closer to me. He knows me. He knows I won’t talk about it.

  “I’ll live.”

  “You don’t have to keep livin’ like this, Mayhem,” he says, running his hand over his exasperated face.

  “Like what, Pop? Like I lost the only fuckin’ thing I ever cared about?” I snap. I’m not in the mood for this shit. Shoving out of the chair, I head for the door when his voice stops me.

  “We all grieve differently, Son. I get it. I just wish you’d move forward.”

  I stomp from the room lost in my head and not wanting to hear anything he has to say right now. I hate that I can’t move past this. I hate that I feel the way I do, but what the hell can I do? How do you move past something like that?

  Chapter 2


  Home sweet home. Yeah, fucking right. It was never home, and it surely wasn’t sweet. Everything that has happened under this roof was blamed on me. I was the reason my mom died of cancer. I was the reason the maid quit. I was the reason I needed to be shipped off to a school overseas. Now that I’ve finished with school, I’m here again. What does that say about me? I was happy, or at least some kind of alternative sense of happy, when I was in Rome. It was a strange place. It wasn’t home, but neither is here. Here all I feel is depressed and useless.

  “Are you settled in?” my dad asks as I sit on the posh comforter he had brought in for my room. He stands in the doorway of my room with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Should I be?” I ask, my voice full of sarcasm. He knows I don’t want to be here.

  “What is your problem now, Taylor? Do you not want to live here? Is that it?” He roars with that fire in his voice. The same fire that blamed me for everything when I was younger.

  “You want the honest truth? No, I don’t. I’d rather have my own place. This house holds too many memories for me,” I tell him truthfully.

  “Those memories were all you made them to be! You should have thought about that when you were younger!” he snaps, his hands running through his graying hair.

  I know I didn’t cause my mother’s cancer. How could I? I was seven for God’s sake, and that isn’t something caused by a person. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel it deep within my soul, though. There’s a part of me that cries out for her, a part that wishes for her to be here again.

  When you’re seven, you believe anything your parents tell you. So when my dad blamed me for her getting sick, I believed it was my fault. Even to this day, I hear his nagging voice saying that I ruined her life. I didn’t know any better then. Although I do now, but that does little to ease the ache in my chest. The ache of knowing that I will never get to see her or talk to her again. It’s hard for the soul.

  “If you must have a place of your own, I will get it set up.” He walks from the room in his overpriced Italian leather shoes. He’s always so damn showy with his money. Another thing I hate about him.

  I drop back on the bed and close my eyes wishing this day had never come. I was okay living in Rome. I didn’t have many friends, but I was living and that’s all that mattered. Here I feel like a caged animal. I feel like my every move is being watched. It makes me nervous and uneasy.

  I slide my phone out and dial, Beth. She’s the only friend I have around here. When I was sent away, Beth and I would write each other letters and when it was time for our family phone calls, they would all go to her.

  “Hey! Are you back?” She squeals into the phone excitedly.

  “I’m back. Don’t count on coming over here, though. Dad is being an ass.” I sigh into the phone. I know that he won’t let her over here. Even if I am considered an adult now. He doesn’t see me that way. Probably because he sent me away when I was eight. That’s right. The good old mayor sent his only daughter away when she was a mere eight years old. He said it’s because he couldn’t handle seeing me since I look a lot like my mom. I knew it was because he blamed me.

  “God, I hate your dad. You can stay here. I already told you that,” Beth says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. That’s nothing new. She’s hated my dad since we were kids. She never liked the way he treated me. Beth is the only friend that I’ve kept since being sent away, and I cherish that.

  “I know, but you have a life, Beth. I think he’s going to get me a place. I need to look for a job. I don’t want anything from him.” I sigh. It’s true. I don’t, but when you are his daughter, you don’t get much of a choice.

  “I know April said they were hiring down at the diner. I could see if she still needs help,” Beth says.

  “Yeah, let me know. Otherwise, stripper it is!” I jokingly tell her.

  Beth laughs until she’s in tears when she says, “Your dad would for sure have a heart attack! That would be the only reason to strip. Leggs is always looking for strippers!” She laughs harder.

  “Is that still open?” I ask. I knew about that place when I was younger but even back then it was falling down.

  “Yeah, it is. New owners. They have a male night on Thursdays. We should go!” She squeals in delight.

  “I’m all for it! I could use a night out,” I tell her before thinking about it. I doubt she’ll remember come Thursday anyway.

  “Good. Then Thursday we are going out. I think Michelle knows the new owner; she can get us in. I’ll call her.” I sigh when Beth hangs the phone up.

  I wish this wasn’t what my life has come down to. I wish I had a life. All I have is the regret of the past and my new diploma. I took a few years of college, but I didn’t finish it when dad sent for me. One more year. One more year and I’ll be twenty-one. A twenty-one-year-old stuck living with her father who despises her.

  One day I will make it out from under his shadow. One day I will live a real life.

  Chapter 3


  “Roll your hips.” I slap Gloria’s ass making her squeak. Why can’t these club whores just fuck like they are supposed to? I swear to fuck, this is more like the how-to session of fucking. I’m really getting sick of it.

  “Oh God.” She moans. What the fuck is she moaning for? I know my dick is big, but she is barely moving! This is like that roller coaster ride you went on when you were a kid and it stalls. That’s what’s happening right now. My dick is stalling.

  “Look, if you ain’t gonna ride my dick, just bend the fuck over and let me finish.” Her eyes snap open. She looks down at me a little pissed. I don’t care. I’m sick of little girls that want to be with real men but don’t know how to handle us.

  “It’s so good, Mayhem,” she groans as her overly long nails drag across my chest. Ok. That’s it. The bitc
h looks like she rolled her face around in a box of Crayola’s before she came in here, but I thought I’d get a quick fuck and move on. This is insane though! I shove her off me quickly, tossing her onto her stomach. I grab her hips and lift them in the air before plunging back inside of her. She’s not that tight but she’ll do. I thrust into her rapidly needing to find my fucking release before I throw up from looking at the rainbow face. Reaching forward I grab her hair and yank it roughly listening to her scream my name. I roll my eyes and take her harder.

  “Come the fuck on!” I growl as I ram inside of her. Thrust after thrust, I close my eyes and picture Becca. Her beautiful face. Her long golden hair as it swept around her. That’s all I need to get off. I cum roughly inside of her, filling the condom full. I’m breathless when I pull out of her and drop back onto the bed. Apparently Crayola Wonder takes it as an invitation and tires to snuggle, throwing her arm over my chest. What the hell is she thinking?

  “What are you doin’?” I ask now that I’m a little interested in what she thinks is happening right now.

  “I’m tired, Mayhem. Can’t I stay with you tonight?” she asks sweetly. I look down and see her clown paint running down my chest where her head is. Yeah, I don’t think so.

  “Not a chance in hell. Get the fuck up and out,” I tell her. Her eyes come to meet mine and there it is. The motherfucking waterworks. She forces the tears to fall, further letting that shit she calls makeup run down my chest. I reach for the back of her head, pulling her hair as I lift her.

  “Look, you did what you were here to do. Now get the fuck up and out of my room, darlin’. I will make sure no one in this club touches you again if you can’t follow simple directions.” I growl at her. Yeah, a fucking growl. Like a goddamn bear so that she gets the idea. Gloria pulls her hair free of my hand before climbing off the bed. Reaching over, I grab the sheet and wipe the remnants of her face off my skin before tossing it to the side.


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