Laconic Lyrics

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by A Naturalbeing


  It's alright, it's all I write. Laconic lyrics appease the critics.

  Unseen Art:

  This is the start. The start of what? Of what you don't want to see, something that you will ignore because it conflicts with what you agree. The greatest, most mysterious art is that which has not been recognized, not been gazed upon by another set of human eyes. Only you know it happened, only you know it's meaning. The sun was shining, yet it was a grey evening. Unseen art, hidden by the clouds.

  This is the start. The start of what? The start of the art of art without art. Let your heart speak.

  I was up there, but you did not look, too busy with your head staring at the ground. But now we're causing the ground to shake, this is an earthawake. Your phone was in your hand, you could have taken a picture.

  This is art, people, I think you get the picture. Frame it. Or frame me, on the charge of trying to set you free. Frame roger rabbit, Alice isn't in Wonderland no more, she's stood outside and knocking on your door. Invite her in for a tea party.

  This is the start. The start of what? The start of the art of art without art. Let your heart speak.

  Kogi Climate:

  The energy revolution is short of people with energy. If I had all the words wouldn't know the questions or the answers. I am forever learning more. There's no such thing as an unfortunate person, it's just unfortunate circumstances.

  Stick Or Twig?:

  It pains me to see anybody wearing a suit, which is why I couldn't have a career as a pro poker player, and now I'm an unemployed unequivocal truth-sayer, trying to restore some pride to this land like George the dragon slayer. But I'm eternally scratching the external surface and revealing new layers, is being a modern slave really worth this? Because I can get by on minimum wage, but I seen a guy in the job centre who was trapped in a cage. You see I'm called middle-class and I can get out, but my heart pulls me towards fighting for those who ain't got a shout in this life, because there's too much strife, between raising the kids and paying the bills, and there goes the wife, and suddenly you're raising the bills cos you're paying for kids. And because I can see this, I've got a need to speak my voice, because I can escape the daily grind, but some 9-5's ain't got a choice.

  Do I stick or twig in this mad world in which I live? Do I run away or do I stay and start to give something back to my fellow humans, my society siblings? This is the unquiet question that circulates my head, on a continual basis, do I recluse and meditate or do I embrace my heart's fate and face this, embrace this?

  The Last Great Brit:

  Shakespeare-esque. Stop shaking your speak in my face, you intrusive government. To be or not to be, to be of course, to be in this together, whatever the weather. This is a grey country. This is a great country. Great Britain: Some new chapters of history need to be written. Where is Romeo? He is roaming the lands of our land, deluded with a broken heart. His Juliet is sleeping with the enemy, on a pillow of pounds, and there's daggers in their smiles.To be gone with conservative labour, we need a fresh start. Those hath eaten me out of house and home. These devils all recite rhetoric scripture for their purpose. War their purpose. Divide and conquer. We shall speak daggers and shakes spears to them, but use none.

  Though this be madness, there is method in 't. Though there be sadness, there is love within 't. Let there be gladness, let a new time begint. For you and I are past our dancing days, but nothing will come of nothing, so let's do something. Let's do something.

  I am a fool. 'Haha' you laugh. The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. I am a wise man. 'I pity the wise man' is what we now admit. I challenge you to make this land as you like it. I for one, I like this place and I could waste my time in it. An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told, or so the saying goes. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, time we realise that we all adorn a crown on top of our heads. Better to realise this soon before it's a minute too late: This world belongs to us. Why then the world's our oyster. God does love you, people, it's just that the course of true love never did run smooth. This is a brave use of brevity, though true it be the soul of wit. I'm about to lose my tempest at all of this shit.

  Though this be madness, there is method in 't. Though there be sadness, there is love within 't. Let there be gladness, let a new time begint. For you may be past your dancing days, but nothing will come of nothing, so let's do something. Let's do something.

  I now use modern language. Please people, listen, update your status and hashtag this in a tweet. They that run fast stumble, we need incremental incidents. Starting with yourself, move your dancing feet. This is the great waltz of our generation, fibre broadband is the beat to our instagramnation. Let the modern heroes reveal themselves, Great Britian becomes the united nation.

  For you may be past your dancing days, but nothing will come of nothing, so let's do something. Let's do something.

  Speech for the camera:

  Why am I like this? Why do I crave for a greater, collective understanding of ISIS? In a body, there are always antibodies that resist the disease that has taken hold. In this modern World, there are always people that resist the 'truth' that we are told. I'm not just going to sit back and watch the lies unfold. That's why I stand here in front of this camera, with my Muslim friend as the camera man, issuing a call out to the prime minister Mr Cameron, because the cameras are always turned on, and I'm watching, you're lies can't get past my eyes, because real eyes realize real lies.

  This isn't a song, but you can sure sing along, I've kept it simple, with no words being too confusing or long. So get your mouths moving and twitching your tongue, because you can't get this one wrong, as it's the truth, and it's only 4 minutes long.

  They've sold off all the gold as greed has taken hold. Cold times lie ahead, no matter what anyone says, about global warming, it's a global warning that now's the time to do something bold. This isn't bold, this is staring at a keyboard. Staring at it, figuring out what rhymes, figuring out if our brains really are changing with the times? Or are we still dumb? Or do we feel for the loss of every life? Let's show that we're not numb, let's demonstrate that the time has come. Demo-nstrate. Demo-cracy. We the people have the power, let us all unite. Bold is taking to the streets with hand in hand, a collective stand, a non-physical fight for the reclamation of our land. For we are the many, and they are the few. We are the grains of sand; Christian, Muslim and Jew. What are you going to do? Time waits for nobody, we have to follow our own cue and start thinking about something new. Bold is not doing what you're told. The obedient must be slaves, which is why the Obama-drones make graves, from far away. A faceless murder, just a murmur in the night to the guy who controls the flight like a kite.

  Why am I on a cross? Well, it's to get your attention, because I'm cross, at all the things that failed to get mentioned. Such as the Guantanamo detainees who have still not been released from detention. You see, the media is desensitising, we see terror on a daily basis that we're no longer scared to face this. We have our backs turned like mine is to the camera. But remember, we can come together. It may have rained today but we can't control the weather, yet they can play it like a HAARP. But we can determine how we treat each other, with our HEARTS, your brother, and sister, with blood in their veins. So please, remember the pain, that they are going through, whether they be Muslim, Christian or Jew.

  The left left us and that wasn't right, right? Calling Tony Blair left and labour isn't fair, not now, not then, because between the toe and the knee we were given a leg to stand on by a recently deceased Mr. Benn. So let's honour his legacy and do what's right. We sure have been thrown over-shore and had our leg left at sea. So, let's fight for our rights and then we shall see what i
s left. I end with a question, one that needs your digestion: What would you do if your supermarket closed down for 3 weeks? That future is bleak, agreed? Smarten up folks, get a vegetable patch, plant some seeds.

  This isn't a song, but you can sure sing along, I've kept it simple, with no words being too confusing or long. So get your mouths moving and twitching your tongue, because you can't get this one wrong, as it's the truth, and it's only 4 minutes long.

  'ed Out:

  A Young Adult Has Undertaken A Song Criticizing Apathy. Act My People, Help Everybody To Achieve More In New Environments. Envisage Collective Sustenance: Together A Symbiotic Yield. Working Hard Is Increasingly Zealous. Dreams Materialise Today. May All Realise It Joyously: Utopian Affluence Nearly Arrived.

  Love is the drug that I need. Love is the drug that shall make us succeed. Love is the drug that shall overcome greed. Love is the drug on which we feed.

  Could Our Death Eventually Incite New Emotions? Can A New Nirvarna Actually Bring In Serenity? Cherished Haloed Angles Rejoicing Lively In Exultation. Vague Accusations Linger In Unknowing Mouths. Loyalty Shows Devotion. All Lives Count; Other Humans Oil Life

  Love is the drug that I need. Love is the drug that shall make us succeed. Love is the drug that shall overcome greed. Love is the drug on which we feed.

  Crazy Riots Attack Cowardly Kings. Tomorrow Our Bottled Anger Can Come Out. Most Anarchists Now Die Young. Silence Achieves Little Voices Involve Audiences. Make, Keep A Treaty. Cherish Our Kind Earth.

  Love is the drug that I need. Love is the drug that shall make us succeed. Love is the drug that shall overcome greed. Love is the drug on which we feed.

  Bright Eclipses Named Zeus's Only Sun. Summer Passed, Experienced Early Death. Small Hills Reach Out Over Misty Shires. A Cold Icy Day. Happy Astronauts Shoot Home. Mother Earth: The Home.

  Love is the drug that I need. Love is the drug that shall make us succeed. Love is the drug that shall overcome greed. Love is the drug on which we feed.

  Wounded Egos Equals Doubt. Hope Embodies Righteous Of Innocent Newborn. Bring Up Beautiful Behaviours: Love Everyone. Materialism Doesn't Mean Affluence. Giving Hearts Beat. Please Organise People. Protest. Enact Revolutionary Systems.

  Weed need a hero in our lives, Kos Everybody's Tired And Most Invariably Need Energy.

  Love is the drug that I need. Love is the drug that shall make us succeed. Love is the drug that shall overcome greed. Love is the drug on which we feed.

  It's Such A Beautiful Day:

  Assassinate the assessment, they bore a false testament. 'These cuts will benefit us all'. These cuts will benefit the rich, is what the ass-ass meant. Because they've got us stuck in a ditch, and there's no rise, just fall, gravity's in control here but there's lots to fear, because my dreams are in the sky, but will I ever get there? It's not fair, they've got jet-packs that blow out cash.

  The world is autistic. Days are repeated. Routine is necessary.

  We only see 60% and our brain fills in the rest. Blank space. With background noise.

  Real life, but sketched. Is the skanner dark or light? Black, and white? Or colour?

  That was unexpected.

  Contemplation. And then laughter.

  Copper conducts.


  Can't escape reality. Beauty in destruction. The rebirth.

  Heart beat rhythm. Shut up, mind, my heart is trying to speak hear.

  Let your synapses fly, let your thoughts pass by, like waves over rocks.

  Swim around the cave of my mind.

  The train is coming for you. Choose wisely.

  Floating like a balloon to the sun.

  Continually question. Don't think you've got all the answers.

  Blinded by the fire of a life that burns so bright.

  My memories are a cage, because I can't escape the past.

  Dust is life.

  Invented conclusions to make everyday life less confusing.

  Isn't everything amazing?

  You'll finally have your day.

  I Need Her, She's Smokin' Hot:

  I want to do what you want to do, today. I'm content to spend some time with you, today. Because it doesn't matter where we are in the World, so long as I can call you my girl.

  She puts me in a better mood, I'm a nice guy. I ain't ever rude, when she's all up in my hair. Her air is in my lungs, I don't care, I gotta have, don't worry bout the funds, cos we just havin fun. She's adorned in crystal, damn girl I want more of you, got me feeling wishful. I got her on speed-dial, if she's not close by, I swear I run a mile, that's how much she makes me smile. She perks up my lugubrious looks, after I've hit her, we lie in bed with our heads up in books. She likes to be wrapped up in paper, she's made an honest man out of me, I want to be the only guy that gets to date her. But her hearts so big that she shares herself round, that's her prerogative, she likes being amongst the crowds.

  I want to do what you want to do, today. I'm content to spend some time with you, today. Because it doesn't matter where we are in the World, so long as I can call you my girl.

  I met this girl in a rasta bar in Prague and ever since then she's been keeping me in Czech. I think of her all the time, like when I'm in the bank queue waiting to cash some cheques. Green like the hulk, she takes away my sulks. She takes away my pain, I love you Mary Jane.


  The same characters can be found anywhere. All you have to do is travel. Hit the road, Jack, you don't have to be a Kerouac, and their presence will unravel. The needless dick, the old man shuffling along with his walking stick, the girl with the sunshine hair, the one who'll drive you lovesick. Just have a peep, and you might just see, somebody that you ought to know. Hit the road and have the past to your back, with nothing but the future on show.

  Go on a journey where there ain't no turning back.

  Everybody can be a story teller. Open your ears, lower your voice. Do not yell, over them, to understand, like an umbrella.

  A Blameish Blemish:

  Simple Humour. A child using a stone as a ball says it all. Lying can't gain profit, as cirrus skies overlook a hillside.The rain sends everybody in. Creaky noises as the wind blows. This dark cloud of grey, dampening my day. It's all petrichoral. As the minutes tick by on the antique clock, you find yourself in a place where time has stopped. The hands aren't moving, they've stopped for you. Giving you all the time in the World, for what you want to do. Camp in your back garden, with a tent, whatever it may be. So long as you're partaking in an activity that stirs happiness and glee.


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