The Love Bitten Series: Volume 1

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The Love Bitten Series: Volume 1 Page 8

by Fiona Davenport

  Looking closely at it, I turned it over a few times, though I had no idea what I was expecting to find. Silas tapped me on the shoulder then, drawing me out of my stupor.


  I nodded and held the ring out to the salesman. When his fingers touched the top, I found myself snatching it back with a growl. What the fuck was happening to me?

  “Sorry,” I mumbled. I tried to hand it over, but my arm just wouldn’t move. Rather than stand there looking like I belonged in a strait jacket, I grunted, “I’ll take it.”

  “Since when are you into baubles?” Silas asked, his tone amused.

  “Hell if I know,” I muttered.

  I paid for the ring and tucked it into my pocket, still wondering if I’d lost my mind. When I arrived home, I tucked it into a drawer and got ready to work. The strangest sense of loss came over me, and once I was dressed and about to walk out the door, I paused beside the dresser. I stared at the drawer, willing it to give me answers, but it remained stubbornly silent.

  What’s the holdup?

  My older brother, Kieran’s, voice entered my head a second before I heard a pop, and he appeared before me.

  One look at my face, and his mouth tipped down into a frown. “Is everything alright?”

  I peeled my eyes away from the spot where the ring was hidden and pasted a careless smile on my face. “Absolutely. You know how it is spending time with Silas lately. I’m still recovering from being subjected to hours of his cheerful disposition.”

  Kieran grimaced, knowing exactly what I was talking about. “I see. Well, shake it off. We’ve got shit to do.”

  I nodded, and Kieran disappeared. Right before I followed him, I paused once again. My body was fighting me. Refusing to be stuck in this spot all night, I gave in to instinct and opened the drawer to withdraw the ring. I slipped it on the only finger it comfortably fit, then teleported to my front porch where my brothers were waiting.

  Though it was clear that they both noticed it at some point in the night, neither mentioned the ring. I was grateful for their silence because had they asked about it, I wouldn’t have an explanation to give.

  As I readied myself for bed later the next morning, I considered removing the ring, but I decided I was too tired to fight whatever force was tying it to me.

  One hundred years later, I was still wearing it.



  The past week had been a whirlwind of excitement as I prepared to surprise a childhood friend I hadn’t seen in ages. But now, I was finally here. Dressed up for the occasion, I impatiently waited for the woman of honor to join everyone in the ballroom of her and her husband’s gorgeous home. I’d arrived in town last night but had stayed at a hotel so as not to spoil the secret for Thana since I was a part of her birthday present.

  Since I hadn’t recognized the number on caller ID, I almost didn’t pick up when Kieran called to invite me to her party. Although we’d kept in touch after my parents shipped me off to boarding school in Switzerland a little more than nine years ago, we hadn’t been able to meet up in person. By the time I’d come home for the holiday break after my first semester, she had moved because her parents had died. Her aunt couldn’t have cared less about Thana’s happiness, so she hadn’t let her come back for a visit. Since my parents hadn’t trusted her aunt with my safety and were too busy to take me on a trip to her new hometown, we’d been stuck with video calls as our only way to see each other.

  Kieran, the man she’d met and married within the past year, had changed all that. Thana’s aunt was no longer a part of her life, and he’d somehow managed to overcome any objections my parents had to me traveling alone for her party. Sending a private jet to pick me up probably had something to do with why they’d caved so quickly. Whatever the reason, I was hoping I’d get to see Thana more often now that we’d broken the seal with this visit. Not that I’d actually seen her yet.

  Scanning the crowd of people Kieran had brought together to celebrate Thana’s birthday, I didn’t spot a single familiar face. I felt awkward being surrounded by people I didn’t know, so I made my way over to a table with refreshments even though I was too nervous about seeing Thana to eat. Needing a reason to burn a little more time until she and Kieran came down to join the party, I picked up a glass of punch and sipped at it.

  I’d nearly finished my drink when I finally spotted her in the crowd. Staring at my best friend from across a ballroom, I was beyond excited. When her gaze finally landed on me, and she gasped before squealing my name, my eyes filled with happy tears. I raced forward, my amethyst ball gown billowing out behind me, and practically leaped at her when we met in the middle of the room. “Oh, my gosh! It’s been too long,” I cried, squeezing her tight.

  “I missed you so much.” She pulled away and flashed me a huge grin. “I can’t believe you’re really here.”

  “Neither can I,” I laughed, shaking my head. “Kieran must be a magician because my parents barely argued about me coming.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the man striding toward us and giggled, “If you only knew.”

  When he got close enough, she threw herself into his arms and cried, “Thank you, Kieran!”

  “Anything for you, baby.” I had zero doubts that Kieran took his vow to my friend seriously. There was so much love in his tone, and the way he held her tight made me think he never wanted to let her go. I was thrilled Thana had found someone who loved her with all his heart, but I also found myself wishing for even a fraction of the happiness they’d found together.

  When she wiggled out of his hold, he dropped one arm and used the other to tuck her into his side as though he couldn’t bear to let her get too far away. “Kieran, this is my best friend, Selene.” Thana practically glowed with happiness as she introduced us. “Selene, this is my husband.”

  Excited to meet the man who’d made my reunion with my friend possible, I stepped close and held out my hand. “Welcome,” he replied as his palm slid against mine.

  “Hands to yourself, brother.” The gorgeous man who barked that order seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Even if he hadn’t called Kieran his brother, I would’ve guessed they were related because of their similarities. Except to me, the newcomer was much more handsome. His bright blue eyes were the same striking color as his brother’s, but his hair was a lighter brown, his skin a touch less pale, and his shoulders were broader on his tall frame. There was an air about him beyond his good looks that I found compelling.

  Since I was certain we’d never met before, I didn’t understand the stunned recognition in his eyes. But something in my soul seemed to click—as though I had been waiting my whole life for him. The feeling was scary and exciting all at the same time.

  Kieran dropped my hand, and I snatched it back, worried by the wild expression on his brother’s face. Needing a little space between us, I took a step back, but his brother quickly closed the gap I’d made and then some. Before I had the chance to move farther back, he reached for my left hand. As soon as our palms came into contact with each other, I felt electrified. It was almost as though I’d touched a live wire as adrenaline coursed through my system, energizing me. I’d never experienced anything like it before.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kieran hold Thana back when she tried to step forward. He seemed clued in on something neither of us were, but I didn’t have much time to ponder what exactly that could be. My focus zeroed in on his brother as he lifted my arm and brought my wrist up to his nose and inhaled deeply. I should’ve been creeped out by the whole thing, but seeing his nostrils flare at my scent thrilled something inside me. Then my gaze was drawn to the dainty ring on his pinkie; the brilliant amethyst twinkling in the light was a perfect match to my purple eyes.

  I couldn’t help but wonder if the stunning ring belonged to the woman in his life. The possibility he was committed to someone else dampened the rush I’d felt when we touched, and it disappeared completely when he muttered, “Min
e,” right before he scraped his tooth—which oddly looked like a vampire fang you’d see in a horror movie—over my pulse point and then licked up the droplets of blood that beaded on my skin.

  My heart hammered in my chest as I yanked my hand out of his grasp with a sharp tug. “What?” I gasped, my head reeling in shock over the fact that he’d cut me with his tooth and then tasted my blood—and my absurd reaction to it. I frantically wondered if someone had spiked my punch earlier. It was the only reasonable explanation I could come up with for what was happening. “Did you just…? What are you…?”

  Instead of answering, he made a grab for me and growled, “Mine.”

  My fight or flight response kicked in, and I lifted my skirts to whirl around and take off running. I didn’t have a destination in mind. My only thought was to get away from Kieran’s brother—even though my heart defied logic in its yearning to run straight into his arms.



  I stared at Kieran, barely sane enough to hold back from killing him. Desire boiled my blood and had turned my flaccid dick into a rod of steel. The need for my woman consumed me, and the second she ran, I felt like a wild animal on the hunt.

  Earlier, I’d been lounging against a wall, nursing a cup of bagged blood...that looked a lot like the punch being served. This was so any humans in attendance wouldn’t flip their shit at all of the vampires drinking blood.

  I was trying to relax because I’d been filled with a restless energy all evening. I’d scanned the ballroom, looking for something to explain the odd feelings I’d been experiencing. It was as though a faint electric current in the room rippled over my skin. Even more strange, the ring on my pinky had heated—not to the point where it was painful, but enough to get my attention.

  A commotion in the crowd signified my brother and his consort had arrived. Kieran was one lucky son of a bitch, having finally found his mate after nearly a millennium. I was a little envious, but I was also ecstatic for him. Not to mention Stephan, my younger brother, and I adored Thana.

  I’d begun to walk toward the happy couple when Thana squealed and went running. A young woman with flowing brown hair streaked with a million different shades of blond met her halfway, and they hugged tightly. My senses had gone on high alert the moment I’d spotted the beauty in the amethyst dress. It had a large skirt, but the material had plastered to her body as she’d run. She was gorgeous and had a willowy build with curves in all the right places. My body had buzzed with awareness—not from arousal since I wouldn’t experience desire until I found my consort—but more like it knew something was coming. And that this woman was somehow at the crux of whatever was happening to me.

  My feet had picked up their pace, and as I got closer, I had a better view of her face. Pink lips that belonged wrapped around a man’s cock, high cheekbones, a straight nose, and almond-shaped eyes boasting the most incredible shade of violet. They were...fuck. They were an exact match to the shade of the purple stone I wore.

  I had nearly reached the trio when she slipped her hand into my brother’s, and possession had slammed into me so hard it knocked me backward. So I’d quickly teleported over to them and snapped at my brother to keep his hands to himself.

  One of the reasons that it was so difficult to find your consort was because arousal was awakened by touch. Walking around touching every woman I saw would have me labeled as a pervert even though my nether regions were dormant.

  Yet I knew this beauty belonged to me, which came as a complete and utter shock. The most puzzling element was how I felt as though this knowledge was coming from the ring. The whole situation contained a multitude of mysteries, but I could focus on those minor questions later. I only knew I had to touch her.

  The moment I took her hand, my body flared to life, just as I’d expected it to do. The overabundance of sensation and emotion overtook me, and in a momentary lapse of sanity, I nicked her wrist and tasted her blood. It had called to me, and fuck had been the sweetest taste.

  Then she ran from me, and the only thing I knew was instinct—the drive to catch her, to fuck her, to bite her, to own her.

  And Kieran was in my way. After warning me to be careful because I’d scared her, it only took one look in my eyes and he released me, stepping back to make it clear he wouldn’t interfere.

  A split second later, I was in the hallway. Even if I hadn’t seen her racing through the candlelit corridor, I would have known her direction from the smell of her blood. As her head began to turn back, I popped over to the set of double doors at the end of the path and stepped off to the side, waiting in the shadows.

  She was still looking over her shoulder as she approached the doors and was about to run right into them. Though I intended to catch her anyway, I was glad I was there to stop her from breaking her beautiful face on the vast, solid wood doors.

  I opened my arms, and she unknowingly ran right into them. Then they automatically enveloped her in an unbreakable cage, keeping her body pressed to mine.

  She whipped her head around to look up at me and gasped. “How? But—what the heck?”

  “Now, now, little consort, you shouldn’t run from your mate,” I tsked with a teasing smile.

  “Little what?”

  “Mate,” I clarified with a shrug. “Whatever you want to call it, it means you’re mine, love.”

  “My name is Selene, not consort or mate or your love!” she snapped.

  Selene. Even her fucking name was gorgeous. And damn, all the fire she exhibited made it nearly impossible to think about anything but burying my cock into her tight, virgin pussy.

  It was a good thing consorts didn’t feel any physical desire either. I knew, without a doubt, any man who’d had his hands on my Selene would have been dead the moment I found him.

  “I beg to differ, my sweet Selene,” I drawled. Brushing her hair back over one shoulder, I bent my head to skate my tongue over the two small, round marks on her neck. “These say you’re mine.” I moved down a little and licked over her rapid pulse. “Your racing heartbeat”—I slid one hand down and around her front to cup her center—“the wetness between your thighs”—my other hand pressed her into my chest, and I licked my lips at the feel of her large breasts pillowed against me, the stiff peaks poking through the material—“and your taut nipples, all proclaim you as mine.”

  Selene tried to look outraged, but when I removed my hand and replaced it with my shaft’s hard bulge, she closed her eyes and moaned.

  “Open your eyes,” I demanded. They fluttered a few times before lifting. “Don’t ever deprive me of your gorgeous gems.”

  “This is all...I don’t understand,” she whispered.

  “I know, love. It’s a lot to take in. And I promise I’ll explain everything to you when we get home.” I kissed her forehead to soothe her worry.

  “I’m not ready to go back to my parents’ house. I want to visit with—”

  “Not your parents’ house, Selene,” I informed her firmly. “Our house. And you’ll only be a second away from Thana. You can visit her as much as you want...after.”

  “After what?”

  I sighed and whispered another kiss over her forehead, her temple, down to her cheek, and over to her ear. “After I make you mine in every way.”

  A shiver raced through Selene’s body, making me smile at knowing I affected her as much as she did me. “You keep saying that, but I don’t understand why you suddenly think you—”

  With another heavy sigh, I cut her off. “Let me explain it another way, love.”

  I covered her mouth with my own, and the burst of flavor from her, as well as the tidal wave of lust that hit me, caused me to fall back against the door. She sucked in a breath, and I used it to sweep my tongue into her mouth. She tasted like everything delicious in the world all rolled into one, and I groaned at the decadent pleasure.

  Grabbing her plump, full ass, I lifted her body, surprising her and causing her to close her legs around my hips for s
upport. The position lined us up perfectly, and I ground my hard-on into the heat of her pussy as I devoured her mouth. I had to have been making a fucking mess of my suit pants with the amount of come leaking from the engorged tip of my cock. “Fuck,” I muttered as I released her lips to take in a heaving breath. Selene was shifting restlessly, seeking more friction between her legs. She was staring into my face, eyes open and clouded with raw need. “Good girl,” I praised. “I could get lost in those beautiful eyes, love.”

  She licked her lips, and I groaned as my hips punched forward, and she let out a little whimper. “I’ll give you what you need right now, Selene. Then I’ll take the rest at home, in our bed.” She barely acknowledged my comment, lost in desire. “Keep those pretty eyes open, love. I want to see them while you come.”

  Her pupils were dilated nearly to the edges of her irises, but when I mentioned coming, the purple all but disappeared. I instinctively knew what my woman needed, and I was going to give it to her while trying desperately not to climax with her.

  Gripping her ass cheeks, I yanked her into me and guided her pussy up and down on my shaft. She rocked with my movements, and as our pace increased, her mouth opened a little. A moan passed her lips, taking me nearer to the edge, but then she cried out, and it was almost as good as a bucket of water over my head. “Shhh, love. You need to keep quiet if you want me to continue.” I pressed my lips to her ear, my hot breath causing her to shudder. “If anyone hears what you sound like when you come, I’ll fucking kill them before I tan your pretty little hide and fuck you fast and hard until you remember your lesson every time you move the next day.”

  Selene dropped her head into my neck and bit down on my skin, muffling her scream as she flew over the edge. Her body was wracked with violent shudders, her hips undulating against my rod and drawing out her climax.


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