Dark Secret

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by Emily Kimelman Gilvey

  Dark Secret

  The Kiss Chronicles, Book 2

  Emily Reed


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Sneak Peek

  A Note From Emily

  About the Author

  Emily’s Bookshelf

  Dark Secret

  The Kiss Chronicles, Book 1

  Copyright © 2019 by Emily Reed/Emily Kimelman

  * * *

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Chapter One

  Birds sang, welcoming the rising sun. Emmanuel smiled, his arms warm around me. "Welcome to my world. Welcome home.”

  He stepped up onto the bank and set me down, my feet sinking into soft, wet earth. "Where are we?" Dimitri asked, still standing in the swiftly moving stream, looking up to where the house was only moments ago. A mere flash ago. But now, it was just trees—ancient, snarled trees, ferns at their feet. A forest untouched by development. Impossible.

  Emmanuel did not answer, his hand trailing along my waist for a moment before he returned to the water, walking deeper into it as he pulled off his dirt-encrusted shirt.

  Faint rays of the rising sun lit his exposed skin, playing over the defined muscles in his back and tangling in his curls that were stiff with dried mud. "We are…in a different dimension, aren't we?" I asked.

  “What?” Megan’s voice was quiet.

  Emmanuel twisted, his broad shoulders angling toward me. My eyes caught on the V shape of muscles below his tight abdominals. Dear Lord. That’s what they called him…the vampires all called him Lord.

  Emmanuel gave me a devastating smile, his eyes promising a reward for my observational powers. Tingles of anticipation raced over my skin.

  Bending down, Emmanuel dunked his shirt beneath the swiftly moving water. Megan joined me on the bank, her brilliant red hair catching the light. My heart rate picked up. "Dimitri and Megan can't be in the sunlight."

  It filtered through the trees, imbuing this new world with a soft golden flush, but soon it would pierce through the foliage—rays of light that were deadly to Dimitri and Megan.

  Emmanuel moved to a deeper part of the stream and dropped to his knees, then submerged himself into the frigid water. Dirt flowed off of him, a brown cloud carried away by the current.

  Dimitri joined Megan and me at the water’s edge, his shoes sinking into the moist dirt. The T-shirt he wore was ripped and blood stained, yet he still moved like a dancer, all controlled elegance. His pale blue eyes avoided mine, looking into the distance instead. “There is a cave," he said. "About a mile that way." He nodded his chin toward the rising sun. "At least there was in our world. We should go now, Megan."

  I wanted to cup his cheek and turn him toward me. So much had changed in such a short period of time. We were lovers just hours ago. And now, Emmanuel had made him my…what? Protector, servant? Either way, he wasn’t looking at me.

  "I'm not leaving Darling," Megan said, crossing her arms over her stomach and setting her jaw, her mismatched eyes hard.

  "She will be safe," Dimitri assured her. "Emmanuel is here."

  Emmanuel sat up then, water dripping off him as he rose, his skin prickling from the cold water and fresh air. He shook his head and droplets sprayed, catching the early morning light, looking like jewels.

  He approached us and handed Dimitri his shirt, without looking at the vampire. "Wring this out for me.” Would saying please kill the man…Lord…whatever the hell he was.

  Dimitri took the shirt and twisted it, his forearm muscles coming into relief as water splattered onto the muddy shore. “Thank you," Emmanuel said, a playful smile twisting his lips. Did he read my mind? "Go to the cave,” he waved at Megan. “We will meet you there at sunset." When she made no move to leave, Emmanuel focused his attention on her. She dropped her gaze. “Do not fear,” he said, his voice low. “Darling is in good hands.”

  Megan chewed on her lip and gave a small nod. “Just…” She sighed, reaching out and taking my hand. “I’ll see you soon. You’ll be okay, right?” I nodded, and she squeezed my fingers. She was so cold, so inhuman.

  I turned to Dimitri and caught his eye, reaching out with my influence. He burned with the urge to touch me. I reached for him, and he moved blindingly fast, wrapping me in his arms, one hand buried in my hair, the other spanning my low back. I melted against the hard lines and smooth planes of his chest. His lips brushed my forehead. While not chaste, the embrace bore none of the heat roiling inside of him.

  Emmanuel controlled the ancient vampire, keeping him at bay, stopping him from feeding me.

  Dimitri released me, and the two vampires blurred out of sight. Emmanuel stepped closer, his chest still bare, his jeans wet and clinging to him. He took my hand, lacing our fingers, and warmth spread over me. I shivered at the sudden heat. “What are we?" I asked. "What are you to me?"

  "I hope to be your everything," he answered.

  "I don't understand." I looked down at his hand. We almost screwed on a concession table at a club before our last performance. We’d only played together for a few months. And now suddenly we were destined to be together forever? “How long have you known what I am?"

  "I wasn't sure, not until that day."

  "Which day?"

  "The one you were just thinking about." I heard a smile in his voice. “The last time we played together.” The way he said played didn’t make it sound like he was talking about music.

  “Can you read my mind?" I met his eyes—the warm brown of tree bark glinting with sparkles of amethyst. Water dripped from his hair, the rivulets sliding down his neck and over his collarbones to his chest. And what an incredible chest it was…

  He chuckled—a warm, masculine sound. “I can't stop thinking about it. I have not stopped thinking about you. You are meant for me. I am sure of it."

  I shook my head, trying to clear the haze of lust fogging my thoughts. "There are so many people who think they know what I am—know some kind of destiny for me."

  He squeezed my hand. "Yes, but don't you feel it?" Energy pulsed from him and ran over my skin. I shivered, my eyes fluttering closed. Oh, I felt it. But on the heels of that wave of desire fear followed—the avalanche behind the gunshot. Don’t get crushed.

  Emmanuel placed his big hand on my hip, pulling me just a tiny bit closer. His head bent down. "Don't be scared, Darling,” he whispered, so close that his words felt like a caress. My eyes opened and met his. “I will never hurt you,” he promised, his gaze intense. “I will never let anyone hurt you." His fingers flexed possessively on my hip.

  His words were as effective as a bullet, striking me in the chest, hitting me square in all the feels. I’ve always wanted protection. I’d lived most my life hiding…but…here comes the suffocating avalanche. “Will you try to decide my future for me?" I asked, my voice small. I hated how weak I sounded. How much I wanted the protection he promised.

  A soft, knowing smile played over Emmanuel’s lips, and he shook his head. "Your destiny is your own. I have no power to control it. And neither do you.”

  I bit my lip. Was that true? Energy thrummed between u
s. I wanted so much. Control over my own life, to be safe, Emmanuel to touch me, to make sense of all that happened…but that was impossible. There was no making sense of this world. It wasn't even my world. "What did you mean by calling this place home?" I asked, grasping at straws.

  He didn't answer me. Our gaze locked. The scent of honey rose up between us. It would only take a small movement for our lips to meet, but neither of us made it.

  There was something truly delicious about this moment all on its own—not touching, except where his warm palm rested against my hip. It was like the seconds before a performance—a tantalizing anticipation. The moment before the snow slips down the side of the mountain. Once we tip over the edge, there will be no going back.

  The energy strained to be released, building up inside of us so that it seemed to fill the forest. Our influences combined, floating into and through one another, mixing so that I could barely tell where one began and the other ended.

  I stared into his eyes, sinking into him. Emmanuel had access to every part of me, and I to him. There was no hiding from one another. This would not be a race to satisfaction like I felt with Dimitri, not a ravaging hunger, but a slow and luxurious meal we would share. Music filled my ears, a tune I didn't know but recognized. "What is that sound?" I whispered.

  Emmanuel's free hand circled my other hip. He slowly, achingly, folded the space between us into nothingness. His wet jeans pressed against my dry ones, and I resented all the clothing I'd ever worn.

  He lowered his lips, my eyes slipped closed. His mouth against mine was warm and soft, hungry but controlled. I let my hands run up his arms, feeling every muscle as I passed over it, reveling in his form as my fingers wound up and into his hair.

  Our kiss deepened.

  Colors splashed behind my eyes, and power rose between us, shaking the trees, making the stream run faster, pulling energy from the air and filling us with it. Yes, I felt it.

  His hands slipped under my shirt, caressing my bare skin. I shivered from the pleasure of his touch, reveling in the power he shared with me.

  "Yes," I whispered. "Yes." I didn’t know what I was agreeing to. I’d slipped over the edge, the mountain of snow began its descent—watch out below!

  My legs wobbled from all the power coursing through us. I leaned into him, under his control as he kissed me again, his tongue diving into me, driving more energy into me, filling me up so that every cell in my body vibrated.

  That song—I recognized it.

  It rose as the aches and pains from the wounds I'd sustained healed, as if they'd never been there. He took away any pain I'd ever had, any hurt; everything bad floated away like the dirt he'd washed off in the stream—a cloud whisked into nothingness by a strong current.

  All the atoms in the universe vibrate in the same frequency, and now I could hear it.

  "Sorry to interrupt." A voice broke through our passion. Emmanuel’s hands gripped me tighter. "Emmanuel!" A hot and sharp spark snapped between us. breaking our kiss.

  Emmanuel growled. "How dare you?"

  "Is that how you talk to your wife?"


  Suki stood between two trees, wearing the only outfit I'd ever seen her in: a white, full length skirt, with a scooped, lace-collared blouse, and a head scarf embroidered with bright red stars.

  A scowl bracketed her full mouth and formed a divot between her brows.

  "Wife?" I asked, my voice breathless. He’d kissed the wind right out of me. Pull it together!

  She smiled at my question but her eyes remained hard. "Yes, I'm his wife." She placed one hand on her hip and stared at Emmanuel—daring him to refute her.

  "Former wife," Emmanuel ground out between clenched jaws.

  Suki laughed, a youthful tinkling sound—enjoying his anger. "Where is your vampire friend?" she asked, her honey brown eyes pinning me. When I didn't answer, she prompted. "You know, the one who is half-alive? Dead but not gone.” She raised one shapely brow.

  "Why do you want to know about her?" My voice cracked, and I cleared my throat, trying to pull it together. Emmanuel was married! I was destined to a married man. WTF, universe?

  "I told you to stay away from her.” Suki had both hands on her hips now, her eyes sparkling citrine with anger.

  I tried to step away from Emmanuel. I couldn’t think with him touching me. His hands tightened on my hips, not letting me put any space between our bodies. "Leave us," he hissed at Suki.

  Her gaze came to rest on his face. "You don't get to give me orders. Where is the halfling? Did you bring her to my world?"

  "And if I did?" Emmanuel asked, his voice challenging her.

  "You will pay the price as much as any of us." The citrine anger in her eyes faded.

  "What are you talking about?" I insisted.

  "Your friend is dangerous," Suki said.

  "I trust her.”

  Suki’s lips pressed tight, and she waved a hand, sparks of anger leaping back into her eyes. "Do you see any people here?" she asked.

  I glanced around the wild forest—it showed no signs of humanity. "Are there no people in this world?"

  She released a bitter smile. "Not any that your friend can feed on. Unless, of course, you are going to have her feast on your blood." Her teeth flashed in a quick, evil grin.

  Emmanuel's hands tightened painfully on my hips. "Leave us, Suki."

  "I brought horses.” She glanced behind her. “Thought you'd need a ride." She returned her eyes to mine. "But perhaps Megan will carry you."

  "Carry me where?"

  "To our house," she said, her smile unkind, pleased with her superior knowledge.

  "Ignore her,” Emmanuel said.

  "What are we doing here?" I whispered. Suki huffed a laugh.

  "Trust me," he said, his eyes met mine, soft yet commanding.

  "Okay…" My voice came out unsure, even as his influence caressed and soothed me.

  "Suki." He turned back to her. "Leave the horses. We will join you after dark."

  "Waiting for your vampire to wake up? Is she buried in the ground somewhere?" Suki looked to the dirt at our feet. "Or perhaps she is hiding in that cave." She gestured in the direction of the rising sun.

  "Why do you want to know?" Emmanuel asked. "Planning on killing her while she slumbers?"


  Suki laughed, a bitter and harsh sound. "I would never harm a guest of yours, sweet Emmanuel. You know I only wish to be a good hostess." She bowed her head, a gesture meant to show compliance but looked more like a joke than subservience.

  "Go now," he said. She began to turn. "And Suki?” She looked back, her eyebrows raised. "Don't try to find Megan. She is not alone. And the vampire with her is older than you. His strength during the day can best you."

  She frowned but said nothing, continuing into the woods and disappearing between the trees. Emmanuel let out a small sigh, his chest pressing against mine as he drew in a large breath. “I apologize.” He focused on me, his eyes shadowed. "I wanted to tell you about Suki and why we are here once we'd had some time together. There is so much to discuss.”

  He shook his head, a smile, playful and almost embarrassed, tugging at his mouth. “But I find you distracting.” His lips turned down—as if the word distracting didn’t fully describe my effect on him. His eyes darkened. “I need to have you before I can gather my thoughts."

  I blinked slowly, trying to take in his words, but his thumbs were drawing circles on the inside of my hips, his power whispering over my skin, skirting up my spine and fogging my thoughts. “So…you're not married?" What a strange question. Marriage seemed so wholly human in this context. Until death do us part takes on a new meaning when the beings involved are immortal.

  "It is complicated." Emmanuel’s thumbs danced a little higher and my breath caught in my throat. "Suki and I are allies now, not lovers, not husband and wife. However, we do share children."

  "You have kids together?" And the hits just keep on coming.

; "Yes, we have had many children. Most are gone now."

  "They were mortal?" To watch your children die…how sad.

  "Yes, Suki is...” He looked in the direction where she'd faded into the woods. "She was born mortal. And it is through her magic that she has made her life so long."

  "How old is she?"

  "Almost 240."

  I shook my head. "This is all too much." I tried to push away from him again.

  "Don't." It came out a deep rumble—almost not a word at all. Emmanuel’s thumbs stilled, and his influence tightened.

  "I—" He bent down and kissed me, taking my words away and stopping my train of thought.

  I found my hands winding into his damp hair, pulling him close. The sun warmed my back, the energy of it passing through my skin. Did contact with Emmanuel make it possible for me to glean power from the natural world?

  Emmanuel's hands pushed further under my shirt, slowly gliding over my ribs and up to my breasts. I wore no bra, and he smiled against my lips as his fingers grazed the sensitive bare flesh.

  “Wait,” I mumbled, even as I gripped his hair. “I don’t—”

  “Don’t think.” Emmanuel’s teeth grazed my bottom lip, nipped my chin. “Just be with me. Now, here.”

  I’m not that kind of girl. The thought flashed and then sank. I had no idea who I was anymore. And this felt good…right. Almost like destiny.

  I ached for him. We backed up, our steps in tune, like two dancers on a stage. We came to rest against a tree.

  "So beautiful," he whispered, his lips trailing down my neck. "I could look at you all day.” His hands ran up my sides, raising my arms and removing my shirt. My hands gripped the tree behind me, fingers digging into the bark. “I’ll feast on you for eternity.” What? Skin met skin. I moaned.


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