Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 26

by Erin Trejo

  “I love you too.”

  “You’re gonna be my old lady. You’re gonna give me kids,” he says as if he’s making a list.

  I laugh before I ask, “Are you demanding this of me?”

  “Nope. I’m tellin’ you. There’s a difference, love.”

  Chapter 41


  My phone dings in my pocket. I stuff the cigarette between my lips and grab it. It’s a message from Ivanov saying that Masters was handled. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I grin before blowing out a ring of smoke.

  “What the fuck are you smilin’ about, brother?” Tic asks slapping a hand on my shoulder. I flash him the screen and watch the smile curve his lips too.

  “That is somethin’ to smile about. You plan on tellin’ her?” he asks nodding toward Tay.

  “Not unless she asks. She don’t need details about that shit. She knows she’s safe now that’s all that fuckin’ matters to me.”

  Tic nods his agreement. “True. I’m glad you’re good, brother. I know shit’s been hard on you for a while now. I’m glad that you got someone to ground you and keep you sane.”

  Tic and I have always been close. We’re more than brothers in the club; we’re brothers by blood, and I couldn’t thank God enough for him.

  “I just wanna say that I’m sorry, Tic. I know I’ve been a fuckin’ mess for a while now. I know that shit was hard on this club and everyone in it. I just wasn’t me. I didn’t know how to be. She makes me better, though.”

  Tic nods. He already knows all this. “You have always been my brother, Mayhem. Don’t matter what the hell is goin’ on your life or mine. We’re family, man. You’re my boy. I hated watchin’ you fall, but I knew that you needed it. You don’t know how to move up until you hit bottom. I hated leavin’ you there, but I knew you’d come back.”

  “Appreciate that, Tic.”

  I look over and see Tay smiling. Her face is lit up and full of life. That’s how I always want her to be. I want her to smile and be full of life. I want her to have no fears in the world. I want her to rely on me to take care of her.

  She turns her head and catches me staring. Her eyes brighten a little more as she walks toward me. I can’t find the words to describe what I feel. Fucking insane, right? Me of all fucking people is left speechless. She does that to me, though. She takes all my train of thought and warps it.

  “Why are you so happy?” she asks me with that perfect smile in place.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I have you.” I grab her around the waist and pull her closer to me. Her chest pressed against mine. Her warmth pulls me in. Her scent assaults my nose.

  “Gotta tell you somethin’, love.” Her smile slowly fades. She always thinks the worst.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothin’s wrong. Everything is right. That’s what I wanted to tell you. I got this for you,” I tell her before reaching back and grabbing the box off the table. Tay steps back watching me. Her eyes follow my every move.

  “What’s that?” she asks nodding toward the box in my hand.

  “Open it.”

  She shakes her head with her eyes wide. “No way. It’s probably some kind of gag gift. Not happening.” She smiles happily.

  “What the fuck is a gag gift? Like a prank?” She nods her head still smiling. “This is far from a joke, love.”

  Tay takes the box from me before slowly pulling the lid off. Her eyes widen when she looks inside.

  “You really got this for me?” She looks up at me stunned. What the hell did she think was going to happen?

  “Damn right, I did.”

  “You didn’t even talk to me first.” Oh hell, here she goes again.

  “Didn’t need to. I already know the answer,” I tell her. She widens her eyes and smirks.

  “You didn’t know the answer. I could say no, Mayhem,” she says. I can’t tell if the girl is being serious or fucking with me. Neither one would be wise right now. I’ll bend her over right here in front of everyone and spank her ass raw until she says the words I want to hear.

  “Will you say no, Tay? Will you deny the man you love the one thing he wants the most? Will you say no and get spanked in front of everyone?” I ask her. Her cheeks blush. I love it. I knew I had her where I wanted her.

  “I say yes.” What is she saying yes to?

  “Which part?”

  “All of it. I want you, Mayhem. I also wouldn’t mind being spanked.” She giggles. I grab her wrist and pull her into me.

  “So, you are sayin’ you will be my old lady? That you’ll wear my name all over this sexy ass body of yours?” I run my tongue up her neck watching her shiver from my touch.

  “Yes. Yes, I want you,” she whispers. I pull back and smile.

  “You ain’t gettin’ shit for that little tease.” I grab the cut I had made for her out of the box before tossing the box to the side. I hold the cut up to her, watching her slide her arms into it.

  “I don’t know how I feel about this. I mean, I have to wear this saying that I belong to you, what the hell do you have to wear?” She turns to face me, crossing her arms over her chest as my heart swells. Fuck, she looks sexy as hell in that leather.

  “I wear this.” I slide my shirt up my stomach and show her the tattoo that she didn’t know I got. Yeah, I’m a sneaky son of a bitch.

  “You didn’t!” she screams loudly, but the smile on her face tells me she likes it.

  “You don’t like it?” I tease. Her fingers slowly move over the tattoo that says Tay with a heart around it.

  “I love it. I love you.” She throws herself into my arms. I gladly take that. I lean my head down, kissing her roughly.

  The guys are all cheering around us, but like every other time I have her in my arms, I don’t hear anything else. I don’t feel anything but the beating of our hearts.

  “Now you can never leave me,” I tell her. She giggles before kissing my neck.

  “Why would I want to? I have everything I’ve ever wanted right here.” Her hand stills over my heart and my world falls in line.

  I may have been fucked up in the past. Losing someone you love can rip you apart. Finding the one that fits you as a person though, that’s something everyone should get to feel at least once in their lifetime. No matter how hard you try to fight it, the right one will find you and you will fall hard.

  I found my forever in Tay. She holds my heart carefully in her hands as I do hers. Like my Pop told me, I needed to find someone that conformed to me as a man and not my lifestyle. Tay is the furthest thing from a biker chick, but that doesn’t mean shit to me. She has a power in her. A power that holds my heart hostage. She understands me as the man that I am. The person I’ve become. She doesn’t try to change me, only make me better.

  “You know you mean everything to me,” I whisper into her neck as I held her closely.

  “Not as much as you mean to me.”


  Soulless Bastards MC

  No Cal

  Chapter 1


  I sit here watching the clock as time fucking ticks by. The nights hold nothing for me anymore. They haven’t in a long time. The days aren’t much different.


  I hear his little voice filter down the hallway. Jameson. My son. He’s five. He’s the light of this fucked-up dark world. His mom left us when he was three months old. She said she couldn’t be a mother. What kind of fucked-up logic is that? You had sex. You gave birth, but you can’t be a fucking mother?

  I wasn’t sad to let her go at first. I waved that bitch on. She didn’t want us? Fine by me. Over time though, I began to miss her. I missed the love that we had. I missed the feeling of the two of us and the idea of it being the three of us. She ruined that shit, though.

  “Yeah. I’m here little man,” I say when I see his little eyes coming down the dark hallway. He’s perfect. Why anyone wouldn’t want him is beyond me.

  “Are you scared, Daddy?
” he asks me. He always asks me that when he is. He likes to know he isn’t alone.

  “A little. What are you scared of?” I ask as he walks over and climbs in my lap. He’s the perfect mixture of the two of us. He has his mom’s blue eyes but my dark hair.

  “Monsters and goblins,” he says softly. I wrap my arms around him and hold him closely.

  “Did Cher let you watch that movie again?” I look down at him. He nods his little head as I shake mine. Stupid bitch. I don’t know how many times I’ve told her dumbass not to let him watch that shit. I hire the fucking babysitter to fucking watch my kid, not scare him.

  “It’s ok, Son. You remember when we talked about it last time? Daddy will take care of any monster that comes near you.” Jameson snuggles into my chest as I sigh. This is what we do most nights. He snuggles in, I feel content. My life may be one big fuck up but this boy means everything to me.

  “Do I have to stay with her today?” he asks against my chest.

  I suck in a big breath when I hear the door open.

  “I’m fucking here again,” Cher mumbles until she sees me sitting here with Jameson.

  “Go get dressed, little man,” I tell him ushering him off my lap. I watch him walk down the hallway before I lose it all together. I’m off the couch and shoving Cher against the wall with my hand around her throat in no time.

  “I told you not to let him watch that shit, didn’t I?” I growl. Her eyes widen when she licks her lips. Fucking bitch thinks everything around here is going to end in sex. Not this time. I don’t want anything else to do with her disgusting ass.

  “I’m sorry, Tic. Let me just take care of you. Calm you down,” she says as she tries to pull out of my hold. Not a chance in hell.

  “You’re fuckin’ fired, Cher. I don’t need this kind of bullshit.” I squeeze her throat harder to make my point before releasing her.

  “Until you can’t get anyone else.” She turns on her heel and walks away.

  I listen as she slams the door before I light up a cigarette. Dad is going to be pissed again. Not like that’s anything new.

  “I’m ready!” Jameson smiles as he runs back into the living room. “Do I get to see Grandpa today?”

  “Yeah. Uncle Mayhem and Dec, too. You excited?” He nods his little head up and down rapidly. I love seeing him so excited about being around the clubhouse.

  “And I wanna see Kenderly and Aunt Brooke. And Aunt Tay ‘cause she brings me candy,” he adds.

  I can’t help but smile. They spoil this boy rotten and I couldn’t be happier about it. “Well, let’s get goin’ then so we can get breakfast.”

  Chapter 2


  “So, unless you want to take that spot, we are going to have to let you go.”

  I stare at my boss like he’s lost his fucking mind. Ellen stands in the corner with a smile. I want to slap the hell out of her. I know this is her fault. Brooke warned me about her.

  “You can stick your job up your ass,” I snap. Damn, I’m starting to sound like Brooke!

  I turn on my heel and walk out of the office. I don’t need this job. Hell, I don’t need any job with the trust fund my parents have in place for me. I like to work though. It gives me something to do with my time, and I find that I’m good at it.

  I climb in my car and text Brooke.

  Me: I just quit my job. Need girl bonding.

  Brooke: Ha! Took long enough. Did you make it good?

  Me: Of course I did! I’m turning into you, that’s how good it was.

  Brooke: I’m so proud. Come to the clubhouse

  Me: On my way. Got any cute singles?

  Brooke: You know we do, slut.

  I grin at her last text. She makes me smile. She’s a bitch, but she makes me happy so that makes her my bitch.

  I drive toward the clubhouse with a bad attitude. I can’t believe that asshole was trying to give me less money and stick me in the mail room. I’ve been working at that magazine company for the last five years. Ellen feared the competition and got a hair up her ass. I suppose that’s why she started fucking the boss shortly after and, now I’m shit! Why does my life turn into complete shit?

  I stop at the gate and wave at Nuts. Nuts. That’s a good one. He nods and waves me through knowing who I am. I’m around enough these days. If I want to see my girl I usually have to catch her here. She’s been so busy with the strip club that all of her down time is spent at the clubhouse. I park my car and climb out.

  “Lookin’ sexy in that getup!” Monster whistles. I flip him off and keep walking, hearing him chuckle behind me.

  As soon as I step inside something small slams into my legs. I look down and find a little boy with shaggy brown hair laughing hysterically and hanging tightly to me.

  “Jameson! I’m gonna get you.” Declan’s voice fills the room as the little guy laughs harder.

  “Just be quiet, he won’t see you,” I whisper. He looks up at me and smiles nodding his head.

  “We haven’t seen any little boys in here,” I say when Declan comes into the room. The little guy keeps laughing although he’s supposed to be hiding.

  “You sure? I thought I saw him,” Declan says. The little guy lets go of me before turning toward Dec.

  “I’m right here, Uncle Dec.” He squeals before running toward him. Declan laughs before scooping him up and tossing him in the air. It’s such a sweet sight to see around here.

  “Did you say hi to Ash?” Declan asks the kid. He shakes his head no before I walk over to the two of them.

  “What’s your name?” I ask him.


  “Hi. I’m Ash.”

  “Are you my daddy’s new friend and babysitter?” he asks me.

  Declan stifles a laugh before Tic comes into the room. We haven’t talked much, but he seems like a dick.

  “Son, are you messin’ with people?”

  Son? Jameson is his? I didn’t know that.

  “No. I was asking Ash if she was your new friend.”

  I don’t want to know what he means by that. I’m sure I have an idea though.

  “No, she’s not. Come here.”

  Tic takes Jameson from Dec when Brooke announces, “She could be! She did get her ass fired today!”

  Way to help a bitch out!

  “Thanks, bitch. I didn’t get fired, I quit. You were so right about Ellen, too. Oh my God. She is such a disgusting person.” I narrow my eyes at her as she laughs.

  “Haven’t I told you that?” she says.

  “Oh. Did you two meet?” Brooke turns her head to glance at Tic. “I don’t think you have. Tic this is my best friend, Ashley. Ash this is Tic,” Brooke says a little overly excited that I lost my job. He extends his free hand which I take.

  “Nice to meet you,” he grumbles. Wow, what a go getter he is.

  “Yeah, you too. He yours?” I nod at Jameson.

  “Yep. My little man, ain’t ya?” He looks to the little boy as Jameson grins back up at him.

  “He’s adorable. You and his mom must be proud,” I say trying to be polite. I guess that wasn’t my smartest move either.

  “I don’t have a mommy,” Jameson says softly.

  “Oh. I’m sorry.” I look to Tic but he just looks pissed. He walks away quickly leaving me standing there like a fool.

  Chapter 3


  In my life, there are always ups and downs. There are always choices that need to be made, and talking about Jameson’s mom isn’t one I choose. I don’t have shit to say about her so I don’t. I walk away.

  “She didn’t mean shit, Tic,” Declan says when he sits next to me on the couch.

  “I know. Just didn’t have shit to say to her.” I look down and watch my son playing with his motorcycles on the floor.

  “You lost another sitter?” My dad’s voice booms through the room.

  “Yeah. Stupid bitch couldn’t follow simple directions. Don’t let him watch the fuckin’ scary movies. Is that so f
uckin’ hard?” I snap. I run my hand through my hair as dad sits on the floor with his grandson.

  “Stop fuckin’ em all, Tic. You’re puttin’ your goddamn dick where it don’t belong. That’s the problem.” He roughs up Jameson’s hair before looking back up at me.

  “Fuck that. She needs to listen. Hey, can Kenderly keep him today?” I ask.

  “How the hell should I know? Go ask her,” he snaps. Damn his attitude is as shitty as mine.

  “I’ll watch him.” I look over my shoulder at Ash standing there with Brooke next to her.

  “Nah. I’ll get one of the girls here to. He wasn’t feelin’ all that good last night. Wanna keep him close today.” I turn away when I feel a hand slap the back of my head. I turn to look again and see the look in Brooke’s eyes.

  “Stop being such a bitch! She can watch him here. It’s better than letting club whores watch your son.” She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me.

  “I don’t mind, really. He seems like a good kid. Besides, I don’t have a job anymore and I need something to do with my time,” Ash says sweetly.

  I eye her up and down. Yeah, she’s not one I’d fuck that’s for sure. She’s uppity. She has on a straight as hell skirt with a little dress shirt. Yeah, not my type at all.

  “You sure? He can get wild,” I tell her.

  She smiles and walks around sitting on the couch next to me. “I don’t mind. We’ll have fun, won’t we Jameson?” she asks him.

  He looks up and nods with a smile on his face.

  “Ok then. I need to head out anyway,” I say, shoving off the couch and walking past her.

  “Be good for, Ash.” I bend down and ruffle up his hair. He looks up at me with those eyes and smiles.

  “I will, Daddy.” My heart melts for this kid. He’s the only thing in the world that means anything to me aside from this club.

  “Ok. I’ll see you later. Mayhem meetin’ me out there?” I ask my dad.

  “Yeah. Dread should be there, too.”

  I nod once and head out into the yard. I stalk toward my bike ready and fucking willing to get on the road. I’ve missed my bike. I don’t get to ride as much as I’d like with Jameson. I can’t fucking wait until he gets older and I can teach him to ride.


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