National Guard: under La Fayette; recruitment to; guard Louis XVI and MA; at Fête de la Fédération; block Louis XVI’s escape; at Varennes; anti-royalist sentiments
Naundorf, Karl Wilhelm
Navarre, Madame
Necker, Jacques: appointed Finance Minister; secures dismissal of Sartine; claims surplus in royal finances; recalled as Controller of Finance; speaks at Estates General; loses popular support; and revolutionary actions; dismissed; recall demanded; advises King in Revolution; finally leaves government
Necker, Suzanne
Neerwinden, battle of (1793)
Netherlands: Joseph II plots over; France declares war on
Nettine, Madame de (bank director in Brussels)
Neuville, Madame de
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia,
Noailles, Anne Claude Laurence, Comtesse de: as MA’s Mistress of the Household; formality; presented to MA; MA asks about Mme. Du Barry; serves food to MA; gives dances; on MA’s melancholy; and MA’s first visit to Paris; and MA’s accession as Queen
Noailles, Louis, Duc de
Noailles, Louis Marie, Vicomte de
Noailles, Marquis de (Duc’s son)
Noailles, Philippe, Comte de: meets MA on journey to Paris; suggests Louis give Trianon to MA
Northumberland, Elizabeth, Duchess of (née Seymour)
Nouvelles de la Cour (satirical pamphlet)
Noverre, Jean-Georges
Noyon, Bishop of (1770)
Oberkirch, Henriette de Waldner, Baronne d’: witnesses MA’s handover at Strasbourg; on Parisian luxury; defends MA’s model village; Marie Thérèse’s rudeness to; on reception of Le Mariage de Figaro; on Cagliostro; on Madame de Staâl
Octavius, Prince of England
Oliva, Nicole d’
Orateur du Peuple, L’ (newspaper)
Orléans, Henriette Anne, Duchesse d’ (Madame)
Orléans, Louis Philippe, Duc d’ (d.1785)
Orléans, Louis Philippe, Duc d’ (b.1773) see Chartres, Louis Philippe, Duc de
Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’ (earlier Duc de Chartres; “Philippe Égalité”): marriage to Mlle. de Penthièvre; MA meets,; character; form of address to Louis Auguste; escorts MA to races; returns from naval campaign; banished from court; coolness at birth of MA’s daughte; builds model village; succeeds to dukedom (1785); exiled after protest against Louis XVI’s edict; opposes MA over Diamond Necklace Affair; radicalism; supports the poor; dresses down in procession; public acclaim for; declines to escort heart of Louis Joseph; proposed as King or Regent; rumoured to march dressed as woman; provokes threats to MA; visits MA in Tuileries; at Fête de la Fédération; in line of succession; chooses name “Philippe Égalit” ; votes for execution of Louis XVI; arrested; MA’s supposed plan to kill; executed
Orléans, Louise Marie Adélaïde, Duchesse (née Mlle. de Penthièvre, earlier Duchesse de Chartres)and Orléans, Philippe II, Duc d’ (Regent of France; b.1674)
Ossun, Comtesse d
Oudry, Jean Baptiste
Ouessant, battle of (1778)
Paar, Prince of (grand postmaster)
Pacassi, Nicholas
Paine, Thomas; The Rights of Man
Palloi, Pierre François
Panthémont, Abbess of
Paris: MA’s first official visit to (1773)riots in; MA and family taken to (1789); disorder and tumult in; prisons attacked; food riots in
Paris, Archbishop of; see also Beaumont, Christophe de
Paris, Peace of (1763)
Parlement de Paris: tries and acquits Rohan; opposes administrative and fiscal reforms; exiled
Parlements (French)
Patriote Français, Le (newspaper)
Paul, Grand Duchess of Russia
Paul, Grand Duke of Russia
Penthièvre, Louis Jean Marie, Duc de
Penthièvre, Louise Marie Adélaïde, Mlle. de see Orléans, Duchesse de
Père Duchesne, Le (newspaper)
Pétion, Jér"me
Petit Trianon, Le: gardens; MA stays at; Hesse Princesses visit; theatre at; model village; books at; artistry of; souvenir album; contents sold; costs
Philippe Égalité see Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’
Piccinni, Niccola; Adèle et Ponthieu (opera)
Picquigny, Duchesse de
Piedmont, Charles Emmanuel, Prince de (later King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia): marries Clothilde
Pillnitz (Saxony), declaration of (1791)
Pion, Mademoiselle (dressmaker)
Piper, Sophie
Pitt, William, the younger
Pius VI, Pope
“Plain” party (Convention)
Pointel, Jacques
Poiret, Pierre Louis
“Poitrine, Madame” (wet nurse)
Poix, Philippe Louis Marc Antoine, Prince de (later Duc de Noailles)
Poland: partition
Polignac family: leave France (1789)
Polignac set
Polignac, Armand, Comte de
Polignac, Diane, Comtesse de
Polignac, Jules, Duc (earlier Comte) de
Polignac, Yolande, Duchesse (earlier Comtesse Jules) de: relations with MA; at MA’s childbirth; on American war; son’s paternity questioned; Louis XVI’s friendship with; appointed royal governess; slandered; and birth of MA’s third child; in England; loses favour with MA; and visit of Tippoo Sultan’s envoys; and MA’s plea to King to stand firm; popular hatred of; flees France; and Artois’ militancy; Fersen meets in Vienna; MA questioned on during interrogation; death; MA complains of French calumnies
Pompadour, Jeanne, Marquise de
Pragmatic Sanction
Préfontaine, Monsieur de
Pressburg (Hungary)
Préville, Pierre Louis Du Bus
Provence, Josephine (of Savoy), Comtesse de: in undressing ritual; character and appearance, and Versailles etiquette; marriage; childlessness,; relations with MA; attends Gluck opera; and death of Louis XV; household; and fashion; extravagance; with MA at Petit Trianon; claims to be pregnant; model village at Montreuil; helps Jeanne Lamotte; satirized; on atmosphere at court before revolution; taken to Paris; escape plan; reaches safety in Belgium; death
Provence, Louis Xavier, Comte de (Louis XVI’s brother; later King Louis XVIII); appearance and overweight; on court etiquette; marriage; sexual impediment; disagreements with Louis XVI; attends Gluck opera; and “Let them eat cake” story; debts; and satirical attacks on MA; in line of succession to Louis XVI; at Marie Thérèse’s baptism; as proxy for Joseph at MA’s child’s christening; non-signing of Mémoire des Princes; uses MA as lead to King; favours hard line against revolutionaries; remains in France (1789); advises Louis XVI to remain in Versailles; granted powers as Lieutenant General of France; taken to Paris; as prospective Regent; escape plan; hears of Louis XVI’s arrest; reaches safety in Belgium; proclaims self Regent; MA proposes renunciation on behalf of; becomes Louis XVIII; death and succession
Prussia: Austrian-French pact against; war with Austria; alliance with Austria (1792); and French declaration of war on Austria (1792); advance on Paris (1792); French drive back
Psyche (ballet)
Queen’s Private Society see Société Particulier de la Reine
Racine, Jean: Athalie
Raigecourt, Comte Charles de
Rameau, Jean Philippe
Redouté, Pierre Joseph
Rémy (coachman)
Renée, Louise
Rétaux de Villette (Jeanne de Lamotte’s lover)
Réveillon riots (1789)
Revolutionary Tribunal
Rheims, Archbishop of
Ribbes (banker)
Richard family (prison concierges)
Richelieu, Louis François, Duc de
Riesener, Jean Henri
Rigby, John
Robert, Hubert
Robespierre, Maximilien: with Louis XVI on 1789 visit to Paris; and d
eath of Mirabeau; rise to power; counsels against wa; indifference to killings; demands death of Louis XVI; demands trial of MA; on status of women; given MA’s final letter to Madame Elisabeth
Rochambeau, Général Jean Baptiste Donatien, Comte de
Roche-Aymon, Cardinal Charles Antoine de la
Rocher (jailer)
Rocheterie, Maxime de
Roederer, Pierre Louis
Rohan family
Rohan, Cardinal Louis Constantin de, Bishop of Strasbourg
Rohan, Prince (later Cardinal) Louis de: MA first meets; profligacy; slanders MA; MA ostracizes; baptizes Louis Joseph; gatecrashes masked ball; family connections; Breteuil dislikes; in Diamond Necklace Affair; tried and acquitted; MA’s rumoured sexual intrigues with
Rohan-Guéméné see Guéméné
Rohan-Rochefort, Charlotte, Princesse de
Rohan-Rochefort, Josephine, Princesse deRohrig, Lieutenant
Roland (interior designer)
Roland, Manon
Romano, Giulio
Romeuf (of National Assembly)
Rosenberg, Count
Rougeville, Alexandre de
Rousseau brothers (interior designers)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: congratulates Gluck; and Madame Sophie’s “Let them eat cake” story; advocates breastfeeding; MA visits tomb; on women and family values; Louis XVI blames; Le Devin du Village; La Nouvelle Héloïse
Rousseau, Madame Julie (Mme. Campan’s sister)
Royal German Regiment
Ruffin, Sieu
Russia: and Bavarian succession; in alliance with Austria against Turkish attack Saint Brice, MadameSaint CloudSaint James, Duchesse deSaint Just, Antoine Louis de
Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de: Paul et Virginie
Saint-Priest, François Emmanuel, Comte de; Mémoires
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de
Sainville (French actor)
Salieri, Antonio
Salmour, Count
Sanson, Charles Henri
Saratoga, battle of (1777)
Sartine, Antoine
Sauce, Jean Baptiste
Savoy, House of
Saxe-Coburg, Prince of
Saxony: dynastic marriages
Scheldt, river
Schönbrunn (palace)
Ségur, Louis Philippe, Comte de
Ségur, Philippe Henri, Marquis de
Sénac de Meilhan, Gabriel
Seven Years’ War (1756–63)
Simolin, Jean
Simon, Antoine and Marie Jeanne
Smith, Hélène
Société Particulier de la Reine (Queen’s Private Society)
Söderjholm, Alma
Sophia, Princess of England
Sophie Hélène Béatrice (MA/Louis XVI’s daughter): birth; death and funeral
Sophie, Madame (Louis XV’s daughter): appearance; and “Let them eat cake” story
Souberbielle, Dr.
Soubise, Charles de Rohan, Prince de
Spain: alliance with France; France declares war on; invades southern France
Spencer, Georgiana, Countess (née Poyntz)
Staël, Germaine de (née Necker): Fersen considers marriage to; on Brienne; and father’s return as Controller of Finance; marriage and child; on “shipwreck of state”; on Louis XVI’s flight; foresees disaster; flees France; on MA as “tender mother” ; Réflexions sur le Procès de la Reine
Stanislaus I (Lesczinski), King of Poland
Stanislaus II (Poniatowski), King of Poland
Starhemberg, Prince
Stedingk, Count Curt
Stephan, Joseph
Strathavon, George Gordon, Lord of (later 9th Marquess of Huntly)
Sullivan, Eléanore
Sutherland, Elizabeth, Duchess of
Swieten, Gerhard Van
Swinburne, Henry
Swiss Guards (Cent-Suisses du Roi)
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de
Tarante, Princesse de
Taube, Baron Evert
Tavannes, Comtesse de
Temple, the (Marais district; “the Tower”): royals and party detained in
Tennis Court Oath (1789)
Teresa, Archduchess of Austria (Joseph II’s daughter)
Terrasson, Pierre Joseph
Teschen, Peace of (1779)
Thérèse Augustine, Sister (Madame Louise; Louis XV’s daughter)
Therville, Madame de
Thibault, Madame
Thierry, Madame
Thionville, Merlin de
Third Estate; see also National Assembly
Thrale, Hester Lynch (later Piozzi)
Tilly, Alexandre, Comte de
Times, The (newspaper)
Tippoo Sultan: envoys at Versailles; gifts to royal collection
Tison family
Tison, Madame
Tisset, François
Toulan, François Adrian
Toulouse, Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de
Tourzel, Louise Elisabeth, Marquise (later Duchesse) de (“Madame Severe”): as governess to royal children; accompanies royals on attempted flight; resumes duties; on Madame Jarjayes; on return of Princesse de Lamballe; on Louis XVI’s declaring war on Austria; at commemoration of fall of Bastille; leaves Tuileries with MA; removed to the Temple; interrogated by Commune; in La Force prison
Tourzel, Pauline de see Béarn, Pauline, Comtesse de
Trautmannsdorf, Countess
tricolour (flag)
Trompette, La (Bordeaux château)
Trotsky, Leon
Tuileries: MA and Louis housed in; MA and Louis flee from; spies in; invaded by mob; royals’ life at deteriorates; massacre and pillage at; Empress Josephine occupies
Turgot, Anne Robert, Baron de l’Aulne
Turgy, Louis François
Turkey: conflict with Russia; Austrian conflict with
Tussaud, Marie, Madame (formerly Grosholz)
United States of America: alliance with France; see also American Revolution
Valentinois, Duchesse de
Valory, François, Comte de
Van Swieten see Swieten
Vaudreuil, Joseph Hyacinthe François, Comte de
Vauguyon, Antoine, Duc de
Vergennes, Charles, Comte de: position and influence; and Diamond Necklace Affair; death
Vergniaud, Pierre
Véri, Joseph Alphonse, Abbé de
Vermond (accoucheur; Abbé’s brother)
Vermond, Jacques-Mathieu de, Abbé: on MA’s face; as MA’s tutor; and MA’s religious instruction; and Mme. Du Barry; rejoins MA as Reader; disapproves of MA’s women friends; on MA’s spoken French; and influence of Polignacs on MA; informs MA of mother’s death; as MA’s adviso; shocked by Marie Thérèse’s callousness to mother; and Diamond Necklace Affair; serves under Brienne; flees from France
Vernet, Claude Joseph
Versailles: etiquette and ceremonies; MA arrives at; public activities at; popular access to; cosmetics and hairstyles; pet animals in; abandoned for quarantine after Louis XV’s death; MA’s apartments linked to husband’s by secret staircase; loses trees in 1999 gale; MA introduces new manners at; routines maintained in early days of Revolution; deputation of market women march to (1789); mob attack on; ghosts at; commemorative exhibition (1955); see also Petit Trianon, Le
Versailles, Treaty of (1756)
Vestris, Gaëtan
Victoire, Madame (Louis XV’s daughter)
Victor Amadeus III, Duke of Wertmüller
Victoria, Crown Princess of Germany
Vigée Le Brun, Louise Elisabeth: on Charlotte and MA; on market-women at Versailles; on MA’s beauty; on Prince de Ligne; portrays MA; on Marie Thérèse’s childhood companions; group portrait of royal family; imitates Raphael; and Duchesse de
Polignac’s reaction to royals’ deaths
Villequier, Duc de
Virieu (Parma’s envoy)
Viry, Comte de
Visconti, Monsignor
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph
Walpole, Horace
Washington, George
Weber, Constance
Weber, Joseph
Weisweiler, Adam
Wertmüller, Adolf Ulrik von
Weston, Stephen
“Wigmakers’ Conspiracy”
Wilberforce, William
William III (of Orange), King of England, Scotland and Ireland
Williams, Eunice
“Williams, Indian”
Wollstonecraft, Mary: An Historical and Moral View of . . . the French Revolution
women: royal; status of
Xavier, Prince of Saxony
York, Edward Augustus, Duke of
Yorktown, battle of (1781)
Young, Arthur
Zweibrücken, Duc de
Since 1969 ANTONIA FRASER has written many acclaimed historical works which have been international bestsellers. She is the recipient of many literary awards, including the Wolfson History Prize, St. Louis Literary Award and Medal of the Historical Association 2000. Her works include the biographies Mary Queen of Scots, Cromwell: Our Chief of Men, and King Charles II. Three highly praised books focus on women in history: The Weaker Vessel: Women’s Lot in Seventeenth-Century Enxwgland, The Warrior Queens, and The Wives of Henry VIII. Her most recent book was Faith and Treason: The Story of the Gunpowder Plot. She is the editor of the series of “Kings and Queens of England.” Antonia Fraser is married to Harold Pinter and lives in London.
Mary Queen of Scots
Cromwell: The Lord Protector
King James VI and I
Royal Charles: Charles II and the Restoration
The Weaker Vessel
The Warrior Queens
The Wives of Henry VIII
Faith and Treason: The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
Marie Antoinette: The Journey
The Lives of the Kings and Queens of England (editor)
Quiet as a Nun
The Wild Island
A Splash of Red
Cool Repentance
Oxford Blood
Your Royal Hostage
The Cavalier Case
Political Death
Jemima Shore’s First Case and Other Stories
Jemima Shore at the Sunny Grave and Other Stories
Marie Antoinette: The Journey Page 68