Hide and Seek - part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

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Hide and Seek - part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

The gallant star with perpetual shades of white on its coat,

  Glitters through the darkness of the amicable night,

  An envelope of pitch dark cosmos surrounds it,

  Its blessed with a virtue of blatant intimacy,

  Staying united amidst a constellation of planet,

  Shy and late in announcing its presence in the sky,

  The stars all in a blithe,

  To give nourishing effects of gliding kites.

  The earth’s surface reflected on it,

  Goes through the web of exotic desire,

  Overcoming thunderous whirlwinds and tumblers of rain,

  Standing firmly where no else dares.

  The stars take position in a tinge of black and blue,

  Sticking to the sky like impregnable glue,

  Suction occurs through their entire structure,

  The emphatic feeling yet to come.


  The wind blows at a soft tune,

  As I sit in the full light of the Sun,

  Profound with the power to enchant,

  Teasing tiny grass stalks with all its might,

  Filling stripped cavities of my heart,

  With waves of rapturous melody.

  The Sun’s light on the sprawling web of green,

  Invades the blanket of blissful beauty,

  Mesmerizing golden dew drops with its aura,

  Like iterative soft caresses of a young mother,

  Cuddling her baby with showers of encouragement,

  Incorporated with conditions of pure love.

  The gleaming sea waters in full flow,

  Endowed with sparkling film of salt,

  Strike colossal jet black rocks,

  Translucent in their perennial strength,

  Take the Sun with its dazzling yellow light,

  As their constant companion.

  The snow clad cliffs make a way,

  Weaving their way through a valley of clouds,

  Like crystalline shapes of pure wonder; encroaching and puffing solitary spaces of the misty valley.


  The stream lit days of peace,

  Flow past the agony of time,

  So quiet, so serene, so blissful, yielding their touch softly; bit by bit,

  Cruising smoothly over the field of messy emotions,

  To give life to the tiny molecules of beginning,

  In a supreme entrenchment of their own.

  Sweet tunes pierce suspended carpets of air,

  Gorgeously tranquil and splendid,

  Oozing out silent tremors of love,

  In circular rings of boisterous feelings,

  Far distance away from the trapped world of complications,

  In an ambience of mustard green dew drops,

  Depicting short parables of perfect excitement,

  Precarious with the fading of time.


  Panic grips my heart,

  As germs of fear enter my blood,

  Biting every ounce of enthusiasm,

  Every bit of mental strength,

  Baffled by the onslaught of those faces,

  As I look in sheer disbelief,

  At the army of mutilated faces,

  In this strange world created by God,

  Plunging my whole being into emptiness,

  Without a trace of hope; and lord being my saviour.

  O! Lord; so beautiful is this world you have made,

  Turbulent rivers; high mountains,

  Clear blue skies; yellow seas,

  Dazzling sights; treacherous heights,

  But what form of beauty is this O! Lord,

  Unfolding a trauma of ugliness,

  The most deplorably dreaded form of a human being,

  Circulating spasms of fear in my mind,

  Leaving me in second thoughts,

  As to what really is mankind.


  Acrid Sunlight peeps through the windshield,

  Bifurcating shades of yellow and green,

  As satiny curls of my dermis go berserk,

  My luscious lips produce glowing embers of animated smile,

  As stringent rays of palpable dimensions,

  Smother the grievances of a scalding destiny,

  Stitching adeptly the dungeons of devastation,

  Halting boulders of vexation,

  Through sweetened fruits of creation.

  The vivid network of intermingled light,

  Finally blazes across my incoherent eyes,

  Prompting me to secure my grip on the driving wheel,

  Dousing flames of perverted imagery,

  Exorbitantly rekindling my faith in mankind.


  Fresh beanstalks of green chili,

  Standing upright in fecund patches of clay,

  Strewn in crusty jigsaw moulds,

  With famished caterpillars in its womb,

  Swarms of obstreperous flies buzzing around,

  And hordes of white mice sprinting with a squeaking sound.

  Water clogs arid balls of cracked mud,

  Jutting out fiercely; from hose pipes composed of coarse cloth,

  Forming pulpy rivulets; amidst the garnished stalks,

  Drenching the untilled land; with pearls of natural nutrients,

  Pure and crystalline from the inner core of earth.

  The parrot green buds then ripened in quick succession,

  Into macro skin coverings of saliently dark green,

  The entire camouflage whistled with the win,

  Withering the plethora of standing stalks,

  Heaps of chili now lay in a mangled wreck,

  Giving rise to the Tapered and the Spiciest


  Finely chiseled in circular fashion,

  White and sparkling in complexion,

  Engraved in multiple denomination,

  Dexterously crafted to realistic proportions,

  Malleable with euphoric scent of obsession,

  Spreading indispensable waves of possession,

  To living masses with grey matter in utter commotion,

  lustrous and eternal with yearly corrugations,

  A commodity spearheading all emotions,

  Trampling indiscriminately over all temptations,

  Reigning supreme above all imagination,

  Spinning webs of dreamy sedation,

  Placing it to be a landmark of fascination,

  Blessed with a virtue of godly personification,

  The Currency Coin was eventually garlanded as the kind of all destinations.


  Unbaked flabby chunks of dough,

  With loosely sprawled fine powder,

  Molded into round lumps of bulky wheatmeal,

  An unyielding deodorant in its primitive form,

  Studded with minute recesses clinging to its body,

  Awaiting hybrid flames from unburnt firewood,

  To nurture it into a ripened swell of burnt complexion,

  Compactly stitched at all sections,

  With threads of natural glue,

  Compressed into delicious sandwiched bread,

  Sewn in perfect co-ordination,

  With progressively low rising engulfing fusion,

  Emanating from the tiny apertures of gas burner,

  Enriching and finally deserting it as a

  victorious fragment of Consumption




  The leaf gorgeously parrot green in color,

  Relishes flamboyant tinges of purple on its coat,

  Its face tapered and jutting out,

  It reveals to all its natural splendour,

  Infinite lines adorn its spongy surface,

  Bifurcating oblong zones of its sand paper complexion,

  Its real be
auty comes pouring out,

  As the rainy season begins to sprout.

  The beauty which is truly emphatic,

  Indicates bent points on its slender persona,

  Drooping down in a stingy manner,

  To get a fleeting glimpse of the earth,

  Which nourished it like a baby from its childhood to its present day youth,

  The very earth; of which it has been an integral part for decades of existence.

  It sways gently in the hot currents of breeze,

  Dead eyes disclosing true facts of life,

  Hold no fear; are devoid of vacillating emotion,

  Leading a person to astral remnants of an ancient phase.

  Its time of perennial joy never ends,

  For it always shows its naturally sculptured and angular bend.

  The End .


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