Shattered Circle: The Witches Circle Book 3

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Shattered Circle: The Witches Circle Book 3 Page 3

by C. Larsen

  "Some things are best discussed in person.” Another small smile creeps onto his face.

  Olivia squeezes my shoulder in encouragement, or maybe in apology, before disappearing out the front door.

  "Why don't we have a seat?" James gestures me into the living room. Lifting my chin, I walk in and sit on the sofa as if turning my back on him doesn't bother me in the least.

  "First, I would like to thank you for what you did for Olivia Friday night. I heard she took quite a blow to the head. If you hadn't healed her when you did, she may not have made it."

  His attempt at charm has the opposite effect on me than I'm sure he intended. Rather than putting me at ease, it just raises my suspicions. He wouldn't have brought me here if he didn't want something. The sooner I find out what that is, the better.

  "Don't thank me for that. Olivia's my friend. I did what I had to do. Besides," I say, shrugging, “she was there to protect me. Of course I’d help her.”

  "From my count, that's twice now."


  "That you've saved her."

  Twice? What is he talking about? Unless... An image of Olivia pops into my head, dressed in a school-girl outfit for Halloween, tears streaking her face as Dan looms above her, pinning her to the bed. Caiden and I got there in time, thank god, but it was close. But how does James know about that?

  "Of course, the fact that you had to defend her from one of my own is, frankly, a little embarrassing, but impressive none the less."

  "One of your own?" My mind is slow to make the connection. "Dan? He's a werewolf? But..." I remember the way his eyes flashed gold after I threw him against the wall. The way he seemed able to shake it off, even though his head hit hard enough to knock out a guy twice his size.

  "Don't worry," James says reassuringly. "He's been taken care of."

  "I heard he ended up in the hospital that night, from an animal attack."

  James smiles enigmatically.

  I thought at the time that it was Silver Ridge who attacked him, but now I remember Josh and Sebastian’s fury that night, how they went upstairs after him while Caiden and I carried Olivia to the car. "Josh and Sebastian?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "They attacked him?"

  "Would that bother you?" He asks curiously.

  The image of Olivia's tear-streaked face rises up in front of my eyes, her pleated skirt hiked up around her waist...

  "No." The word comes out more of a growl. "Not in the slightest. He got what he deserved."

  "Yes. He did."

  "That's why she wouldn't go to the police," I say, more to myself than him.

  "We prefer to take care of our own. Don't like the police interfering in pack business; it's never smart to draw their attention. We've been hiding too long to risk that kind of exposure."

  I nod, hiding my shock at finding out Dan's a werewolf. Really, after finding out that my best friend and ex-boyfriend are werewolves, you'd think I'd cease to be surprised by such things.

  "So, Dan’s in your pack?" As I think about him, a surge of hate rips through me. James' eyes narrow in thought, studying me.

  "Was. He's been banished," he answers absently, as if his mind is on something else. Then, changing the subject abruptly, he says, "Has Madelyn mentioned why your mother was running from the Silver Ridge Pack?"

  His question catches me off guard. "She wasn't running from them."

  "No? Are you sure about that?"

  "She left them to be with my dad."

  "Your dad?" His eyebrows shoot up. "You mean Jack?" At my blank look, he cocks his head at me. "You should really talk to Madelyn about your mom. It seems she's left out a few details."

  "What would you know about my mom?" I ask, my temper rising.

  "From the sound of it, more than you." I draw in an angry breath, but he continues. "After Sebastian introduced us, I have to say I was intrigued. Sebastian knew the rules regarding humans. He was aware that anything long term between you two couldn't be allowed. But judging by that ring on your hand that day in the cafe, it appeared as if he was willing to break the law for you." He eyes me critically again, as if trying to figure out a tricky puzzle. "It made me wonder. What's so special about you that he'd be willing to disobey our laws and risk banishment?"

  "It's against pack law for a werewolf to be with a human? He would have been banished if he stayed with me?” Suddenly the promise ring he gave me takes on a whole new meaning. Is that why Josh was so pissed? He knew what Sebastian was risking and he hated me for putting him in danger, especially since he assumed I was cheating on him? Well, at least that explains some of Josh's dick-ishness, but it doesn't explain James' interest in me. "What does any of that have to do with my mom?"

  My belligerent tone brings a smile to his lips. "After our first meeting, I did some research on you and your family. Of course, I didn't know Elizabeth personally, but leaving her home as suddenly as she did, then spending the next fourteen years moving from town to town, never staying in one place too long… It certainly appears as if she was running from someone, doesn’t it?"

  When he puts it like that, it is suspicious, but Madelyn assured me that no one in the pack would have hurt her daughter. If that's true, then what was she running from?

  "Of course, this is just speculation. Madelyn would know best, wouldn't she?"

  If he wanted to get my attention, he certainly succeeded. "What are you getting at? And why would you care about any of this?”

  "Just making conversation," he says, his eyes glinting mischievously. "But, it seems to me your new friends may not be as trustworthy as they've led you to believe." At my glare, his smile widens, showing his teeth. "I've also heard about your falling out with the local coven."

  My whole body tenses. I assume Josh told him about the fight at lunch today. Now he knows I'm no longer under the protection of Night’s Hollow.

  I gather the energy swirling deep inside me, coaxing it higher, closer to the surface, ready to be released at a moment's notice. If he attacks now, I'll be ready. If he thinks that I'm completely helpless without their protection, he has another thing coming.

  At the defiant tilt to my chin, he laughs, a deep, cultured sound. "Haha, such a temper. They probably tried to beat that out of you, I bet. But they don't know that your greatest strength lies in it." He shakes his head. "Your former coven is afraid of your power. They don't understand you, but that's okay. You don't need them. Not their understanding, not their approval. You only need to understand yourself; to accept yourself for the magnificent creature you are. And if what you are causes others to fear you..." He shrugs. "Too bad. That's on them. Don't concern yourself with what others think."

  I suppress a laugh. This conversation isn't going at all how I imagined. "Is this why you tricked me to come here? To tell me what a 'magnificent creature' I am?"

  He chuckles again as if I amuse him. "Your status with the coven being what it is, I was hoping we might be able to help each other."

  I pause, surprised. I don't release my gathered energy just yet in case this is some sort of trick, but I lower it a little, willing to hear him out. "Help each other how?"

  "Based on what I've heard, you could use my pack's protection."

  I arch one eyebrow at him. "And what do you get out of it?"

  The corner of his mouth lifts, eyes hooded. "I thought that'd be obvious." At my continued stare, he says, "We'd get you."

  His words carry a vaguely threatening note. Energy heats up my palms, begging to be released. The light above glows brighter in response.

  He smiles wider, unconcerned. "I told you, you're safe with me. I won’t harm you. Surely after saving one of my pack, you can see the value I'd place on you and your abilities."

  "You're offering me protection in exchange for, what? You want me to heal your pack when they're hurt?"

  He inclines his head in one of those old-world gestures I'm coming to expect from him. "An alliance between you and I will benefit us both. In fact, I'd even be wi
lling to allow Sebastian to choose you for a mate, if that's what you want."


  "Yes. Mate. It's the werewolf equivalent of marriage, I suppose."

  "Marriage?" My heart gallops in my chest, and by his expression I suspect he can hear it. I didn't even want to marry Sebastian when we were dating. After everything that's happened since, the thought of marrying him threatens to put me into cardiac arrest. "I thought it was against Pack Law to marry a human?"

  “It is. Pack members are not allowed to marry humans. You, however, are not human, so you don't pose the same risks. Being of the supernatural yourself, you value secrecy just as much as we do. I wouldn't have to worry about you exposing us to human authorities.” Sensing my panic, James says, "You don't have to mate him. The choice is yours. If Sebastian isn't to your liking, there are plenty of other eligible males you could choose from, my son included."

  "Josh?!" I try to disguise my burst of laughter as a cough. "No. No way. Me and Josh?" James' smile becomes a bit stiff, but at least he doesn't look ready to tear my throat out for offending him.

  "You don't have to choose anyone in the pack if you don't want. Just know that the option is available to you, should you desire it. Either way, I’m interested in working out an arrangement with you. And considering your current list of enemies, I think we can both agree you are sorely in need of our protection. You seem to be running low on friends you can trust."

  His allusion to Madelyn doesn't go unnoticed. Is she keeping something from me about my mom's past? Why did my mother choose to leave Ashwood when she was just seventeen? Was it only to marry my dad, like Madelyn suggested?

  James is right about one thing—I need to figure out who, if anyone, I can trust. After telling James I need time to think about his offer, I take off in my car, but instead of going home to Netflix and Chinese food, I head toward the one person I think might actually give me some answers.

  Chapter 4

  When I pull up to the old Victorian house on Spruce Street, I sigh in relief at the massive black Hummer in the driveway. He's home.

  The porch sags under my weight as I approach the front door. Just as I raise my hand to knock, the door opens.

  "Thought I heard a car." Gray smirks, crossing his arms as he leans against the door jamb. "So, what did I do to earn this visit? Or were you planning on sneaking around in my woods again?"

  Still shaken up from my recent visit with James, I don't smile at his joke. Is Gray keeping secrets from me? Is Madelyn? Have they all been lying to me since the day they showed up?

  "I need to talk to you," I say. His silver eyes study my face and his smirks slips, a softer expression sliding across his face, one he usually hides behind his sarcasm and arrogance.

  "Come on in." He holds the weathered door open for me. "Sorry about the mess; contractors are still working on it."

  This is the first time I've been inside the house. I glance around as he leads me from the foyer to the living room. The walls are bare, paint peeling in the corners and the worn hardwood floor squeaks under my feet. The only furniture in the room consists of a few folding chairs and a couple of recliners placed in front of a giant plasma TV.

  "Not much for entertaining, huh?" I ask to dispel the uncomfortable silence.

  "We don't need much furniture." He shrugs unabashedly. "We aren't planning on staying here very long. I did make sure to grab the plasma." He gestures to the huge 60" on the wall.

  "You can afford that, but not a sofa?"

  He laughs lightly. "Trust me, we can afford one, I just didn't see the point, since we're leaving so soon. But now that you mention it..." He eyes me up and down, one side of his mouth quirking up in a sexy smile. "You're right. We could definitely use a couch in here."

  "Why did you guys hire all those contractors to fix the place up if you plan to leave soon?" I ask, ignoring his come-on.

  "Nikolay's planning on flipping it as soon as we convince you to come back to Ashwood with us."


  "My father."

  It's odd that he calls his dad by his first name, but I don’t comment on it. "And he's so sure that you can convince me to move?" I ask instead.

  "I can be very persuasive." His lips pull into a slow smile.

  "Yeah, I can see that." I roll my eyes and turn away, pacing around the room, trying to figure out what it is I want to ask.

  "You know, if you came over for a tour, we can start in my bedroom. It's by far the most interesting room in the house," he drawls.

  I stop my pacing and turn to face him. "I think I'll pass." Why did I come here? He's not going to give me a straight answer. Everything's a joke to him.

  "Suit yourself..." He shakes his head in mock disappointment.

  I force myself to sit down on one of the recliners rather than continue pacing. Gray stays standing, leaning casually against the wall behind him. I'm here now, so I might as well try, much good it'll do me. "Why did my mom leave the coven?" I ask bluntly.

  His muscles stiffen, his jaw slackening ever so slightly. Then, with visible effort, he forces his muscles to relax, that slow smirk creeping back onto his face.

  "I have no idea, moya luna‒"

  "No," I snap at him, jumping up and shaking my head. "Don't do that."

  "Do what?" He feigns confusion. "I don't know why‒"

  "Enough with the lies!" The lights overhead flicker. I snap my mouth shut and breathe in heavily through my nose. "I'm done listening to lies." My voice comes out lower, strained with the effort of controlling my temper. "I've been lied to by just about everyone I know. If all you have for me is witty banter and more bullshit, then forget it."

  I sweep past him to leave, but he reaches out and grabs my arm.

  "Wait, Em."

  "What?" I growl, still facing away from him.

  "Fine," he huffs. "But we can't talk about it here. I'm not supposed to say anything."

  I turn to face him, tilting my head back so I can glare at him. "Who told you not to tell me?"

  His eyes shift to the side guiltily.

  "Who?" I growl, frustrated beyond belief. After everything I've gone through, I'm still being left out of the loop.

  "Madelyn," he says reluctantly. "And Nikolay."

  So... James was right after all. They are keeping secrets from me.

  Gray looks down briefly. "They didn't want to overwhelm you. And if they find out that I said anything to you about this..." He shakes his head. "Let's just say that what Caroline did to me will be a walk in the park compared to what Nikolay will do."

  "He'll hurt you? Your own father?"

  "He's my Alpha first and foremost," he says quietly. I don't think I've ever seen him so serious, without the sarcasm he wears as a shield. "His word is law, and I've seen what he does to those in the pack who break it."

  I study his grim expression and wonder what kind of family he grew up in, where he can't even call his father 'dad', where he must obey, without question, or risk physical punishment.

  "Don't worry," he says, reading the pity in my eyes. "I don't often give him a reason to punish me." He smirks again, trying to lighten the mood.

  "Is that because you always do what he says?"

  His smirk disappears, a dark look crossing his features. Some remembered punishment, perhaps. "Not always." He tilts his head, his eyes roaming over my face, studying me. Then he jumps, quickly stepping back from me.

  "What? What's wrong?"

  "Vasily’s back."

  I cock my head to listen, and can just make out the rumble of an engine in the distance.

  "We'll talk about this later." He leads me to the door. "You should go before he gets here."

  "When?" I ask, before he can nudge me out the door.

  "I don't know. Later."

  "Tonight," I tell him firmly. "Meet me at Fuller Park at ten."

  "Better make that tomorrow," he says. "We have a pack meeting tonight."

  "Fine, tomorrow night, ten o'clock." I turn t
o leave, but his voice stops me.

  "What about your boyfriend?" he asks sarcastically.

  "Who?" I glance at him over my shoulder.

  "Caiden. Doesn't he keep you under lock and key?"

  "He's not boyfriend," I answer coldly. "He never was."

  The next day during History, I fill Olivia in on the details of my conversation with James. We’re sitting off to the side of the class, pretending to be working on creating a map of the colonies, when Arianna approaches us.

  "Hey," she says, smiling uncomfortably.

  Olivia raises her eyebrows at Arianna, eyes narrowing in anger. Before Olivia can get out a biting remark, I jump in.

  "Hey, Ari. How's it going?"

  She shrugs her shoulders. "It's been rough. Ethan's been..." She looks off to the left, her expression darkening. "I'm sorry I haven't called or anything. Things have been a mess. Can I sit with you guys?"

  Olivia looks at her nastily, but I elbow her to keep her quiet.

  "Sure." I move over to give her room. She takes the seat next to me and pretends to be working on her map.

  *I'm sorry about Ethan,* she says to me in my mind. Over the past few weeks I've become used to hearing other people's voices in my head. I'm pretty good at hearing people's thoughts when they’re thinking directly at me and I can even project my own thoughts at them.

  *It's fine.* I tell her. *I understand.*

  *No, it isn't fine,* she answers, anger leaking into her thoughts. *He's blaming you for Lydia's death, saying all sorts of horrible things about you. No matter what I say to him, he just won't listen. I don't know what to do about it.*

  *There's nothing you can do. He loved his cousin and he needs someone to blame.*

  "But you aren't to blame!" she bursts out. "You aren't the one who killed her!"

  The room goes silent at her outburst, heads swiveling in our direction.

  "Would you keep it down!" Olivia hisses at her.

  "Sorry." Arianna crosses her arms in front of her and looks at Olivia with narrowed eyes. "Do you know who it was? Do you know who..."


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