Hide and Seek - part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

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Hide and Seek - part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh


  However as I fell with a thunderous roar; I swam up to the surface feeling unperturbed by the commotion.

  I tripped inadvertently from the roof while playing; heading in perfect alignment with the rocky stones,

  However my flesh didn’t bleed neither did my eyes tear; even after the deafening impact.

  I was pushed into the thousand feet deep well by a bunch of miscreants; as my cries echoed through the slimy walls,

  However as I tasted the blend of frog and dead fish; I still escaped unhurt and with an enchanting glow in my eyes.

  I flung myself from the tall tree to flee from the venomous reptiles; diving head on towards an assemblage of wildly sprawled thorns,

  However after landing I gazed pacifically at the opalescent moon; unfazed and relishing my close proximity with the thorns.

  I stepped out of the speeding train; catapulting several kilometers before I came to a state of inertia,

  However at last when I discovered my breath; there were no signs at all of broken bones or deadly fracture.

  Well I think the time is conducive to reveal the secret that lay imprisoned in my heart,

  I had worn large rings of coiled springs completely encompassing my back,

  Flocculent foams of Dunlop compactly fitted to my persona; with satin balls of cotton clinging like a new born to my cheek,

  The cotton and coiled springs had saved me on umpteenth an occasion; granting me a chance to live and profoundly admire the beauty that I saw.


  I asked the road; the things that perturbed her the most,

  She replied saying; that she was mutilated every unleashing minute,

  By the juggernaut of trucks; and cloud showers of swollen rain.

  I asked a cluster of fish in the monsoon river; about the ultimate fantasy of their lives,

  The answer that followed was studded with arduous lines of brevity,

  As they unanimously dreamt of swimming in stormy waves of the ocean.

  I asked the domestic lizard to narrate its tale of woes,

  It didn’t ponder even for a fraction of a second; curtly saying that it was a paucity of succulent insect that kept her starved these days.

  I asked the bleary eyed moon to impassively blurt out its agony,

  The celestial figure in the cosmos retorted with a volley of eloquent expletives,

  Blaming a fleet of monstrous spaceships; pilfering its exquisite decorum.

  I asked the merrily swaying trees; to recount the expeditions of the blistering day,

  They retaliated with traumatic screams; with white blood trickling down their entirety,

  Rebuking the farmer; who had sliced them down for his daily fodder.

  I asked stray dogs in the street about their conditions of blissful health,

  They made gallant mockery of my question barking; we aren’t fastidious about food;

  All we need is a solitary place to sleep.

  I then questioned my tangible heart to disclose its candid feelings,

  There were mystical vibrations which shook my entire silhouette,

  Beads of cold sweat camouflaged my shock of black hair,

  As it responded to my query saying; that it wanted to imprison forever,

  Possess for times immemorial the holistic form it loved on this earth.


  The air leaking form the air-conditioner was ergonomically cold,

  Pacifying tumultuous anger of people; frantically quarreling in the acrimonious summer heat.

  The air diffusing from the ground; after fresh spells of monsoon rain,

  Possessed a heavenly aroma of unbaked grass; tantalizing the nostrils into a partial stupor.

  The air emanating from saline waves of the ocean; was blended with fine spray of sand,

  Revived nostalgic reminisces of the evanescent past; impregnating the body with the spirit of adventure.

  The air in close proximity with parched sands of desert; was like a sizzling inferno,

  Was not conducive to breathe; provoking loud yelps and screams when caressed by nimble pair of feet.

  The air prevailing at astronomical heights of the mountain precipice; was astoundingly thin,

  Leading to austere problems of suffocation; camouflaging the face with mighty cylinders of oxygen.

  The air floating in the dilapidated mansion; was blended with truckloads of dust,

  Prompted iterative bouts of sneezing; had an obnoxious stench of dead rat and literature.

  The air circulating in the cake shop; was ingratiatingly ravishing,

  Inundating innumerable bowels with insatiable hunger; acting as an inevitable stimulant to eat.

  The air revolving round the dense foliage of trees; was as pure as an angel,

  Expurgating its harmful ingredients into the blanket of leaves; acquiring the sedate calm of shining moon.

  The air imprisoned inside a rubber balloon; died a gruesome death every unleashing minute,

  Got perpetual freedom in the end; as the contraption burst with obstreperous bangs.

  The air that flowed out of humid nostrils; was luke warm in temperature,

  Revealing a plethora of passion captivated within the soul; highlighting the zest to lead life.

  And the air my mother hissed down my persona; was the most immaculate of

  them all,

  For it was the very air that had created me; the air that had articulately nourished my arms and feet,

  The air which had made me actually witness; the atmosphere I was engulfed by; at the reigning moment.


  I wanted you to be my godmother; caress me gently in the night; humming a melodious rhyme to put me to sleep,

  Prepare appetizing dishes of corn to gratify my gluttony; wipe the tears of my cheek when I was struck with grief.

  I wanted you to be my robust brother; tickling me incessantly in my ribs; make me wholeheartedly laugh,

  Defending me against all evil prevailing; obliterating me from the remotest of brutality.

  I wanted you to be my absent minded father; riding with me through steep curves of the hill on a horse,

  Instilling gargantuan confidence in me while I studied; embedding my tender mind with nostalgic reminisces of the past.

  I wanted you to be my innocuous child; crying impeccably as I hoisted you high in my arms,

  Melting my heart with your mischievous smile; tugging at my loose beard with your dainty fingers.

  I wanted you to be my old grandmother; reciting to me a plethora of mesmerizing fairy tale,

  Preparing herbal concoctions to pacify my wounds; admonishing me severely for flaunting with girls.

  I wanted you to be my ravishing dreams; tingling dormant arenas of my heart with your stupendous grace,

  Radiating perpetual heat in my body all day; leaving your everlasting fragrance close to my soul.

  I wanted you to be the blood that flowed through my veins; imparting strength to my fragile muscle,

  Purifying every unleashing second as I breathed air; losing refined degrees of control at the slightest of provocation.

  I wanted you to be my intricate heart; which throbbed violently when loved,

  Imprisoned the deity it worshipped; and was prepared to relinquish life for the ones it really cared for.

  I wanted you to be the redness of my lips; which got more accentuated when I rubbed them,

  Exorbitantly highlighting the fervor of my thoughts; the insatiable passion I had impregnated in my eyes.

  And over and above all; I desperately wanted you to be my wife,

  Inundate my impoverished heart with vast oceans of your love; blissfully living with me for this and an infinite lives more to be confronted.


  When I sliced volatile wire; impregnated with white currents of electricity,

  It spewed out a volley of poignant sparks in tandem; I was stabbed wi
th several impacts of shock; falling like a lifeless pigeon on the ground.

  When I sliced open obdurate tree bark; embossed with a cluster of rustic root,

  A slurry of succulent white juice oozed out in emollient abundance; and the tree wept in hidden anguish.

  When I sliced the belly of the colossal mountain; infinite tons of mud leaked out in frenzy,

  A cluster of earthworm and rabbit got dismantled; and the once bombastic structure now resembled a beggar in torn rags.

  When I sliced open the skin of emerald watermelon; rosy pink juice cascaded down with spontaneity,

  The fruit looked ravishingly voluptuous like never before; with scores of brown seeds tumbling down.

  When I sliced decayed bones freshly excavated from soil; a finely crushed chowder of calcium flew directly in my eyes,

  The scenario appeared grotesquely despicable; with nostalgic memories of centuries ago besieging the cool air.

  When I sliced through the heart of a concrete wall; a series of blatant cracks spread fast like the wild fire,

  The structure now looked insipid and fragile; a battalion of red baked bricks came plummeting down; and broke my scalp.

  When I sliced scintillating biscuits of yellow gold; an amber tinge incorporated the edge of my knife,

  The currency proliferated itself with each stroke of mine; and soon I had more pieces of gold than when I had commenced slicing.

  When I sliced through an ocean of loose sand; the blissful assemblage got thoroughly distorted,

  Bountiful splinters of silver soil hurtled towards my eyes; and there was profuse tearing that incorrigibly followed as an inevitable aftermath.

  When I sliced open a balloon incorporated with salty cheese; and a fountain of water,


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