Shattered Circle: The Witches Circle Book 3

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Shattered Circle: The Witches Circle Book 3 Page 25

by C. Larsen

  "Love me? You barely know me.”

  "Barely know you? Em, I've spent every waking minute with you since you got here. I know you're strong. You survived Caroline’s sick ritual. You’ve put up with all my training, You’ve put up with me. I know you're brave. You faced down Madelyn to try to protect me. You saved my life last month when Landon tried to kill me. I know you're fiercely protective of those you love. That you’d do anything to protect your Dad, your friends, even me. And I know that you're afraid."

  "Afraid?" I scoff.

  "Yeah. You're afraid of your strength, your abilities. You're afraid of who and what you are. And you're afraid of me.”

  "I'm not afraid of you."

  "Sure you are. You're afraid I'm going to lie to you. Betray you. Hurt you. Just like everyone else has. But, Em, you don't have to be afraid of me. I will never lie to you. I won't betray you. And I would never, ever, hurt you."

  I stare at him, at the sincerity shining from his serious, silver eyes.

  “You think I’m not just as scared as you are? I’m new to all this too.”

  “Ha! If you tell me you’re a virgin, forget it—”

  “No, that’s not what I meant—wait, you’re a virgin?”

  My face burns and I look away.

  “Interesting…but that isn’t what I meant. I’ve had sex before, but never… I’ve never been with someone I actually care about. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’m in love with you, Emerson.”

  Warmth radiates from deep within me. I bite my lip. My heart feels like it’s doing flips in my chest. Could he really mean it? This isn’t just some sick ploy to get me to stay in the pack?

  He steps closer, so his chest just brushes mine. "Give me a chance, luna. Let me prove it to you. He leans down, mouth inches from mine. Unable to fight the longing inside me any longer, I meet him the rest of the way, kissing him softly.

  He wants me to give him a chance. After everything that's happened with Sebastian and Caiden these past couple months, I didn't intend to get involved with anyone so soon, but I can't deny I have feelings for Gray. Strong feelings. He says he's drawn to me like he is the moon, and I have to admit I feel a certain pull toward him as well.

  I've tried to deny it, especially in the beginning, but I’m tired of fighting it. With everything I've been through, Gray has been next to me almost every step of the way. He's always there when I need him, always ready to support me, to protect me, or to simply laugh with me, to play with me and have fun.

  After one kiss, I pull back, determined to keep things light. Casual. Just because I finally gave into my feelings for him doesn't mean this has to be anything serious. We can just have fun together. See where it leads.

  "So," I tease, "are you going to tell me why you were so shocked yesterday when I called you solnyshko?"

  "Who's been teaching you Russian?" he asks with a smile.


  Gray continues to stare at me, a soft expression entering his eyes. "You asked Grant to teach you tender Russian words to call me?"

  "Tender?" I laugh again, but this time it feels slightly forced. The way Gray's looking at me has my stomach fluttering oddly. "I just asked him how to say 'sun', since you’re always calling me luna."

  Gray grins. "Guess he didn't tell you that moyo solnyshko is a particularly affectionate term. You didn't just say 'sun' you said ‘my sun’."

  "So? What's the difference?"

  "Well, think about it for a minute." Gray trails a hand up and down my arm. "The sun makes you happy. It brightens your day." He moves around behind me, fingers grazing my shoulder, sending tingles down my back. "Warms you after a cold night." Warm breath teases my ear. His nose grazes the column of my neck. I shudder. Unable to resist, I tilt my head to the side, giving him better access. "The sun makes you stronger. Helps you grow. Everything needs at least a little sunlight to survive." Coming back around to face me, his face takes on a lazy, arrogant grin. "So, essentially, you're saying I'm your reason for living."

  "Oh wow, Gray. Just when I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger."

  "Don't worry, luna. I'll be your sun. Whenever you need me."

  Before I can come up with a response to that, a knock sounds on the door.

  "Five minutes," Vasily's voice rings out.

  I look at Gray for an explanation.

  "You'd better get dressed. Nikolay called a meeting. Even the coven is going to be there. Figured you wouldn't want to miss it."

  "Is it about the weres' from yesterday? Did Nikolay find out why they attacked?"

  "Yeah, and somehow I don't think we're going to like what he says."

  Chapter 28

  The dining room is already full by the time Gray and I show up, werewolves taking up one long table, the witches another.

  I look back and forth, wondering where I fit in. I see an empty seat next to Madelyn, but I'm not sure if I should sit there. After all, Madelyn hasn't even bothered to introduce me to the other witches in her coven. And after her frightened reaction to me yesterday, I don’t have any desire to be near her right now.

  I look towards the werewolf side. Miles and Isabel have two empty seats next to them. Even though I've ran with the werewolves, hunted with them, I don’t really feel like a full member of the pack either. My witch blood makes me an outcast there too, shunned by almost everyone but Gray and a few of his friends.

  Gray takes a seat next to Miles, then turns to watch me, waiting for my decision.

  Do I belong with the witches or the werewolves? Or neither?

  I feel Nikolay walk up behind me and I make a choice, sitting next to Gray on the werewolf side. Madelyn's expression shutters closed, but I don't allow myself to feel any guilt over it. She's barely even visited me in all the time I've been here. She fears me, fears my werewolf half. Out of everyone here, Gray is the only one who has truly accepted me for what I am, without fear or hesitation.

  Up front, Nikolay takes center stage on the raised dais, Ivan just behind him and to the left.

  "By now you have all heard about the attack yesterday. Five werewolves invaded our territory and attacked us. Four of them were killed. The fifth was captured and awaits execution. Ivan has managed to extract information from him.” I shudder at the look in Ivan’s eyes when Nikolay says this.

  "The war between our races has escalated to such an extent that the Northern Pack, whom we have always had a good relationship with, has trespassed into our territory with the express intention of killing the witches from the Ashwood Coven."

  Gasps erupt around the room, especially from the coven's side.

  "Gray and Grant stopped them," Nikolay says, and my wolf bristles. I fought off two of the five. Why didn't he mention me? Or Max, come to think of it. Max killed the fourth werewolf, not Gray or Grant. Why is Nikolay lying?

  "But we believe they may return," he continues. "For now, we will be operating under code red. Full lock down. No one is to leave the immediate town without express permission. Hunts are suspended. Patrols are doubled. No one goes out alone. Check with Grant about the new shift schedule. Any questions?" No one speaks. My skin prickles at the tomb-like silence of the room. Anger, and a good portion of fear, permeates the air. "Good. Gray, Emerson, Vasily, Madelyn. My office. Now."

  Shit. What can he have to say to us that he won't say to everyone else?

  With a glance at Gray, we all file into Nikolay's study and silently stand in a semi-circle around his desk. Ivan follows, of course, taking up position behind Nikolay.

  Once everyone is assembled, Nikolay begins, pinning me with an unreadable look. "As I said, Ivan has extracted information from the prisoner." I meet Ivan's cold eyes and don't want to think about the horrific things Ivan did to 'extract' this information. Deep down, my wolf approves of the man’s death, and if I’m honest with myself, I do too. But that doesn’t mean I want Ivan torturing him. No one deserves that.

  "They are from the Northern Pack, as I told the rest of the t
own. But what I haven't said is that this sort of thing is happening to covens and packs all over the region.” He pins us all with a cold look.

  "Emerson, while you were able to stay alive long enough for Gray to rescue you, it's obvious your training has been sub-par at best."

  My mouth drops open. Sub-par? I fought off two werewolves on my own, and would have killed one of them if Margie hadn't healed him. What does he expect after a month? That I would be able to take on all five single-handedly?

  I glance at Gray to see what his reaction is, but other than a slight tightening of his jaw, he looks completely at ease as he leans up against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, his trade mark arrogant smirk on his face.

  "Whatever my son has been doing obviously isn't enough. You will now double up on your training. Gray will continue working with you, but Vasily will oversee all your training from now on."

  My gaze shoots to Vasily. He looks back expressionless. He must have already known about this change. I quickly look away. I've been avoiding him since I found out about his and my mom's engagement. Considering how that turned out, training could get awkward real quick.

  "Grant also told me how you were able to free Max and keep all five of them from attacking at once. I admit, I've had my doubts about the effectiveness of a half-breed, but it seems your mixed abilities are actually good for something.” My face burns, anger tightening my jaw. He’s surprised to learn this half-breed is actually good for something? Of all the arrogant, insulting, asinine things to say! He wanted me in his pack, not the other way around!

  “So, from now on,” he continues, oblivious to the thoughts raging in my head, “you will be training with Madelyn and her coven to hone those abilities as well."

  "Wait," I interrupt, unable to hold my tongue any longer. "You want me to double up on my were' training, as well as add additional training with Madelyn? When do you suppose I'll sleep? Or is that just a waste of my time? Part of the reason why I'm so sub-par?"

  It's not until Nikolay growls, low and deep, that I realize mouthing off to Silver Ridge's Alpha may not be the best idea. Involuntarily, my gaze is drawn to Ivan behind him. His eyes gleam gold, but there's something in his expression that makes me think he's amused by my attitude. Amused or not, neither one of them would hesitate to tear my head off.

  Nikolay bares his teeth. "I'm more concerned with you staying alive than whether you get enough beauty rest. You may be the Chain Breaker, but you're no good to us dead."

  Madelyn straightens to her full height, energy flickering dangerously around her. She eyes Nikolay, giving him a disgusted look before turning to me. "He's right, Emerson. It's too dangerous for you to have so little training. A little knowledge in someone with abilities such as yours is a dangerous thing. You need to be properly trained."

  My chest burns with indignation. We both know she's referring to last night when I healed Gray. She's afraid of me. Afraid of what I can do. This training is the best way to insure I stay in line and under her control.

  I want to blast her. I want to tell her exactly what I think about her, her lies, her treatment of me, her need to control me. But I swallow my fury. She's right about one thing: it's dangerous these days. The war is coming. It may already be here. I need to know more about my powers. I need to be stronger, both in my witch abilities, and my werewolf ones. She may be using this training as a way to keep me under her control, but I need this training if I'm going to survive the coming war.

  Before I can agree, Madelyn surprises me by saying, "I've already lost a daughter. I can't lose a granddaughter as well."

  I cock my head, studying her expression. Is it possible that she wants to train me because, in a small way, she actually cares about me and wants me to be safe?

  *Of course I care about you, Emerson. How could you doubt that? I may fear what you are capable of, but you are still my granddaughter. I need to keep you safe.*

  I grimace. Of course she's reading my mind. What concerns me the most is that I didn’t realize she was doing it. No one's thoughts are safe around her...

  *I can teach you to do the same.*

  *I can already read thoughts,* I say.

  *Not really. Not the way I can. You can pick up thoughts that are directed at you. I can teach you to read the ones people wish to hide. An infinitely more useful skill.*

  I purse my lips in thought. "Fine. It can't hurt to brush up on my other abilities I guess."

  A small smirk appears on Ivan's face at my arrogant response. It's the first time I've seen anything of Gray in him.

  "It's settled then," Nikolay says. "Vasily and Madelyn will work out your training schedule. Until then, you're not to leave the manor for any reason. I suggest you catch up on your sleep tonight while you can."

  Despite Nikolay's comments about my beauty sleep, I'm too wired for bed just yet. I pace around my room incessantly. It takes me a while to figure out why I'm so edgy. Nikolay just put me on house arrest. I’m not supposed to even leave the manor without his permission.

  The uneasiness inside me grows. I’ve never been much for taking orders. I try to argue with myself that he only did it for my own protection, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm a prisoner here. I debate going to Gray to talk to him about this, but something outside my window catches my eye. Peering out, I can just make out Margie’s tiny figure strolling across the field leading to the woods, a small flashlight in her hands.

  She stops midstride and looks up at my window.

  Without giving myself too much time to think, I throw the window open and clamber out onto the roof. Thankfully I'm only on the second story. I shimmy to the edge and lower myself as far as I can, before silently dropping to the ground.

  It’s a further drop than I expect, but my were' instincts kick in and I roll with the landing, preventing any serious injury.

  Margie hasn't moved at all since I first climbed out the window. It's as if she's waiting for me. I jog silently over to her, slowing as I approach so as not to startle her.

  "About time. Took you long enough, girl. Come, walk with me." She takes my arm and leads me across the field, into the woods. "Well," she prompts. "What is it you wanted to ask?"

  I hesitate, unsure. From our last conversation, I know she isn't exactly all there, so what am I hoping to learn? "I'm not really sure... The last time we met you said you knew my mom? You said she was in danger."

  She starts, and looks at me as if for the first time. "Elizabeth? What are you still doing here? I told you to go!"

  I stare at her, dumbfounded. Just like after the rogue attack, she talks to me as if I'm my mother.

  "You need to take your daughter and leave here!" She lays her palm over my abdomen, a tender smile forming on her face. "The Changeling will never fulfill the prophecy if she stays here, letting others mold her into what they want her to be. Don't let her become a weapon for others’ purposes. She needs to make her own choices, become her own person. Give her a normal life, away from here. Don't let Ashwood deprive her a few happy, carefree years. She will have a tough enough life once everyone discovers what she is. Let her enjoy life for a while, before fate takes her from it."

  I stare at Margie, mouth agape. She's the reason.

  My mother didn't run away because of the arranged mating. She ran because of the prophecy Margie told her.

  She ran because of me. To give me a normal life.

  Before I can say anything, Margie blinks, her eyes coming back into focus. Taking her hand off my stomach, she says "Emerson? What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with Gray?"

  "What you just said... Are you the reason my mom fled? The reason she's been hiding from Madelyn and Nikolay my entire life? Because of the prophecy?"

  "Elizabeth?" she asks, confused. "She left because of you. To keep the Changeling safe."

  "And I wouldn't have been safe here?"

  "There is no safe place for the Chain Breaker..." Her eyes lose focus and her voice becomes dreamy. "You won't be
safe until you fulfill your destiny. You must stop the war…"

  "Wait, you just called me the Changeling, now you're saying I'm this Chain Breaker? Which one is it?"

  She blinks and looks at me in surprise. "Why, both of course. Changeling, Chain Breaker. Two sides of the same prophecy."

  "How can that be?"

  "Ooh, look, a raven!" She points out a large black bird in the canopy above. "Shoo! Go away you! Don't want your nasty prying eyes here! Shoo!"

  I sigh. Why did I expect to hear any sense from her? She's obviously lost her mind.

  Margie continues trying to shoo the raven, becoming more and more agitated. Before she has a breakdown, I wave my hand and I give the bird a push. With an angry screech, it takes off into the night.

  "Hmph... lousy birds, always prying. Need to increase the wards..." She mumbles to herself as we traverse deeper into the forest. "Where was I, dearie? Oh, yes. Same thing, different meaning. The witch who gave the original Chain Breaker prophecy didn't give the exact words. She said only that one would be born who can free the wolves from their curse. It was the weres' who came up with the term Chain Breaker. However, Changeling is the original title."

  "You mean the Changeling Prophecy and the Chain Breaker Prophecy are the same?"

  "Yes!" She smiles at me like I'm a particularly bright five-year-old who just learned to tie her shoes.

  "But... I've heard the Changeling prophecy. It doesn't say anything about me freeing the wolves."

  "It doesn't? Huh. I must be mistaken."

  Nonsense. All she says is nonsense.

  When she begins speaking again, her voice takes on a cadence and tone I haven't heard from her before. It's a deep, ancient voice imbued with power like I've never experienced. It's the kind of voice you expect to hear at the end of your life, when you've breathed your last. When your judgment is pronounced and your entire life is condensed to just a few key moments. The voice that determines the rest of your eternity.


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