Ep.#12 - A Price Too High (The Frontiers Saga - Part 2: Rogue Castes)

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Ep.#12 - A Price Too High (The Frontiers Saga - Part 2: Rogue Castes) Page 31

by Ryk Brown

  “About fifty light years,” Loki replied.

  “Discontinue the recharge, and divert that power to shields,” Nathan instructed.

  “Then we’re going back in,” Jessica surmised.

  “I admit we have a chance at taking out Battleship One,” Cameron said, “a few of their shield sections are already down, but Battleship Two is another story.”

  “We still have twenty jump missiles,” Nathan reminded her.

  “And they still have point-defenses,” Cameron countered. “Even if half our jump missiles made it through their defenses, every single one would have to impact the same shield section to bring it down.”

  Nathan looked to Kaylah for confirmation.

  “She’s correct, sir,” Kaylah told him. “The Dusahn’s newer battleships have very good shields and very thick hulls.”

  Dylan stepped forward, forgetting about the Ghatazhak guard who was watching him. “You can’t stop now,” he insisted. “What about the swarm?”

  “We don’t even know if they made it to the hull,” Cameron told him.

  “You have to give them time,” Dylan insisted. “This is their first use. They have no data on the enemy. It takes time for them to figure out what to do.”

  “How much time?” Nathan asked, turning to face Dylan.

  “I don’t know,” Dylan admitted, looking at Nathan. “You can’t let them conquer SilTek, you said so yourself.”

  “There is more at stake than just your world,” Cameron told him, trying to appear sympathetic.

  “Helm,” Nathan began, still facing aft, “ninety to port, and jump five light minutes.”

  Josh paused a moment, exchanging a glance with Loki. “Ninety to port,” he acknowledged as he initiated the turn.

  “Five-light-minute jump,” Loki added.

  “Three-point, time-on-target attack,” Nathan said to Cameron. “Four missiles per point. Two on each target. Set them to arrive one hundred meters outside their shield perimeters. We jump in two seconds after impact, directly off Battleship One’s starboard side, snap-launch four of them from five hundred meters, dive under, jump across to Battleship Two, and launch the last four from the same range.” He looked at Kaylah again. “Will that be enough to bring down their shields?”

  “It might,” Kaylah replied.

  “Assuming they don’t miss,” Cameron added.

  “Turn complete,” Josh reported.

  “If they miss, we jump clear, put all power into recharging, and limp our way back home,” Nathan promised.

  “Jumping five light minutes,” Loki announced.

  “That’s an awfully big risk,” Cameron argued as the jump flash washed over the bridge.

  “Jump complete,” Loki reported.

  “Bet big or go home,” Nathan told her. “Helm, turn in toward the targets.”

  “Aye, sir,” Josh acknowledged.

  Cameron sighed. “Calculating a three-point, time-on-target attack,” she reported as she began running the calculations.

  “Then, you’re not giving up?” Dylan asked.

  “Not yet,” Nathan replied, “but there’s a very good chance that we’ll have to, after this next attack pass.”

  “Loading targeting data and jump-delay timings to first group,” Cameron announced. “I’ve already sent the next two launch points to the helm.”

  “I’ve got it,” Loki confirmed.

  “First four missiles are ready to launch,” Cameron reported.

  “Start the attack clock and launch,” Nathan instructed.

  “Launching four,” Cameron announced as she pressed the launch button. “Attack clock is running. Missiles away.”

  “Turning toward second launch point,” Josh announced as he began a turn to starboard.

  “Loading next group of missiles.”

  Jessica looked to Nathan, doubt in her eyes.

  “Turn complete,” Josh reported.

  “Jumping to second launch point,” Loki announced.

  “This will work,” Nathan assured her as the jump flash washed over the bridge.

  “Jump complete.”

  “Turning back toward targets,” Josh announced.

  Jessica said nothing further, returning her attention to her tactical console, preparing for the final attack pass.

  “On course for launch,” Josh announced.

  “Launching four,” Cameron said, pressing the launch button. “Missiles away, loading next group of missiles.”

  “Turning to third launch point,” Josh announced as the missiles sped away.

  Nathan exchanged a glance with Dylan.

  “The swarm will work,” Dylan promised, seeing the doubt in Nathan’s eyes. “I know it.”

  “Turn complete,” Josh announced.

  “Jumping to third launch point,” Loki added.

  “I hope you’re right,” Nathan said as the jump flash washed over them again. “I truly do.”

  “Jump complete.”

  “Turning toward targets,” Josh announced.

  Dylan leaned toward Naralena. “What’s a time-on-target attack?”

  “Missiles launched from different directions, arriving at the targets at the same time,” Naralena explained.

  “It makes it more difficult for the targets to defend against them,” the Ghatazhak guard added, overhearing the conversation.

  Dylan looked at the guard, surprised that the frightening-looking man had offered any information.

  “On course and speed for final launch point,” Josh reported.

  “Move up the jump timing of the last group of missiles by ten seconds, and increase their arrival range to two clicks,” Nathan instructed.

  Cameron exchanged glances with Jessica. “Launching final group,” Cameron reported as she pressed the launch button. “Missiles away. Jump time moved ahead by ten seconds, arrival point: two clicks.”

  “Turning toward attack jump point,” Josh announced, initiating his turn.

  “Loading next group of missiles,” Cameron announced. “Set for snap jump.”

  “You’re sacrificing four missiles as decoys,” Jessica surmised.

  “Turn complete,” Josh reported.

  “A deke before I take my shot,” Nathan explained.

  “Jumping,” Loki announced.

  “It used to work great when I was kid,” Nathan added as the jump flash washed over them.

  Jessica said nothing, only smiled.

  “Jump complete,” Loki announced.

  “Turning to final attack jump course,” Josh reported.

  “Twenty seconds to attack jump,” Loki added.

  Dylan leaned toward Naralena again. “What’s a deke?” he whispered.

  Naralena shrugged her shoulders.

  Dylan looked to the Ghatazhak guard.

  “Third group is jumping now,” Cameron announced.

  “A deceptive move intended to cause one’s opponent to execute a desired action, thus creating an opportunity to achieve an intended result.”

  “Right,” Dylan replied, still confused.

  “Jumping in five seconds,” Loki announced. “Three……two……one……jumping.”

  Nathan took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as the jump flash washed over them.

  “Jump complete,” Loki announced as the first round of energy weapons slammed into their forward shields, shaking the bridge.

  “No kidding,” Josh grumbled, adjusting their course to bring the plasma torpedo tubes onto their target.

  “Launch missiles,” Nathan instructed calmly.

  “Target lock!” Josh announced. “Firing on all tubes!”

  “Launching missiles,” Cameron replied with equal demeanor.

  “Firing all forward plasma turrets,” Jessica added.
  “Missiles away,” Cameron reported.

  The main view screen lit up as all four missiles jumped away after leaving the launch tubes. Red-orange bolts of plasma energy flew back and forth between the two ships as each tried to subdue the other. A split second after the jump missiles flashed away, they reappeared, right at the edge of Battleship One’s shield perimeter, resulting in brilliant yellow-white explosions as they detonated, dumping all their energy into the enemy warship’s shields.

  “Reloading jump missiles,” Cameron reported.

  “Battleship One’s shields are failing!” Kaylah exclaimed.

  “Dive under the target,” Nathan ordered. “Pitch up and hit them with all tubes as we pass under.”

  “Diving under!” Josh replied, pushing his flight control stick forward.

  Nathan watched as the beleaguered Dusahn battleship slid up the main view screen; the exchange of energy weapons fire continuing. As the warship began to slide overhead, Josh pulled back on his flight control stick, pitching the ship back upwards, causing the image of the battleship to slide back down to center.

  “I’m picking up fluctuations in Battleship Two’s shields!” Kaylah reported.

  “Which ones?” Nathan asked eagerly.

  “All of them!” she replied. “There are detonations occurring all over their hull, right where their shield emitters are located!”

  “It’s the swarm!” Dylan exclaimed, his excitement getting the best of him, charging forward to the edge of the tactical console. “It’s working!”

  “Target lock re-established!” Josh announced. “Firing!”

  “Pound them, Josh!” Nathan urged.

  Josh said nothing, his focus on his flight controls, keeping the Aurora’s nose pointed at the battleship as they passed under it. Only once did he glance up at the main view screen, resulting in a satisfied grin at the sight of the underside of the mighty warship being torn open by his plasma torpedoes.

  “Battleship One is breaking up!” Kaylah reported.

  “Helm, pitch back down, tubes to bear on the second battleship,” Nathan ordered urgently. “Jump us to five hundred meters off their starboard beam.”

  “Bringing tubes to bear on the second battleship!” Josh replied as he ceased firing and pushed the Aurora’s nose back down toward her path of flight.

  “Standby to…”

  The Aurora pitched downward sharply as something slammed into her topside. The main view screen flickered and then went black.

  “What the hell happened?” Nathan demanded.

  “We’ve collided with a large part of Battleship One!” Jessica replied.

  “One is coming apart…violently!” Kaylah warned.

  “Jump us forward!” Nathan ordered.

  “We’re losing power on all decks!” Cameron announced.

  “We’re losing all shields!” Jessica added.

  “Multiple hull breaches on…”

  “Jumping!” Loki replied as the jump flash washed over them.

  “…decks B and C,” Cameron finished.

  “Jump complete!”

  “Launch missiles!” Nathan ordered as the main view screen flickered, and then came back to life, revealing the starboard side of the massive second battleship, growing larger with each passing second.

  “Both cats are down!” Cameron added. “Unable to launch!”

  “Jump them in the tubes!” Nathan instructed.

  “If they so much as brush the sides of the launch tubes on their way out…” Cameron warned.

  “DO IT!” Nathan insisted.

  “Jumping all four in the tubes!” Cameron replied as she pressed the snap jump button.

  Four blue-white flashes of light appeared before them, immediately turning into yellow-white flashes as the missiles impacted the hull of the second battleship and detonated a split second after coming out of their jump. The battleship’s midsection cracked open, prompting a series of secondary explosions deep within the doomed vessel.

  “Missile launches on the surface!” Kaylah reported.

  “We are too close to the target!” Cameron warned. “If one of those missiles misses…”

  “Helm,” Nathan barked, “pitch up to a clear jump line, and get us the hell out of here!”

  “I can’t!” Josh replied, trying to get his flight controls to respond. “I’ve lost all maneuvering! All I’ve got are the mains!”

  “Then plow through them!” Nathan ordered.

  “Captain!” Jessica exclaimed, “Our shields are down!”

  “No choice,” Nathan replied, pressing the ship-wide button on the comm-panel, on the right arm of his command chair.

  “Surface missiles have jumped!” Kaylah reported.

  “All hands! Brace for impact!” Nathan announced, clutching the armrests.

  The main view screen flashed multiple times with blue-white light as a wave of surface-launched jump missiles slammed into the underside of the last Dusahn battleship, breaking it apart into multiple sections and sending debris, both large and small, in all directions.

  The Aurora shook violently as it plowed through the debris field, unprotected. Equipment shorted-out all over the bridge, and overhead ducting and conduits ripped from their mounts and came crashing down. Within seconds, the bridge was filled with acrid smoke, and the lights had gone out, leaving only the faint illumination of the emergency, battery-powered lighting. Then, as suddenly as it had started, it stopped.

  Nathan found himself on the floor, a large section of the overhead air duct on top of him. Every inhalation made him choke. His eyes stung from the smoke, forcing him to keep them closed.

  A whirring sound started, becoming louder in seconds, and the smoke quickly cleared. Someone lifted up the ducting from him and grabbed his left hand, pulling him from the floor.

  Nathan opened his eyes, revealing Loki standing in front of him.

  “Are you okay?” Loki asked.

  “Yeah,” Nathan replied. “I think so.” He looked around briefly. “Where’d the smoke go?”

  “Emergency ventilators,” Loki reminded him. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Nathan insisted. He looked to the helm where Josh was pushing fallen debris aside so he could return to his station. “Sound off!” he barked, his eyes still burning.

  “XO!” Cameron barked from behind him.

  “Helm!” Josh replied.

  “Ops!” Loki followed.

  Nathan looked toward Kaylah, expecting her to sound off. She was slumped forward, her body draped over her console. Nathan stepped over a fallen beam to reach her, pulling her back carefully. Her head was smashed, and her neck was broken.

  “Nathan!” Cameron yelled, grave concern in her tone.

  Then it dawned on him. Jessica.

  Nathan turned aft, quickly climbing back over the fallen beam to make his way through. He stepped over the lifeless bodies of both the Ghatazhak guard and Dylan, finally coming up behind Cameron, who was crouched over Jessica’s unmoving body.

  Nathan stepped over to Jessica’s opposite side, falling to his knees beside her. He stared at her for a moment, his mouth agape in disbelief. “Oh, my God, no,” he whispered. “Jess.”

  Jessica’s eyes opened, a blank stare in them. She coughed, blood sputtering up from her mouth, a gurgling wheeze coming from her with each labored breath. “Nathan?”

  Nathan reached down for her, carefully lifting her upper torso, and cradling her head and shoulders in his arms as he shifted to a seated position on the deck next to her. “I’m here,” he told her, his eyes welling up. “I’m here.”

  She coughed again, spraying blood everywhere, her eyes still a blank stare. She tried to laugh, but only gagged on her own blood. “I guess…you can…kill a Nash,” she commented. She reached up with h
er bloody right hand, putting it to Nathan’s cheek. “Don’t ever give up, Nathan. Promise me…”

  Nathan swallowed hard, fighting back his tears. “I promise,” he whispered as she passed. He pulled her into his chest, sobbing. “What have I done?”

  Cameron put her hand on his shoulder. “You did what you had to.”

  Nathan looked up at her, desperation in his eyes.

  “She knew the risks,” Cameron whispered. “We all did.”

  Nathan fought to suppress his grief, pushing it back down inside him, remembering Jessica’s last words.

  Never give up.

  He gently placed her head and torso back down on the deck and then struggled back to his feet. “Helm, report,” he finally managed to say.

  “We’re dead stick,” Josh replied. “No maneuvering, no mains.”

  “Something has pushed us off course, as well,” Loki added. “We’re going down.”

  “Naralena is dead, as well.”

  Nathan took a breath. “How long?”

  “It’s kind of hard to tell,” Loki replied. “My best guess is that we’ll hit atmo in a few minutes, at most.”

  Nathan tapped his comm-set. “Vlad, you still with us?”

  “Yes, I am here,” Vladimir replied, “surprisingly.”

  “How bad?”

  “Very, and yourself?”

  “Very,” Nathan replied. “Jessica is dead, along with Kaylah and Naralena.”

  “Bozhe moi,” Vladimir exclaimed. “I am so sorry, Nathan.”

  “We’re going down, Vlad,” Nathan told him, barely holding his grief at bay. “I need a miracle.”

  After a moment of silence, Vladimir responded. “I don’t think that is possible,” he admitted, “but I will try. I might be able to restore maneuvering, but it will not be much.”

  “I need the mains so I can accelerate to a higher orbit,” Nathan told him.

  “That is impossible,” Vladimir told him. “We took a direct hit aft. Both inboards are destroyed, and the starboard outboard is leaking propellant all over its bay. If I try a restart, it will explode and take out the entire stern.”

  “Understood,” Nathan replied, tapping his comm-set to end the call. He looked to Cameron.

  “It worked,” Cameron told him. “We saved SilTek.”

  Nathan looked down at Jessica’s lifeless body. “But at what price?”


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